The Lizzard
Drink driving was a big problem, but not so much anymore.

Of course, the state governments seem determined to make it into an issue again by removing designated drivers.......................
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6807|Teesside, UK

fadedsteve wrote:

Well, I thought we took the cake as far as crime goes anyway!!

But for such a smaller nation than the USA, that's a high number for Australia. . .
Yeah I do agree with that.
I guess i used your point to show to the other guys acting like America was an angel that every where has crime and just cause criminals think they have a less chance of being caught in one country so commit more crime doesn't make them any different to scum in another country who carry out less robberies to minimise risk of being caught.

fadedsteve wrote:

I have a .45 right next to my bed if any asshole wants to bust into my apt. . .I am not a violent person (except on the lacrosse/football field) but I'd rather be safe than sorry. . . plus its my right as a citizen to own a gun, so why not exercise my rights?? I will tell you that the Glock I own is an expensive little devil!!!
I sometimes fear that the UK is heading in that direction with knives.  I have a baseball bat which may not be as affective but when combined with criminal arriving at top of stairs would hopefully have the required result
Cowboy from Hell
Did Australia ban Grand Theft Auto (one of them, I don't remember which)?  I think it was Australia some time ago.
Cylons' my kinda frak

sergeriver wrote:

Did Australia ban Grand Theft Auto (one of them, I don't remember which)?  I think it was Australia some time ago.
Yes. But they released a censored version some time later.

Though they did recall San Andreas due to the "Hot Coffee" mod/patch. And released it again without the software containing it.

Edit: I think a game called Manhunt is banned. Same goes with Postal.

Last edited by Macca (2007-02-18 05:55:15)

Real Хорошо
+826|6672|Adelaide, South Australia

sergeriver wrote:

Did Australia ban Grand Theft Auto (one of them, I don't remember which)?  I think it was Australia some time ago.
I think it was San Andreas, but only after 'Hot Coffee' came out. Which is kinda weird when you look at all the 'x' rated mods for Oblivion, and nothing is said about that...
Cowboy from Hell
They are doing pretty well with murders per capita, compare these stats.  Colombia has 15 times more murders per capita than US, and 41 times more murders than Australia.
GOP Sympathizer
+266|6644|Menlo Park, CA

sergeriver wrote:

They are doing pretty well with murders per capita, compare these stats.  Colombia has 15 times more murders per capita than US, and 41 times more murders than Australia.
Jesus Christ 15 times more murders than us!! That is a huge number considering the two populations!!

Colombia is a fucked up country. . . the drug cartels basically run the show, and if you cross them, YOUR DEAD! Sad state of affairs. . .

I thought Australia was such an innocent little enclave out in the pacific where aborigines and white people cohabitate in harmony. . . guess not! lol

They are jackin' cars like its going out of style!! I guess the spawn of criminals (former penal colony) and their actions don't "fall to far from the tree" eh. . .
The Lizzard

fadedsteve wrote:

That is a huge number considering the two populations!!
Two words: per capita.
O Canada
+1,596|6558|North Carolina

Major_Spittle wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Doms wrote:

If i were you, id really be running for the hills right now. Your country invaded Iraq, got into a major war(s) in which you killed thousands or your own people, G.W.B is just a complete and utter dumbass, and you are the fattest nation in the world. I don't mean to affend but i mean to point out how hypocritcal you are being right now. Correct me if i am wrong.
I never said I was the biggest fan of my country, and believe it or not, I'll probably be living in Canada in about 10 years.  The company I work for has some jobs up there.
10 years, what is with the long wait.  Canada could use a person like you.
True...  but the cost of moving is a bit more than I can deal with at the moment.  I need a passport as well.

Don't worry, Major, I'll try harder to move in that direction.  I know you'd prefer it. 
+43|6545|Wollongong, NSW, Australia

Ice Cold Killa wrote:

Because we have aboriginals.....
I'll have $20 on you not personally knowing 1 indigenous person.....

Come to think of it, I'll have $20 on you not finishing High school......
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6828|Canberra, AUS

fadedsteve wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

They are doing pretty well with murders per capita, compare these stats.  Colombia has 15 times more murders per capita than US, and 41 times more murders than Australia.
Jesus Christ 15 times more murders than us!! That is a huge number considering the two populations!!

Colombia is a fucked up country. . . the drug cartels basically run the show, and if you cross them, YOUR DEAD! Sad state of affairs. . .

