
klassekock wrote:

buLLet_t00th wrote:

I cant believe nobody has said that Australians are criminals through blood. Is that not really known around the world?
So you basically mean that the penal colonies from 1800 are inherited by blood? That's totally crazy but maybe still be a small possibility.
He's joking...
What do you expect from a country started with criminals as the main population.
Lock doors??
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6754|132 and Bush

It looks like much of those crimes have actually declined since 2000 so gj. … pendix.pdf (Page 5)
(Of course the source is from the Police of Australia)

Last edited by Kmarion (2007-02-17 12:06:53)

Xbone Stormsurgezz
Proud Born Loser

ghettoperson wrote:

klassekock wrote:

buLLet_t00th wrote:

I cant believe nobody has said that Australians are criminals through blood. Is that not really known around the world?
So you basically mean that the penal colonies from 1800 are inherited by blood? That's totally crazy but maybe still be a small possibility.
He's joking...
I'm not joking. It may actually be true!  *IRONY*

Last edited by klassekock (2007-02-17 12:09:42)


Ok, ill take a stab at it. Good topic. BTW
I know close to nothing about Oz crime TBH. Seeing as NZ and Oz are both topping the lists. Could it be that the people that our committing the crime are the indigenous population who have been oppressed through the decades and who have been, over the years fenced off into suburbs of the major cities, with no real employment, hope or prospects? Turning to crime.....perhaps??
Another explanation could be that Oz and NZ have allot of faith in their police forces, so they actually report crime. I have been robbed on more than one occasion, had my car smashed up several times and been threatened with death, but never reported any of it, as I (up until lately) had absolutely no faith in my police force. Same is true of almost everyone I know.

Last edited by JahManRed (2007-02-17 12:17:16)

Ima Crunchatize you.
+170|6836|The Lou

JahManRed wrote:

Ok, ill take a stab at it. Good topic. BTW
I know close to nothing about Oz crime TBH. Seeing as NZ and Oz are both topping the lists. Could it be that the people that our committing the crime are the indigenous population who have been oppressed through the decades and who have been, over the years fenced off into suburbs of the major cities, with no real employment, hope or prospects? Turning to crime.....perhaps??
Another explanation could be that Oz and NZ have allot of faith in their police forces, so they actually report crime. I have been robbed on more than one occasion, had my car smashed up several times and been threatened with death, but never reported any of it, as I (up until lately) had absolutely no faith in my police force. Same is true of almost everyone I know.
They already showed your second theory.... they only report 50%
Say wat!?
You have to take into account that more things might be counted as a crime there. Anti social behaviour in Britain is probably the largest crime, by that i mean chavs get fined and given asbos all the time, increasing the amount of "crime" committed.

Vilham wrote:

You have to take into account that more things might be counted as a crime there. Anti social behaviour in Britain is probably the largest crime, by that i mean chavs get fined and given asbos all the time, increasing the amount of "crime" committed.
Chav season should follow duck season.......................
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6754|132 and Bush

I may just be an ignorant American, I had to look up

Last edited by Kmarion (2007-02-17 12:32:29)

Xbone Stormsurgezz
+127|6498|Twyford, UK
Because it's Australia. It's populated by the descendants of the contents of british prisons around the time it was discovered.

JahManRed wrote:

Ok, ill take a stab at it. Good topic. BTW
I know close to nothing about Oz crime TBH. Seeing as NZ and Oz are both topping the lists. Could it be that the people that our committing the crime are the indigenous population who have been oppressed through the decades and who have been, over the years fenced off into suburbs of the major cities, with no real employment, hope or prospects? Turning to crime.....perhaps??
Another explanation could be that Oz and NZ have allot of faith in their police forces, so they actually report crime. I have been robbed on more than one occasion, had my car smashed up several times and been threatened with death, but never reported any of it, as I (up until lately) had absolutely no faith in my police force. Same is true of almost everyone I know.
Around 60% of NZ's prison population are Maori/other Pacific islanders, but they only make up about 20% of the population here (80% european descent).  If I got robbed, had my car smashed etc I'd definitely report it, as without a police report I couldn't claim insurance.

Get rid of meth and you'll see our crime rate drop.

Last edited by Pubic (2007-02-17 14:42:16)


TheOneAndOnlyX wrote:

Wow, now I don't want to move there. I thought it was a cool place, but with crime like that, no one should live there. Also look how the UK is higher than the U.S. too.
Nice one there, beliving an internet thread and some random you have never met in real life.

TheOneAndOnlyX wrote:

no one should live there

klassekock wrote:

Could it be that australians are more eager to report crime simply because they have faith in the Law enforcement?
No, i have no faith in our cops, me and a few friends were almost arrested for 'smashing open a parking meter' Why? becouse we lived in housing commision, in Pyrmont. Lets just say its not an area you will want to bring your kids too.

Last edited by Doms (2007-02-17 14:52:42)

Flamesuit essential

Lol, I'm in Australia right now and I've never been robbed, shot, assaulted in other ways, had my car stolen or even been so much as offended in public.

Skorpy-chan wrote:

Because it's Australia. It's populated by the descendants of the contents of british prisons around the time it was discovered.
And I'm Chinese.

Last edited by some_random_panda (2007-02-17 14:47:53)

+46|6761|DFW, Texas

Skorpy-chan wrote:

Because it's Australia. It's populated by the descendants of the contents of british prisons around the time it was discovered.
O Canada
+1,596|6558|North Carolina
Yep...  Australia was founded by criminals.  They also happen to have a criminal as their prime minister, but you could say we have a criminal president as well.
Flamesuit essential

Jello.01 wrote:

Skorpy-chan wrote:

Because it's Australia. It's populated by the descendants of the contents of british prisons around the time it was discovered.
Remember that Australia's got a much higher proportion of foreigners (non Anglo-saxon descendents from convict days) than other countries.  In fact, a Muslim Cleric recently got in hot water for saying something like that in public over here.

