It's A State Of Mind
+399|6902|Your attic

Marlboroman82 wrote:

Towelly wrote:

Hey Tyler, remember the time you started accusing me of hacking?

Fun times.

EDIT: When did he say anything about sniping? Ego lol.
towelly if you see that iceman douche who moved my blackhawk last night on today tell him i am going to rip his balls off.
I have no idea what you're on about.

Cue towelie impression.
Personal philosophy: Clothing optional.
+1,022|6935|Camp XRay

Towelly wrote:

Marlboroman82 wrote:

Towelly wrote:

Hey Tyler, remember the time you started accusing me of hacking?

Fun times.

EDIT: When did he say anything about sniping? Ego lol.
towelly if you see that iceman douche who moved my blackhawk last night on today tell him i am going to rip his balls off.
I have no idea what you're on about.

Cue towelie impression.
nm thought you were there last night

i guess i just assumed you would always be there...cries in corner....
It's A State Of Mind
+399|6902|Your attic

Marlboroman82 wrote:

Towelly wrote:

Marlboroman82 wrote:

towelly if you see that iceman douche who moved my blackhawk last night on today tell him i am going to rip his balls off.
I have no idea what you're on about.

Cue towelie impression.
nm thought you were there last night

i guess i just assumed you would always be there...cries in corner....
/single tear
I just registered on this site and this subject caught my eye. I have seen times when I was suspicious of someone but realized there could be another explanation or blind luck but there was a game when the person had to be using a cheat. I was on Karkand as MEC and playing in a tank. This other player (can't recall the name) was consistently killing me with one-shot and at any distance with hsi tank. It happend about 5 times.   I was trying to figure out how in the heck this happened. I later got on forums to read about one shot tank kills and learned how it is possible but this guy was doing it consistently and at long distances.

Another game I got into this squad and this guy in my squad asks me what kind of aimbot I am using. He said that he had some utility that showed I had recorded 9 head shots. I don't know anything about how to install an aimbot or this utility he was talking about. I was sniping earlier in the game so I may have had 9 head shots while sniping but I wasn't cheating.

So how do admins keep people from cheating ? Is it with this utility this guy was talking about ?

cMD-RR wrote:

i cheat, i got a msx
MSX suck
+252|7016|Sextupling in Empire

Towelly wrote:

falafel wrote:

g36e is an aimbot

Even DICE haven't yet coded in a gun that will aim for you..... give it a few years.

If only it was a little more accurate.
Fantasma Parastasie

KardiacKid wrote:

I just registered on this site and this subject caught my eye. I have seen times when I was suspicious of someone but realized there could be another explanation or blind luck but there was a game when the person had to be using a cheat. I was on Karkand as MEC and playing in a tank. This other player (can't recall the name) was consistently killing me with one-shot and at any distance with hsi tank. It happend about 5 times.   I was trying to figure out how in the heck this happened. I later got on forums to read about one shot tank kills and learned how it is possible but this guy was doing it consistently and at long distances.

Another game I got into this squad and this guy in my squad asks me what kind of aimbot I am using. He said that he had some utility that showed I had recorded 9 head shots. I don't know anything about how to install an aimbot or this utility he was talking about. I was sniping earlier in the game so I may have had 9 head shots while sniping but I wasn't cheating.

So how do admins keep people from cheating ? Is it with this utility this guy was talking about ?
there is no such utility, only punkbuster screenshots
I was on a karkand server yesterday and some guy was aimbotting with SVD. Killer555444 was his name. Aimbotting has become way too common lately...
It's A State Of Mind
+399|6902|Your attic

Volatile_Squirrel wrote:

Towelly wrote:

falafel wrote:

g36e is an aimbot

Even DICE haven't yet coded in a gun that will aim for you..... give it a few years. … cer_02.jpg

If only it was a little more accurate.
Ahh yes, the stupidity of DICE continues to amaze me.
Ok .... enough la-di-da answers for all.

Look - it's right there in the first post. I have NO quarrel with skill. There are players out there who are better than I - I have NO quarrel with them.

But there are things that are possible - and things that are not.

It is NOT possible to accurately, repeatedly headshot an opponent from way across the bridge in Kharkand with a standard rifle, while moving. Maybe with a scoped one - but not the standard assault or support weapons.

I don't even have a problem with sniping - to me, it's just so inherently, stupidly boring to lie about waiting for enemies to shoot, if someone likes that, his loss.

