soup fly mod

Simple Solution

the bottom line is that if any of you strongly disagree with the actions of a moderator, you can appeal the decision and the other mods will be more than happy to look at it.  every moderator action is tracked and can be scrutinized so if you believe that one of us is wrong then speak up.  but be careful: cry wolf too often, and well you know how that story goes...
Random Hero
+119|6469|Australia QLD
I'd say: more mods = more forums stability.
but! i think that if a mod wants to close a thread, he should first talk to at least 2 other mods about it.
unless its an emergency (p0rn, dbl post, sp4m, p00 related etc.).

There are heaps of double threads out here. and i see it as: some one posts something funny, gets karma, so some karma lover sees that and reposts in in different section.

Message to all desperate karma collectors: Get over the whole 'Karma me if you like blah blah blah...' thing. Karma Karma Karma, i have (69) karma, i r 1337.  Just lose it.

Message to all New mods (and the originals) Keep up with your work, because mortals like me cant do much about it.
Find your center.

Ya, that whole I have (karma) is kinda interesting to say the least. . . That doesn't go for me though, as I have created something, well...Creative with my karma comment in sig
Nature is a powerful force. Those who seek to subdue nature, never do so permanently.
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6869|Sydney, Australia
It's good. As russian said, it means more forum stability.

As mods, we should be able to make a decision by ourselves. However, we do have an area to discuss any user issues that we feel are too big for one mod to handle or if there is an ongoing problem (ie.cdogmn).

Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|6895|The United Center
Yeah, thread closures are discretionary actions.  If we had to consult the other mods just to close threads, well, let's just say there wouldn't be a lot of work getting done.  Since we're from all over the world, many times there aren't more than two mods online at the same time.  If a thread gets derailed badly, turns into a flamewar, or is inappropriate for another reason, then we exercise the power to close that thread.

As for bans and things of that nature, we do talk it over with the other mods before we take action, unless it is such a black&white situation that we don't need to.  The mod only forums are filled with threads asking for other mods' opinions on users, threads, and situations that require our attention.

see sig
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6869|Sydney, Australia

ThomasMorgan wrote:

Yeah, thread closures are discretionary actions.
Quoth the RULES:

Obey the forum moderators and administrators. If your thread is closed, moved, or deleted for any reason, take up the issue with the mod or admin via private messages. Remember, however, that these rules are enforced and imposed upon our discretion.
I love that part of BF2s' Rules.

Flamesuit essential

mcminty wrote:

ThomasMorgan wrote:

Yeah, thread closures are discretionary actions.
Quoth the RULES:

Obey the forum moderators and administrators. If your thread is closed, moved, or deleted for any reason, take up the issue with the mod or admin via private messages. Remember, however, that these rules are enforced and imposed upon our discretion.
I love that part of BF2s' Rules.

i.e. it has the same effect as appealing to John Howard directly.

he doesn't give a damn
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|6895|The United Center

mcminty wrote:

ThomasMorgan wrote:

Yeah, thread closures are discretionary actions.
Quoth the RULES:

Obey the forum moderators and administrators. If your thread is closed, moved, or deleted for any reason, take up the issue with the mod or admin via private messages. Remember, however, that these rules are enforced and imposed upon our discretion.
I love that part of BF2s' Rules.

I much prefer the first part...about obeying me us.
---hates you
+1,137|6904|Hell, p.o box 666

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

I think they´re going over the top;
Well thats exactly what I think when I read every single post by you.

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

my last three posts were DELETED, not closed. They weren´t a bunch of nonsense but something to laugh a little.
yeah, and content like funny kicks and lmao! havent been milked out at all, seriously. Oh wait, when I run search I can find at least 108.341 topics with exactly the same content and also a STICKY Go figure.

Btw, I really cant see the need of this topic here.

Varegg wrote:

A heavily moderated D&ST would not fulfill it`s purpose as an open exchange of ideas and opinions, it should therefor be allowed a higher intensity of possible conflict.
I agree. But its also evident that some members who have a particular political slant purposely derail threads when made by someone of a different political persuasion. They throw in flame baiting comments to ignite an argument so that the thread will be shut down. Mods see all the flaming and close the thread for everyone, including the level headed debaters who have posted and who might be interested in the thread.

Its collective punishment IMO and it puts me off putting efforts into starting a thread as I know people who don't like me are going to try and derail it and they get their way every time getting it closed. They seam to be the real people with the power in D&ST. Most of these thread derailleurs don't even contribute to level headed debates.
Warn and ban the flamers, delete their posts, delete their accounts whatever, but please please stop closing good threads over the actions of a few idiots, close down the flamers.
Support fanatic :-)

JahManRed wrote:

Varegg wrote:

A heavily moderated D&ST would not fulfill it`s purpose as an open exchange of ideas and opinions, it should therefor be allowed a higher intensity of possible conflict.
I agree. But its also evident that some members who have a particular political slant purposely derail threads when made by someone of a different political persuasion. They throw in flame baiting comments to ignite an argument so that the thread will be shut down. Mods see all the flaming and close the thread for everyone, including the level headed debaters who have posted and who might be interested in the thread.

Its collective punishment IMO and it puts me off putting efforts into starting a thread as I know people who don't like me are going to try and derail it and they get their way every time getting it closed. They seam to be the real people with the power in D&ST. Most of these thread derailleurs don't even contribute to level headed debates.
Warn and ban the flamers, delete their posts, delete their accounts whatever, but please please stop closing good threads over the actions of a few idiots, close down the flamers.
That`s why i miss a dedicated Mod recruited from the D&ST section that knows where those lines are drawn !
Wait behind the line ..............................................................

I think there is no need to defend the ways of our moderator ship, if you do not like it, take it up with Chuy.
And this thread has reached it's end, we do what we have to do, and face it: we can't please everybody.

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