...ok, guess i should just launch right into it.
so, i'm a writer for my highschool newspaper, and i'm not exactly afraid to piss people off, mostly because in california, a student journalist can't be touched, more or less.
recently, my school had a rally. it blew. badly. our whorish slut of a rally commissioner (RC; slut) was the icing on the cake.
there was a "cutesy" slam dunk contest between a few of the basketball players, and one of them did something "fancy" involving the removal of his shirt. at this point, the RC began a tirade of "omg i'm so turned on right now. wow he's hot. look at those muscles. wow i want to like...scream he's so hot." (thats pretty much a direct quote)-type comments, and well, it became centric to an editorial for the paper.
basically, the article said the rally sucked, the wrestling team wasn't mentioned, the speakers need to be repositioned, yadda yadda yadda.
the center quarter of the editorial was about the slut (it didn't even mention her by name), and it read something like this: (i can't find my memory key, which has the article, so i'll paraphrase)
at about 9:28 i got a call from a blocked number. i figured it was my mom calling to tell me to keep it down, like always.
in all actuality, the slut couldn't take what i said (as unmean as it was) and cried to mommy and daddy (it was him on the phone).
he called demanding an apology, it seems, and here i was, happily playing away at SF, only to be interrupted for this asshat.
i told him that i do not owe and will not apologize to the RC for what i said, as i was completely within my legal and moral rights to say what i said.
he told me again that i owed her and apology.
i said that wasn't going to happen.
he asked to speak to my dad, and i told him, "no, you cannot speak to my father because its unnecessary, and it won't change this little situation."
he asked for my home phone (wtf?), and i said, "i'm afraid that's not going to happen."
"why are you afraid?" he asked.*
"excuse me?" me
why are you afraid?" him
"its a figure of speech, sir." me
"what part?" (wtf?) him.
and this point, i was getting tired of telling this asshole to more or less go fuck himself, so i told him very blatantly that i was going to hang up the phone, and that this conversation was over.
i'm amazed he didnt call back.
*I started to get a bit suspicious when he said this. i've never known somebody who has the ability to block his phone number, yet apparently lacks fundamental english language skills/knowledge.
in retrospect, though, he birthed that idiot of an RC, so he just might be.
his voice didnt seem to be older than 20, either, but hey, you never know.
i'm sure that i'm going to be called into the office or something come monday, but thats OK. I can't be touched, and i fully know and understand that.
worst comes to worst, the school gets bad publicity and i get a bit richer (when they try to punish me and i file a lawsuit.) and hey, that would really help me into college, too.
basically, i've had a bit of a "complex" perse, concerning authority all my life. i have a tendency to give it to those that don't deserve it, and i feel good that i stood up for myself this time.
but, that complex is resurfacing, and a nagging feeling is distracting me from my date with the pillows.
so, tell me: in your opinions, did i do the right thing?
i realize calling her a slut here may have been mean, but fuck that bitch.
so, i'm a writer for my highschool newspaper, and i'm not exactly afraid to piss people off, mostly because in california, a student journalist can't be touched, more or less.
recently, my school had a rally. it blew. badly. our whorish slut of a rally commissioner (RC; slut) was the icing on the cake.
there was a "cutesy" slam dunk contest between a few of the basketball players, and one of them did something "fancy" involving the removal of his shirt. at this point, the RC began a tirade of "omg i'm so turned on right now. wow he's hot. look at those muscles. wow i want to like...scream he's so hot." (thats pretty much a direct quote)-type comments, and well, it became centric to an editorial for the paper.
basically, the article said the rally sucked, the wrestling team wasn't mentioned, the speakers need to be repositioned, yadda yadda yadda.
the center quarter of the editorial was about the slut (it didn't even mention her by name), and it read something like this: (i can't find my memory key, which has the article, so i'll paraphrase)
the paper released on friday ( I stayed home sick, which, in aftermath, i realize was not the smartest thing ever, because now i'm going to have to deal with insinuations [to use the term loosely] concerning my absence), and here it is, saturday.I wrote wrote:
And what was the deal with the rally commissioner? c'mon, nobody really cares that you think [basketball player] is hot.
and you didn't need to tell us five million times, either
at about 9:28 i got a call from a blocked number. i figured it was my mom calling to tell me to keep it down, like always.
in all actuality, the slut couldn't take what i said (as unmean as it was) and cried to mommy and daddy (it was him on the phone).
he called demanding an apology, it seems, and here i was, happily playing away at SF, only to be interrupted for this asshat.
i told him that i do not owe and will not apologize to the RC for what i said, as i was completely within my legal and moral rights to say what i said.
he told me again that i owed her and apology.
i said that wasn't going to happen.
he asked to speak to my dad, and i told him, "no, you cannot speak to my father because its unnecessary, and it won't change this little situation."
he asked for my home phone (wtf?), and i said, "i'm afraid that's not going to happen."
"why are you afraid?" he asked.*
"excuse me?" me
why are you afraid?" him
"its a figure of speech, sir." me
"what part?" (wtf?) him.
and this point, i was getting tired of telling this asshole to more or less go fuck himself, so i told him very blatantly that i was going to hang up the phone, and that this conversation was over.
i'm amazed he didnt call back.
*I started to get a bit suspicious when he said this. i've never known somebody who has the ability to block his phone number, yet apparently lacks fundamental english language skills/knowledge.
in retrospect, though, he birthed that idiot of an RC, so he just might be.
his voice didnt seem to be older than 20, either, but hey, you never know.
i'm sure that i'm going to be called into the office or something come monday, but thats OK. I can't be touched, and i fully know and understand that.
worst comes to worst, the school gets bad publicity and i get a bit richer (when they try to punish me and i file a lawsuit.) and hey, that would really help me into college, too.
basically, i've had a bit of a "complex" perse, concerning authority all my life. i have a tendency to give it to those that don't deserve it, and i feel good that i stood up for myself this time.
but, that complex is resurfacing, and a nagging feeling is distracting me from my date with the pillows.
so, tell me: in your opinions, did i do the right thing?
i realize calling her a slut here may have been mean, but fuck that bitch.