
Are lesbians/gay men accepted equally?

Lesbians are seen as more acceptable70%70% - 111
Gay men are seen as more acceptable1%1% - 3
Both are seen as equally acceptable8%8% - 14
Uhhh....18%18% - 30
Total: 158

This poll is going to be completely and totally biased towards the "lesbians win" side because the majority of people here are hetero men -- and hetero men love almost nothing more than two hot chicks getting it on.

As an aside, and someone who lives in SF, I'm actually far more accepting of gay men -- but that's due to exposure. It's actually kind of rare to see the full bulldyke, honestly, while riding the train, so when you do it's all the more surprising.
The Lizzard

chuyskywalker wrote:

This poll is going to be completely and totally biased towards the "lesbians win" side because the majority of people here are hetero men -- and hetero men love almost nothing more than two hot chicks getting it on.
Which only proves that lesbians are more accepted.
I am all that is MOD!

chuyskywalker wrote:

This poll is going to be completely and totally biased towards the "lesbians win" side because the majority of people here are hetero men -- and hetero men love almost nothing more than two hot chicks getting it on.

As an aside, and someone who lives in SF, I'm actually far more accepting of gay men -- but that's due to exposure. It's actually kind of rare to see the full bulldyke, honestly, while riding the train, so when you do it's all the more surprising.
Go to bed Jesus

Last edited by KEN-JENNINGS (2007-02-07 00:06:26)

Zee Tank Skank
+80|6850|MoVal So-Cal
What ever floats your boat is what I always say.
Make Love and War
+303|6628|Communist Republic of CA, USA
Without reading all the pages (Although I did read topal's statement, which was significantly awesome and/or the tits) I have a serious question to all those that voted Lesbian's are more accepted.

Even though you watch lesbian porn, do you really accept it (Female Homosexuality)?  Girls doing crazy stuff on camera is different than 2 women trying to adopt or get married.  And what about the militant dykes, they're lesbians too.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6751|132 and Bush

chuyskywalker wrote:

This poll is going to be completely and totally biased towards the "lesbians win" side because the majority of people here are hetero men -- and hetero men love almost nothing more than two hot chicks getting it on.

As an aside, and someone who lives in SF, I'm actually far more accepting of gay men -- but that's due to exposure. It's actually kind of rare to see the full bulldyke, honestly, while riding the train, so when you do it's all the more surprising.
We know most Guys here would not mind seeing hot girl/girl stuff. How many Women do you know that enjoy watching guy/guy action?

Cant miss a chance to post this.

Last edited by Kmarion (2007-02-07 02:07:05)

Xbone Stormsurgezz
In hindsight, I should have added voting options for guys and gals, to get a more accurate idea.
Anger is a gift
+174|6783|Sin City

The Lizzard

topal63 wrote:

infants and the elderly.
Yeah, you wouldn't want to add infancy to the gene pool
Say wat!?

Cougar wrote:

LaidBackNinja wrote:


Many species are asexual.
Exactly.  I also see alot of people argue the fact that some species are asexual, or the very, very few species that show homosexual characteristics, but in the end it doesn't change the fact that we are not those species.  Thats about as vague as saying that fish can breathe underwater so cows should too.  Homosexuality is nothing more than a fad.  Look back through history and you may see a handful of homosexuals, today, it seems like everyone is a homo. 

Homo Sapians are hetrosexual.  We always have been.  Thats how we reproduce.  You only use your penis to pee and procreate, so unless your taking a piss in someones ass, it shouldn't go there and you really have no excuse.  End of story.
I swear i was just taking a pee... promise.

PBAsydney wrote:

Lesbian porn is good porn.
Girl on girl... Nobody loses there... (Chode)

Lesbo Pr0n FTW

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

some_random_panda wrote:

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

Quote of the night.
What about
so unless your taking a piss in someones mouth, it shouldn't go there
Are you suggesting going ass to mouth?
Ewwww... No one goes ass to mouth... Uless its a Pr0n...


Fancy_Pollux wrote:


So you are against having anal sex with a girl too?  Wow, you are missing out, buddy.
Are you implying that we haven't lived until we've had gay buttsex?
If you are a girl with a dick nailing another girl, then yes that's what I am implying.

