Raiders of the Lost Bear

Simple enough, when you're in someone's house, play by their rules.
^^ No joke.

Don't like someones no swearing policy? Play on another server or host your own. They pay so you can play.
+0|6759|Wherever I may roam

Leonnoe1 wrote:

^^ No joke.

Don't like someones no swearing policy? Play on another server or host your own. They pay so you can play.
Exactly.. do any of you people who advocate cursing on someone else's server have any idea how much it costs monthly for a ranked server?  It's typically around $4.00 per slot ($64/month for 16 players and on up from there).  At that price, I think the server admins can dictate whether or not they want you to curse on their servers.  As soon as you (the ones who want to curse) want to pony up donations for those servers, then you have a say in what goes on. 

Like others have said ad nauseum, if you don't like the rules, change servers.  It's as simple as that.
+164|6804|Normal, IL
I pay with my own hard-earned money for a server that doesn't allow swearing.... it will auto kick you, and tell you what: I like it that way. Respectful playing is why the group of guys i play with started the server we have. even if you aren't swearing, but you are being disrespectful, we will kick you still..... its just a game, no reason to make anything personal
+50|6734|Southern California
Here's a repeat of my post and I'm gonna put the first part in bold.

i very seriously doubt any of you lil children have the proper academic background to debate the nuances of free expression in any setting.

having said that

fuck non-cussing servers. what kind of lil mormon babies run those things? it is absurd that anybodies mind could seriously come up with the idea of banning profanity in a game that is about mass murder. Seriously. Fucking lose the pretense that somehow cussing is going to have a negative impact on your mind while playing a military game about killing your fellow man "DARN IT, that guy said the F-word at me and then called me gay just cus I was trying to blow his brains out!" - especially when talking about the potential risk to children seeing naughty words that they "shouldn't even know exist!!!!." Just shup up. I'm with the original poster here. The same seriousness which allows players to get angry and cuss at an online stranger is the same one that leads people to be offended by the words. At what point do you relinquish that seriousness and say "who cares if some 13 year old in bumfuck kansas called me gay shiteater."


OK. Get it? It's that simple.

comet241 wrote:

...its just a game, no reason to make anything personal
Oh, cool. Well the funny thing about it is that if some 15 year old from Reno thinks that your dad is gay and recants his fictional tale of how he slept with your mom just because you killed him, and you boot him for that, then you've gone and taken the game personally. Yeah yeah, I get it. "I paid for it I can do what I want." How nice. It doesn't do anything to refute the fact that enforcing verbal behavior standards is at the same level of immaturity as behavior that is meant to offend and annoy.

Psycho wrote:

Some of you are missing the point. These are servers paid by other people. If you don't like the rules on a server - go play somewhere else. I have no problem with swearing, but if I'm on someone elses server I respect their rules - it's their house.

Too bad there's no way for private server owners to charge people coming into their server (like $1.00 per hour), then maybe people will apprecitate what they have been getting for free.
Just shut up here. This is nonsensical. Players owe no more to server owners than server owners owe to players. It's easy to say that but what that particular line of reasoning leads to when taken to it's logical extreme is that players should be grateful, obedient, and should conform to the desires of the server owner in regards to what makes a good game and what type of players they want to see. That's almost too stupid to talk about why it's so stupid. The game is good and popular because people are able to enjoy it in a private and individualized way - they're encouraged to specialize and form factions - to innovate, and to do things in new ways. This is what builds a community. THis is what makes the game fun. And without players in public servers the admin would be sitting around with the few small minded friends he/she has enjoying the 300 ticks of the 64 person server with 8 other people.  As I said, yeah, yeah, yeah. Somebody bought it and they can make the rules. It doesn't mean that the rules they make can't be stupid. Speach regulations in a videogame are stupid. The idea that some strange gamer half a world away can possibly say anything that could be defined as offensive is stupid. The idea of catering to any standard of offense is stupid. Period.

Kalidescope wrote:

clearly you dont have children of your own.
Oh kalidescope! People like you are the best argument for liscencing and regulating birth. Well my friend, when I do have children, I will be sure that they read John Stuat Mill's "On Liberty" at the earliest possible age so they can appreciate the value of obscenity in free societies. I certainly won't raise them in a bubble where they are exposed to nothing that is offensive and if I shelter them from anything it certainly won't be language and culture. Words are really only offensive if you allow them to be. People like you make the world dumb.

