Just a hundred times? No wonder I missed it...
But thanks..I didnt know...guess we'll just wait and see
grandmaster league revivalist

joviaaldreetje wrote:

Just a hundred times? No wonder I missed it...
But thanks..I didnt know...guess we'll just wait and see

You´re welcome.
+127|6831|WPB, FL. USA
There are only 3009 signatures on the petition - We can do better than this...

The only thing that can move a mountain is God and people united - We are not God!  ...are we united?
+127|6831|WPB, FL. USA
fuzzyballs -

I was going to quote you, however, I read your post again and realized you're a pinko EA commie spy, another Tokyo Rose {dress included}, you are a {erm, well, uh} - Oh! you work for them - one of those suck up to the corporate money types.

In all unseriousness thou - I totally disagree with you {and I've been a Director level Corp type}.

EA/DICE/IGN pirated BF2S for all the reasons you have mentioned - and still can't get it right. 

You missed the root of your own argument.  You are correct - the majority of people will not complain or post in forums.  However, it's the vocal few that speak for the majority and it  will cause debate that will create change.  Look at the effect that we {people who are members of BF2S} have had on finding bugs and glitches, and testing beta's, etc.   You say they have no obligation to us...  Incorrect!  They have an obligation to their share holders and I am a share holder.  Even if you are not a share holder they have more of an obligation to our group for many reasons {e.g. we influence the game through competition and debate, we directly and indirectly advertise their product which increases sales,  we give more important feedback to them and that leads to improved game play and increased product sales,  had we not spoke up and out about the issues in BF2 then 2142 would not have enjoyed the relative success it has had so far, we are not the "button punchers" we are dedicated gamers who keep the game alive, we the people...}.

IMO - The worst thing EA/DICE/IGN can do with it's BF2142 stats is to keep them inbred and internally based.  I would say you are focused on the "Corporate Real World" and the "Whinny" few.  The majority of us {us and them} just want them in a format we chose - and IMHO BF2S is my choice and is the best format.

My business plan to EA/DICE/IGN - I would highly recommend that you consider an open feed to select outlets.  I would suggest you consider BF2S due to it's membership base and their customer demand.  The benefit to you is the free advertising as well as the free feedback and testing that this large group has offered in the past and will continue to offer in the future.  I would strongly encourage you to consider BF2S as an advertising expense that, through demographics, is your core base gamers.  A great business decision would be to partner with various outlets that will promote your brand and potentially increase member base and have a positive impact on profits.  It is not in EA/DICE/IGN interests to single out any group or groups that requests available information or to negatively affect the customer base by not heeding the demands of it's core consumers.

Well I for one will not buy 2142 until they open up the feeds, supporting what AAFCptKabbom said about influence.  I am sure most of my clan mates agree and will not buy it either (one did buy it before this all became an issue he understood).  As for the rest forget it.  Also my disdain is not just for 2142 but other EA games as well.  I was going to get Madden 07 but I thought twice about.  Just my 2 cents!!

Last edited by {C4C}Phoenix (2007-01-28 20:56:57)

grandmaster league revivalist
I would like to know what happened to the "Write-An-Email-To-EA-Support" thing? My mail jsut got redirected, because i told them that their statssite is pathetic, lol.
So, any news on that subject?
Karma Whore.. LOL
Psychotic Doc: "Stats are for stat padders, thats why EA doesn't want them out, breeds cheaters and haxers, and cry babies, here below is a list of nearly 3000 babies,, grow up,, doh, guess i shouldn't have petetioned lol,, oh well, EA knows what their doing,,"

who is this wanker? firstly, he signed the petition saying he wants stats, when he actually doesnt want them.
secondly, he just abused 3047 members (including himself), whats the freaking point over the internet?

maniacmattie wrote:

Psychotic Doc: "Stats are for stat padders, thats why EA doesn't want them out, breeds cheaters and haxers, and cry babies, here below is a list of nearly 3000 babies,, grow up,, doh, guess i shouldn't have petetioned lol,, oh well, EA knows what their doing,,"

who is this wanker? firstly, he signed the petition saying he wants stats, when he actually doesnt want them.
secondly, he just abused 3047 members (including himself), whats the freaking point over the internet?
Just give him a break, he possibly just stopped to suck his thumb, and wanted to be seen. Don't care about that.  Anyway, I have two words of advice for him: Grow up.
Junglist Massive

