I have a problem, i am studying in a university, and now they decided that the university should be responsible for the internet used by students living in the dormitory. So they blocked all the ports expect 21 and 80. I have a friend living not far away and we decided to set up a proxy server. We both are using "Proxyfier" whit SOCKS 5v. When i connect to his proxy, the internet is not responding, when i close proxy, it works again. It is possible to connect to his proxy from other computers, but not from mine. The proxy check shows :

[21:23] Testing Started.
    Proxy Server
    Protocol:    SOCKS 5
    Authentication: NO

[21:23] Starting: Test 1: Connection to the Proxy Server
[21:23] IP Address:
[21:23] Connection established
[21:23] Test passed.
[21:23] Starting: Test 2: Connection through the Proxy Server
Here the proxy times out. Or it shows that there was an unexpected break.

If the port scanner shows the that 21 and 80 ports are open, and proxy is running on those ports, other CPU can connect to it, but mine can't, what could be the problem ?