I thought Australia was such an innocent little enclave out in the pacific where aborigines and white people cohabitate in harmony. . . guess not! lol

They are jackin' cars like its going out of style!! I guess the spawn of criminals (former penal colony) and their actions don't "fall to far from the tree" eh. . .
-1 for not getting the words 'per capita'. You do know that it means 'per person', right? The US isn't too bad though, however it's up there with the lower-GDP nations.

Though that graph makes interesting reading compared with this.

Last edited by Spark (2007-02-18 23:02:43)

The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
The Lizzard

Ratzinger wrote:

Ice Cold Killa wrote:

Because we have aboriginals.....
I'll have $20 on you not personally knowing 1 indigenous person.....

Come to think of it, I'll have $20 on you not finishing High school......
Hey, be fair.  As Cronulla locals were kind enough to show us, you can graduate in Australia and still be a violent thug.  Just make sure your gang colours are the same as Johnnie Howards'.

Last edited by Bubbalo (2007-02-18 23:00:43)

+46|6680|Middle of nowhere, California
call me stupid, but maybe one of the reasons is because in the US guns are legal, so store owners can defend themselves from robberies, and in australia and UK they are banned........ and for car theft, idk, maybe there are lots of rich people with sweet cars that get stolen all the time?? lol idk
smells like wee wee
I am shocked by these stats. I have not been a victim of crime for 15 years. My house was robbed a couple of times when I was a kid but thats it
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6754|132 and Bush

This is a 2003 report but it says the cost of crime cost Australia 32 Billion dollars. That's an awful lot considering you gdp isn't it (5percent)? http://www.aic.gov.au/media/2003/20030409.html
Xbone Stormsurgezz
The weapon laws are very strict here in Australia. Pretty much all of the crime would be commited by dumb ass bogans.
+21|6513|The Great South Land
....this is the second thread in as many weeks, supposedly showing official statistics highlighting every country as ruined and fugged up....except america...

What a load of shit...and what a self righteous continent....The US are on their Roman empire "high" at the moment and are in overdrive, trying to ruin the reps of every one else but themselves....ruining other cultures so as to seem superior....

Crime in Australia is manufactured/created by the US....

.....Rape became commonplace here in Aust. as soon as the internet arrived(surprise surprise), mens(esp. young mens) respect for woman(esp. non rich women) here deteriorated even more, immigration was increased on a society already in racial flux, worthy jobs were made impossible to obtain to all but the best looking people, racial hatred constantly fostered through Tv.......hell, tv even made an announcment a few years ago that depression is going to rise to 75% of the pop. soon......no reason given, they just seem to know it would....funny that...

you see... if you expose the individual to constant change, you will confuse them(as a person or as a society).

From there you can bully them by "letting them know"they lack the skills for the modern(changing) society, then you either sell them that which they already had, or make them give up something important(religion,marriage,love,fulltime work) in exchange for something they do not need(which is detrimental to them) like computer addiction, porn, "cool"crime, casual jobs, loveless life.....

Now when you try to bullshit someone(or an entire society) constantly, and they can tell...they get pretty pissed off....         and that will lead to violence (tv constantly feeds violent instincts)

So the anger is there, the knowledge of violent acts is there, the racial indifference is there, the confusion is there........

America(and the other rich elites) want a world where they alone are the priveliged, wasting the last of the worlds resources alone, while everyone else is reduced to "human waste"

Its obvious the industrial age is over and there's millions of working class worldwide that they(the rich) have NO use for......
So, to dispose of them and to help the class system along, they are using tv to make particular people worldwide(non beautiful)hate themselves (then provoke destroying themselves/their life)....

I'd rather hunt with Cheney than ride with Kennedy
+83|6855|Little Rock, Arkansas

Superglueman wrote:

....this is the second thread in as many weeks, supposedly showing official statistics highlighting every country as ruined and fugged up....except america...

What a load of shit...and what a self righteous continent....The US are on their Roman empire "high" at the moment and are in overdrive, trying to ruin the reps of every one else but themselves....ruining other cultures so as to seem superior....

Crime in Australia is manufactured/created by the US....

.....Rape became commonplace here in Aust. as soon as the internet arrived(surprise surprise), mens(esp. young mens) respect for woman(esp. non rich women) here deteriorated even more, immigration was increased on a society already in racial flux, worthy jobs were made impossible to obtain to all but the best looking people, racial hatred constantly fostered through Tv.......hell, tv even made an announcment a few years ago that depression is going to rise to 75% of the pop. soon......no reason given, they just seem to know it would....funny that...

you see... if you expose the individual to constant change, you will confuse them(as a person or as a society).

