+105|6796|Lutenblaag, Molvania
And he had a son, too. How will Christianity cope with this? How does the Romam Catholic Church explains this? Coincidence?

Documentary makers claim tomb of Jesus found in Jerusalem cave
"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered;  the point is to discover them."
Galileo Galilei  (1564-1642)
Do you take every thing you read as the truth??? Did you also miss the quote where the archeologist who found the site says ""The names that are found on the tombs are names that are similar to the names of the family of Jesus," he conceded.

Its laughable that this little snippet and documentary will actually cause  a concern for Christianity.  Christ rocks!!!!

Last edited by ncc6206 (2007-02-23 08:04:17)

Death by Indecency

Doesn't proof anything. All it proves is that sometime in history there was a man called Jesus who had a mother named Maria and a son called Jodah... In no way would it proof he was a prophet, a god or anything else special.

Or... it's all just one big conspiracy!

. . .
[EVieira], did you read the article?

From the article:
... "It's a beautiful story but without any proof whatsoever," Professor Amos Kloner, who had published the findings of his research in the Israeli periodical Atigot in 1996, told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa Friday.

"The names that are found on the tombs are names that are similar to the names of the family of Jesus," he conceded.

"But those were the most common names found among Jews in the first centuries BCE and CE"...
There is NO archaeological proof of Christ - period (NONE EXISTS or HAS EVER BEEN FOUND and WILL NEVER BE FOUND).

There is NO historical proof of Christ - period (excepting an errant attempt to interpolate chrestus; in Tacitus; and a known FORGERY inserted into Josephus's Antiquities... both which even if were TRUE; are not contemporaneous accounts; they would BE after the FACT hearsay).

The article and evidence demonstrate that someone (a nobody; an anybody; non-specific; unknown person) died... and that that person had a Jewish name. Nothing more.


Ignore the Article & let the blather begin!

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

topal63 wrote:

Did you read the article?

... "It's a beautiful story but without any proof whatsoever," Professor Amos Kloner, who had published the findings of his research in the Israeli periodical Atigot in 1996, told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa Friday.
PIFFFF!!!!!!! The bible is a beautiful story but has even less proof!
What is the point of a quote (from the Article) utterly out of context... ?

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

You god-goers are .... blah fucking blah... /RANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What does your pointless RANT have to do with the ERRANT conclusions of the documentary contained in the article?

The documentary (in the article) is as DOPEY  - as thinking "The DaVinci Code" (a fiction) - has historical merit. Jesus is shrouded in myth... all extrapolations thereof are just myth about myth... the documentary is nothing new - it is just more myth making.

From the article:
..."translated into English - included the names "Jesus son of Joseph," twice "Maria," and "Judah son of Jesus."...
Jesus (Latin from the Greek) - might be either the (Greek name mangle of the) Jewish Name: Yehoshua or Yeshua... this is not even known with any certainty which name is the correct textural appellation namesake.

OOOOoooooo.... wait - lookey here! Oh my fucking God! It must be TRUE if ya thunk it...

Jenspm wrote:

omfg Dezert.

Everyone knows that Jesus lived. Science can prove that. If you know what religion is, you would know that Christianity is based on believing that Jesus was God's son, Believing that God created the world. Science can't prove that Jesus was or was not God's son. Christianity is about believing.
Hey goofball... back up that ABSURD claim.  Jesus is a mythical character with no PROOF whatsoever (historical or archeological).

Bertster7 wrote:

Proof is a word people throw around far too casually.
No doubt...

Vilham wrote:

CruZ4dR wrote:

Vilham wrote:

well they have proved things from billions of years ago.. so its quite possible if they got something that was believed to have had jesus's blood on it ad then compared the DNA they could reasonably prove it.
Never. And compare to what DNA? There is none. It's all a matter of publicity and random theories.
Yeah but if lets say that piece of cloth with his blood on it (apparently true) matches exactly with the body they found.. the chances that infact the cloth just had some random guys blood on it and not jesus's and they happened to find this exact guys body.
Could you be more incorrect in your assumption / strange argument / conclusion? Probably...

