Junglist Massive
Couldn't it refer to first rank on different axes when the international system was multi-polar?  Seems to make sense if you read the international relations article referenced in the opening paragraph.

Hyper power means nothing, since there is already provision for single polar superpower status in the current definition. 

And making up new works (like IUD or whatever booby traps) are called this week is very, very Orwellian.

Last edited by UON (2007-02-15 17:05:50)

+374|6687|Columbus, Ohio

UON wrote:

And making up new works (like IUD or whatever booby traps) are called this week is very, very Orwellian.
Improvised Explosive Device has been around for years.
Junglist Massive

usmarine2007 wrote:

UON wrote:

And making up new works (like IUD or whatever booby traps) are called this week is very, very Orwellian.
Improvised Explosive Device has been around for years.
I mean the new one... what is it again?
+63|6946|Los Angeles, California
Cant we all accept the fact that America is number one?. Look at it this way, Everyone is always making threads bashing the LORDOFWEED guy who happends to be number one in the world. Sound familier?.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6921|132 and Bush

UON wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

UON wrote:

And making up new works (like IUD or whatever booby traps) are called this week is very, very Orwellian.
Improvised Explosive Device has been around for years.
I mean the new one... what is it again?
Xbone Stormsurgezz

weamo8 wrote:

Vilham wrote:

fadedsteve wrote:

America isnt perfect, we have made mistakes, we are humans therefore prone to error!!

America is unique because it has the most success stories (i.e. immigrant to millionaire story).  People from all over the world want to come here because they have the best opportunity to succeed.  Contrary to others beliefs, America opens its doors to everyone, and encourages those who come here to become entreprenuers.  We defend the undefendable because it is in our constitution to give people due process.

What other country do you know of, donates the most in foreign aid to 3rd world countries?? There is NONE, America is the most generous country in the world. . . period!

We fight wars to better the world as a whole, not for Americas personal gain, contrary to European opinion.  We are a respected and misunderstood people as a whole! We are envied and scoffed at constantly, bottom line is were number one, and that aint changin anytime soon!!!

When you're number one, people/countries are out to take your title! They are jealous and want a piece of the action (so to speak), its very typical behavior to micromanage and find every fault of the most powerful and influential country in the world.  America is a great country, and those who are intelligent realize the benefit of America being the lone superpower as opposed to say. . .China or Russia.  Im not saying we are perfect, but we are far from being an evil nation out to destroy the world.
Actually America is one of the least generous countries based on their wealth. Just thought i should point that out. What is your right to say what is better? I would be more than happy for America to be number one if everything they tried to do didnt end up screwing up things.
I appreciate the story of the Widow's Mite, but this isnt Sunday School.  The fact is that Americans feed more impoverished people than any other country in the world.  That is called reality.  More filled stomachs, and less people starving to death is "better," imo.  Most is most.  In the future you can just say "Thank you."

We dont "screw everything up."  It is just that people only focus on what went wrong, not what went right.  Everyone in the world was okay with Iraqis dying when Saddam was killing them, but when we kill innocents in friendly fire and the like, there is international outcry.  Give me a break.
Read what Vilham said.

You give more but as you're so rich and so large you actually give a smaller percentage GDP than many.
Junglist Massive

Kmarion wrote:

UON wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

Improvised Explosive Device has been around for years.
I mean the new one... what is it again?
That's the bugger

sithao wrote:

Cant we all accept the fact that America is number one?. Look at it this way, Everyone is always making threads bashing the LORDOFWEED guy who happends to be number one in the world. Sound familier?.
Number one what?
Say wat!?

Kmarion wrote:

Braddock wrote:

kmarion wrote:

The United States is a Hyper Power
Like a child who's had too much sugar!

BN wrote:

Braddock wrote:

    The reason everyone goes on about America and its rights and wrongs is because for starters it is the worlds only remaining super power

is China not a superpower? Just cos they dont flex their muscle does not mean they are not powerful.
If you read the rest of my post i talk about the cultural affinity many countries share with America through film and popular culture that we do not feel with countries like China as we have little or no exposure to their culture, media or movies.
Yes a child that that is militarily, economically, and technologically dominant on the world stage (In a fraction of time). I wonder how I would feel being replaced on the world stage by the rookie. Europe is haunted by by its brutal past and insulted by America's upstart success. The old continental powers are still far from forgiving us for supplanting them in the strategic arena. The primary goal has been to prove that the United States is as cruel and corrupt as they themselves have been. When your heritage is genocide, wars of aggression, or cowardly surrender the record of the United States can be pretty hard to bear. The old powers cannot avoid measuring themselves against us, but the disparities they discover are so great that Europe's Moral delinquents can not help but comfort themselves with lies about our clumsiness, our violence, and our crudity. Perhaps they should stop and ask themselves how could such a pathetic mediocrities built the richest, most powerful exemplary society in history.
K marion thats where your mistaken... We arent haunted by our past at all. We have changed. America hasnt. America is still acting like Europe did 200 years ago. When will your nation grow up?

