Carlos Hathcock Jr
+7|6862|'Ull, Yorkshire, England
How about the ability to distinguish between the enemy Squad Leaders and Squad members? In real life one of the most important roles of the sniper is psychological warfare, part of this is their ability to pick out the leaders from the regular grunts and kill them without them ever having a chance to retaliate.
If you put your crosshair over an enemy soldier (perhaps within certain distances) you should get a warning of some sort if they are a squad leader, the ability for a sniper to be able to deny the enemy a mobile spawn point would be very useful and entirely fair in my opinion.


I also have lots more ideas for the expansion of the snipers role (too many people insist that snipers are 'useless' when in my opinion they are very important)
Jeepers Creepers
+136|6881|Peoria, Illinois

=FDX=VEga wrote:

How about the ability to distinguish between the enemy Squad Leaders and Squad members? In real life one of the most important roles of the sniper is psychological warfare, part of this is their ability to pick out the leaders from the regular grunts and kill them without them ever having a chance to retaliate.
If you put your crosshair over an enemy soldier (perhaps within certain distances) you should get a warning of some sort if they are a squad leader, the ability for a sniper to be able to deny the enemy a mobile spawn point would be very useful and entirely fair in my opinion.


I also have lots more ideas for the expansion of the snipers role (too many people insist that snipers are 'useless' when in my opinion they are very important)
You refer to real life but you fail to understand that in real life, leaders aren't distinguishable either. Squad leaders are already easy to identify when someone spawns right next to them.
+0|6886|Almere, Holland

=FDX=VEga wrote:

How about the ability to distinguish between the enemy Squad Leaders and Squad members? In real life one of the most important roles of the sniper is psychological warfare, part of this is their ability to pick out the leaders from the regular grunts and kill them without them ever having a chance to retaliate.
If you put your crosshair over an enemy soldier (perhaps within certain distances) you should get a warning of some sort if they are a squad leader, the ability for a sniper to be able to deny the enemy a mobile spawn point would be very useful and entirely fair in my opinion.


I also have lots more ideas for the expansion of the snipers role (too many people insist that snipers are 'useless' when in my opinion they are very important)
No way man! cause then nobody wants to be a squad leader anymore because yur then allways the first one todie since ur that mobil spawnpoint..
+4|6978|Berlin, Germany

:S ... The stuff which i understood ... I think they are bad ideas....


Last edited by TC><Injecter (2006-01-10 10:47:57)

Not to mention the fact that all the dead squadleader has to do is leave the squad and then rejoin again and he is able to spawn with his squadmates.
Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|6895|Houston, TX
I think the idea would be a good one if the sniper had to be the one to identify the squad leader.  For example, have the squad leader have a small stripe on the helmut or on his eppelets.  I don't think something different should show up on the players red name id.  That makes it too easy.  Snipers don't have that luxury.  But if I manage to see a stripe or some denotation that the "guy on the left" is the squad leader, amidst a firefight, while they are moving,  and I do it from 500 ft out.... 


"Death from Afar"
Carlos Hathcock Jr
+7|6862|'Ull, Yorkshire, England
I agree that the sniper should have to identify the squad leader themselves but its not exactly feasible with everyone running different systems with different graphics settings. I also realise that you can leave the squad and rejoin when the new squad leader is selected but i still think it's a good idea, the squad system has a lot of advantages but no disadvantages, surely there should be some for the purpose of balance.

I can't wait to get the new sniper and hope it's not the M82 that everyone has been saying it will be, i'd much rather have a silenced sniper rifle (something i thought the special forces expansion should have had as standard) or a more accurate semi-automatic (perhaps an MSG-90 to keep with EA's Heckler and Koch fetish)