Fen321 wrote:

ncc6206 wrote:

Dezerteagal5  turn or burn boy.  You cant hide behind ignorance on the day of Judgment.
Judgment is not coming...its meant to keep you walking along a never ending institutionalized sin production that is Christianity, and which you will NEVER be able to reach your so called leaders example. Think about it Christians personify Christ as a person whom we all fall short of...HOW THE HELL is anyone to live up to this if ..... we are different from him. To be honest I'm pretty sure we are all the same as him, hence you guessed it the next logical conclusion
An errant one...

That seems logical to you... but you are not like Christ... nor are you like Hercules... or Horus; or Osiris; or Mythra; or Orpheus; etc; etc; etc. Like implies similar. Like does not imply exactly the same - especially when considering the part that is utterly different. You are not like a myth. The symbolic relation of you to the myth... is the next logical step... so what is it then?
... hence you guessed it the next logical conclusion
No offense intended but go ahead & make the error; state it openly.

Jenspm wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Jenspm wrote:

I'm not Christian and not Religious and do not read the bible nor pray to God, but I believe that religion and Science are one in a way.
Actually I think the Energy was in the universe before the big bang. As we all know about physics, energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred.
So where does this energy originaly come from?

Impossible to answer and prove it (as of today). Therefore we have religion.
No... are you trying to be obtuse? Religion is a reaction to life / death / etc - it is the psychology of a relationship of man to his value systems, traditions, the intangible, self, rites of passage, etc...

AND... actually, it is impossible to prove the source of an effect EVER. It always points to another effect and not the AFFECT-ing thing in-itself.

Knowledge of energy's existence is based upon effects; not the source of the effect. Consider as analogy the ripples on the surface of a body of water. DO NOT consider the medium - the water. Consider the ripples only. And, that you could hypothetically experience the effect of ripples without knowing that it is linked to water. (Water is not even the source of itself anyway). Energy is experienced like; as analogy the; rippling waves ; where the source of the effect (or ultimate source) cannot be determined. If you peel back a layer of the reality onion; it is another ripple; it is another effect and not the source. Even string-theory is NOT a T.O.E. (theory of everything); there is not a single reason to assume the string is the source of effects; we could theorize as being a vibrating-string curled up in tiny spaces. Certainty in existence is never implied not in science; not ever.

... Science is not a religious tradition rooted in myth and the psychological relationships contained therein.

NemeSiS-Factor wrote:

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

... its getting faster as it expands.
'Fraid not.  It's slowing down.
D'oh! LOL... excellent retort! You need to re-check where you are getting that idea from: NemeSiS-Factor.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

If that documentary doesn't have a T-1000 in there somewhere (Cameron's involved), I'm not interested. But I could claim to have discovered a cure for AIDS, and it wouldn't necessarily be undisputed truth.

For that matter, much of what is taught of Jesus' life probably isn't the complete truth either.
Oh, wow perfectly useless... non sequitur... inane... out of context (of the Article itself)...

   It is not valid or interesting as a statement, nor an accurate comparison. James Cameron made a beautiful and fascinating documentary; about the very movie that made him millions: Titanic: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news … s/titanic/
That is not fiction and there is no T-1000 in it either. The current documentary in question; of Jewish burial caves has the ability to be enlightening about Jewish Traditions / traditional beliefs; but until l’ve seen it - I am not discounting the whole of it as a fabrication of fiction - like Terminator.

   There is quite likely a monetary desire to stir the pot and make an outrageous claim like (Proof of Christ!); but that does not mean that - that what will be presented in the documentary is FICTION. The claim is something else altogether (apart from the actual evidence; other expert opinion; Jewish traditions) - the claim is a proof-less claim, but then again the article already stated that more or less.

Stingray24 wrote:

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

Untill the kids 'the believers' realize, moms not gunna spank me, shes all talk, but ive never gotten a spanking no matter what i do.

Now, the sooner you come to the conclusion that your 'mom' will NEVER actually spank you, then the sooner you can live a full, fun, life. To the limits of the law that is
Ah, so you've died and reviewed the afterlife, which enabled you to come to the conclusion that the "spanking" will never come?  Interesting. 