As to genocide... nuke anyone? Nearly exterminating the Red Indians?

Please give me a list of good political things your country have done and compare that too the number of invasion and poor political decisions you have made.

Please explain how talking about things you HAVE done in the past are "lies"?

As to exemplary.. your fucking delusional. A lot of European countries are far from exemplary including England, a few nearly reach that goal, but America is so fucking far away its not true. If anything is going to end the Human Race I bet you it will be something the US does.
+374|6687|Columbus, Ohio

UON wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

UON wrote:

I mean the new one... what is it again?
That's the bugger
"explosively formed projectiles,"

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070215/ap_ … uds_puzzle

Have no idea who came up with that word.
Say wat!?

PureFodder wrote:

weamo8 wrote:

Vilham wrote:

Actually America is one of the least generous countries based on their wealth. Just thought i should point that out. What is your right to say what is better? I would be more than happy for America to be number one if everything they tried to do didnt end up screwing up things.
I appreciate the story of the Widow's Mite, but this isnt Sunday School.  The fact is that Americans feed more impoverished people than any other country in the world.  That is called reality.  More filled stomachs, and less people starving to death is "better," imo.  Most is most.  In the future you can just say "Thank you."

We dont "screw everything up."  It is just that people only focus on what went wrong, not what went right.  Everyone in the world was okay with Iraqis dying when Saddam was killing them, but when we kill innocents in friendly fire and the like, there is international outcry.  Give me a break.
Read what Vilham said.

You give more but as you're so rich and so large you actually give a smaller percentage GDP than many.
Exactly other countries sacrifice far more than America does to help others out.
Junglist Massive

usmarine2007 wrote:

UON wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

That's the bugger
"explosively formed projectiles,"

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070215/ap_ … uds_puzzle

Have no idea who came up with that word.
As far as I can tell it's copper bowl, a section of water pipe, a detonator, a bit of wire and some explosives....


Calling it a "Bomb" still works for me... same difference...

While we're on the subject, I don't see that it would be so much harder than to improvise than any other kind of bomb... it's one of those things that someone just has to show you once and you can probably do it for yourself.  Teach a man to fish and all that...
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6921|132 and Bush

Vilham wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Braddock wrote:

Like a child who's had too much sugar!

If you read the rest of my post i talk about the cultural affinity many countries share with America through film and popular culture that we do not feel with countries like China as we have little or no exposure to their culture, media or movies.
Yes a child that that is militarily, economically, and technologically dominant on the world stage (In a fraction of time). I wonder how I would feel being replaced on the world stage by the rookie. Europe is haunted by by its brutal past and insulted by America's upstart success. The old continental powers are still far from forgiving us for supplanting them in the strategic arena. The primary goal has been to prove that the United States is as cruel and corrupt as they themselves have been. When your heritage is genocide, wars of aggression, or cowardly surrender the record of the United States can be pretty hard to bear. The old powers cannot avoid measuring themselves against us, but the disparities they discover are so great that Europe's Moral delinquents can not help but comfort themselves with lies about our clumsiness, our violence, and our crudity. Perhaps they should stop and ask themselves how could such a pathetic mediocrities built the richest, most powerful exemplary society in history.
K marion thats where your mistaken... We arent haunted by our past at all. We have changed. America hasn't. America is still acting like Europe did 200 years ago. When will your nation grow up?

As to genocide... nuke anyone? Nearly exterminating the Red Indians?

Please give me a list of good political things your country have done and compare that too the number of invasion and poor political decisions you have made.

Please explain how talking about things you HAVE done in the past are "lies"?