From there you can bully them by "letting them know"they lack the skills for the modern(changing) society, then you either sell them that which they already had, or make them give up something important(religion,marriage,love,fulltime work) in exchange for something they do not need(which is detrimental to them) like computer addiction, porn, "cool"crime, casual jobs, loveless life.....

Now when you try to bullshit someone(or an entire society) constantly, and they can tell...they get pretty pissed off....         and that will lead to violence (tv constantly feeds violent instincts)

So the anger is there, the knowledge of violent acts is there, the racial indifference is there, the confusion is there........

America(and the other rich elites) want a world where they alone are the priveliged, wasting the last of the worlds resources alone, while everyone else is reduced to "human waste"

Its obvious the industrial age is over and there's millions of working class worldwide that they(the rich) have NO use for......
So, to dispose of them and to help the class system along, they are using tv to make particular people worldwide(non beautiful)hate themselves (then provoke destroying themselves/their life)....

Bubbalo, I think everytime this dude opens his mouth, Australians loose some of their cred with the whole "bashing Americans for waving the flag" thing.

Anyway, to respond to your post, you're exactly right. So would you please hurry up and die, I need to fuel the jet for my hunting expedition in Africa next week. And while I'm hunting endangered animals and bashing in the skulls of baby seals for my child's new baby bib, I think I'll eat some caviar from the breasts of a beautiful naked woman. Perhaps some blow too.

Then I can run for President.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6828|Canberra, AUS

Superglueman wrote:

....this is the second thread in as many weeks, supposedly showing official statistics highlighting every country as ruined and fugged up....except america...


You do know what would happen if we WEREN'T the US's ally, right?
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Self-loathing narcissist.
+41|6523|QUT, GP.

Superglueman wrote:

....this is the second thread in as many weeks, supposedly showing official statistics highlighting every country as ruined and fugged up....except america...

What a load of shit...and what a self righteous continent....The US are on their Roman empire "high" at the moment and are in overdrive, trying to ruin the reps of every one else but themselves....ruining other cultures so as to seem superior....

Crime in Australia is manufactured/created by the US....

.....Rape became commonplace here in Aust. as soon as the internet arrived(surprise surprise), mens(esp. young mens) respect for woman(esp. non rich women) here deteriorated even more, immigration was increased on a society already in racial flux, worthy jobs were made impossible to obtain to all but the best looking people, racial hatred constantly fostered through Tv.......hell, tv even made an announcment a few years ago that depression is going to rise to 75% of the pop. soon......no reason given, they just seem to know it would....funny that...

you see... if you expose the individual to constant change, you will confuse them(as a person or as a society).

From there you can bully them by "letting them know"they lack the skills for the modern(changing) society, then you either sell them that which they already had, or make them give up something important(religion,marriage,love,fulltime work) in exchange for something they do not need(which is detrimental to them) like computer addiction, porn, "cool"crime, casual jobs, loveless life.....

Now when you try to bullshit someone(or an entire society) constantly, and they can tell...they get pretty pissed off....         and that will lead to violence (tv constantly feeds violent instincts)

So the anger is there, the knowledge of violent acts is there, the racial indifference is there, the confusion is there........

America(and the other rich elites) want a world where they alone are the priveliged, wasting the last of the worlds resources alone, while everyone else is reduced to "human waste"

Its obvious the industrial age is over and there's millions of working class worldwide that they(the rich) have NO use for......
So, to dispose of them and to help the class system along, they are using tv to make particular people worldwide(non beautiful)hate themselves (then provoke destroying themselves/their life)....

*Goes into a corner and dies of shame*
I don't mind cultural / country debate threads, even some of the obscenely ignorant ones like 'Lulz, Australia is full of crims becuz crimnal jeans passed thru blood, you agree?', but I pity the people of a country that gets a representative who goes out of their way to make them look like idiots. Do not listen to this guy's views, he doesn't represent anyone but himself, same for all the other morons who make your respective countries look like a swamp of buffoons.

Hmm.. Self pity at the moment then..
Cylons' my kinda frak

Superglueman wrote:

....this is the second thread in as many weeks, supposedly showing official statistics highlighting every country as ruined and fugged up....except america...

What a load of shit...and what a self righteous continent....The US are on their Roman empire "high" at the moment and are in overdrive, trying to ruin the reps of every one else but themselves....ruining other cultures so as to seem superior....

Crime in Australia is manufactured/created by the US....