For anyone who is genuinely interested: everyone does not equal God and everyone is not going to Heaven.  Read more in the book of Romans for further explanation.
That would be a mere 144,000 (heaven bound so-sealed individuals) unless you wiggle worm your way out of that nonsense - and then try and interpret the Bible - doh!

Anyways it's meaningless rhetoric... an utterly un-spiritual thing to say; typical Christian-circular nonsense "it is in the Bible", invoking a un-spiritual non-living circular principle based upon the ramblings of a Jew from antiquity (Saul of Tarsus) who could not live by the Jewish Law - so conceived of an ethereal Christ that full-filled it, blah, blah, blah...

ncc6206 wrote:

=*RSA*=SiKFuK_187 wrote:

It's a beautiful story but without any proof whatsoever... FAILURE!

Next post, plz.
So is the "theory" of Evolution.... next post!
Ignorance is bliss, but not to those standing next to the ignorant.

All that I can say is - I tried - to be logical... factual; cite historical references; stay in context to the Article... my bad... let the D & ST... continue.

By the way what does all this OTHER blather going on have to with the documentary mentioned in the actual article? Which has made an extraordinary claim - with absolutely no evidence supporting the claim.

Last edited by topal63 (2007-03-20 13:58:14)

16 more years
+877|6843|South Florida

topal63 wrote:

Did you read the article?

... "It's a beautiful story but without any proof whatsoever," Professor Amos Kloner, who had published the findings of his research in the Israeli periodical Atigot in 1996, told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa Friday.
PIFFFF!!!!!!! The bible is a beautiful story but has even less proof!
15 more years! 15 more years!
16 more years
+877|6843|South Florida
You god-goers are being ingnorant!!! How much proof will it really take?? You know what, i cant fucking wait untill we find life on another planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know what the god slaves will say??


And maybe in the future we'll find the actuall body of Jesus and prove he had no special dna and shit, and you know wha the slaves will say?

"OH ITS A TEST OF FAITH AND YOUR WRONG ITS PROBLY JUST SOMEONE ELSE who happened to have a mother named mary, his name was jesus, and his sons was......."

Well, no matter what kind of proof scientists throw at you newbs you still think this magical fucking being just made everything out of nothing, how he (god) came to exist????


you fucking bible slaves wont even consider getting off your knees to take a look at facts.
AND COME ON, how many times have you prayed, and actually got results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You dont!!!!!!! You may think you get results, but thats because you make it happen!!!!!!!

I could pray for 1 trillion dollars every  hour of every day for the rest of my life and it wouldn't happen!!!!!

YEAH I KNOW "You dont really need it so god wont give you it" or "Your an athiest so youve already got god hating you" blah blah fucking blah

you people are ignorant

I predict, in 50 years, religion will be a minority, a taboo, or insane bible slaves who think this could actually happen.


Last edited by Dezerteagal5 (2007-02-23 08:24:43)

15 more years! 15 more years!
Cowboy from Hell

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

topal63 wrote:

Did you read the article?

... "It's a beautiful story but without any proof whatsoever," Professor Amos Kloner, who had published the findings of his research in the Israeli periodical Atigot in 1996, told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa Friday.
PIFFFF!!!!!!! The bible is a beautiful story but has even less proof!

PS: yesterday I was at work making the list to reply you, and when I submitted it the thread was closed.  So, you pwned nobody.
+48|6733|new york

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

You god-goers are being ingnorant!!! How much proof will it really take?? You know what, i cant fucking wait untill we find life on another planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know what the god slaves will say??


And maybe in the future we'll find the actuall body of Jesus and prove he had no special dna and shit, and you know wha the slaves will say?

"OH ITS A TEST OF FAITH AND YOUR WRONG ITS PROBLY JUST SOMEONE ELSE who happened to have a mother named mary, his name was jesus, and his sons was......."

