Having played Battlefield 2 since it shipped and loved every life-sucking, soul addicting minute of it, I have to wonder whether the more vocal complainers are effectively damaging the game for those who truly appreciate it. Growing up playing multiplayer games was an education in itself - halflife deathmatch, dod, cs1.6, avp, sof, enemy territory, unreal were the games of my youth and yet they cannot hold a candle to the magnificence of Battlefield 2. The primal adrenaline pumping action is something that almost every game lacks but battlefield nails it.

Whether it's the thrill of soaring at mach 1 searching for targets or slipping unnoticed into the enemy base to destroy the artillery there is a world of options in the game. And yet people moan. They gnash their teeth. They scream to the gaming gods.

No game is perfect - each has its flaws but the community that this game attracts seems hell bent on extinguishing the game if only because they had problems with it.
Am I alone in the world never having had a problem with the game since the beginning? It never crashed on me bar a handful of times. I have never not found a low ping server. I have never seen more than a handful of minor bugs (not one single bug has ever been a game killer like so many other games are plagued with)

The assinine complaints of people - whoring this weapon or that technique - is ridiculous. It droives me insane to see page after page of people complaining about grenade launchers when the only job of the assault class is to kill other players or raging about the unfairness of being killed repeatedly because of their own stupidity.

I am glad there is some sanity left here - that there are threads explaining to the intelectually challenged that this is a WAR game - spawn camping is not unfair, killing people by whatever means necessary is not unfair, airpower in the game is not unfair.

I came here hoping that this forum would be different - that people would unite with a common desire to appreciate the game, to play the game and to accept one another. Sadly short of having a civil war of sorts on this forum not much will change that short of the complainers leaving out of boredom eventually.

A tragic blight on such an excellent game - one of the best investments I have made in terms of return - that few dare sing an ode to BF2
People can moan as little or as much as they please - you can just choose to ignore them.

I seriously doubt that EA employ somone to read these forums so I wouldn't worry about "complaining BF2 to death"
Pony Slaystation
+343|6855|Charlie One Alpha
It never crashed on me bar a handful of times.
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell

LaidBackNinja wrote:

It never crashed on me bar a handful of times.
i don't get it
after 300 hours plus of playtime and playtimes of over 6 hours with about 5 crashes in total in 6 months I think that that is fairly spetacular for any game

octavarium wrote:

People can moan as little or as much as they please - you can just choose to ignore them.

I seriously doubt that EA employ somone to read these forums so I wouldn't worry about "complaining BF2 to death"
What do you think each new patch tries to address - the whimsical dreams of the DICE staff?
My post is about the negativity surrounding Battlefield 2 - negativity that i cannot empathise with
negativity that has destroyed any long term whole community spirit
negativity that has discouraged thousands from trying what is the ultimate online shooter ever
negativity that has bred the apathy of the above responses - rather than leap to defend the game, the players, the forum there is a bored shrug of the shoulders

Last edited by $kelet0r (2006-01-10 07:04:37)

Pony Slaystation
+343|6855|Charlie One Alpha
So do you like the game or not?
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell
Save's UR @$$
+1|6892|Somewhere in NYC
well said.

i agree kinda. BF2 was supposed to be played for fun. i read in a topic here somewhere that also complained about people emphasizing too much on stats. and i agree with the poster too. i don't have the best stats. i don't have a 3:1 Win Loss Ratio, but when I do play, i bet i'm having more fun than the person worrying about his K/D and W/L ratios.

$kelet0r wrote:

LaidBackNinja wrote:

It never crashed on me bar a handful of times.
i don't get it
after 300 hours plus of playtime and playtimes of over 6 hours with about 5 crashes in total in 6 months I think that that is fairly spetacular for any game

octavarium wrote:

People can moan as little or as much as they please - you can just choose to ignore them.

