O Canada
+1,596|6557|North Carolina

gun.KingRat wrote:

ATG wrote:

mr.hrundi wrote:

You should have lived in Germany 70 years ago. after reading through these forums for a while, I'm pretty sure you would have liked it there. I can only hope for you that you have blonde hair and blue eyes.
Sometimes was in bold.

I don't advocate doing anything to Muslims other than confinning them to an area where they are not a threat to me or my family.

As usmarine pointed out, the vast majority of Muslims do not blow themselves up; but they approve the tactic by subtle ways, and justify jihad, and the implementation of sharia.

Just not worth the risk or conflict.

I basically feel about the same towards radical christiian fundamentalist.

I catagorically disavow any suggestion of genocide against Muslims.

Notice I capitalized Muslim and not christian?
Yeah, you have to watch out for those Christians. Never know when the Salvation Army or the Red Cross are going to hijack another airplane.
...or when they blow up abortion clinics.
+302|6888|Salt Lake City

Turquoise wrote:

On the one hand, Daniel Pipes is an extremist in his own right.

On the other hand, the behavior of these people seems to verify many of his assumptions.
I don't know anything about this guy.  Why would you say he was an extremist?  From what I saw he is quite a moderate.  The far right wouldn't want anything to do with negotiations or working with moderate Muslims and would just want to nuke or carpet bomb every muslim back to the middle ages, and the far left would be wanting to hug everything better.  I think his responses were rather to the point and accurate.

If you have something that shows him to be otherwise, I would appreciate any links you could provide.
O Canada
+1,596|6557|North Carolina

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

On the one hand, Daniel Pipes is an extremist in his own right.

On the other hand, the behavior of these people seems to verify many of his assumptions.
I don't know anything about this guy.  Why would you say he was an extremist?  From what I saw he is quite a moderate.  The far right wouldn't want anything to do with negotiations or working with moderate Muslims and would just want to nuke or carpet bomb every muslim back to the middle ages, and the far left would be wanting to hug everything better.  I think his responses were rather to the point and accurate.

If you have something that shows him to be otherwise, I would appreciate any links you could provide.
Perhaps extremist was a harsh word.  What I mean is...  he does things that... well, have a look...

He is the founder of Campus Watch.  This organization states that it is based on keeping intellectual discussions on college campuses as scholarly and rational as possible, but there is a lot of evidence to suggest that they just try to stifle any criticism of Israel or interventionist U.S. policy.

For example, "Pipes and Campus Watch were accused of attacking academic freedom in 2002 by publishing a list of academics critical of Israel and U.S. foreign policy."  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Pipes

Here's the primary link that was used for that assessment: http://www.thenation.com/doc/20021125/mcneil

"Pipes' Middle East Forum sparked controversy in September 2002 when it established a website called Campus Watch that claimed to identify five problems in the teaching of Middle Eastern studies at American universities: "analytical failures, the mixing of politics with scholarship, intolerance of alternative views, apologetics, and the abuse of power over students". Students were encouraged to submit reports regarding teachers, books and curricula. The project was accused of "McCarthyesque intimidation" of professors who criticized Israel, when it published a "blacklist" of professors. In protest, more than 100 academics demanded to be listed as well. Campus Watch subsequently removed the list from their website."  Again from wikipedia....

Here are the primary links to support these accusations. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.c … 227890.DTL



Basically, he's clever in spinning things because of how subtle he is.  He has a subtly Zionist streak about him that makes it hard to identify his prejudice.

Granted, I do agree with a number of his views.  Some of his ideas actually make sense, but to me, he has an agenda just like his opponents.

Bubbalo wrote:

How many of them portaryed Jesus as a murderer, and his followers as acting purely in furtherance of their own interest, whilst defying a long held tenet of Chrisianity?
Since when is calling a murderer a murderer "portraying"

http://www.islam-watch.org/AlamgirHussa … manity.htm
The Lizzard
Court ordered executions are murder now?

And either way, it's portaying.  I could portray George Bush as president: it doesn't mean he isn't.

Last edited by Bubbalo (2007-02-07 21:45:40)

liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6827|Canberra, AUS
I seriously doubt that most muslims give two shits about jihad or all that crap.

Last edited by Spark (2007-02-07 22:13:58)

The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

Bubbalo wrote:

Court ordered executions are murder now?