Well, no matter what kind of proof scientists throw at you newbs you still think this magical fucking being just made everything out of nothing, how he (god) came to exist????


you fucking bible slaves wont even consider getting off your knees to take a look at facts.
AND COME ON, how many times have you prayed, and actually got results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You dont!!!!!!! You may think you get results, but thats because you make it happen!!!!!!!

I could pray for 1 trillion dollars every  hour of every day for the rest of my life and it wouldn't happen!!!!!

YEAH I KNOW "You dont really need it so god wont give you it" or "Your an athiest so youve already got god hating you" blah blah fucking blah

you people are ignorant

I predict, in 50 years, religion will be a minority, a taboo, or insane bible slaves who think this could actually happen.

You are a fool. Beleive what you want, but to push your views in the manner of wich you have, shows you to be a fool. Not preaching, but if I were god, I would sue you. Not give you a trillion dollars becuase you "prayed" for it. You don't deserve it. " God helps those who help themselves".

Life on another planet would not prove that god doesn't exist. In fact, as a christian, I STILL beleive it is ignorant to say that life doesn't exist somewhere other then Earth.
+4|6779|Montreal, Quebec

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

You god-goers are being ingnorant!!! How much proof will it really take?? You know what, i cant fucking wait untill we find life on another planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know what the god slaves will say??


And maybe in the future we'll find the actuall body of Jesus and prove he had no special dna and shit, and you know wha the slaves will say?

"OH ITS A TEST OF FAITH AND YOUR WRONG ITS PROBLY JUST SOMEONE ELSE who happened to have a mother named mary, his name was jesus, and his sons was......."

Well, no matter what kind of proof scientists throw at you newbs you still think this magical fucking being just made everything out of nothing, how he (god) came to exist????


you fucking bible slaves wont even consider getting off your knees to take a look at facts.
AND COME ON, how many times have you prayed, and actually got results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You dont!!!!!!! You may think you get results, but thats because you make it happen!!!!!!!

I could pray for 1 trillion dollars every  hour of every day for the rest of my life and it wouldn't happen!!!!!

YEAH I KNOW "You dont really need it so god wont give you it" or "Your an athiest so youve already got god hating you" blah blah fucking blah

you people are ignorant

I predict, in 50 years, religion will be a minority, a taboo, or insane bible slaves who think this could actually happen.

Laughter with an S
+167|6962|Camoran's Paradise

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

AND COME ON, how many times have you prayed, and actually got results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You don't!!!!!!! You may think you get results, but thats because you make it happen!!!!!!!
Actually I've gotten answers to prayers several times.  Sometimes instantly.  And no, I didn't do it because I had no control over the problem.  Get off your soap box and sit your ass down.

Last edited by Ganko_06 (2007-02-23 08:33:03)

Dezerteagal5  turn or burn boy.  You cant hide behind ignorance on the day of Judgment.
+1,716|7050|St. Andrews / Oslo

omfg Dezert.

Everyone knows that Jesus lived. Science can prove that. If you know what religion is, you would know that Christianity is based on believing that Jesus was God's son, Believing that God created the world. Science can't prove that Jesus was or was not God's son. Christianity is about believing.
https://static.bf2s.com/files/user/26774/flickricon.png https://twitter.com/phoenix/favicon.ico
so ummm under all the clamoring for authenticity and authority from where does the Bible derive its authority?

-- Catholic Church baby.....and the Bible aka Library has some golden nuggets of truth that our good friend Jesus came to, but imagine if Jesus had lived in a different cultural context what then?

Back on topic though....we really don't need to have scientific proof that Christ was a man because well he conceded that he was. lol
16 more years
+877|6843|South Florida

nlsme wrote:

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

You god-goers are being ingnorant!!! How much proof will it really take?? You know what, i cant fucking wait untill we find life on another planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know what the god slaves will say??


And maybe in the future we'll find the actuall body of Jesus and prove he had no special dna and shit, and you know wha the slaves will say?

"OH ITS A TEST OF FAITH AND YOUR WRONG ITS PROBLY JUST SOMEONE ELSE who happened to have a mother named mary, his name was jesus, and his sons was......."

