Confused Pothead
+1,101|6732|SE London

sfarrar33 wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

sfarrar33 wrote:

haha oh dear i shall put it into bold and caps then shall i "FROM A DOCUMENTARY POINT OF VIEW"
and yes i did get the power points in it
but whats the point in them "China is here, Europe is here, USA is all the way up there"
right yes Mr Gore, thats a coloured line you havn't said where that carbon comes from and you havn't said how to stop it only that it can be stopped.
Actually he did. Perhaps if you'd been listening - it's really quite simple - emit less carbon. The whole point of saying, China is here, Europe is here etc, was from the point of emissions standards. Stricter standards = less carbon emissions. The whole point of the film is to try to convince people of the very real need to emit fewer greenhouse gases and consumer forcing is possibly the most powerfull tool to actually get serious reductions in emissions in an economically viable way.
oh for the love of god...
i don't fart graphite and neither do countries
yes america releases a lot of carbon emissions this he said he did not say where it comes from, is this industry, is this cars, is this boats, is this planes, is it power stations, is it your compost heap in the garden

where do i go to find out if my car is the most carbon efficient car that there is, ok so biofuels exist but i've never seen one in this country that isn't a prototype so thats no good is it

the only useful global warming advice i have got has been from the bbc and not from any documentary or school thing
i.e buy more fruit thats in season in the country you live in
its simple, it can be exanded upon easily if anyone wants to know more, but its a really easy life style change that if everyone did would cut down on carbon emissions significantly

In Gore's documentary he didn't give any information like that at all
Are you serious? You really can't find this simple stuff out for yourself?
The point of the documentary was to increase awareness, which it has done very well at. There are numerous websites associated with the documentary and pamphlets that were distributed in most cinemas screening it, that showed ways you can reduce your carbon signature.

I've been doing all this stuff for a while now, since before the film came out certainly. I get my electricity from entirely renewable sources, I drive an efficient car, I avoid flying if I can, I use modern efficient central heating and have decent insulation and double glazing fitted on my house......

If you actually care, it's very easy to make a big difference to your carbon signature - reduce it as much as possible, then pay some money and offset the rest. Simple.
+374|6518|Columbus, Ohio

Varegg wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

Varegg wrote:

Al Gore have done more that enough with his work in this field for a bloody amount of years and he started his interest about the issue way before it became popular to do so, that's enough for anyone to show some respect and credit for his work !
So if I made a documentary about the disgusting way animals are killed and processed for human consumption, yet continue to eat hamburgers and steak, I deserve respect?
If you made a point out of only eating hamburgers and steak from "humanly" killed animals yes you would acomplish just that, but that`s hardly a just statement in this issue is it ?

So you mean Gore should have to ride around on a horse or walk on his feet when travelling the globe to hold his conferences to try and convince millions about the effects of global warming and that its not to late to turn the effect if we act now, does the time limit afford a slow pace movement ?

I really thought better of your reasoning usmarine, cause your arguments only backfires on itself ....
Wow, you like to take things to extremes to make me try and look like an asshole.  He could ride on a commercial airliner.  Instead of taking limos and large blacked out SUV's, he could take a hybrid vehicle.  I never said shit about horseback, get real FFS.
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6805|Teesside, UK

sfarrar33 wrote:

oh i know that this information exists but it isn't in gores documentary where it should be
how many people did watch his documentary and go and find this?
you yourself make it sound like its the first time you went and found this website
True. Because my gf had taken the time to heavily research the issue long before we saw this documentary so i didn't need to bother.  We were already trying to do our bit.

Anyway the documentary does describe what you can do.  It's Amongst the end credits
Support fanatic :-)

usmarine2007 wrote:

Varegg wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

So if I made a documentary about the disgusting way animals are killed and processed for human consumption, yet continue to eat hamburgers and steak, I deserve respect?
If you made a point out of only eating hamburgers and steak from "humanly" killed animals yes you would acomplish just that, but that`s hardly a just statement in this issue is it ?

So you mean Gore should have to ride around on a horse or walk on his feet when travelling the globe to hold his conferences to try and convince millions about the effects of global warming and that its not to late to turn the effect if we act now, does the time limit afford a slow pace movement ?

I really thought better of your reasoning usmarine, cause your arguments only backfires on itself ....
Wow, you like to take things to extremes to make me try and look like an asshole.  He could ride on a commercial airliner.  Instead of taking limos and large blacked out SUV's, he could take a hybrid vehicle.  I never said shit about horseback, get real FFS.
I would think to compare hamburgers and Gore`s travel habits is extreme enough, and actually Gore use trains alot when travelling the USA !