Here's another lil soapbox moment for you:

Free speech doesn't exist for speach that's not offensive. It only exists for speach that is offensive. This is for two main reasons: Society is better off if people are offended and if their boundaries are challenged, it is more harmful to an individual to have their expression repressed than to be exposed to something "foul." Free speach exists only for speach that is offensive - non-offensive speach doesn't need protection jackasses. Repression is repression is repression no matter what environment it takes place in. Ok? Got it? online community, video game, street corner, etc. To not accept offensive expression as valid is to be fascist in attitude.

As far as racism goes: there are valid arguments to be made that speach codes do not do anything to combat racism. In fact, forcing those with irrational hatred to bottle their hatred and seek places where they can express their hatred with like minded people in safety only goes to further divide those groups of people from the rest of society. Free speach is also pretty valuable because it provides a forum for ideas and attitudes to be tested and eventually abandoned when they have no merit. Also - you gotta think - if you can't disassemble somebodies reasoning through discourse maybe their opinion has some validity? It's not like you have to deal with anybodies offense in this game.

Paternalism is death to liberty. What do you admins see yourse;ves as? some kind of benevolent father figures? Oh, you're gonna shelter people from the things that seek to do them harm! how kind of you. We're all much better off with you people controlling and regulating interaction people have with each other so that it's as pleasant as possible for everyone. Let's just avoid that whole pesky "learning self-control and to not care what some angry 12 year old gamer thinks of my sexuality" thing by just making sure he can't call me a "f4gz0r" to begin with. What a public service! Don't kid yourself. I may be taking this really seriously (I may have good cause), but atleast I'm not some retarded square whose mindset should earn me a free ticket to some mormon compound where I can't infect people with my poor reasoning and I can enjoy a nice "respectul" environment in peace.


I can understand regulating because of liability. Anything else is hard to justify philosophically unless you're some kind of fascist. Video game or not, you either value liberty or you don't.

Last edited by ComradeWho (2006-01-09 01:31:01)

Thread Ender
+58|6763|New Hampshire
Just to add my experience...

Got hit by the gayest language filter ever today - I got warned for saying damn, then got kicked for saying the server can suck me sideways - there was no admin, it was just the language filter picking up on SUCK.  A verb...right.

I want the language filter to be like it is on Americas Army where the user has the ability to have words that have certain spellings (such as fuck or ass, etc.) to be starred out on their game instead of being kicked.  It can be user defined by parents who don't want their kids seeing the stuff, or if you personally just don't want to see it.  Example - if someone wrote assault, it would show up as ***ault.  It'd be pretty gay at some points, but it would be a whole hell of a lot better than continually getting kicked or banned.
+50|6734|Southern California
that makes a lot more sense then the irrational shit that goes on now seraphim. i hate not being able to type "nice fuckin shot" because that's how i talk in real life regardless of the amount of Lil' Billys are listening.
Ti Faccio un Culo Cosi
+0|6786|San Carlos, CA

I find your mis-characterization of Mormons as "babies" quite offensive.  I think you can make your point without insulting 12 Million people because of their religious beliefs.  That, sir, is un-American.

If you choose to use a certain type of language that others don't choose to use, you do not have the right to do it in their personal space ie. servers they run.  Go find a place where you and like-mouthed individuals can use your words to your hearts content.  The rest of use choose to express ourselves otherwise.



i very seriously doubt any of you lil children have the proper academic background to debate the nuances of free expression in any setting.[/b]

having said that

fuck non-cussing servers. what kind of lil mormon babies run those things? it is absurd that anybodies mind could seriously come up with the idea of banning profanity in a game that is about mass murder. Seriously. Fucking lose the pretense that somehow cussing is going to have a negative impact on your mind while playing a military game about killing your fellow man "DARN IT, that guy said the F-word at me and then called me gay just cus I was trying to blow his brains out!" - especially when talking about the potential risk to children seeing naughty words that they "shouldn't even know exist!!!!." Just shup up. I'm with the original poster here. The same seriousness which allows players to get angry and cuss at an online stranger is the same one that leads people to be offended by the words. At what point do you relinquish that seriousness and say "who cares if some 13 year old in bumfuck kansas called me gay shiteater."
+50|6734|Southern California
Yeah yeah yeah. Would be just like a mormon to sit around playing a war game and then feel self righteous about talking about pleasant and respectful speach and creating a decent community.