{C4C}Phoenix wrote:

Well I for one will not buy 2142 until they open up the feeds, supporting what AAFCptKabbom said about influence.  I am sure most of my clan mates agree and will not buy it either (one did buy it before this all became an issue he understood).  As for the rest forget it.  Also my disdain is not just for 2142 but other EA games as well.  I was going to get Madden 07 but I thought twice about.  Just my 2 cents!!
I'm not buying it either.  I've had a few games on the demo and I would actually quite enjoy the game, especially as I've just finally got a half decent graphics card and totally upgraded my machine, but quite frankly I'll never buy BF2142 until the feeds are open.  There are plenty of other games out there, and I'm looking forward to ET:QW.  The stats don't actually matter to me, but the principal of just nicking the idea of web-browsable stats, doing a half-baked site and blocking anyone else from doing it is enough to mke me think twice before buying any new EA games.
+66|7015|Missoula, MT
How 'bout some stats EA?
yeah its pretty low of EA to keep the stats feed all to themselves they must really be scared that no-one will visit their site if they release a feed to other sites(which will definitely happen now that they have let it get to this stage ) and has anyone been to the stats page? its so amazingly crap compared to anything that bf2s or bf2stats could conjure up! you don't get to see how many # medals you've won it just says that you've won that particular one but doesn't specify how many times!!! so annoying!!! the bfhq has the amount you've done to a particular requirement so why doesn't their bloody page do that too!!  how hard can it be?! really! my 2 cents worth peace everyone and good gaming

Last edited by youdy120 (2007-02-15 08:40:36)

Do BF2S have a case to sue EA for stealing many of ther stats ideas??
Evil Geniuses for a sparsely populated tomorrow

ZeeDeuce*TBE* wrote:

Do BF2S have a case to sue EA for stealing many of ther stats ideas??
I don't think you can patent graphs and things of statictcal analsys.  The actual layout of the EA Stats site is not stealing anything ( it just sucks).

The leaderboard is the main thing that they took from this site and put in the game, but then this site is not first place to do something like that so there is no grounds for a lawsuit there.
Hey guys, I've got an idea. Let's build a big wall around the EA headquarters like the Great Wall of China, so they will get stuck inside and die because they can't get out. Lol.
Evil Geniuses for a sparsely populated tomorrow
I found this on another site that is now updating there stats.

200 BF2142 Stats Updates per day
  We are now updating 200 BF2142 stats a day.
We are only able to update those Soldiers who are registered on our site, and have not been updated since 7 days.

Do you want to participate? Than join us now!

- Register yourselves if you have not done so (Please remember the Authentication email which will be sent to the email address given by you during the registration)

- Login to
- Click on 'User Control Panel' -> 'Soldier'
- Please Add you Soldiers name in the little Input field

Please see here the Tutorial

Your soldier will now be included into our Update Queue.
You have now two ways to find out about your position in our Queue.
1. Go to 'User Control Panel' -> 'Soldier' your Queue number should show in the standard column.
2. Go to your stats page and look at the Category 'Other Data'.

Please do not worry if there should not be any name shown for your soldier but an PID instead, these are Players who are not on our system. This will be added later.
Please always remember if you have added more than one Soldier to your Profile, we are only able to update the soldier who is marked as Standard.

I hope to bridge the time that EA / IGN / GameSpy is using to find a solution for stats sites and ranked servers to work together without any inconvenience while playing or retrieving stats.
IGN blocked all stats sites from retrieving their stats as it caused a big performance hole on their Masterservers.

I do appreciate all your patience and am sorry for any inconvenience caused.

At a later stage I will add a little link to a Tutorial for all those Instructions.

HigH_HawK … r+day.html

Just wondering if EA/IGN/GameSpy/DICE has contacted Chuy about stats feed?  Is and the other stats sites in the letter from the first post getting the cold sholder?

Edit:  The site is already over run for convenent updates... currently it will be 34 days before my stats will update.

Last edited by cheshiremoe (2007-02-20 13:09:17)

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