Well, no matter what kind of proof scientists throw at you newbs you still think this magical fucking being just made everything out of nothing, how he (god) came to exist????


you fucking bible slaves wont even consider getting off your knees to take a look at facts.
AND COME ON, how many times have you prayed, and actually got results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You dont!!!!!!! You may think you get results, but thats because you make it happen!!!!!!!

I could pray for 1 trillion dollars every  hour of every day for the rest of my life and it wouldn't happen!!!!!

YEAH I KNOW "You dont really need it so god wont give you it" or "Your an athiest so youve already got god hating you" blah blah fucking blah

you people are ignorant

I predict, in 50 years, religion will be a minority, a taboo, or insane bible slaves who think this could actually happen.

You are a fool. Beleive what you want, but to push your views in the manner of wich you have, shows you to be a fool. Not preaching, but if I were god, I would sue you. Not give you a trillion dollars becuase you "prayed" for it. You don't deserve it. " God helps those who help themselves".

Life on another planet would not prove that god doesn't exist. In fact, as a christian, I STILL beleive it is ignorant to say that life doesn't exist somewhere other then Earth.
Yes, of coarse, god helps them who help themselves.... right....
Well, in order to help themselves god thinks you should warship him?? How fucking selfish!!!
Have you ever thought that if god was really alive and such a 'nice guy' he wouldn't want you to waste your life warshipping him?? hmm??

And also, (this is what really gets me) I thought life on another planet would proove the bible was wrong about something, and i garentee, even if 1 fact prooved 1 part of the bible wrong, you guys would still count the rest as truth, even tho you have more proof saying its all fake, then all real.
15 more years! 15 more years!
16 more years
+877|6843|South Florida

ncc6206 wrote:

Dezerteagal5  turn or burn boy.  You cant hide behind ignorance on the day of Judgment.
PFFFFT bring it on. I can't wait till "judgement day"
I heard theres gunna be some war between hell and heaven, lawl, equip me with some flame throwing powers and ill kick some ass. 400 hours of bf2 isnt for waste!!
15 more years! 15 more years!
OMW Dezerteagal5 run spell check will ya!!! Warship??? Garantee??? Why do you have a language barrier issue if you are from New York?
+1,716|7050|St. Andrews / Oslo

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

nlsme wrote:

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

You god-goers are being ingnorant!!! How much proof will it really take?? You know what, i cant fucking wait untill we find life on another planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know what the god slaves will say??


And maybe in the future we'll find the actuall body of Jesus and prove he had no special dna and shit, and you know wha the slaves will say?

"OH ITS A TEST OF FAITH AND YOUR WRONG ITS PROBLY JUST SOMEONE ELSE who happened to have a mother named mary, his name was jesus, and his sons was......."

Well, no matter what kind of proof scientists throw at you newbs you still think this magical fucking being just made everything out of nothing, how he (god) came to exist????


you fucking bible slaves wont even consider getting off your knees to take a look at facts.
AND COME ON, how many times have you prayed, and actually got results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You dont!!!!!!! You may think you get results, but thats because you make it happen!!!!!!!

I could pray for 1 trillion dollars every  hour of every day for the rest of my life and it wouldn't happen!!!!!

YEAH I KNOW "You dont really need it so god wont give you it" or "Your an athiest so youve already got god hating you" blah blah fucking blah

you people are ignorant

I predict, in 50 years, religion will be a minority, a taboo, or insane bible slaves who think this could actually happen.

You are a fool. Beleive what you want, but to push your views in the manner of wich you have, shows you to be a fool. Not preaching, but if I were god, I would sue you. Not give you a trillion dollars becuase you "prayed" for it. You don't deserve it. " God helps those who help themselves".

Life on another planet would not prove that god doesn't exist. In fact, as a christian, I STILL beleive it is ignorant to say that life doesn't exist somewhere other then Earth.
Yes, of coarse, god helps them who help themselves.... right....
Well, in order to help themselves god thinks you should warship him?? How fucking selfish!!!
Have you ever thought that if god was really alive and such a 'nice guy' he wouldn't want you to waste your life warshipping him?? hmm??