[Utterly pointless sarcasm]About looking like an asshole you dont need my help usmarine [/utterly pointless sarcasm]
Wait behind the line ..............................................................

Bertster7 wrote:

sfarrar33 wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

Actually he did. Perhaps if you'd been listening - it's really quite simple - emit less carbon. The whole point of saying, China is here, Europe is here etc, was from the point of emissions standards. Stricter standards = less carbon emissions. The whole point of the film is to try to convince people of the very real need to emit fewer greenhouse gases and consumer forcing is possibly the most powerfull tool to actually get serious reductions in emissions in an economically viable way.
oh for the love of god...
i don't fart graphite and neither do countries
yes america releases a lot of carbon emissions this he said he did not say where it comes from, is this industry, is this cars, is this boats, is this planes, is it power stations, is it your compost heap in the garden

where do i go to find out if my car is the most carbon efficient car that there is, ok so biofuels exist but i've never seen one in this country that isn't a prototype so thats no good is it

the only useful global warming advice i have got has been from the bbc and not from any documentary or school thing
i.e buy more fruit thats in season in the country you live in
its simple, it can be exanded upon easily if anyone wants to know more, but its a really easy life style change that if everyone did would cut down on carbon emissions significantly

In Gore's documentary he didn't give any information like that at all
Are you serious? You really can't find this simple stuff out for yourself?
The point of the documentary was to increase awareness, which it has done very well at. There are numerous websites associated with the documentary and pamphlets that were distributed in most cinemas screening it, that showed ways you can reduce your carbon signature.

I've been doing all this stuff for a while now, since before the film came out certainly. I get my electricity from entirely renewable sources, I drive an efficient car, I avoid flying if I can, I use modern efficient central heating and have decent insulation and double glazing fitted on my house......

If you actually care, it's very easy to make a big difference to your carbon signature - reduce it as much as possible, then pay some money and offset the rest. Simple.
this is @ vareggs post as well but i'm lazy too quote

i have gone and found out this stuff for myself and yes so could anyone
the examples i gave in my last post were [failing] to indirectly point this out

biofuels are actually grown in this country as well in a field quite near where i live, and i realise this takes time but still i am yet to see a bp with diesel, biofuel, and unleaded pumps all together.

i want a pamphlet lol...

and he did increase awareness yes but he did not increase factual awareness, which is what documentaries are supposed to do, inform someone of something be it what penguins do during the winter or what life is like in palestine, Gore just appears to make a long winded 2 hour statement that is in life backed up with a lot of fact BUT not in that film

ok one quote then

Varegg wrote:

Like Gore stated in his movie: Wright a letter to your congressman and ask what he does about green house gases, if he doesn`t answer run for congress !
i would send this letter to Gore and see how much truth could be gained from it

food for thought: Gore was a politician whilst global warming was an issue in parts of the world, if he had come across it then would he have done anything? keeping in mind that it seems he left politics before becoming environmental...

crimson_grunt wrote:

sfarrar33 wrote:

oh i know that this information exists but it isn't in gores documentary where it should be
how many people did watch his documentary and go and find this?
you yourself make it sound like its the first time you went and found this website
It's Amongst the end credits
Fat lot of good it does there lol
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6805|Teesside, UK

sfarrar33 wrote:

crimson_grunt wrote:

sfarrar33 wrote:

oh i know that this information exists but it isn't in gores documentary where it should be
how many people did watch his documentary and go and find this?
you yourself make it sound like its the first time you went and found this website
It's Amongst the end credits
Fat lot of good it does there lol
Maybe. But you said the information wasn't there I simply pointed out it is.
Support fanatic :-)

sfarrar33 wrote:

food for thought: Gore was a politician whilst global warming was an issue in parts of the world, if he had come across it then would he have done anything? keeping in mind that it seems he left politics before becoming environmental...
"Global warming an issue in parts of the world ???" ... i`m gonna let you have some time to rephrase that before i`ll comment on that one !

Gore have had enviromental issues since he joined politics, probably even before that - also mentioned in the movie i begin to doubt you have seen !
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6732|SE London

sfarrar33 wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

sfarrar33 wrote:

oh for the love of god...
i don't fart graphite and neither do countries
yes america releases a lot of carbon emissions this he said he did not say where it comes from, is this industry, is this cars, is this boats, is this planes, is it power stations, is it your compost heap in the garden

where do i go to find out if my car is the most carbon efficient car that there is, ok so biofuels exist but i've never seen one in this country that isn't a prototype so thats no good is it

the only useful global warming advice i have got has been from the bbc and not from any documentary or school thing
i.e buy more fruit thats in season in the country you live in
its simple, it can be exanded upon easily if anyone wants to know more, but its a really easy life style change that if everyone did would cut down on carbon emissions significantly

In Gore's documentary he didn't give any information like that at all
Are you serious? You really can't find this simple stuff out for yourself?
The point of the documentary was to increase awareness, which it has done very well at. There are numerous websites associated with the documentary and pamphlets that were distributed in most cinemas screening it, that showed ways you can reduce your carbon signature.

