Raiders of the Lost Bear

The Way of the Bear

Welcome young apprentice.


Part 1: Idiots' Guide to Teamkilling, Playing Cheap, and Being an Asshole on the overall.
Part 2: Being an Asshole and getting away with it.

Part 1: Idiots' Guide to Teamkilling, Playing Cheap, and Being an Asshole on the overall - Polarbear Style

Ever wanted that vehicle so badly because you simply own at it? Tired of silly little privates hogging up your gunner's seat when you 1337 clanmate and come and two of you can spawn camp? Sick of 'goody two-shoes' spoiling your stat-padding session?

You've come to the right place! Learn to teamkill, In STYLE I will also cover some interesting information you will need to know to make every other player's experience a lousy one besides you and your 1337 friends.

Carpe Balls - Seize My Balls.

Getting that Jet

#1 Run FULLSPEED to the jet once you spawn, remember which of the 2 spawn points on the carrier you have to get, remember where each and every helicopter/jet/tank/apc spawns. Positioning is KEY.

#2 Play Sniper or Spec Ops.

#3 Know your strengths!
      - Are you a good pilot? What are your main skills - bombing only? Or can you dogfight too?
      - Is there a very very good pilot (i.e. polarbearz) on the opposing team that will pwn your ass
Before you TK for the jet always know this!

a): TK-ing for the jet: You've decided you're a wonderful pilot afterall. Have the M95 ready and blow the pilot's brains out. Nice and simple! But sometimes you may get to the plane too late, that's when a spec ops is better. Run towards the plane and put C4 Directly Underneath the Cockpit and blow it ASAP. This will kill the pilot and the co-pilot but leave them plane intact (Useful to note when stealing planes too, which I will cover later). But seriously who cares about the -8 when you can planewh0re to your heart's content right?


- Baseraping is perfectly legal. If you blow the Su-34 in cleansweep, proceed to continuously strafe the Airfield to kill it again and again. The timing is such that if you kill the Su-34 in its hangar, you can afford to unleash all your missiles at it, bomb a target at airfield, go back and rearm, and come back just in time to catch it appearing.

- Battlefield 2 is NOT a team game. Who cares if your team is getting pinned back by an armor column? Your stats are more important. Killing that tank will give you 2 kills - 4 points. Strafing the hangar and bombing the airfield will give you much more.

b): If you're not good enough to pilot.

Why let your team pilot take gold? Or get a higher score than you? Do not hesitate to jump in front of his jet. Remember that proning against the front wheel does NOTHING. Its better if you stand under the wings and jump non-stop, or just let him run you over. And don't forget to punish!

If the pilot trys to swerve out the way, even better! He gets the TK plus he'll never get the jet off the runway..

Getting that helicopter

Pretty much the same idea as getting the jet, but its a lot harder to make the helicopter TK you. The C4 charge has to be placed on the cockpit glass. Jump and toss the c4 on the glass and blow it to kill the gunner/pilot and leave the chopper intact.

To get TK-ed by the chopper, the only way is to try to get in its way when its spinning around to avoid you, or get right in front and hope he doesn't get up high enough before he goes forward.

Getting a Gunner OUT

Want the helicopter all to yourself? Learn this new trick. Don't bother crashing the chopper, you'll have to fight for it all over again. Why not let the guy DIE AND get -2 AND can pick up your 1337 friend to go baseraping!

1: Go to the edge of the map
2: Zoom in your minimap
3: Manoevre to a perfect hover (The green circle comes back on screen)
4: Inch forward till only your gunner is in the red zone (its easier if you can see the gunner)
5: Once your gunner slumps over, VOILA!

Nice and simple! But it takes a precious 15 seconds + fly time + leaving you vulnerable to the enemy chopper, so the M95 would be so much faster. What's -4 compared to 20 minutes worth of baseraping!

Getting that Armor/APC

Someone beat you to it? NO PROBLEM! Armor and APCs are trickier because there's no easy way of getting the guy out WITHOUT severely damaging/destroying the vehicle. Therefore I suggest punishing him for his folly, for taking your precious tank.

Standing in its way is of course, basic. That earns him -6: Team damage, Teamkill. But why do this when you can get your incredibly 1337 friends to help punish the idiot who took your tank/apc! Load up a jeep/FAV with 2 friends and start driving into the tank! He gets -2 first of all (2x team vehicle damage), then -6 (3x team damage) THEN -12 (3x teamkills). A nice total of -20! Teach that guy a lesson for touching YOUR vehicles! Better yet, if you have an engineer in your vehicle you can give him team vehicle damage ALL THE WAY TO THE FRONT LINES! Imagine this, guy steals your tank at gatehouse when you want to wh0re karkand. NO PROBLEM!

Get into the vodnik with a couple of mates and start ramming him all the way to hotel! Before you know it he'll have -6 to -7 EVEN WITHOUT TEAMKILLING YOU! Then force him to teamkill and repent for touching your tank.