I seriously doubt that EA employ somone to read these forums so I wouldn't worry about "complaining BF2 to death"
What do you think each new patch tries to address - the whimsical dreams of the DICE staff?
My post is about the negativity surrounding Battlefield 2 - negativity that i cannot empathise with
negativity that has destroyed any long term whole community spirit
negativity that has discouraged thousands from trying what is the ultimate online shooter ever
negativity that has bred the apathy of the above responses - rather than leap to defend the game, the players, the forum there is a bored shrug of the shoulders
Just because the people that complain constantly are assholes doesn't mean their opinions count.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

$kelet0r wrote:

Having played Battlefield 2 since it shipped and loved every life-sucking, soul addicting minute of it, I have to wonder whether the more vocal complainers are effectively damaging the game for those who truly appreciate it. Growing up playing multiplayer games was an education in itself - halflife deathmatch, dod, cs1.6, avp, sof, enemy territory, unreal were the games of my youth and yet they cannot hold a candle to the magnificence of Battlefield 2. The primal adrenaline pumping action is something that almost every game lacks but battlefield nails it.

Whether it's the thrill of soaring at mach 1 searching for targets or slipping unnoticed into the enemy base to destroy the artillery there is a world of options in the game. And yet people moan. They gnash their teeth. They scream to the gaming gods.

No game is perfect - each has its flaws but the community that this game attracts seems hell bent on extinguishing the game if only because they had problems with it.
Am I alone in the world never having had a problem with the game since the beginning? It never crashed on me bar a handful of times. I have never not found a low ping server. I have never seen more than a handful of minor bugs (not one single bug has ever been a game killer like so many other games are plagued with)

The assinine complaints of people - whoring this weapon or that technique - is ridiculous. It droives me insane to see page after page of people complaining about grenade launchers when the only job of the assault class is to kill other players or raging about the unfairness of being killed repeatedly because of their own stupidity.

I am glad there is some sanity left here - that there are threads explaining to the intelectually challenged that this is a WAR game - spawn camping is not unfair, killing people by whatever means necessary is not unfair, airpower in the game is not unfair.

I came here hoping that this forum would be different - that people would unite with a common desire to appreciate the game, to play the game and to accept one another. Sadly short of having a civil war of sorts on this forum not much will change that short of the complainers leaving out of boredom eventually.

A tragic blight on such an excellent game - one of the best investments I have made in terms of return - that few dare sing an ode to BF2
WORD. I fucking love you.

Besides Quake and Painkiller, I have never found a game so addictive in my life.
Pony Slaystation
+343|6855|Charlie One Alpha
But seriously though, the game kinda sucks, doesn't it?
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell
I completely agree with $kelet0r. If you take a look at the new patch than you will find that because people were complaining about things EA and DICE are making them weaker (Any air support of any kind) i think people need to stop bitchin and play the fucking game like it was meant to be.

LaidBackNinja wrote:

But seriously though, the game kinda sucks, doesn't it?

I do believe I've played nearly every big FPS to date, and BF2 is by far the best ever. Maybe FPS just aren't your thing if you think it sucks.
i can't believe you grew up playing first person shooters (3d games).  i grew up with calico vision and atari.

CBRacky wrote:

i can't believe you grew up playing first person shooters (3d games).  i grew up with calico vision and atari.
I grew up with Atari too, owned over a hundred games for it.

However, I was commenting on FPS games which have not been around for as long.
Pony Slaystation
+343|6855|Charlie One Alpha

Torin wrote:

LaidBackNinja wrote:

But seriously though, the game kinda sucks, doesn't it?

I do believe I've played nearly every big FPS to date, and BF2 is by far the best ever. Maybe FPS just aren't your thing if you think it sucks.
Lol I was just kidding, in fact I love BF2, though I still think there are some serious issues with the game. If I hated it then why the hell would I play it?
I don't think BF2 is the best FPS ever though, that honor is reserved for Half-Life. I love playing FPS more than any other type of game, and can mention many games that are better then BF2. A good example of a recent game would be F.E.A.R. There are tons of other FPS games that surpass BF2 in many areas. But for a massive online shooter, BF2 is pretty good.
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell
Heres a different take:

I love complainers.

Last night I was playing on Oman and was USMC. The team I was on that round really rocked and we captured all the flags almost imediately.