As to exemplary.. your fucking delusional. A lot of European countries are far from exemplary including England, a few nearly reach that goal, but America is so fucking far away its not true. If anything is going to end the Human Race I bet you it will be something the US does.
You are very much haunted in the past. Especially with your cynical approach to human rights which consist of theoretically mourning the dead but doing nothing to protect those still alive and threatened. I really think the genocide road is not one you are prepared to go down. Europe has had thousands of years of ethnic cleansing to master it. You continent is incomparably bloodstained. Your current round of Pacifist dress up was enabled by by America's protection during the cold war.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

Vilham wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Braddock wrote:

kmarion wrote:

The United States is a Hyper Power
Like a child who's had too much sugar!

If you read the rest of my post i talk about the cultural affinity many countries share with America through film and popular culture that we do not feel with countries like China as we have little or no exposure to their culture, media or movies.
Yes a child that that is militarily, economically, and technologically dominant on the world stage (In a fraction of time). I wonder how I would feel being replaced on the world stage by the rookie. Europe is haunted by by its brutal past and insulted by America's upstart success. The old continental powers are still far from forgiving us for supplanting them in the strategic arena. The primary goal has been to prove that the United States is as cruel and corrupt as they themselves have been. When your heritage is genocide, wars of aggression, or cowardly surrender the record of the United States can be pretty hard to bear. The old powers cannot avoid measuring themselves against us, but the disparities they discover are so great that Europe's Moral delinquents can not help but comfort themselves with lies about our clumsiness, our violence, and our crudity. Perhaps they should stop and ask themselves how could such a pathetic mediocrities built the richest, most powerful exemplary society in history.
K marion thats where your mistaken... We arent haunted by our past at all. We have changed. America hasnt. America is still acting like Europe did 200 years ago. When will your nation grow up?

As to genocide... nuke anyone? Nearly exterminating the Red Indians?

Please give me a list of good political things your country have done and compare that too the number of invasion and poor political decisions you have made.

Please explain how talking about things you HAVE done in the past are "lies"?

As to exemplary.. your fucking delusional. A lot of European countries are far from exemplary including England, a few nearly reach that goal, but America is so fucking far away its not true. If anything is going to end the Human Race I bet you it will be something the US does.
How is America acting like Europe 200 years ago? Care to explain?

True the USA is the most aggressive nation in the world, but would you rather have Vodka drinking soviets controlling Europe?

Don't get started on the WW2 bullshit like where was USA!!!!!! err they just got out of a depression...

Where was Europe during the Balkan Ethnic cleansing?
Where was Europe during Bosnia?

Where was Europe? Wait, USA can do the job for them!
Say wat!?
No Europe has learnt that invading other countries to "make things better" does NOT work, none of the countries America has sent troops to or invaded has improved in any manor or form accept south Korea. Isnt it time you learnt that?

Kmarion wrote:

Vilham wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Yes a child that that is militarily, economically, and technologically dominant on the world stage (In a fraction of time). I wonder how I would feel being replaced on the world stage by the rookie. Europe is haunted by by its brutal past and insulted by America's upstart success. The old continental powers are still far from forgiving us for supplanting them in the strategic arena. The primary goal has been to prove that the United States is as cruel and corrupt as they themselves have been. When your heritage is genocide, wars of aggression, or cowardly surrender the record of the United States can be pretty hard to bear. The old powers cannot avoid measuring themselves against us, but the disparities they discover are so great that Europe's Moral delinquents can not help but comfort themselves with lies about our clumsiness, our violence, and our crudity. Perhaps they should stop and ask themselves how could such a pathetic mediocrities built the richest, most powerful exemplary society in history.
K marion thats where your mistaken... We arent haunted by our past at all. We have changed. America hasn't. America is still acting like Europe did 200 years ago. When will your nation grow up?

As to genocide... nuke anyone? Nearly exterminating the Red Indians?

Please give me a list of good political things your country have done and compare that too the number of invasion and poor political decisions you have made.

Please explain how talking about things you HAVE done in the past are "lies"?

As to exemplary.. your fucking delusional. A lot of European countries are far from exemplary including England, a few nearly reach that goal, but America is so fucking far away its not true. If anything is going to end the Human Race I bet you it will be something the US does.
You are very much haunted in the past. Especially with your cynical approach to human rights which consist of theoretically mourning the dead but doing nothing to protect those still alive and threatened. I really think the genocide road is not one you are prepared to go down. Europe has had thousands of years of ethnic cleansing to master it. You continent is incomparably bloodstained. Your current round of Pacifist dress up was enabled by by America's protection during the cold war.
Erm, the thousands of years of ethnic cleansing are part of American history too. Remember Americans today are largely Europeans of yesteryear.