Free speach exists precisely so that people can and will be offended on a regular basis. I really hate to take an immature comeback out of the conservative playbook here but "why don't you move to the soviet union if you don't like it." You fascist.

Having said that, if you can't see that my assault on mormoms was absurd, was mere hyberbole, was not a serious attack on the mormon faith than you sir must be some kind of dimwitted and sheltered mormon.
Ti Faccio un Culo Cosi
+0|6786|San Carlos, CA
As the Chairman of the College Republicans for my college, I'm offended that you consider your closed minded suggestion as coming from a conservative's playbook and even more suprised that you can actually read our playbook.  Or any book for that matter.

I could go on and on about your misquided and Larry Flint-esque interpretation of the First Amendment...  Try reading the Federalist Papers.

And on and on about your assumptions.  I'm actually a dimwitted and sheltered roman-catholic.

Sorry to disappoint you but thats the third time I've been called a Fascist in the last few months.  You now are in the company of 2 freshman girls with pink hair and muliple piercings in their face.  Congrats.

Good day to you sir.  And say hi to Hillary for me.

ComradeWho wrote:

Yeah yeah yeah. Would be just like a mormon to sit around playing a war game and then feel self righteous about talking about pleasant and respectful speach and creating a decent community.

Free speach exists precisely so that people can and will be offended on a regular basis. I really hate to take an immature comeback out of the conservative playbook here but "why don't you move to the soviet union if you don't like it." You fascist.

Having said that, if you can't see that my assault on mormoms was absurd, was mere hyberbole, was not a serious attack on the mormon faith than you sir must be some kind of dimwitted and sheltered mormon.
Lets see, "They may be kids online"

This game is 16+ kids will be playing at their own risk, its their parents responsability not ours/my not to swear. Its a freaking war game. I'm shooting you with a guy and you except to tell you "I love you!"

If you want a no cussing game go play telebubies or some kids shit.

Also PB is gay, if you say "Spawn as assualt we need flashbangs" you get kicked for ass. happened to me with my different words that contain some "ass" or some other "swearing word"

Last edited by CRIMS0N_W0LF (2006-01-09 05:18:52)

Moderator Emeritus
+148|6879|Cheshire, UK

d4rkph03n1x wrote:

Over here in Australia, the game is rated MA15+, meaning only individuals over 15 can play it. That means whoever is playing in Australia should be old enough to handle a few swear-words without their mothers getting up them. I think it's Gay. Just pussy ass gayness enforced into servers.
In the UK it is rated 16+. This does not mean that only people over the age of 15 can play it; it means that only people 16 and over may buy it.
Big difference.

As to the differences between playing a wargame and reading profane and abusive language: they are different.
You can have a debate about which is worse if you like but one is required to play BF2 and one isn't.

I have many reasons for not wanting foul language on my server but the main one is that it is offensive. It's a game. If you abuse other players in organised sport you risk being penalised; is this wrong? Why does this happen? Is it different because it's online and you are physically removed from the person you are abusing/insulting?
Competition is good, there are any number of places where you can be competitive but it doesn't mean you should be offensive.

ComradeWho wrote:

Free speach exists precisely so that people can and will be offended on a regular basis.
Free speach exists so that you can abuse other players in an online shoot 'em up?
Cume on, now who's being absurd?
If you want to challenge preconceptions, go ahead. If you want to rattle some cages, that's fine. If you want to shock the establishment with profanity, that's your choice (but you'll find the establishment harder to shock than that).
If you want to be rude, abusive and anti-social in a community that I tend with my time and money, you can expect me to get a little miffed.

I don't see myself as some benevolant father. I set these servers up for me, I wanted to take my gaming experience further, I wanted to attract like minded individuals to play alongside me in competition. I wanted a server where I knew it would be managed in line with my ethos of gaming. I wanted to build a community of people with whom I could socialise. All of this has happened and I am grateful.
I run the server the way I do because it's the kind of server I would want to play on. If I had extreme and unpopular tastes in server setup I would be sat all alone in there. As it happens one of them has recently entered the top 150 of all BF2 servers and is still climbing. It's this popularity that makes me feel I'm doing something right, that people appreciate the way the server is run. If I were to let people be as rude and offensive as they liked do you think the server would be more popular?