Is that what you are implying?
Where does the following get filed?

Man gets sex re assignment surgery to have lesbian sex with another man who had sex re assignment surgery...

Saw it on Springer...
+1,153|6780|Washington, DC

syntaxmax642 wrote:

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

some_random_panda wrote:

What about
so unless your taking a piss in someones mouth, it shouldn't go there
Are you suggesting going ass to mouth?
Ewwww... No one goes ass to mouth... Uless its a Pr0n...
What kind of porn have you been watching?

Anyways, here's how homosexuality could be a genetic disorder:

During meiosis, one of the egg cells has corrupted DNA during maybe the crossover phase. Let's say the normal nucleic acid sequence for libido and sexuality (i'm sure sexuality is controlled by some other thing, not sure though) is:


But Carson from Queer Eye was born like this:


That one A instead of a T could change everything. The mRNA comes along and reads that strand, and ultimately rather than producing a protein that makes your sex drive and sexuality be towards the opposite gender, it makes you be attracted towards the same gender. Now then, I'm no expert biologist and psychologist and neurologist, but I'm pretty sure this would be a reason for homosexuality not necessarily being by choice but by genetic mess-ups during the cross over. You tend to have one or two errors every once in a while in your DNA, usually it's a non-harmful mutation. Sometimes, though, you get a harmful mutation. I don't think homosexuality is "harmful" but if my theory is somewhat correct, it'd be classified as "harmful" since it is a once-in-a-while mutation that changes how the norm works.
Pony Slaystation
+343|6859|Charlie One Alpha
Holy epic novels in this thread.
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell
Goodbye :)
+399|6630|Somewhere else

I believe its not a choice.   I wouldnt compare it to people born with disabilities.  I'd say its more of a trait.  I was born and grew up tall.   Some people are born and develope into a person who is homosexual.

Or,  some guys are turned on by a woman's Legs, or her feet.  Some guys are turned on by blondes.  Some woman love stylish men. Some women are attracted to scruffy outlaw type men.

Couldn't it be just as simple as that?  Instead of being turned on by feet, legs, blondes, bad boys, slim men, muscular men, large breasts,  couldn't some people's turn on be someone of the same sex?

Gay people are just people IMO.  I may find sex with another man repulsive, that's me, my choice. gay men have thier own choice, its thier right. As long as it doesn't involve me in any way, do what you wanna do to him.

EddieMurphy wrote:

It's ok to hang out with a gay person.  You could be playing tennis with a gay man and after the game be like "Im gonna go have a beer. What are you gonna do?" and he'll say "I think I'm gonna go suck somebody's dick" " you go suck that dick, I'll have the beer"
BUT, not all gays are accepted the same. In Order:

attractive Lesbians
Gay men

Gay men and transsexuals will get beat the fuck up sometimes. No one beats up hot lesbians, so being gay and being a guy will cause alot of trouble in life.   Butch Lesbians will just get gawked at or ridiculed. That beats a  boot to the face though.
I am all that is MOD!

who wants 2-1 odds that Eddie Murphy is not at least Bi?
Connoisseur of Fine Wine
The Photographer.
+81|6855|Central Valley,California

Cougar wrote:

I don't think either is seen as "acceptable".  At least not within my circle of friends and family.  Also, we don't feel that way because it's "anti-religious" or some kind of "redneck agenda", we feel that way because it is un-natural.

There are males and females for a reason.  I hear people use the arguement "they were born that way", or "its just the way they are".  Umm no.  If they were "born" that way, one would have been born a female and one a male, thats the way it works.  If nature intended people to be homosexual, we would have evolved to have both a penis and a vagina. 

I challenge anyone to show me something that proves that being homosexual is one of any reasons including but not limited too:


Personally I think it's a mental thing.  Kind of like how children break rules and disobey their parents to be rebellious and feel like they have control of their lives.  Only difference being that homosexuals take it to a whole new level in being rebellious against the laws of nature and common sense.  They feel they are in complete control or that they are "unique" in some way, but in reality they are just fucking each other in the ass.
Being gay or lesbian is no different from being mentally retarded. It's a disease.

topal63 wrote:

Cougar wrote:

(1) Also, ponder this, say we were not an advanced civilization and that if a child was born with a disorder such as DS, MS, Bells Palsy, or just plain old retardation or physical defects, how long would that child survive in the wild?  It wouldn't, which is natures way of weeding those types of problems out of the gene pool.  Now what if a homosexual was born in the wild?  Nothing.  He just wouldn't breed.  So how exactly are you comparing the two?  They have nothing in common, not to mention any scientific proof to back that theory of yours up.
I am not picking on you in particular, but consider this as well:

Your statement [above] is utterly contradicted by reality / history... really it is; no BS.