.....Rape became commonplace here in Aust. as soon as the internet arrived(surprise surprise), mens(esp. young mens) respect for woman(esp. non rich women) here deteriorated even more, immigration was increased on a society already in racial flux, worthy jobs were made impossible to obtain to all but the best looking people, racial hatred constantly fostered through Tv.......hell, tv even made an announcment a few years ago that depression is going to rise to 75% of the pop. soon......no reason given, they just seem to know it would....funny that...

you see... if you expose the individual to constant change, you will confuse them(as a person or as a society).

From there you can bully them by "letting them know"they lack the skills for the modern(changing) society, then you either sell them that which they already had, or make them give up something important(religion,marriage,love,fulltime work) in exchange for something they do not need(which is detrimental to them) like computer addiction, porn, "cool"crime, casual jobs, loveless life.....

Now when you try to bullshit someone(or an entire society) constantly, and they can tell...they get pretty pissed off....         and that will lead to violence (tv constantly feeds violent instincts)

So the anger is there, the knowledge of violent acts is there, the racial indifference is there, the confusion is there........

America(and the other rich elites) want a world where they alone are the priveliged, wasting the last of the worlds resources alone, while everyone else is reduced to "human waste"

Its obvious the industrial age is over and there's millions of working class worldwide that they(the rich) have NO use for......
So, to dispose of them and to help the class system along, they are using tv to make particular people worldwide(non beautiful)hate themselves (then provoke destroying themselves/their life)....

Are you high?

America has certainly had it's fair share of "America bashing" threads. All I can say is it's about time our country got one.
Though my natural patriotism is going into override to prove that these statistics are wrong. Because I myself, have never been a victim of crime (probably only at school when someone little shit stole my stationary equipment).
In all, I think that someone who creates a post like this ^^^, is only reinforcing what International Folk are already thinking about those statistics.
I have a question. How exactly did they work out what percantage of crime wasn't reported.....
Zee Tank Skank
+80|6853|MoVal So-Cal

Superglueman wrote:

....this is the second thread in as many weeks, supposedly showing official statistics highlighting every country as ruined and fugged up....except america...

What a load of shit...and what a self righteous continent....The US are on their Roman empire "high" at the moment and are in overdrive, trying to ruin the reps of every one else but themselves....ruining other cultures so as to seem superior....

Crime in Australia is manufactured/created by the US....

.....Rape became commonplace here in Aust. as soon as the internet arrived(surprise surprise), mens(esp. young mens) respect for woman(esp. non rich women) here deteriorated even more, immigration was increased on a society already in racial flux, worthy jobs were made impossible to obtain to all but the best looking people, racial hatred constantly fostered through Tv.......hell, tv even made an announcment a few years ago that depression is going to rise to 75% of the pop. soon......no reason given, they just seem to know it would....funny that...

you see... if you expose the individual to constant change, you will confuse them(as a person or as a society).

From there you can bully them by "letting them know"they lack the skills for the modern(changing) society, then you either sell them that which they already had, or make them give up something important(religion,marriage,love,fulltime work) in exchange for something they do not need(which is detrimental to them) like computer addiction, porn, "cool"crime, casual jobs, loveless life.....

Now when you try to bullshit someone(or an entire society) constantly, and they can tell...they get pretty pissed off....         and that will lead to violence (tv constantly feeds violent instincts)

So the anger is there, the knowledge of violent acts is there, the racial indifference is there, the confusion is there........

America(and the other rich elites) want a world where they alone are the priveliged, wasting the last of the worlds resources alone, while everyone else is reduced to "human waste"

Its obvious the industrial age is over and there's millions of working class worldwide that they(the rich) have NO use for......
So, to dispose of them and to help the class system along, they are using tv to make particular people worldwide(non beautiful)hate themselves (then provoke destroying themselves/their life)....

lol at your small brain...lol. Nice one trying to pass rape off as a side effect of the internet too. everyone knows that Australia is filled with arrogant asses like yourself. There is no best country dipshit...and you really shouldn't be talking about crime as Australia was founded by criminals. So you see, crime in australia is manufactured by Australians because they cant tell fantasy from reality (the internet porn for example and violent TV as well). Have a nice day.
Cowboy from Hell
When I opened the thread about shooting in US, it only was to make a point in the firearms issue, not to make a comparison.  This thread is another "My country is better than yours".

sergeriver wrote:

When I opened the thread about shooting in US, it only was to make a point in the firearms issue, not to make a comparison.  This thread is another "My country is better than yours".
Impossible. A thread opened to investigate an aspect of a certain country invites replies to compare with others.

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