Not really a debate as such, but then not everything has to be a debate here as long as its "serious talk"

Something in another thread got me thinking.  How close have you come to butting heads, meeting, whatever, to international politics?  You could have shaken Hugo Chavez's hand, or sat next to GWB at a bar, seen Osama Bin Laden at a strip club in Seattle in 1997...whatever...share your stories!

(keep it hate-free, and lets get it on! )

Me, I've perved at Chelsea Clinton's bum, and am two degrees of seperation (or 3) from Yasser Arafat (me-union delegate from work-NZ PM-Yasser Arafat).

What about you?
+5,233|6678|Global Command
I've driven by the Reagan compound many times in Bel Air.
I meet Geddy Lee once, he's sort of a world leader.
+98|6887|netherlands, sweet lake city
I have met minister zalm the dutch minister of finances at a bar, he's a nice guy and likes beer :p
+2,187|6717|Mountains of NC

I was in Okie for the G-8 Summit and meet Little Willy Clinton and Chelsey
I've been to D.C. :0

This happened right up the street from my house. Black cars everywhere. The farmer now keeps the pumpkin stem in a glass box on his cash register table with a sign that says,"the stem the president broke."

Closest Ive come to global politics.

Last edited by Mason4Assassin444 (2007-02-24 08:01:40)

Δ > x > ¥
I'm going to the Palace of Westminster (UK Parliament) on Wednesday.  With any luck, I'll get the non-public guided tour.

Did Number 10 a few years back and goddamn, it's a huge rabbit warren.
The Octagon
+18|6561|da ville, va
Been to the District more times than I can count and done all the stuff there, you know the capitol, white house etc.

Me, not really. Just local N. Ireland ministers. Met most of them through my job.
Although Hillery and Bill were at my sisters school years back. One of the little deprived cheeky Belfast kids shouted "Your ass is nicer than Monica's" as they left her classroom. Think it was aimed at Hillery.
a) Been inside the White House.
b) Met and spoken with Gerry Adams, leader of Sinn Féin, several times (he owns a holiday home a stone's throw away from where my parents live). I've also been drinking in the same pub as several other Sinn Féin politicians.
c) Was in the Place de la République, Paris, for Jacques Chirac's victory speech last time he was elected president of France.
d) Walked past Taoiseach Bertie Aherne on Stephen's Green one day. Also saw Mr. Cunt himself, Michael McDowell, emerging from his cave in Ranelagh one morning on my way into work.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2007-02-25 05:55:52)

Say wat!?
Been in the houses of parliament. seen my local MP multiple times and heard him talk. Michael Ancram you cunt!

My dad was at uni with Tony Blair. He had a shitty band at the time with little idea he would screw the UK up so bad.
I shook hands and chatted with the party leader of the Norwegian Centre Party (Senterpartiet), Åslaug Haga. Met her on the ferry, on a goodwill mission.

"World" politics? Maybe not, but I protested against the US invasion of Iraq some years ago...
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.

ATG wrote:

I meet Geddy Lee once, he's sort of a world leader.
Moving Pictures. One of the top 5 rock albums ever released. Ever. Zero debate.
Malloy must go
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.
The Commandant of the Marine Corps and The Sgt Major of the Marine Corps promoted me to Lance Corporal. The Commandant sits in on the State of the Union address so I guess Im fucking famous. Autograph line starts |
Malloy must go
+1,452|6543|The Gem Saloon
been to the white house....visited roughly 30 state capitols.
shook hands with general death....cant remeber his name right now, he lead the soviet forces in afghanistan.
+153|6896|Norway/Norwegen/ Norge/Noruega
I had a chat with Wang Jinshan, governer of the Anhui province of China ontop of a mountain about my perceptions of China and the Chineese.

He seemed like a nice guy.
Calmer than you are.
Got an uncle who's an ambassador, so through him I've met lots of politicians from many countries.
Ambitious but Rubbish
Meet Michael Heseltine when I was alot younger, he was going round my local town trying to drum up support for the Conservatives party, remember him betting lots of Boo's.
H@x ?? No, just skill baby !
+73|6796|I smell corners
1) have been at the white house and capitol
2) when I still worked in Luxembourg in a hotel we had a lot of political guest as Mikhail Gorbachev, Condoleeza Rice, Bill Clinton, Helmut Kohl, Gerhard Schröder, Erdogan (crazy security measurements,they booked an entire floor with over 40 rooms, brought their cars, all there food and an entire cooking staff, we even had to find a Turkish translator because their English was so bad).
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6803|Teesside, UK
I could have gone to see Tony Blair & John Prescott opening a nearby building on my uni campus but i stayed away as the urge to scream obscenities might have been overpowering.
+156|6776|space command ur anus
the BBC

Spoke to (and can regularly do if wanted) and ate ice cream with Børge Brende. (Ex-Minister of Enviorment and Economy in Norway...)
+156|6776|space command ur anus

autopilot wrote:

Spoke to (and can regularly do if wanted) and ate ice cream with Børge Brende. (Ex-Minister of Enviorment and Economy in Norway...)
I met President Reagan and Nancy at his ranch in 87... my father worked in the media and they had a media day for the families... He was incredible in person... Like you were the only person on earth when he talked to you...
Love is the answer
Great Grandfather declared war on Germany during WWI on behalf of Britain--Sir Edward Grey, great Uncle Anthony Eden PM during suez crisis, etc

Last edited by ..teddy..jimmy (2007-02-25 11:11:13)

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