Cheeseburger Connoisseur

Jestar12345 wrote:

We've got too many lebos in our Country.
Oh. That hurt.

Im a little surprised at those statistics - but i dont care either way. all i know is, its an election year here in nsw and both parties are trying to pump out so many law and order policies that they might as well rewrite the Crimes Act. So they have obviously identified a problem with law and order - at least here in nsw - and are looking to get public support by 'fixing it'. so i guess that backs up the statistics somewhat.

and YES we were founded as a penal colony by the british (and i really think it has no bearing in the slightest about what our crime levels are today), but i personally think we should be proud of our convict history. our sporting colours - instead of green and gold - should be orange jumpsuits, or maybe the old black arrows on white shirt and pants. now THATS nationalism i could get behind.
Well, I was going to say it was because they are all descended from criminals, but it appears about 17 people beat me too it.

Second best guess: The aboriginal darkys are responsible.  I mean, look at their aboriginal rap music and aboriginal spinna's and NaviCrocs.
Commie Killer

Kmarion wrote:

The#1Spot wrote:

-=]NS[=-Eagle wrote:

Becuase Australia is on planet Earth and is inhabited by humans, that is why there is alot of crime there.
then explain why Japan has one of the most people per sq mile and its very very low on the list of crimes
The average Japanese person makes considerably more money? Higher than the US average as well.
The cost of living in Japan is also much higher if I am not mistaken.
+98|6812|Penrith, N.S.W, Australia
we have to many lebs, who hate Australia.
+617|6560|NSW, Australia

ozzie_johnson wrote:

we have to many lebs, who hate Australia.
its true
Cylons' my kinda frak

Cougar wrote:

Second best guess: The aboriginal darkys are responsible.  I mean, look at their aboriginal rap music and aboriginal spinna's and NaviCrocs.
I think they just copy African-Americans. They're all trying to be like 50 Cent lol.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6829|Canberra, AUS
Some mosques have had the brilliant idea of sticking australian flags outside
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

sergeriver wrote:

You know Bubbalo is probably asleep, don't you?
The mental images...Seed of Chucky stuff. lol
+26|6787|Newcastle NSW Australia
Those stats seem about right to me

Last edited by Boogeyman81 (2007-02-17 22:18:49)

+2|6592|GPS Error
i would like to know how they made the statistic about how many crimes are reported, if they are not reported, how do they know they happened?  do they hire people to commit crimes and count how many get reported to make the stat?  im confused :S
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6755|132 and Bush

75345 wrote:

i would like to know how they made the statistic about how many crimes are reported, if they are not reported, how do they know they happened?  do they hire people to commit crimes and count how many get reported to make the stat?  im confused :S
There is the PDF of the report that involved that stat. Have at it.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Steve Irwin Reincarnate

some_random_panda wrote:

Lol, I'm in Australia right now and I've never been robbed, shot, assaulted in other ways, had my car stolen or even been so much as offended in public.
Same with me, Ive lived here all my life and never being a victim of any of the above crimes.  Im sure if you took a microscope to those figures and looked at which Australian states top the crime lists it would tell a different story.

Pubic wrote:

JahManRed wrote:

Ok, ill take a stab at it. Good topic. BTW
I know close to nothing about Oz crime TBH. Seeing as NZ and Oz are both topping the lists. Could it be that the people that our committing the crime are the indigenous population who have been oppressed through the decades and who have been, over the years fenced off into suburbs of the major cities, with no real employment, hope or prospects? Turning to crime.....perhaps??
Another explanation could be that Oz and NZ have allot of faith in their police forces, so they actually report crime. I have been robbed on more than one occasion, had my car smashed up several times and been threatened with death, but never reported any of it, as I (up until lately) had absolutely no faith in my police force. Same is true of almost everyone I know.
Around 60% of NZ's prison population are Maori/other Pacific islanders, but they only make up about 20% of the population here (80% european descent).  If I got robbed, had my car smashed etc I'd definitely report it, as without a police report I couldn't claim insurance.

Get rid of meth and you'll see our crime rate drop.
My car has been broke into maybe 4 times and I don't report it, like most people here. If you make an insurance claim it drives your already criminal insurance premiums up through the roof. I think oz and nz insurance is regulated by the government? Is it? Could be a link.
+617|6560|NSW, Australia

~Smokey~ wrote:

some_random_panda wrote:

Lol, I'm in Australia right now and I've never been robbed, shot, assaulted in other ways, had my car stolen or even been so much as offended in public.
Same with me, Ive lived here all my life and never being a victim of any of the above crimes.  Im sure if you took a microscope to those figures and looked at which Australian states top the crime lists it would tell a different story.
my house has been robbed twice i think but that was like 6-10 years ago
Real Хорошо
+826|6673|Adelaide, South Australia

<<<FTDM>>>Gen.Raven wrote:

~Smokey~ wrote:

some_random_panda wrote:

Lol, I'm in Australia right now and I've never been robbed, shot, assaulted in other ways, had my car stolen or even been so much as offended in public.
Same with me, Ive lived here all my life and never being a victim of any of the above crimes.  Im sure if you took a microscope to those figures and looked at which Australian states top the crime lists it would tell a different story.
my house has been robbed twice i think but that was like 6-10 years ago
House robbed three times, Garage and tool shed robbed once, two Trampolines stolen.
Maintaining My Rage Since 1975
+124|6683|Hillside, Melbourne, Australia