All this and I haven't mentioned the fact that most of those people who swear and abuse other players are those most likely to break other server rules (such as queue jumping). You may be shocked to learn (with your high moral opinion of swearing) that the level of abuse players spit out is a fair barometer of their lack of consideration for the other people playing the game. In short - smacktards swear a lot.

CRIMS0N_W0LF wrote:

...PB is gay...
CRIMSON, you are the biggest smacktard I ever had to ban from our server. Not only do you ask, nay beg, to join our clan you then constantly have to be told not to break our server rules. How did you ever expect to be alowed in? Then you come on here and slate one of our admins cos he had to kick you for breaking server rules. You were a cadet FFS you were supposed to be setting an example and proving yourself but EVERY time I saw you in-game you broke rules. To cap it all you then come onto MSN and ask if we'll help you hack into your ISPs computer to reset their details cos you had gone over your usage limits.
you can cuss and rant and be foulmouthed at every server...... you just don't have to type it.......
+302|6775|Salt Lake City

DocZ wrote:

you can cuss and rant and be foulmouthed at every server...... you just don't have to type it.......
Good point.  I've had some bad nights where I've said things that would make a sailor blush, but I don't feel the need to VOIP it, or type it out.
+4|6826|Birmingham, England
When i first heard people say "playing violent computer games has awrped the frgile little minds of our young...blah blah blah" I laughed my tits off. After hearing some of you guys go on, i'm seriously thinking that its true. However, not for the fact that it is a violent game, but because of the people that play them! Some of you guys are just plain nuts! Swear swear swear, moan moan moan, kill kill kill. I think perhaps we should take som kind of psychological tests before we are allowed to play these games, some people just shouldnt be allowed!
Its a game, relax, have fun and if you are getting frustrated, take a break ffs.

Oh, and i'm not a mourmon, a female, or a father type figure. I'm a 25 year old lad who swears quite a lot i suppose. I just dont get so freaking worked up about a game.
+50|6734|Southern California

rgp58 wrote:

As the Chairman of the College Republicans for my college, I'm offended that you consider your closed minded suggestion as coming from a conservative's playbook and even more suprised that you can actually read our playbook.  Or any book for that matter.

I could go on and on about your misquided and Larry Flint-esque interpretation of the First Amendment...  Try reading the Federalist Papers.
Buddy if you think JS Mill is Larry Flintesque then I don't know what to do then to repeat for the third time that you don't have the academic background to debate the nuances of free speach. They probably don't read him at Brigham Young University - gotta stick with the lighter Federalist. Mills arguments are probably too nuanced and contain too much common sense for someone like you to really grasp them. I bet those pink haired girls read JS Mill. Isn't it a shame people who claim to represent the party of business, responsibility, and a society based on merit still focus so much on image rather than talent? Maybe part of our economic decline is due to a culture of forced conformity in the business world which stifles innovation and diversity of ideas? Could it be? Are you really a college republican or just a caricature of one? Could it be that your little remark about pink haired girls is symbolic of one of the key pathologies of our business culture - that the long term gains of individuality and democratic participation should be sacrificed for the short term gain of conformity, totalitarian heirarchy, and efficiency? Could it be or am I just going off on a tangent? Either way you're still an idiot dude.

duffry wrote:

Free speach exists so that you can abuse other players in an online shoot 'em up?
Cume on, now who's being absurd?
If you want to challenge preconceptions, go ahead. If you want to rattle some cages, that's fine. If you want to shock the establishment with profanity, that's your choice (but you'll find the establishment harder to shock than that).
If you want to be rude, abusive and anti-social in a community that I tend with my time and money, you can expect me to get a little miffed.
Asssssss for that.... I can only repeat two of the things I've already said atleast once:
To acknowledge and give merit the "naughty words" typed by some perfect stranger - probably age 13 - in a video game who is angry because you are using a blackhawk is to operate at the same level of maturity and sophistication of that 13 year old.
Repression is repression is repression no matter where it takes place. You can't differentiate and qualify the arenas in which expression takes place as more or less valid. As long as human beings are participating and expressing themselves than they are affected by the boundaries and nature of that expression. Period. Who cares what you or anybody else paid for.
Last of the Uchiha
+4|6752|Hong Kong, China
In HK here, the rating does really matter since they'll sell it to you anyway. But I want to stress a few things:

1) Kids these days already swear at 10 and go swearing online is nothing new to them.