There's two things here. Some of you use aimbots and don't like being called on it. And some of you are too stupid to realise there are cheats in this game. No one with half a mind can possibly, convincingly claim there isn't. And that's all I'm saying - those who cheat should be castrated with a vice.

KardiacKid wrote:

.... be another explanation or blind luck but there was a game when the person had to be using a cheat. I was on Karkand as MEC and ....
I know my blind luck when I see it. I get lucky myself from time to time, one-shotting some poor unfortunate. I also know that skill makes luck more likely - for instance, up close I always seem to lose, because I tend to aim for the chest, so the guy who aims for my head wins. Because he is more skilled than I - and afterwards I curse myself, not him.

But blind luck does not happen consistently, over and over again. This is where the word 'blind' comes in.

Even skill doesn't allow you to consistently pull of impossible shots over long rang while moving. I've actually played some tournament teams, and what I find is - I do better against those guys, provided I'm in a decent squad, than I do against useless random twats on too-loosely admin'd servers.
+86|7048|Somewhere near a shrub or rock

Acromos wrote:

I do better against those guys, provided I'm in a decent squad, than I do against useless random twats on too-loosely admin'd servers.
Thats because average players are predictable, good players have their own techniques as well and if you can understand the routines and paths they will take you have an advantage. Noobs are completely unpredictable and will do stuff that you just cannot account for.


Must admit that I have seen a few cheaters recently....

Last edited by Barrakuda777 (18 years ago)

+202|6961|New York

mazerali62 wrote:

The aimbot issue is becoming a joke, nearly every server I join some idiot is shouting about someone with an aimbot, its hapening everytime i play, loads of factors effect game play, skill, ping, lag, luck, others people ping.

Hell i tried kill a Corporal last night, shot him with a full mag with ak in the back, he flickers so i cant see him and when i run over to where he was he reapears shots me once and i die. His ping was 250+, not a hack just shit connection to that server!!!
its like counterstrike all over again....if you kill someone...YOUR A HACKER!
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7118|Orlando, FL - Age 43

Acromos wrote:

Well - here's my problem.

There is skill - and then there is someone killing me with a headshot from the other side of the bridge on Kharkand, while moving. Repeatedly. All the while I seem to never get a single hit in on him, though I'm the one actually trying to aim.

Am I the only one playing this game without cheating? Or am I just the only one pissed off at complete and utter useless twats thinking they own the game because they cheat?
Oddly enough, in my 1000+ hours of pubbing, I have yet to come away with any tangible memory of any time where I suspected someone of using cheats...aside from glitching the map. Maybe I am just lucky.
+8|6656|The Netherlands

Darth_Fleder wrote:

Oddly enough, in my 1000+ hours of pubbing, I have yet to come away with any tangible memory of any time where I suspected someone of using cheats...aside from glitching the map. Maybe I am just lucky.
Second that, 900 hrs here
Missing, Presumed Dead

Addict wrote:

Darth_Fleder wrote:

Oddly enough, in my 1000+ hours of pubbing, I have yet to come away with any tangible memory of any time where I suspected someone of using cheats...aside from glitching the map. Maybe I am just lucky.
Second that, 900 hrs here
Thirded - 825 hours.

Acromos wrote:

Look - it's right there in the first post.
Is it?

Acromos wrote:

Well - here's my problem.

There is skill - and then there is someone killing me with a headshot from the other side of the bridge on Kharkand, while moving. Repeatedly. All the while I seem to never get a single hit in on him, though I'm the one actually trying to aim.

Todd_Angelo wrote:

Which gun?
So anyway...

Acromos wrote:

...with a standard rifle...
In that case, suspect. Still be nice to see your stats though, to judge where you're coming from.

I have had the same thing in the same place with a French player (second time, diff. location, so I was already a bit suspicious). He left the server just before the admins could take a PB screenie...

Barrakuda777 wrote:

Noobs are completely unpredictable and will do stuff that you just cannot account for.
Same with mixed martial arts and fencing incidentally. A lot of the "fast reflexes" that longtime users have are actually learned responses.

Darth_Fleder wrote:

Oddly enough, in my 1000+ hours of pubbing, I have yet to come away with any tangible memory of any time where I suspected someone of using cheats...aside from glitching the map. Maybe I am just lucky.
Although you are pretty good with those one-shot kill tank shots.
The Farewell Tour
+79|6734|San Antonio, TX
My most recent hack experience came on Karaknd too...