Someone wake bubbalo.

And yes, I dislike John Howard.

Last edited by some_random_panda (2007-02-17 14:51:59)


Turquoise wrote:

Yep...  Australia was founded by criminals.  They also happen to have a criminal as their prime minister, but you could say we have a criminal president as well.
If i were you, id really be running for the hills right now. Your country invaded Iraq, got into a major war(s) in which you killed thousands or your own people, G.W.B is just a complete and utter dumbass, and you are the fattest nation in the world. I don't mean to affend but i mean to point out how hypocritcal you are being right now. Correct me if i am wrong.
O Canada
+1,596|6558|North Carolina

Doms wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Yep...  Australia was founded by criminals.  They also happen to have a criminal as their prime minister, but you could say we have a criminal president as well.
If i were you, id really be running for the hills right now. Your country invaded Iraq, got into a major war(s) in which you killed thousands or your own people, G.W.B is just a complete and utter dumbass, and you are the fattest nation in the world. I don't mean to affend but i mean to point out how hypocritcal you are being right now. Correct me if i am wrong.
I never said I was the biggest fan of my country, and believe it or not, I'll probably be living in Canada in about 10 years.  The company I work for has some jobs up there.
Ima Crunchatize you.
+170|6836|The Lou

Doms wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Yep...  Australia was founded by criminals.  They also happen to have a criminal as their prime minister, but you could say we have a criminal president as well.
If i were you, id really be running for the hills right now. Your country invaded Iraq, got into a major war(s) in which you killed thousands or your own people, G.W.B is just a complete and utter dumbass, and you are the fattest nation in the world. I don't mean to affend but i mean to point out how hypocritcal you are being right now. Correct me if i am wrong.
Someones on there period.
Qualified Expert
+62|6618|Melbourne - Home of Football
It's very important to read carefully, on the defintions section this is what it reads" "

Definition: Crime statistics are often better indicators of prevalence of law enforcement and willingness to report crime, than actual prevalence.

This will go a long way to explaining why Australia is at the top of a couple of these lists.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6754|132 and Bush

HURLEY wrote:

Doms wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Yep...  Australia was founded by criminals.  They also happen to have a criminal as their prime minister, but you could say we have a criminal president as well.
If i were you, id really be running for the hills right now. Your country invaded Iraq, got into a major war(s) in which you killed thousands or your own people, G.W.B is just a complete and utter dumbass, and you are the fattest nation in the world. I don't mean to affend but i mean to point out how hypocritcal you are being right now. Correct me if i am wrong.
Someones on there period.

<BoTM>J_Aero wrote:

It's very important to read carefully, on the defintions section this is what it reads" "

Definition: Crime statistics are often better indicators of prevalence of law enforcement and willingness to report crime, than actual prevalence.

This will go a long way to explaining why Australia is at the top of a couple of these lists.
True but if you also look Australians are reporting it on 50 percent of the time. That is below a good portion.

Last edited by Kmarion (2007-02-17 15:50:04)

Xbone Stormsurgezz
+276|6808|United States of America

Turquoise wrote:

Doms wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Yep...  Australia was founded by criminals.  They also happen to have a criminal as their prime minister, but you could say we have a criminal president as well.
If i were you, id really be running for the hills right now. Your country invaded Iraq, got into a major war(s) in which you killed thousands or your own people, G.W.B is just a complete and utter dumbass, and you are the fattest nation in the world. I don't mean to affend but i mean to point out how hypocritcal you are being right now. Correct me if i am wrong.
I never said I was the biggest fan of my country, and believe it or not, I'll probably be living in Canada in about 10 years.  The company I work for has some jobs up there.
10 years, what is with the long wait.  Canada could use a person like you.
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6874|Sydney, Australia

some_random_panda wrote:

Lol, I'm in Australia right now and I've never been robbed, shot, assaulted in other ways, had my car stolen or even been so much as offended in public.

Skorpy-chan wrote:

Because it's Australia. It's populated by the descendants of the contents of british prisons around the time it was discovered.
And I'm Chinese.
I too have never been a victim. Don't know that these 'stats' are credible.

There is more crime in places like the USA. I'll bet my left testicle on it. Our cops just own.

+53|6623|Little Rock, AR

klassekock wrote:

ts-pulsar wrote:

klassekock wrote:

This is most interesting figures. My theory to Australias high crime rate is that they have an excellent police force. They simply solve many crimes, thus it shows in the statistics. Or, I may be completely wrong. It's up to Bubbalo to correct me when he wakes up. I also see that Sweden is a top ten in some figures.
I don't think that would be the case, as all of these crimes would be recorded when they are reported to the police.  Car theft is not going to be left out of those statistics just because the police haven't solved the crime yet.  Same for burglary and robbery.
Yes Major Spittle I'm swedish. Very observant of you.

And ts_pulsar. I have another theory for you to consider.
Could it be that australians are more eager to report crime simply because they have faith in the Law enforcement?
I dunno.  I would definitely report my car being stolen here in the states.  Do you honestly think it's likely that people wouldn't at least report a crime such as car theft or burglary?
+4|6814|Australia, Adelaide
Yes Major Spittle I'm swedish. Very observant of you.

And ts_pulsar. I have another theory for you to consider.
Could it be that australians are more eager to report crime simply because they have faith in the Law enforcement?
Perhaps us Aussies have a higher percentage of people with insurance, and are more reporting...

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