2) Offensive language is not going to get you anywhere, in BF2 and in here. Calling someone a Mormon is not going to help, not that it is a insult in the first place.

3) If someone is playing a game about war, I don't really see the piont of censoring out swear words in a game of this topic.

4) I've just been onto a server, and mention how the other guys 20mm Vulcan cannon blasted me out of MY COCKpit, and I get banned for saying the word COCK and ASS (from talking about noob-tubers not using the ASSualt rifle)

5) I am serisouly pissed.
I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|6759|Melbourne, Australia
the games like (m) 15+ no kids should be playing the game which means swearing should be fine any idiot who winges about it mite also like to wine about the violence and the fact that there is no option of the u.s the m.e.c an the .p.l.a of getting along and having a nice tea party ... *idea* i smell a new exspantion coming  I.M.I_Militant (serves rotten tea) playerxxx   *i.m.i has been punished for the nasty taste*

polarbearz wrote:

Simple enough, when you're in someone's house, play by their rules.
True it is always appropriate to follow someone's rules when your on their turf however.......

There is nothing wrong  wrong with constructively criticizing those views. Personally I see many levels of swearing. There are those that say ass and damn and shit, all of which arn't even close to as severe as someone screaming out fuck, or spewing racism.

I believe that language filters should be therefore changed on your servers to more severe racist, sexual, and Fuck.

Most of the time I see someone cursing a storm they usually use fuck more than they simply say the other curses that I listed above. Therefore why would you go as far as having a computer automated system simply boot anyone saying things like: Damn, your a really good shot. Or shoot his ass. Or Shit I had no idea you were there.

I have been kicked because i simply said damn and shoot his ass in the span of playing 5 maps on someones server, it wasn't in the same round, or even the same map.

It is simply a polite request to those of you that run a server. Just consider it.
I can swear up a storm on Ventrillo with my squad mates - all adults, but to type out "fuck you" - that is just stupid. Typical post for a 13-14 year old gamer.
Moderator Emeritus
+148|6879|Cheshire, UK

QuackinChicken wrote:

I believe that language filters should be therefore changed on your servers ...
...It is simply a polite request to those of you that run a server. Just consider it.
I don't run auto filters for this very reason. Should an admin not be watching then people get away with it but our admins can see what is being said without being ingame and will act accordingly.
If someone says "Awww crap!  I just got shot in the ass." I'll laugh, I'll not kick them.
I'm a member of a Christian BF2 clan ([url=http://walkonwater.cc]~wOw~[/url]), and we keep our servers a family friendly place to play.  Some of us have kids that play on the server with us, and we like to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for them to play in.

I'd recently played on a public server and I honestly had forgotten how bad the language and additudes can be.  We have a script on our server that kicks (maybe bans) people for swearing.  This includes common acronyms.

If you think swearing makes you mature, think again.  Your teenage friends might think you're cool, and maybe your daddy swore at you when you were a kid, but it's time to grow up.

Sometimes it's hard to do.  It's a habit.  The tongue is hard to control.

The fingers, however, are not.
Not swearing is no big deal. But I did get flagged for "WTF." I thought that was a little over the top.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6714|Canberra, AUS

Horseman 77 wrote:

Try this

( Puzzy, Cnut, DKHD, F@GG@T, Fuhq hed, Cheese DK, Azzole )

Someone sent me a Email how if you change the Middle letters the human Eye sees the Word anyway

Do you Unredstnad What Im am Saying ?

To add... all the usual cusses (fuck, shit) can be remedied by a simple exclamation mark e.g. f!ck, sh!t
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6714|Canberra, AUS

d4rkph03n1x wrote:

Over here in Australia, the game is rated MA15+, meaning only individuals over 15 can play it. That means whoever is playing in Australia should be old enough to handle a few swear-words without their mothers getting up them. I think it's Gay. Just pussy ass gayness enforced into servers.
That's why internode has no language filter (though it says dont swear, just as a request) and I don't play on GameArena

Although the M15+ doesn't stop me playing it...

Last edited by Spark (2006-01-18 00:05:41)

The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

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