Vilham wrote:

No Europe has learnt that invading other countries to "make things better" does NOT work, none of the countries America has sent troops to or invaded has improved in any manor or form accept south Korea. Isnt it time you learnt that?
So just standing by and watching people die is ok? Have you forgotten what your own leader has said? If we do not stop evil men, we will just be as evil.
Say wat!?

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Vilham wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Yes a child that that is militarily, economically, and technologically dominant on the world stage (In a fraction of time). I wonder how I would feel being replaced on the world stage by the rookie. Europe is haunted by by its brutal past and insulted by America's upstart success. The old continental powers are still far from forgiving us for supplanting them in the strategic arena. The primary goal has been to prove that the United States is as cruel and corrupt as they themselves have been. When your heritage is genocide, wars of aggression, or cowardly surrender the record of the United States can be pretty hard to bear. The old powers cannot avoid measuring themselves against us, but the disparities they discover are so great that Europe's Moral delinquents can not help but comfort themselves with lies about our clumsiness, our violence, and our crudity. Perhaps they should stop and ask themselves how could such a pathetic mediocrities built the richest, most powerful exemplary society in history.
K marion thats where your mistaken... We arent haunted by our past at all. We have changed. America hasnt. America is still acting like Europe did 200 years ago. When will your nation grow up?

As to genocide... nuke anyone? Nearly exterminating the Red Indians?

Please give me a list of good political things your country have done and compare that too the number of invasion and poor political decisions you have made.

Please explain how talking about things you HAVE done in the past are "lies"?

As to exemplary.. your fucking delusional. A lot of European countries are far from exemplary including England, a few nearly reach that goal, but America is so fucking far away its not true. If anything is going to end the Human Race I bet you it will be something the US does.
How is America acting like Europe 200 years ago? Care to explain?

True the USA is the most aggressive nation in the world, but would you rather have Vodka drinking soviets controlling Europe?

Don't get started on the WW2 bullshit like where was USA!!!!!! err they just got out of a depression...

Where was Europe during the Balkan Ethnic cleansing?
Where was Europe during Bosnia?

Where was Europe? Wait, USA can do the job for them!
What has WW2 got to do with anything i said? I didnt even mention WW2. L2R please.

Im assuming you mean the third Balkans war, or the Yugoslav civil war. Well the UN were there the whole time.
I think you will find UN troops were on peace keeping the whole time there too.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6921|132 and Bush

PureFodder wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Vilham wrote:

K marion thats where your mistaken... We arent haunted by our past at all. We have changed. America hasn't. America is still acting like Europe did 200 years ago. When will your nation grow up?

As to genocide... nuke anyone? Nearly exterminating the Red Indians?

Please give me a list of good political things your country have done and compare that too the number of invasion and poor political decisions you have made.

Please explain how talking about things you HAVE done in the past are "lies"?

As to exemplary.. your fucking delusional. A lot of European countries are far from exemplary including England, a few nearly reach that goal, but America is so fucking far away its not true. If anything is going to end the Human Race I bet you it will be something the US does.
You are very much haunted in the past. Especially with your cynical approach to human rights which consist of theoretically mourning the dead but doing nothing to protect those still alive and threatened. I really think the genocide road is not one you are prepared to go down. Europe has had thousands of years of ethnic cleansing to master it. You continent is incomparably bloodstained. Your current round of Pacifist dress up was enabled by by America's protection during the cold war.
Erm, the thousands of years of ethnic cleansing are part of American history too. Remember Americans today are largely Europeans of yesteryear.
We are talking about the actions of sovereign nations. My ancestors left the old decayed social structure behind them and created a new beginning. They were not content with their past. They did something about it.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Say wat!?

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Vilham wrote:

No Europe has learnt that invading other countries to "make things better" does NOT work, none of the countries America has sent troops to or invaded has improved in any manor or form accept south Korea. Isnt it time you learnt that?
So just standing by and watching people die is ok? Have you forgotten what your own leader has said? If we do not stop evil men, we will just be as evil.
cyborg.. i dont expect you to truely understand how the world works at your age, but i think you will find NOTHING is just black and white in years to come. Life isnt that easy, there is no good or evil, just different view points.

Vilham wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Vilham wrote:

K marion thats where your mistaken... We arent haunted by our past at all. We have changed. America hasnt. America is still acting like Europe did 200 years ago. When will your nation grow up?