Remember its YOURS. No one else has a right to it.

Stealing Vehicles

This is slightly trickier because of the presence of enemies and you're not already in a pwnage vehicle (i.e. armor/jet). So you have to use whatever advantage you can get. Apply for commander, or mutiny against the current one, or start a kickvote against him. Being commander when stealing a vehicle is much easier. You can UAV the area you're in and use artillery to force the enemy to take shelter so you can take their stuff.

Who cares if your team needs it! Its more important that YOU steal the jet to own with.

Back to my point. Positioning is of KEY importance when attempting to steal any vehicle. Watch the UAV carefully, make sure you know where the enemies are facing and always KILL before you STEAL. LET the enemy board the jet and c4 under him. Put a claymore at the edge of the hangar to blow him up before he can get in. ETC ETC. NEVER take a jet with the enemy alive you never know what shit he can come up with.

Better yet, you can ask friends to come and help spawn rape and you can steal under the cover of the raping going on.

Oh, don't forget to resign commander after you've taken the vehicle! Even if you forget its ok, just rack up the kills and you should win anyway. Who cares if the ground troops are dying. Its THEIR fault they were too stupid to learn any of the 1337 skillz you've just mastered by reading this guide.


--------------------------------------- v 1.1

Update List

1.0- Part 1 added, Glanced over for spelling/grammatical errors
1.1- Content Page added

Last edited by polarbearz (2006-01-09 00:13:00)

im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7091|AUS, Canberra
haha thats good
Member 5307
made my morning... which has been horrible so far, damn work.
why can't my boss understand that i need to sleep after drinking till 5 this morning???
Raiders of the Lost Bear

*waggles a finger* MoS?
"Aff, Star Colonel!"
Member 5307
mos/ velvet was on friday night
last night/ morning was a very different kinda place..... *winks*
Raiders of the Lost Bear


I didn't see you at MoS? I was out with my chicks there on friday night!
+85|7072|good old CA
lol thats funny

I cheat.
+-6|7121|Sydney, Australia
Member 5307

polarbearz wrote:


I didn't see you at MoS? I was out with my chicks there on friday night!
meh, i was upstairs in the boardroom...
chicks eh? what a waste i didnt bump into u.
btw, how would you know how i look like?
Radioactive Glo
+130|7158|A Small Isle in the Tropics

tthf wrote:

btw, how would you know how i look like?
gotcha..by your gonads, polarbearz

btw, great guide..
This guide will become what i will live by everyday in BF2 thank you for teaching me these 1337 skills
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7126|Orlando, FL - Age 43
polarbearz...You have outdone yourself. This one should go to featured posts.
+1|7050|79605, TX
feature post!
Raiders of the Lost Bear

*nudge chuy* listen to the applause for me and feature the dang thing.

Actually I have no idea tthf, but you should know how I look like I was bouncing about pure and good ol R&B. Just got back from the gym, back at my workstation. Second entry coming RIGHT UP Should I edit? Or should I put it in a new post... Hmm.
Member 5307

polarbearz wrote:

*nudge chuy* listen to the applause for me and feature the dang thing.

Actually I have no idea tthf, but you should know how I look like I was bouncing about pure and good ol R&B. Just got back from the gym, back at my workstation. Second entry coming RIGHT UP Should I edit? Or should I put it in a new post... Hmm.
true enough, but i went to MOS AFTER my annual D&D so by then i had beer goggles the size of the M95 scope
+447|7168|Seattle, Washington, USA

Im glad someone else finally understands the concept of vehicle ownership within bf2..

Im so sick of people not acknowledging my mad skillz and trying to improve their own stats.

This post probably shouldnt be featured because otherwise all those lame people out there, who dont know how to use the vehicles as well as i do will learn the 1337 tricks, and then try and be cool like me.
aye good , pity its gonna give some wankers new tricks tho... the jeep/engineer thing never occurred to me, but i now realise that its happened to me while in tankie.
Mass Media Casualty

Thanks dude, but I don't needa guide to be an arsehole. I'm practised.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Tyferra wrote:

Thanks dude, but I don't needa guide to be an arsehole. I'm practised.
Read: BETTER asshole
You forgot putting an AT mine on top of a friendly tank so that it blows up the next time it moves.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Err. For what? Then YOU get -4.
What about stealing a vehicle (Havoc on Sharqi) by commander support:
Constant arti strikes on helipad and the chopper will hardly go online, supported by a sniper with M95 lying next to the IGLA to savely prevent them to use the chopper.
The Humvee at Hotel in addition to avoid boats and choppers to be part of the enemy team.
... No matter, that you already lost all other flags and the MEC has a ticket advantage of at least 50

I know: No negative scores produced by this tactic, apart from the constant loss of the round

Last edited by Rick_Biessman (2006-01-09 01:42:51)

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