Another idea i had was for the Laser Designator, i think it could be integrated into the game and used to paint targets for the SU30 and F15's laser guided bombs, this would offer the advantage of the guy in the jet not having to wait for the target to be painted by the jet's own Laser Designator, and just having to line up the shot. I think this idea would add a great extra team role to the sniper, they could prove crucial in the preparation of a base for an attack - spotting infantry and vehicles, killing the infantry and lasing the vehicles for a jet.
Sorry if this was already mentioned but adding to the first post I would like to see them make it so you cannot punish for people who are in range of mines and claymores.  I mean people just run over that stuff and call you an idiot and a moron and I'm always like "well did ya see the big red skull and crossbones on your screen or is this your first day here?"  Now, mind you I rarely play those kits and maybe its because of that reason.  And I always ALWAYS place the mines on the edges of the road so my teamates can drive safely between them but their is always this ONE GUY who just has to find his way over to them and then punish me.  I've only got about 18 hours as repair guy to my 200 hours as Spec ops so thank god then cant blow up my c4 by running it over.  Although I"m sure they'll find a way some day!  HA!  Oh and just to be fair, I to have run over the mines so I know it happens to all of us but I dont punish for that UNLESS I find that they have locked  all the team vehicles in an area where we cant drive around them.   Thats just stupid
I think the idea is only apealing to snipers My view on this is: leave it like it is. As a squad leader you have enough trouble dealing out orders and generally try staying alive so the team mates can spawn on you. If you would be a special target would make it less attractive to become Squad-Leader and might even spoil the squad-system.
i like the idea, thumbs up, although u wont be able to see any kind of insignia  on the helmut or shirt from a decent distance, in the name is fine.
laser designator sounds good too
Carlos Hathcock Jr
+7|6862|'Ull, Yorkshire, England
I don't think it will hurt the squad leader system if the distance at which you can see that they are a squad leader is limited (like i said in my first post) If a sniper can only see this within 100m then i think its perfectly fair, maybe everyone won't choose to shoot the squad leaders first but they should certainly be given the choice. I personally prioritise my targets when i am a sniper, if i see an enemy squad 100m away i will shoot snipers first, then the guys with assault rifles, and if i could see who was the squad leader i would shoot him before everyone else, cos otherwise they'll only keep appearing. What are peoples opinions on my Laser Designator idea? I think its pretty faultless whereas the Squad Leader idea has a few flaws.
Don't make me toothpick you.
+31|6855|The beautiful hills of Sharqi
Maybe, we should get a minigun sniper rifle, yes the likelihood of that happening is the same as that, look for one guy, shoot him, then shoot the other, or dont take out the leader, let them keep respawning with him more kills for you..
+114|6901|England : East Yorkshire
Nice Idea m8
Last of the Uchiha
+4|6862|Hong Kong, China
Bad idea, in real life, soldiers and squad leaders are the pretty much the same, since they know you guys are there and they won't do anything that will show who's Joe Private and Captain John Doe. And no, no one shot kill sniper rifles, (partly due to lag) and becuase BF2 is about army fights, with a one shot kill, then it's pretty much armour whoring - deals with armour, sniper whoring, deals with troops and wala! BF2: Whoring edition! Fun for all whores and noobs!
I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|6980|Denver colorado
kill them all. thats the plan.

oh and when im sniper i actually can see the difference in the leader and the rest. its the way the pwople walk and guard the main. if a guy is crouching down waiting and a support spawns on him the guy is the leader.
One thing in BF2 definetely sucks about the sniper....the viewing distance.

"Stealthy loner who excels at the long range kill" - Hmm,I don't think so!
Not if your average viewing distance is 100-150 meters and you have bunnyhopping SpecOps who shoot at you with their fullautomatic and highly accurate G36c.

Sniper should be able to engage targets which are too far away to be hit with assaultrifles,ok,ok,BF2  is not real life,but in real life assault rifles are for ranges up to 300meters,the sniper usually engages targets at 800-900 meters.

I think this gap between the rifles should be in BF2 too,if they have removed the "random spot"-bug in the sniperrifles they will be a lot more accurate but still you will have to be in assaultrifle-range to see your enemy because of the damn fog.And that's not excelling at the long(!) range kill!
Resident Emo Hater
+139|6825|Moscow, Russia
I know that in real life snipers hunt mainly for the officers, but your idea doesn't sound very interesting to me.
+0|6843|NEW YORK
My view on this is: leave it like it is if you cant fig out who  is in charge then you need to  play and learn more

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