+69|6855|th3 unkn0wn

[M]Smokemifugotem wrote:

STFU and play
Sorry m8 but when I connect to the Moders server BF2 ALWAYS crashes to the desktop. And it only happens with Moders. I have no problems wotsoever with other servers. So no, I can't play. And you stfu and sort out wotever problem that it is you have with your server ok!
The beaver died of old age. It was my pet and we would take it out for a walk every day. I'd sleep with it each night and rub its belly, cooing softly until it fell asleep. One day I went to work and the beaver apparently slipped out and tried to follow me. We were frantic, calling everyone we knew. The entire town ran out to find my missing beaver. Search parties scoured the woods for days until, yes, we found her. Unfortunately there were no seals to club, so they took it out on the poor defenseless beaver we had named frogleg, as she smelled like fish but tasted like chicken....

If you read that far I feel sorry for ya, kidding. The beaver was hit by the car immediately in front of us on the way to go hunting one morning. I always wanted to have one mounted, but the taxidermist stole her in real life.

btw, for the person who called me sick, beavers are a nuisance in Texas. They damn up waterways and cause roads, houses and land to flood. I did shoot it in the head with a 22 to put it out of its misery. It was dying slowly from the truck. I guess instead of using a gun, I could have bashed it with a rock
Mass Media Casualty

Funny story. Very good writing and I liked it, no need to feel sorry for me.

Strange how primevil instincts come out when you go hunting. I remember shooting a rabbit in the backend, (they're a nuisance in New Zealand. They damn up waterways and cause roads, houses and land to flo... urm, nevermind,) and it tried to crawl away into the bush. I dropped my rifle and sprinted after it. I dived, grabbed it by the hind legs as it had just reached the cover of a bush, then swung it hard fast and mecilessly so it's head cracked open on the hard river rocks.
I gave a triumphant roar to the heavens. No fluffy bunny would outsmart me TODAY! (Okay fine, I didn't roar exactly, but it seemed so appropriate I almost did.)

Sick, maybe, but you don't understand how caught up you get in the hunt. It was shocking honestly. It was so unlike me.

Even when my Mum went hunting with my Dad, (before I was born,) she was the pacifist, saying, 'aw, don't kill wabbits,' but on her first outing with my Dad,
"Because you were shouting honey, it scared the rabbit away.."

Almost caused a break up. Before I was even born, now that would have been tragic, (feel free to disagree here Mackstan.)


Okay now,

- Unfair banning
- Child Abuse
- Gun control
- Basic insults
- More insults
- Retorts
- Beavers
- Burning mashmellows/street mimes
- Hunting

For those of you keeping track.  In five pages that many different topics is impressive. Well done everyone.

Man, I like this forum topic - it has everything!

Last edited by Tyferra (2006-01-10 03:37:27)

[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
International OMGWTFBBQ
+200|6877|Uhh... erm...
Lol, since we're going for amount of topics in least amount of pages, anyone ever play Madness Interactive? Okay, completely off topic, but in any case, don't let your son play it, Chicken.
SirDelBoy, I haven't heard of any other problems with any other player similar to yours. Maybe it was a fluke? Try running it without any other apps running? Wish I could help man, but I don't know what to tell you.

A couple of you guys mentioned liking firearms. One of our old time players from the DC area travels to Europe often and was in Bastogne, happened upon a shop selling WWII militaria. He said that a garand was selling for 125 euros, or 150 bucks?! Pics on our website.

Also, as for pics, two of our players wives were nice enough to write "Moders" on their ample cleavage and post it on our site! Woot! Nice. And my wife's idea of oral sex is to yell "screw you" when I want to play some BF2. Go figure.

{HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy wrote:

[M]Smokemifugotem wrote:

STFU and play
Sorry m8 but when I connect to the Moders server BF2 ALWAYS crashes to the desktop. And it only happens with Moders. I have no problems wotsoever with other servers. So no, I can't play. And you stfu and sort out wotever problem that it is you have with your server ok!
Are you running a wireless router of any kind?
Here is Counsel Mack again,

@ Tyffera

After reading your last two post i must say, you sure need help....and i'm here to help you
Im famous for my "DUTCH OVEN " cure.
It seems your angryness comes from before you were born..hmm strange,
mabey that geve you the urge to curse all the time and grab for a bottle.
Don't be angry ....im here for you......together we will overcome this.

Last edited by Mackstan (2006-01-10 13:07:05)

Say wat!?

[M]Chicken wrote:

Vilham wrote:

And the conclusion is...

Modders are imature losers.
No, I think the conclusion is my son spells better than you can.

Modders = Moders
imature = immature

Hukt on fonex werkt fur mi

I don't think anyone can come up with the conclusion that anyone is a loser out of this, save the 'tards that come up with idiotic statements such as yours.

Back on topic, I have an AOW that is for "home defense".


I hope that link works. The uzi and MAC10 are total crap, I agree completely. Spray and pray only works in video games...
Yes you just proved that ur a twat well done...

'look at me ive got a gun, im cool man.'

Months later...

'O no my kid went into school with my gun and killed a load of people, who could have seen that coming.'
Vilham = not worthy of a response.
Say wat!?
[M]Chicken = has no come back for the fact that he thinks guns are cool.

PS. Those that do think guns are cool are morons.

The guy below me im pretty sure is joking just coz i said the above.