As to genocide... nuke anyone? Nearly exterminating the Red Indians?

Please give me a list of good political things your country have done and compare that too the number of invasion and poor political decisions you have made.

Please explain how talking about things you HAVE done in the past are "lies"?

As to exemplary.. your fucking delusional. A lot of European countries are far from exemplary including England, a few nearly reach that goal, but America is so fucking far away its not true. If anything is going to end the Human Race I bet you it will be something the US does.
How is America acting like Europe 200 years ago? Care to explain?

True the USA is the most aggressive nation in the world, but would you rather have Vodka drinking soviets controlling Europe?

Don't get started on the WW2 bullshit like where was USA!!!!!! err they just got out of a depression...

Where was Europe during the Balkan Ethnic cleansing?
Where was Europe during Bosnia?

Where was Europe? Wait, USA can do the job for them!
What has WW2 got to do with anything i said? I didnt even mention WW2. L2R please.
That's why I said don't get started on it... Just making a point.
O Canada
+1,596|6725|North Carolina
There seems to be a flashpoint in this conversation regarding how America relates to Europe in terms of modern behavior.

I guess the easiest way to explain it is that America is so large and powerful that we can't help but fuck with other countries.  Our military industrial complex is always itching to sell us more equipment or provide us with contractors, so they urge us to intervene.

This same kind of behavior would happen to any other culture in a similar position, but of course, I'm not suggesting that makes it any better.  Still, to point the finger at the U.S. without also including other countries is rather naive.

The international arms trade is a major industry that helps keep war brewing throughout the world, and 4 countries along with America contribute heavily to it: the U.K., France, China, and Russia.  So, despite the corruption our country holds people's interest with, we are far from being the only nation worthy of scrutiny.

Nevertheless, in a weird sort of way, I find it flattering that so many people abroad actually even care what happens over here.  It's also interesting to hear from very different perspectives across the world. 

Kmarion wrote:

PureFodder wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

You are very much haunted in the past. Especially with your cynical approach to human rights which consist of theoretically mourning the dead but doing nothing to protect those still alive and threatened. I really think the genocide road is not one you are prepared to go down. Europe has had thousands of years of ethnic cleansing to master it. You continent is incomparably bloodstained. Your current round of Pacifist dress up was enabled by by America's protection during the cold war.
Erm, the thousands of years of ethnic cleansing are part of American history too. Remember Americans today are largely Europeans of yesteryear.
We are talking about the actions of sovereign nations. My ancestors left the old decayed social structure behind them and created a new beginning. They were not content with their past. They did something about it.
Yeah, We did the same thing, we stripped power from the monarchy and became a democracy hence by your logic the things done by the monarchy of England have nothing to do with the democracy of Great Britain. It's still your history.

Obsessed with America?
Why not? America's obsessed with everything else.
Calmer than you are.

weamo8 wrote:

Maybe this has already been posted.  I wouldn't know because a search of "The United States," or "America" brings up too many thousands of topics to go through.  Coincidently, this is exactly my point.

There are people in these forums from so many different countries, why is the conversation always focused on America, our politicians, and our way of life?

Why do I never see topics like "Why is Brazil so violent?," or "Why are Chinese politicans so corrupt?," etc. etc.

If you are in France, why do you care about New Orleans?   If you are Peruvian, why do you care about American violence?  If you are Canadian, why do you care about the War in Iraq?

There are much more extraordinary happenings of injustice, malice, and destruction all over the world.  Why do things become such a big deal to everyone when they involve America?

Is it hatred, envy, fascination?  None of these things, a combination of these things or what?
Only read the OP so forgive any repetitions. If you don't understand why all the interest in your country, take a look at all your military interventions, the coups that your governments have supported, the meddling of the CIA with other nations' affairs (for example Greece, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Cyprus, Nicaragua, Chile - the entire South America for that matter, the Middle East etc)
http://www.projectcensored.org/publicat … 04/12.html
http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/news/20000 … up_of_1973


weamo8 wrote:

If you are in France, why do you care about New Orleans?   If you are Peruvian, why do you care about American violence?  If you are Canadian, why do you care about the War in Iraq?
I can understand the first two, although I cannot agree with you entirely... In part its your own internal affairs, thus bearing limited interest for someone outside the US. But the latter is (pardon my french) utterly moronic.

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