I've been doing all this stuff for a while now, since before the film came out certainly. I get my electricity from entirely renewable sources, I drive an efficient car, I avoid flying if I can, I use modern efficient central heating and have decent insulation and double glazing fitted on my house......

If you actually care, it's very easy to make a big difference to your carbon signature - reduce it as much as possible, then pay some money and offset the rest. Simple.
this is @ vareggs post as well but i'm lazy too quote

i have gone and found out this stuff for myself and yes so could anyone
the examples i gave in my last post were [failing] to indirectly point this out

biofuels are actually grown in this country as well in a field quite near where i live, and i realise this takes time but still i am yet to see a bp with diesel, biofuel, and unleaded pumps all together.

i want a pamphlet lol...
You can always just go to the films website for information on how to 'Take Action', as he suggests in the film.
Then go to the Take Action section.

sfarrar33 wrote:

and he did increase awareness yes but he did not increase factual awareness, which is what documentaries are supposed to do, inform someone of something be it what penguins do during the winter or what life is like in palestine, Gore just appears to make a long winded 2 hour statement that is in life backed up with a lot of fact BUT not in that film
Yes he did. There was masses of good, solid fact. All well backed up and nicely explained. For example, the explanation of the difference between land based ice and floating ice, which is something I'd always had some difficulty explaining to people, he explained very nicely with his glass of water full of ice analogy.

sfarrar33 wrote:

food for thought: Gore was a politician whilst global warming was an issue in parts of the world, if he had come across it then would he have done anything? keeping in mind that it seems he left politics before becoming environmental...
OK, as to Gore leaving politics before becoming interested in global warming, that simply isn't true. Earth in the Balance was published in '92 before he became Vice President. He's been active in environmental issues for long time, in fact for quite a while before global warming had been heard of by most people.

Last edited by Bertster7 (2007-02-26 10:12:44)

+374|6518|Columbus, Ohio

Varegg wrote:

[Utterly pointless sarcasm]About looking like an asshole you dont need my help usmarine [/utterly pointless sarcasm]
NOT JUST GORE!  All of his hollyweird friends / supporters.  You know, the one who voted for the Oscar.  And I did not compare hamburgers to his traveling habits.  I compared to being respected for saying one thing and doing another.

Last edited by usmarine2007 (2007-02-26 10:11:43)

Support fanatic :-)

usmarine2007 wrote:

Varegg wrote:

[Utterly pointless sarcasm]About looking like an asshole you dont need my help usmarine [/utterly pointless sarcasm]
NOT JUST GORE!  All of his hollyweird friends / supporters.  You know, the one who voted for the Oscar.  And I did not compare hamburgers to his traveling habits.  I compared to being respected for saying one thing and doing another.
You have a point i`ll give you that but it`s still no excuse !
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6732|SE London

usmarine2007 wrote:

Varegg wrote:

[Utterly pointless sarcasm]About looking like an asshole you dont need my help usmarine [/utterly pointless sarcasm]
NOT JUST GORE!  All of his hollyweird friends / supporters.  You know, the one who voted for the Oscar.  And I did not compare hamburgers to his traveling habits.  I compared to being respected for saying one thing and doing another.
But they all drive hybrid cars...

It's not like they're smug about it or anything.....

crimson_grunt wrote:

sfarrar33 wrote:

crimson_grunt wrote:

It's Amongst the end credits
Fat lot of good it does there lol
Maybe. But you said the information wasn't there I simply pointed out it is.
touche lol

varegg wrote:

"Global warming an issue in parts of the world ???" ... i`m gonna let you have some time to rephrase that before i`ll comment on that one !