I was in an F-35 and concentrated on the enemy planes. I starfed the AA on the enemy runway and killed this guy, then killed him again. The other F-35 also killed him at least 2 times by this time. Pretty soon he was whining that he was getting raped and started the swearing and insults {not to me but to the other pilot}. Keep in mind that this guy was spawning and imediately running to the same AA emplacement and getting nailed every time. I mean that is all he did the entire round.

For the first time in over 200 hours of play time I made it a mission to kill only one person. All those little babies that spend more time typing swears and insults instead of staying alive and helping thier team suddenly had a focal point. I killed this guy at least 6 times and the other pilot killed him at least a couple of more than me. By the end of the round even his own team was ridiculing him. While it was not one of my most productive rounds, damn was it fun.

I have respect for the guys that are on my "favorite victims" list because they all kept charging hard. Some killed me, I killed them, but not one of them ever complained about it being unfair. My biggest enemy killed me from a tank on the MEC uncap base on Oman when it was the last base on our side. No compaints, I kept hitting him with AT and killed him a few times. He just killed me a whole lot more ;}

Lots and lots of people have to remember that THIS IS A VIDEO GAME! Once the water warms up I'm going fishing and BF2 will will go back to 2nd place.

LaidBackNinja wrote:

Torin wrote:

LaidBackNinja wrote:

But seriously though, the game kinda sucks, doesn't it?

I do believe I've played nearly every big FPS to date, and BF2 is by far the best ever. Maybe FPS just aren't your thing if you think it sucks.
Lol I was just kidding, in fact I love BF2, though I still think there are some serious issues with the game. If I hated it then why the hell would I play it?
I don't think BF2 is the best FPS ever though, that honor is reserved for Half-Life. I love playing FPS more than any other type of game, and can mention many games that are better then BF2. A good example of a recent game would be F.E.A.R. There are tons of other FPS games that surpass BF2 in many areas. But for a massive online shooter, BF2 is pretty good.
Perhaps for it's time Half-Life was better, I will admit to playing that one heavily. For it's time though, Quake 1 IMO probably the best shooter. However, BF2 trumps them all when taking into account how FPS games have evolved. Then again I'm a vehicle whore, so I can't imagine the run-and-gun games like Half-Life, Quake, etc. having nearly as much appeal. A lot of games have good single player appeal based on their graphics and physics, but for shere fun and longterm appeal, the battlefield series has IMO provided the highest level of dynamic gameplay to keep it fun for years. Prior to Desert Combat for BF1942, I don't think I played any single FPS for 3+ years alone.

But while we're reminiscing, I do miss the days of nailing people mid-air with rockets/lightning gun in Quake (1-2) and later the railgun, Shock rifle whoring in UT, Plasma pistol whoring with the Predator in AVP2, Shrink gunning in Duke3D (especially playing friends in person and talking trash after stepping on them ), Making 4 star general in 8 map rounds of Enemy Territory, plane whoring on El Alamein in DC (oh how I miss you cluster bombs), whoring the medium-heavy saber sweep in JK:2 or force pushing a rocket back into someone's face and even back when I was a kid rounding a corner in Wolf3D and getting frightened from the sound of the german soldiers spouting "Luft Waffa" as they light you up. Good times. Nowadays, I get my jollies from filling the kill box with SU-34 bombing spam.
F.E.A.R. for me was a major let down just when I thought it was just getting good I was on the last 20 minutes...

I've yet to play a modern single player FPS that held it's own against the original half-life. That game I really did enjoy playing.

occamsrezr wrote:

$kelet0r wrote:

LaidBackNinja wrote:

i don't get it
after 300 hours plus of playtime and playtimes of over 6 hours with about 5 crashes in total in 6 months I think that that is fairly spetacular for any game

octavarium wrote:

People can moan as little or as much as they please - you can just choose to ignore them.