Last edited by Vilham (2006-01-10 14:36:52)

guns are cool
yeah the moron already gets a kick out of dead animals but it sure wont be funny when you're so called "kids" blows you and you're "wife's" brains out when you're sleeping then take out the whole school then stop by at mcdonalds

The American Dream!

{HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy wrote:

[M]Smokemifugotem wrote:

STFU and play
Sorry m8 but when I connect to the Moders server BF2 ALWAYS crashes to the desktop. And it only happens with Moders. I have no problems wotsoever with other servers. So no, I can't play. And you stfu and sort out wotever problem that it is you have with your server ok!
That`s because Moders has auto kick for  dumb asses who spell whatever as wotever.Is this better?

Last edited by [M]Smokemifugotem (2006-01-10 17:46:43)

It's a shame it doesn't kick idiots who spell that's without the apostrophe isn't it?


Last edited by Esker (2006-01-10 15:56:30)

Got me on that one ouch.
I'm amazed at the people who will play an online game full of guns, yet whine because others have them irl. Jealousy rears its ugly head.

Enough said, I'm going to clean my AK47, AR15, my HK USP .45 and Colt Combat Elite that I just got through shooting. To the non-hunters out there who think hunters are savages or whatever, look down at your shoes (if you are wearing any). Ooops, leather! omfg you animal! Drop the chicken wing and go pick up some tofu, you cheese eating surrender monkeys!!

ps - the beaver had less hair on it than your mother... Doh! Thats gotta leave a mark!
Get off my lawn, whippersnapper!!
i play on Moders Servers every day, and have NEVER had a problem.  wash the sand out your vag and go somewhere else.  Their server, their game, their rules.

Plus, you are the only person in the world who got owned by a 6 year old girl.

Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6926|Great Brown North

general_rookie wrote:

i play on Moders Servers every day, and have NEVER had a problem.  wash the sand out your vag and go somewhere else.  Their server, their game, their rules.

Plus, you are the only person in the world who got owned by a 6 year old girl.

uh it was his 6 yr old son....


(sorry i couldnt resist)
Mass Media Casualty

Mackstan, cheers it's good to have a friend - even one as sarcastic as you.
Oh, and I'm not sure I want to know what a Dutch Oven refers to. Just keep that one to yourself.
I am pleased you've made a full recovery and are back to speaking in full sentances again. Bravo!
(Who's councelling who huh?)

Tetrino, yeah I've played Madness Interactive. It was the last remaining working game on my computer until even that screwed up. It was pretty freaky, but good for a free game.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
rotfl rookie! Thanks for the support man. Yer welcome any time. Its a royal pita running a server, and the only reward you get out of it is to have people say thanks. Some admins on other servers have a power trip, run it like a concentration camp. We just play to have fun. God, if I was concerned about  my score, I'd have to use one of my evil guns to blow my brains out.
Get off my lawn, whippersnapper!!

[M]Chicken wrote:

rotfl rookie! Thanks for the support man. Yer welcome any time. Its a royal pita running a server, and the only reward you get out of it is to have people say thanks. Some admins on other servers have a power trip, run it like a concentration camp. We just play to have fun. God, if I was concerned about  my score, I'd have to use one of my evil guns to blow my brains out.
well said.  see you on the battlefield
Get off my lawn, whippersnapper!!

[M]Chicken wrote:

rotfl rookie! Thanks for the support man. Yer welcome any time. Its a royal pita running a server, and the only reward you get out of it is to have people say thanks. Some admins on other servers have a power trip, run it like a concentration camp. We just play to have fun. God, if I was concerned about  my score, I'd have to use one of my evil guns to blow my brains out.
when i get on moders servers, it always says to go to your website to get one of the reserved slots.  where do i go on the website?
I would have Artyed him just for fun.
ooooohhh My first post...I couldn't resist. I've been playing BF2 for a while now and I've seen all kinds of shitsva that makes my guts bubble, but it's just a game. I've played on Moders servers since they put them up and I've never had one single problem. I play the game the way I want to which seems to be reasonable since I don't get banned.....only once. Which brings me to my next point.

I was playing in a Black Ops server months ago and got a ban out of nowhere. My buddy was still on and asked what I had done wrong and they stated that I rammed one of their member's jeep with another jeep. Well.........Yup I sure did. He was spawn camping in a hanger using the Mounted MG on the back of a buggy, I figured after 4 deaths that the only way to get close enough was to ram the ever-lovin shit outta him...so after I did.... the "Bann-o-ramma" came. Here's the tricky part....

I went to their site posted on their forum the circumstances and told them I was sorry. Yup, you heard that right...I said "I'm Sorry" and here's why. It's their server. If I don't like the rules then I don't have to play there. I personally don't care to get on anyone's server and disrespect them or their clan intentionally...but some of you may. I didn't go to the BF2 forums and start name-calling like I was the six year old who got their feelings hurt. Instead I was RESPONSIBLE for my own actions and that is all any of us can be.

nuff said.

Death StatPadder
+228|6915|Human Meat Shield
Cool. Never been to Moders... I originally thought that they 'modded' shit. So I'll try and bring my useless feedback. Basically what the guy above me said about if you don't like the rules, change servers.

But if he was spawncamping at a uncappable base he's a smacktard on his own server. Please tell me you guys don't do this...

Last edited by imdead (2006-01-10 22:45:22)

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