Got Lamb?
+56|6587|Outside your Back window
I don't know about you but i think sniping in 2142 is just not the same as bf2, Bf2 sniping for me was about getting on some high ground with a buddy and sit there for the entire round just chatting and shooting. However in 2142 i try and snipe for more than 10 minutes and i die. 2142 is so fast paced that the sniper doesn't really get much of a look in compared to bf2. I'm not complaing (much) because i dont really use the sniper rifle on this game but sometimes its nice to sit back and just use the mouse as opposed to the move, duck, crouch and prone keys. What do you think?

Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
You are talking like it is a bad thing.
+8|6720|Sooooo coooold....Canada....
I don't think so. Sniping is still fun, and if it was like in BF2 then people would be dieing before taking 3 steps

Ace.O.Lamb wrote:

because i dont really use the sniper rifle
Well then go on and use it! We've all been there, all it takes is some practice! It really pisses me off how some people who've just come into the game expect to be uber leet right at the start.

The sniper is lethal in 2142. I was #1 and later #2 in the world with the park, packing an overall K-D ratio of about 4-1 about 3-4 months ago... don't know if I still am, haven't played the game since.

I admit it was a bit hard at first to get used to the sniper rifles in 2142, (especially sway) but along with time and some handy unlocks, sniping became easy as pie.

I hate to go on bragging about myself, so just take some time playing only with sniper, and you'll be leet in no time (well, depending on how fast a learner you are).

Hope that helps.

(If you want some more help, PM me and I might make a guide for dummies or something...)

Last edited by [-DER-]Omega (2007-02-22 13:21:58)
I managed to get two infiltrator pins in five minutes... Much better than I'd do in BF2. All you need to do is to stay mobile and aim for the heads. Use the active camouflage whenever you're on the move.
Snipers seems to be worse now than before. Because now when you get bonus for getting headshot seems like a lot of beginners wanna be sniper. Get the zoom unlock to but skip the other unlock.

Zukabazuka wrote:

Snipers seems to be worse now than before. Because now when you get bonus for getting headshot seems like a lot of beginners wanna be sniper. Get the zoom unlock to but skip the other unlock.
Agreed. The Gruber stabiliser is just fun the first few times. Then you say to yourself, "It just makes me more uncertain" and you take something else instead.

Try to use Active Camo and APMs along with the zoom unlock. Contrary to popular belief, the zoom unlock is NOT useless! It is the shit.
I think the way people go flying when they get killed by Zeller is pretty cool. My best ever sniper shot in 2142 was when i was on top of one the buildings on minsk next to silo 5 (i think). Shot this guy once in the body, he ran for cover and used active camo but he still had a red diamond around him. So i was almost "pre-aiming" where i thought he would be and then.....BOOM HEADSHOT. The guy immediately decloaked and went flying. So yeh basically 2142 sniping is guuuuurd.

P.S The stabilizer helps.
In 2142, I played the recon kit most of the time, actually almost all the time.  I only use the Morrietti sniping rifle.  I was 6 place in the world, then 9, then, 11, now 19.  Sniping in this game is so fast pace and quick that you can pick up alot of kills in a round, if you look at the leader boards, people's kills rack up real fast.
+106|6695|UMass Amherst
I'm still within the top couple hundred in the world for both basic sniper rifles (stats in my sig), and I've been getting higher and higher accuracy with each week.  I'm hitting 60, 70% on a regular basis now (which is respectable), and headshots?  yeah...I'm starting to master that all-too-critical 'headshot on the guy running like a banshee' l33tn355.  By no means easy when you have to lead your target with extreme precision, given distance and where he's running off too. 

Sniping is a lot more aggressive in 2142, overall--wheras in BF2, you could sit down for ten minutes in a nice hiding spot and just pick off guys over time, you no longer have that luxury.  Works for me though-- aggressive sniping (short-medium distance, with pistol as back-up) is what I do best.
soup fly mod

Ace.O.Lamb wrote:

I don't know about you but i think sniping in 2142 is just not the same as bf2, Bf2 sniping for me was about getting on some high ground with a buddy and sit there for the entire round just chatting and shooting. However in 2142 i try and snipe for more than 10 minutes and i die. 2142 is so fast paced that the sniper doesn't really get much of a look in compared to bf2. I'm not complaing (much) because i dont really use the sniper rifle on this game but sometimes its nice to sit back and just use the mouse as opposed to the move, duck, crouch and prone keys. What do you think?

i like sniping far better in 2142 because of 5x zoom.  anyone sits still for a second and its instant headshot.  i never sniped on bf2 but love it on 2142...though its a different animal all together.

2142 is much faster paced and you can't rely on sitting in a good spot and sniping away...rather you have to run and snipe alot...figure it out and you'll love it.
I suspect something is amiss
Bunnyhopping and sniping works pretty well in 2142 try to keep a distance of 80-130m and hop around while spotting enemies once your enemys stands still stop jumping and headshot. With the zoom you hardly ever miss a headshot on a static target.

It´s far easier to snipe in 2142 in my experience since you will score a headshot almost every single time, and as some mentioned above movement is often the key when you snipe not always though.
soup fly mod

madmurre wrote:

Bunnyhopping and sniping works pretty well in 2142 try to keep a distance of 80-130m and hop around while spotting enemies once your enemys stands still stop jumping and headshot. With the zoom you hardly ever miss a headshot on a static target.