Gore have had enviromental issues since he joined politics, probably even before that - also mentioned in the movie i begin to doubt you have seen !
yes america wasn't really concerned with global warming at all when Gore was in politics, and if it was it was doing a damn good show of hiding it. remember i am not talking about now with that i am talking nearly 2 decades in the past now

Bertster7 wrote:

Yes he did. There was masses of good, solid fact. All well backed up and nicely explained. For example, the explanation of the difference between land based ice and floating ice, which is something I'd always had some difficulty explaining to people, he explained very nicely with his glass of water full of ice analogy.
nope nothing new
yes a nice analogy but thats not a new fact thats just taking an old fact and recycling it in a new way
considering that in this country the effects of global warming have to be learnt as a part of compulsary education
its spouted daily on the media as an example (though i'm not really moaning about this in particular)
i think that maybe i view it harshley because the target audience was america and i was forced to watch it on more than one occasion (which never does any good for your opinion of anything)
but that as the case i still cannot really view it as a documentary worth an award, especially not compared to its contenders
Haven't read the thread, but it was a good movie. Had to watch it in Film Study. Very well made.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6732|SE London

sfarrar33 wrote:

varegg wrote:

Gore have had enviromental issues since he joined politics, probably even before that - also mentioned in the movie i begin to doubt you have seen !
yes america wasn't really concerned with global warming at all when Gore was in politics, and if it was it was doing a damn good show of hiding it. remember i am not talking about now with that i am talking nearly 2 decades in the past now
We're talking about almost 2 decades ago too.

He had published a book on it by '92 - 15 years ago. Gore's interest in global warming goes back quite a while further than that.
Ambitious but Rubbish
Even if Global warming is load of bollocks (I don't think it is, but everybody has their right to their opinion), where's the harm it doing the stuff the says at the end of the movie.

Also globally Getting away from fossil fuels, cutting carbon emissions, driving less petrol hungry cars, recycling, etc......

Can't cause any harm now can it?

paranoid101 wrote:

Even if Global warming is load of bollocks (I don't think it is, but everybody has their right to their opinion), where's the harm it doing the stuff the says at the end of the movie.

Also globally Getting away from fossil fuels, cutting carbon emissions, driving less petrol hungry cars, recycling, etc......

Can't cause any harm now can it?
Honestly, I've thought the same thing. All the things that are supposed to fight global warming are the same things advocated during the environmental anti-pollution movement back in the 90s. Why does the validity of global warming have to be a factor?
+374|6518|Columbus, Ohio

Varegg wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

Varegg wrote:

[Utterly pointless sarcasm]About looking like an asshole you dont need my help usmarine [/utterly pointless sarcasm]
NOT JUST GORE!  All of his hollyweird friends / supporters.  You know, the one who voted for the Oscar.  And I did not compare hamburgers to his traveling habits.  I compared to being respected for saying one thing and doing another.
You have a point i`ll give you that but it`s still no excuse !
Excuse for what?
It's like this - if the message is sound and good then it doesn't matter who said it or how hypocritical they are.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2007-02-26 13:14:17)

Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6841|Tampa Bay Florida

Bubbalo wrote:

Quick, somebody call the UN and tell them that they should throw out the climate change report written by some of the world's best scientists, because Blehm says we're all okay.  I believe there's a cash prize for you somewhere?

oh-noes, they was wrong!!1
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6835|United States of America
Come to think of it, I did hear someting about some solar things being the cause of a global climate change. I heard Mars was warming in addition to Earth but don't know about where to find that information if it even exists.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6732|SE London

DesertFox423 wrote:

Come to think of it, I did hear someting about some solar things being the cause of a global climate change. I heard Mars was warming in addition to Earth but don't know about where to find that information if it even exists.
It's most often known as solar variation. But most studies show that the effects of solar variation are cyclic and that it has had little to no impact upon global temperatures over the past half century. There is also the issue of temperature variations in the upper atmosphere, which have not been observed and would have been if solar variation was actually a cause of global warming.
The Lizzard

usmarine2007 wrote:

buy dresses that cost a quarter million dollars, and even Victoria's Secret gave diamond bras to the female winners.......
Because dresses are a primary emitter of greenhouse gas?
+374|6518|Columbus, Ohio

Bubbalo wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

buy dresses that cost a quarter million dollars, and even Victoria's Secret gave diamond bras to the female winners.......
Because dresses are a primary emitter of greenhouse gas?
No.  But the money spent on them could go to environmental issues right?  I know celebrities who fly in hair stylists, fashion people, etc from all of the world on private jets just to get them "pretty" for the Oscars. I have seen private jets used JUST to fly a dress from New York to LA for some award show.  There is more to a dress than just a dress.

Bertster7 wrote:

sfarrar33 wrote:

varegg wrote:

Gore have had enviromental issues since he joined politics, probably even before that - also mentioned in the movie i begin to doubt you have seen !
yes america wasn't really concerned with global warming at all when Gore was in politics, and if it was it was doing a damn good show of hiding it. remember i am not talking about now with that i am talking nearly 2 decades in the past now
We're talking about almost 2 decades ago too.

He had published a book on it by '92 - 15 years ago. Gore's interest in global warming goes back quite a while further than that.
no not you sorry, varegg sounded like he wasn't talking about the past with his second paragraph not the one you quoted

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