Fenris_GreyClaw wrote:

<<<FTDM>>>Gen.Raven wrote:

~Smokey~ wrote:

Same with me, Ive lived here all my life and never being a victim of any of the above crimes.  Im sure if you took a microscope to those figures and looked at which Australian states top the crime lists it would tell a different story.
my house has been robbed twice i think but that was like 6-10 years ago
House robbed three times, Garage and tool shed robbed once, two Trampolines stolen.
Yeah, but thats because you live in Adelaide
+617|6560|NSW, Australia

Fenris_GreyClaw wrote:

<<<FTDM>>>Gen.Raven wrote:

~Smokey~ wrote:

Same with me, Ive lived here all my life and never being a victim of any of the above crimes.  Im sure if you took a microscope to those figures and looked at which Australian states top the crime lists it would tell a different story.
my house has been robbed twice i think but that was like 6-10 years ago
House robbed three times, Garage and tool shed robbed once, two Trampolines stolen.
you can have my tramapoline, its all broken and springs fly at you when get jump on it, and im pretty sure the mat is gonna fall through any moment
GOP Sympathizer
+266|6645|Menlo Park, CA
Damn Australia has some crime issues!! I had no idea your car thefts were that bad!!

I would like to see a bunch of Australian criminals come here to California and try to steal cars in Watts, CA. . .or Richmond, CA!! lol

Safe to say they would get a big CAP IN THAT ASS!!!
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6808|Teesside, UK

fadedsteve wrote:

Damn Australia has some crime issues!! I had no idea your car thefts were that bad!!

I would like to see a bunch of Australian criminals come here to California and try to steal cars in Watts, CA. . .or Richmond, CA!! lol

Safe to say they would get a big CAP IN THAT ASS!!!
yeah my basic calculations based on the size of population show that car thefts in Australia are at 440,539 instead of the 2,115,967 in America.  fucking appalling.
sorry if I'm repeating someone.. but this is just car theft and burglary... who cares?! Just get insurance... at least no1 gets murdered anywhere near as much!
The Lizzard

Major_Spittle wrote:

What are the gun laws in Australia?
Strict: and look at the murder rates.  Also, look at total crime.  Of course, some other crimes also look bad, but then that might just as well mean we're better at prosecuting!

In short: none of these numbers are very reliable indicators without further data.

Last edited by Bubbalo (2007-02-18 04:03:51)

Self-loathing narcissist.
+41|6524|QUT, GP.

Fenris_GreyClaw wrote:

<<<FTDM>>>Gen.Raven wrote:

~Smokey~ wrote:

Same with me, Ive lived here all my life and never being a victim of any of the above crimes.  Im sure if you took a microscope to those figures and looked at which Australian states top the crime lists it would tell a different story.
my house has been robbed twice i think but that was like 6-10 years ago
House robbed three times, Garage and tool shed robbed once, two Trampolines stolen.
I've never been robbed, but my uncle's house has been twice. Culprits turned out to be two Maoris and a ute (explains how they took the TV, it was massive...), not that I'm blaming them. Other than that, I've never heard of anyone I know being mugged or attacked unless it was a regular fight. My aunt did get raped by Aboriginals when she was twelve, but that's another story. That's the extent of crime I've heard of / witnesses in my lifetime concerning myself and people I know.
The Flying Kalakukko.
+94|6685|The lunar module
Thanks for the OP, very interesting stats site.

I knew Finns are suicidal, but this, this and this came as a bit of a surprise.
GOP Sympathizer
+266|6645|Menlo Park, CA

crimson_grunt wrote:

fadedsteve wrote:

Damn Australia has some crime issues!! I had no idea your car thefts were that bad!!

I would like to see a bunch of Australian criminals come here to California and try to steal cars in Watts, CA. . .or Richmond, CA!! lol

Safe to say they would get a big CAP IN THAT ASS!!!
yeah my basic calculations based on the size of population show that car thefts in Australia are at 440,539 instead of the 2,115,967 in America.  fucking appalling.
Well, I thought we took the cake as far as crime goes anyway!!

But for such a smaller nation than the USA, thats a high number for Australia. . .

Our murder rate in this country is what is appalling!! Its unreal how many people get sniped here in the USA. Thats why you gots to carry some heat so you are prepared!! lol

I have a .45 right next to my bed if any asshole wants to bust into my apt. . .I am not a violent person (except on the lacrosse/football field) but I'd rather be safe than sorry. . . plus its my right as a citizen to own a gun, so why not exercise my rights?? I will tell you that the Glock I own is an expensive little devil!!!
Cylons' my kinda frak
I've never had my car broken into, my house has never be burgled, I've never been assaulted...etc.

Then again, I do live in Western Australia.

But, I think the biggie over here is car accidents. I mean, there are so many drunk drivers over here, they always manage to find the only tree on the road, or the only car at 1:00am.

We also have this program over here, I don't know if any of you international folk have heard of it, but it's callled "Neighbourhood Watch". Apprently this program helps minimize burgleries by 7-16%.

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