It´s far easier to snipe in 2142 in my experience since you will score a headshot almost every single time, and as some mentioned above movement is often the key when you snipe not always though.
bunny hopping while sniping?!?!? shame on you
If you have to bunnyhop and run around to snipe, then yes BF2142 has killed it. The point of sniping is to hide somewhere and pick off enemies from a distance.
Bianchi Whore.

madmurre wrote:

Bunnyhopping and sniping works pretty well in 2142 try to keep a distance of 80-130m and hop around while spotting enemies once your enemys stands still stop jumping and headshot. With the zoom you hardly ever miss a headshot on a static target.

It´s far easier to snipe in 2142 in my experience since you will score a headshot almost every single time, and as some mentioned above movement is often the key when you snipe not always though.
It's people like you who give me a positive kill-death ratio with the Bianchi.

Just you keep running and leaping all over the place, wasting your stamina...

Sniping is definitly not for Titan mod since on it there is no place you can go where pods cant reach you
You kill someone, he respawns and pods on you head.
Try playing Suez Canal on 64 Conquest. Open areas and lots of infantry on foot. You can get many many kills.
Phone Spammer
+207|6904|Charlottesville, Virginia, USA

doctastrangelove1964 wrote:

You are talking like it is a bad thing.
+12|6825|Between Canada and Iowa

zeidmaan wrote:

Try playing Suez Canal on 64 Conquest. Open areas and lots of infantry on foot. You can get many many kills.
Servers? Running Titan maps on Conquest? Inconceiveable!... Which I might add is a real shame. Suez on Conquest is mighty cool in my humble opinion (Though it needs to be released in the 'assault lines' conquest mode...

Back on topic... Offensive sniping is one of my favorite things t'do... With the Zeller if you have backup. That DOESN'T involve sitting in one place shooting at anyone to bunnyhop past your view...

The Gruber... I have a theory for, it's for vehicle maps. Extreme raange sniping, black gold, Texas tea. Pair that with a sniper decoy and you can sit on the edge of the map undetected for the entire round.

doctastrangelove1964 wrote:

You are talking like it is a bad thing.
"Aff, Star Colonel!"
I think sniping is harder to do in 2142. In BF2, I could stand up, walk/run around, stop moving for a second, and take an accurate shot while standing. It seems that I can't do that in 2142.

And I can't stand sitting still in a corner and whacking the occasional errant infantryman....
Laughter with an S
+167|6958|Camoran's Paradise
Sniping in 2142 is what has gotten me a large portion of my points.  I've gotten incredibly proficient at headshotting, especially inside the titan.  And actually, I like the sway.  My accuracy is 10 fold what it was if BF2.
+2|6835|Houston, TX
This is a damn shame...I usually just troll these boards to see if I can get some descent info every blue moon.

Sniping hasn't ever been this fun...Sniping on Titan maps is an absolute experience I can't help but enjoy...when your team is bogged down by APM mines and demo packs in a titan...the only savior you're going to get is a zeller toting recon, because unless you want to risk having your back exposed from the vents...and unless you want to risk using your demo packs to take out demo packs, and finally hoping that there is a kind old support guy with some sense to drop an ammo box...the sniper is your only friend.

He can set himself up pretty well in a vent using his own set of apms and demo packs if need be...and he not only watches your back but he clears the way for you. I can't help but laugh at those who denounce the zeller's application in a titan.

I can't help but find a deep sense of contradiction here...some people want a sniper from bf2 in bf2142...yet...I still hear, clearly I might add,...the complaints and whines of those who continually denounced Bf2142 as a BF2 patch/clone. These may not be the same people...but thats not my point.

Sounds like you're never going to be I won't attempt to change your mind on this.

Personally, I wanted a different setting, a different game...a game that doesn't remind me of the debacle I get to live through for the next decade or two, when all I need to do is turn on my TV and watch 5 minutes of CNN. I don't think I have to spell out what I'm saying...
Has Bf2142 killed the sniper???

Ill tell you this much, i am doing a whole lot better as a recon sniper in 2142 than a regular sniper in Bf2. no more jumping around and dolphin diving with a sniper rifle to make head shots. you have an array of options and now it is really hard to see a moving sniper from medium range thanks to the It-33 active cameo device.

the only thing that i have seen here is that they made sniping a fun challenge..the run and gun aspect of 2142 is totally flawed.. this spray and pray nonsense really pisses me off especially burst shots from an carbine/ assault rifle not being soo accurate unlike bf2.

i enjoy being sniper especially when i have my zeller and after killing a few baddies , its music to my ears to hear " SOLDIER YOU DESERVE AN AWARD" Especially if its those infiltrator pins. i have almost 200 of those pins right now.

ill be writing about the zeller H sniper rilfe soon... so stay tuned.

Anti_-_Logic81 wrote:

Personally, I wanted a different setting, a different game...a game that doesn't remind me of the debacle I get to live through for the next decade or two, when all I need to do is turn on my TV and watch 5 minutes of CNN. I don't think I have to spell out what I'm saying...
LoL you wouldnt enjoy Project Reality then
On it when you play an insurgent map and someone shoots down a blackhawk, bunch of people always start jumpin around it, shooting AKs in the air and shouting Allah Akbar !!!!! Allah Akbar !!!!!
Its soooooooo funny to see that.

But I say again, go on conquest big maps and snipe there. Fun fun fun.

And I want this in next BF game:

it usses "special bullets": (the bigger one on the pic)


Last edited by zeidmaan (2007-02-23 05:22:10)

Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6758|The Land of Scott Walker
2142 hasn't killed the sniper imo.  There are fun unlocks for Recon and with some practice, the sniper is still very deadly.  Granted, the sniper has to use different tactics because of the improved spotting system and the Netbat, but the NS unlocks address some of that with the sniper decoy and the extended camo.  I do miss the rounds on Dragon Valley where I could find a good hiding spot with my M24 and sit there with a support buddy chatting on TS and sniping.  Ah the memories . . .

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