I was USMC, spawned at the head of the UCB on the left (near the burning APC).  My UAV was overhead, the MEC UAV was not.  I saw someone sneaking around my area so I went around the wall to greet them with my PKM (I went prone) when they turned the corner.  Problem was, when they turned the corner they killed me with one shot with the Spec Op base weapon.

Now without their UAV overhead there was no way this guy could have known I was there.  I know the difference when someone kills me with skill, and when someone is using a hack, and this guy was obvious.  I decided I would go and take back the K he gave me.  So when I spawned back I went back to where the UAV was and I watched him track my commander (who was coming out to stop him from destroying the assets), problem was, he was tracking the commander who was on the other side of the building.  So I popped him with a head shot of my own.
Evil Geniuses for a sparsely populated tomorrow

silo1180 wrote:


I was USMC, spawned at the head of the UCB on the left (near the burning APC).  My UAV was overhead, the MEC UAV was not.  I saw someone sneaking around my area so I went around the wall to greet them with my PKM (I went prone) when they turned the corner.  Problem was, when they turned the corner they killed me with one shot with the Spec Op base weapon....
The enemy commander could have spoted you with out puting up a UAV.  As for the head shot with the Spec Op pea shooter,  If he got the right amount of lag he could have been fireing more than one shot and your PC does not register or animate the bullets while the server tells you your dead.   

I am not saying that he was not using a cheat, but that you can't tell from your account of what happened.
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7118|Orlando, FL - Age 43

silo1180 wrote:

My most recent hack experience came on Karaknd too...

I was USMC, spawned at the head of the UCB on the left (near the burning APC).  My UAV was overhead, the MEC UAV was not.  I saw someone sneaking around my area so I went around the wall to greet them with my PKM (I went prone) when they turned the corner.  Problem was, when they turned the corner they killed me with one shot with the Spec Op base weapon.

Now without their UAV overhead there was no way this guy could have known I was there.  I know the difference when someone kills me with skill, and when someone is using a hack, and this guy was obvious.  I decided I would go and take back the K he gave me.  So when I spawned back I went back to where the UAV was and I watched him track my commander (who was coming out to stop him from destroying the assets), problem was, he was tracking the commander who was on the other side of the building.  So I popped him with a head shot of my own.
Killing someone with a headsot while in the prone position is not impossible. Also, although there was no UAV overhead, the enemy commander may have had you spotted and/or was communicating with the guy. Same could be true for his tracking the enemy commander.
+6|6948|Arizona, USA

KardiacKid wrote:

I just registered on this site and this subject caught my eye. I have seen times when I was suspicious of someone but realized there could be another explanation or blind luck but there was a game when the person had to be using a cheat. I was on Karkand as MEC and playing in a tank. This other player (can't recall the name) was consistently killing me with one-shot and at any distance with hsi tank. It happend about 5 times.   I was trying to figure out how in the heck this happened. I later got on forums to read about one shot tank kills and learned how it is possible but this guy was doing it consistently and at long distances.

Another game I got into this squad and this guy in my squad asks me what kind of aimbot I am using. He said that he had some utility that showed I had recorded 9 head shots. I don't know anything about how to install an aimbot or this utility he was talking about. I was sniping earlier in the game so I may have had 9 head shots while sniping but I wasn't cheating.

So how do admins keep people from cheating ? Is it with this utility this guy was talking about ?
Tanks do have a one shot kill area.
Proof : Watch the video.

After that happened I went to see if it was possible and I saw the video you posted. I learned how to do it on an empty server but even on a stationary target, it doesn't work every time. Many times I left the tank with 1 bar of health.  THe first couple times he got me, I thought that there may have been other people hitting me along with him or that it was a TOW but after about 5 times I knew something was up.  A few times I got 1 shot killed, we were on the same level where that 1 shot spot would not be visible. I was not stationary a few times he got me too. It was just a very odd situation that left me wondering what this guy was doing.
+45|7105|South Cybertown, Texas
I think after a while most BF2 players will be accused of using a cheat by a less experianced player.

There has been times I get shot and think "NO WAY", but when I end the round with a K/D of 25/3, I LMAO and say who F**KIN CARES, NOT ME!

The key is to stay moving and by all means don't stay in one spot too long! Keep them guessing.

Last edited by -=S8M=-Phoenix (18 years ago)

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