And also, (this is what really gets me) I thought life on another planet would proove the bible was wrong about something, and i garentee, even if 1 fact prooved 1 part of the bible wrong, you guys would still count the rest as truth, even tho you have more proof saying its all fake, then all real.
You know the Bible wasn't written by God, right?
https://static.bf2s.com/files/user/26774/flickricon.png https://twitter.com/phoenix/favicon.ico

ncc6206 wrote:

Dezerteagal5  turn or burn boy.  You cant hide behind ignorance on the day of Judgment.
Judgment is not coming...its meant to keep you walking along a never ending institutionalized sin production that is Christianity, and which you will NEVER be able to reach your so called leaders example. Think about it Christians personify Christ as a person whom we all fall short of...HOW THE HELL is anyone to live up to this if ..... we are different from him. To be honest I'm pretty sure we are all the same as him, hence you guessed it the next logical conclusion
16 more years
+877|6843|South Florida

ncc6206 wrote:

OMW Dezerteagal5 run spell check will ya!!! Warship??? Garantee??? Why do you have a language barrier issue if you are from New York?
I yam typeing in a herrie man!! lol
15 more years! 15 more years!
16 more years
+877|6843|South Florida

Jenspm wrote:

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

nlsme wrote:

You are a fool. Beleive what you want, but to push your views in the manner of wich you have, shows you to be a fool. Not preaching, but if I were god, I would sue you. Not give you a trillion dollars becuase you "prayed" for it. You don't deserve it. " God helps those who help themselves".

Life on another planet would not prove that god doesn't exist. In fact, as a christian, I STILL beleive it is ignorant to say that life doesn't exist somewhere other then Earth.
Yes, of coarse, god helps them who help themselves.... right....
Well, in order to help themselves god thinks you should warship him?? How fucking selfish!!!
Have you ever thought that if god was really alive and such a 'nice guy' he wouldn't want you to waste your life warshipping him?? hmm??

And also, (this is what really gets me) I thought life on another planet would proove the bible was wrong about something, and i garentee, even if 1 fact prooved 1 part of the bible wrong, you guys would still count the rest as truth, even tho you have more proof saying its all fake, then all real.
You know the Bible wasn't written by God, right?
Of coarse it wasnt, cause he wasnt real. It was most likely written by some people who wanted a good story, and thought it would be funny if they could convince people its real. They tried it with big foot and crop circles, untill the original creators came out and told the truth
15 more years! 15 more years!
Favorite Weapon? Pistol
+29|6987|Everett, WA, US

ncc6206 wrote:

Do you take every thing you read as the truth??? Did you also miss the quote where the archeologist who found the site says ""The names that are found on the tombs are names that are similar to the names of the family of Jesus," he conceded.

Its laughable that this little snippet and documentary will actually cause  a concern for Christianity.  Christ rocks!!!!
LOL.  NO.  I didn't believe a WORD in the Bible.  Religons suck.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
First off I would like to say the stuff in the video, while quite interesting does not proof or disprove anything.

Second this thread confirmed my beleif that all religion threads will become degraded to the internet equivelent of trolls hurling fire balls at each other.

Have a nice day.
Cereal Killer
+145|6974|The View From The Afternoon
I don't believe in christianity and all that Jesus stuff hallelujah. But all that above that is just BS.
No scientists can prove something like that from 2000 years ago.

NemeSiS-Factor wrote:

ncc6206 wrote:

Do you take every thing you read as the truth??? Did you also miss the quote where the archeologist who found the site says ""The names that are found on the tombs are names that are similar to the names of the family of Jesus," he conceded.

Its laughable that this little snippet and documentary will actually cause  a concern for Christianity.  Christ rocks!!!!
LOL.  NO.  I didn't believe a WORD in the Bible.  Religons suck.
Your choice. Not looking to convert only to defend.  I dont like religion either.  Its the person's personal relationship with Christ that saves and not religiosity.
A God Amongst Men
I always believed Jesus existed just not sure whether he was the son of god.

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