And either way, it's portaying.  I could portray George Bush as president: it doesn't mean he isn't.
The point being, as you damn well know.Muhammad WAS violent!. SO why is saying so an outrage?
The Lizzard
They didn't say he was violent.  They said he was a murderer.
Cowboy from Hell
Yeah, Islamophobia is not happening, my mistake.
+374|6519|Columbus, Ohio

sergeriver wrote:

Yeah, Islamophobia is not happening, my mistake.
You are forgiven.
Cowboy from Hell
Just a thought marine.  Why don't you name your threads properly?  I mean, cmon, this one says "This is why the Liberal Media Fails".  How can anyone know what the hell the thread is about without reading it?  You should name the threads according to the information inside, not with your opinions about anything else.  If Iran builds a Toilet paper factory and they sell the paper to Israel you open a thread "Iran wants to wipe Israel".  No offense.
+374|6519|Columbus, Ohio

sergeriver wrote:

Just a thought marine.  Why don't you name your threads properly?  I mean, cmon, this one says "This is why the Liberal Media Fails".  How can anyone know what the hell the thread is about without reading it?  You should name the threads according to the information inside, not with your opinions about anything else.  If Iran builds a Toilet paper factory and they sell the paper to Israel you open a thread "Iran wants to wipe Israel".  No offense.
That is the point serge...get people to actually read the thread.
The Lizzard
Yes, because usmarine's threads are too important to be ignored
+374|6519|Columbus, Ohio

Bubbalo wrote:

Yes, because usmarine's threads are too important to be ignored
I try to attract derailing tools like yourself.

sergeriver wrote:

If Iran builds a Toilet paper factory and they sell the paper to Israel you open a thread "Iran wants to wipe Israel".
I lol'd.
+374|6519|Columbus, Ohio

sergeriver wrote:

Yeah, Islamophobia is not happening, my mistake.
Not that I have any proof that the people in this video were under FBI survallence, or if the FBI is telling the truth, but I found this interesting.

"Hundreds gathered at a meeting last summer to angrily confront FBI officials after an agent's public comment, quickly contradicted by headquarters, that the bureau was "monitoring" Muslim student groups at the University of California at Irvine."


Now why are they outraged that the FBI was (maybe) watching these groups after hearing what they say in this video?

And why aren't those same people speaking out against what they were saying now?

Last edited by usmarine2007 (2007-02-08 09:40:10)

Cowboy from Hell

usmarine2007 wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Yeah, Islamophobia is not happening, my mistake.
Not that I have any proof that the people in this video were under FBI survallence, or if the FBI is telling the truth, but I found this interesting.

"Hundreds gathered at a meeting last summer to angrily confront FBI officials after an agent's public comment, quickly contradicted by headquarters, that the bureau was "monitoring" Muslim student groups at the University of California at Irvine."


Now why are they outraged that the FBI was (maybe) watching these groups after hearing what they say in this video?

And why aren't those same people speaking out against what they were saying now?
Many Muslisms are brainwashed by their media, like many people in the West are brainwashed by western media.  That doesn't make those Muslims extremists, does it?  Having the wrong view doesn't make them extremists.
+374|6519|Columbus, Ohio

sergeriver wrote:

Many Muslisms are brainwashed by their media, like many people in the West are brainwashed by western media.  That doesn't make those Muslims extremists, does it?  Having the wrong view doesn't make them extremists.
Not speaking out against, or using supporting statements of the extremists actions ("anit-Isreal") is just as bad IMO.  I speak out against the poor excuse for a soldier who killed that family.  If I did not speak out against it, or supported it, I would hope people would accuse me being an animal.

Bubbalo wrote:

Yes, because usmarine's threads are too important to be ignored
LOL, bubbalo looking down from his imaginary perch again

The problems are never you bubbalo, it is those that shred your posts to pieces with reality and logic that is the trouble..
Why walk when you can dance?
Last call for train leaving for Amarillo....get your ticktes....

nice de-railing huh?

Liberal media worldwide or just liberal american media? I like to think in Sweden it´s kinda balanced..
The Lizzard

usmarine2007 wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

Yes, because usmarine's threads are too important to be ignored
I try to attract derailing tools like yourself.
So, basically you're afraid of participating in serious discussion?  Is that because you know you aren't up to it?

Bubbalo wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

Yes, because usmarine's threads are too important to be ignored
I try to attract derailing tools like yourself.
So, basically you're afraid of participating in serious discussion?  Is that because you know you aren't up to it?
I swear bubbalo, you sure do hold yourself up on a pretty high pedistal. No wonder you fall so hard when a conservative is done with you.
+374|6519|Columbus, Ohio

Bubbalo wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

Yes, because usmarine's threads are too important to be ignored
I try to attract derailing tools like yourself.
So, basically you're afraid of participating in serious discussion?  Is that because you know you aren't up to it?
You have serious discussions?  Most of your posts are personal attacks or nothing to do with the topic in the first place.  GG.  Yay for you!

Last edited by usmarine2007 (2007-02-11 06:00:16)

The Lizzard
Because you never personally attack anyone?

But fine, I'm sorry for taking off course a discussion which clearly wasn't an attack on anything.  I'll not post in this thread further.

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