(1) This argument could easily be extended to cover anything that does not survive on its own; or cannot survive on its own: i.e. infants and the elderly. Obviously we do not leave infants to fend for themselves against a brutal & indifferent nature (chimps don’t, lions don’t, Neanderthal Man didn’t, Cro-Magnon didn’t and we don’t). Also the elderly have been valued in pre-industrial; pre-farming; hunter gathering societies - and it is evidenced archeologically (Neanderthals did; Cro-Magnons did; hunter-gathering societies did and do; and so do we).
....and a bunch of other stuff....
Wait.....no, you just said what I said..?

Infancy and being elderly are completely different to a mental or physical defect.  Well....sort of.  You get the point.  A retarded lion or a lion with multiple sclerosis is not going to be able to hunt effectively and will die.  A homosexual lion wouldn't have any problems on the other hand, he just wouldn't be able to breed.

How does that contradict itself?

Fuzzball_the_Shooter wrote:

Cougar wrote:

I don't think either is seen as "acceptable".  At least not within my circle of friends and family.  Also, we don't feel that way because it's "anti-religious" or some kind of "redneck agenda", we feel that way because it is un-natural.

There are males and females for a reason.  I hear people use the arguement "they were born that way", or "its just the way they are".  Umm no.  If they were "born" that way, one would have been born a female and one a male, thats the way it works.  If nature intended people to be homosexual, we would have evolved to have both a penis and a vagina. 

I challenge anyone to show me something that proves that being homosexual is one of any reasons including but not limited too:


Personally I think it's a mental thing.  Kind of like how children break rules and disobey their parents to be rebellious and feel like they have control of their lives.  Only difference being that homosexuals take it to a whole new level in being rebellious against the laws of nature and common sense.  They feel they are in complete control or that they are "unique" in some way, but in reality they are just fucking each other in the ass.
Being gay or lesbian is no different from being mentally retarded. It's a disease.
Right.  It's Homosyphillis Simplex II.

Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.
Not gay, dont know, loves hot lesbian porn though.
Malloy must go
If it doesn't say shop-vac keep shopping!
+25|6690|Grand Rapids, MI
I haven't read through the four pages (so shut up right?) so I'm sorry if I'm redundant. Someone asked me about this same sort of thing not to long ago. As a fan of anthropological psychology, this is the answer I gave.

Lesbians are seen as more acceptable because of traditional gender roles.

Women are "supposed" to be loving, nurturing and affectionate.

Whereas men are supposed to be rugged, inexpressive, and even cold.

Thus, when women are seen in an affectionate position (such as making out) it does not shock our senses. Both women are fulfilling their traditional roles.

However if two men are seen in a loving embrace, we may find it shocking because they are not being cold and inexpressive.

When we see a man and a woman together we may say that he is just trying to provide for her needs, or he is relenting to her wishes, thus giving him a "pass" for his behavior. However, if it is two men, then we may decided that there is no excuse for this because neither of them should want to be so expressive.

Any way that's my working theory.

Flame away.
+105|6628|Lutenblaag, Molvania

Cougar wrote:


I challenge anyone to show me something that proves that being homosexual is one of any reasons including but not limited too:

Natural it may not be, but thats the least of our problems. We do alot of unatural things far worse than that: exterminate species, wage war, fly, pollute, etc...

I challenge you then to show something that proves homosexualim imoral or unspiritual in any way.
"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered;  the point is to discover them."
Galileo Galilei  (1564-1642)
+276|6805|United States of America
I take it by gay men you don't mean happy men.  Let's call it the way it is, guys who like to put stuff in their arse.

There is something wrong with guys putting stuff in their arse, that is all I have to say about this.

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