I seriously doubt that EA employ somone to read these forums so I wouldn't worry about "complaining BF2 to death"
What do you think each new patch tries to address - the whimsical dreams of the DICE staff?
My post is about the negativity surrounding Battlefield 2 - negativity that i cannot empathise with
negativity that has destroyed any long term whole community spirit
negativity that has discouraged thousands from trying what is the ultimate online shooter ever
negativity that has bred the apathy of the above responses - rather than leap to defend the game, the players, the forum there is a bored shrug of the shoulders
Just because the people that complain constantly are assholes doesn't mean their opinions count.
apperntly to ea it does people keep bitching about "bunny hopping" -"omfg hes jummping i cant soot him"-- and enough people started crying about this now ea is making it so you cant jump and shoot at the same time.like that will make people stop crying.
Pony Slaystation
+343|6855|Charlie One Alpha
In response to Torin:

Oh man, are you right about UT and AVP and Quake. I remember being a little kid and playing Quake online on our modem(!) using just the keyboard and a rocket launcher. Though I must say that I STILL play Half-Life to this day, or at least the mods created for it. SvenCoop is very entertaining online, and Natural Selection is a very interesting mod. It has a team of marines fighting against a team of aliens. The marines are weaker individually but they are very strong if they work together and one person becomes commander (sounds familliar?). The commander sees the game like a real-time strategy game, and orders the rest of the team around while building buildings and such. Much nicer commander system than that of BF2. The alien team is much more solo-play, and I'd imagine you a Onos whore

Last edited by LaidBackNinja (2006-01-10 07:56:32)

"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell

Esker wrote:

F.E.A.R. for me was a major let down just when I thought it was just getting good I was on the last 20 minutes...

I've yet to play a modern single player FPS that held it's own against the original half-life. That game I really did enjoy playing.
Yeah, as far as single player goes, Half-Life was probably the best for it's time. Mainly because the story and elements of gameplay that were never seen before in an FPS.

Sorry for the off-topic posts.
+0|6902| Bosnia & Herzegovina
EA will continue to find ways to rip us off, believe me... they just started with the "booster packs" new content which everywhere else is free
Jeepers Creepers
+136|6877|Peoria, Illinois

Torin wrote:

LaidBackNinja wrote:

But seriously though, the game kinda sucks, doesn't it?

I do believe I've played nearly every big FPS to date, and BF2 is by far the best ever. Maybe FPS just aren't your thing if you think it sucks.
100% with you on that one. I've played over 100 FPS games and this one takes the cake in addictions based merely on it's versatility. I get bored of tank whoring so I fly a chopper. I get bored of the nade launcher so I play sniper. I get bored of killing people, so I sabotage the enemy assets or play medic. The versitality is what has me hooked. There are still bugs that need fixed but they aren't bad enough to keep me from playing.
Save's UR @$$
+1|6892|Somewhere in NYC
Why the constant EA bashing? It's a corporate entity. It's sole purpose is to generate revenue. Im thankful they released BF2. sure, dice created the game. EA created the hype for BF and since then online FPS haven't been the same.

What they brought into the genre far outweighs the petty complaints people have for BF2. So what if people can bunny hop? You know where they're going to land, dont you? So what if they use their GL's against you, you should have taken cover.

This game was written with code and EVERYONE has the same copy. If they can do it, so can you. Why is it unfair?
The assinine complaints of people - whoring this weapon or that technique - is ridiculous. It droives me insane to see page after page of people complaining about grenade launchers when the only job of the assault class is to kill other players or raging about the unfairness of being killed repeatedly because of their own stupidity.

I am glad there is some sanity left here - that there are threads explaining to the intelectually challenged that this is a WAR game - spawn camping is not unfair, killing people by whatever means necessary is not unfair, airpower in the game is not unfair.

I came here hoping that this forum would be different - that people would unite with a common desire to appreciate the game, to play the game and to accept one another. Sadly short of having a civil war of sorts on this forum not much will change that short of the complainers leaving out of boredom eventually.

A tragic blight on such an excellent game - one of the best investments I have made in terms of return - that few dare sing an ode to BF2
I've got no trouble with grenade launchers, nor planes for that matter as long as I have access to the anti-air weaponry that will put you down with one shot and that when you fly back to rearm there's a 45 minute turnaround time at the airfield, assuming that the runway isn't so cratered that you can't take off again...get my drift?

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