Um, no...
Fine... I tried...
[Blinking eyes thing]
First off, why the hell does everyone call me ronin, thats my clans name.Darth_Fledeer wrote:
blah blah blah yada yada yada
2nd.GL's are shit, 2 hours ago and i was on sharqi, i ran over 4 people with my mp7 and was going after the last guy who was reloading with my knife, he shot his GL at me 3 times and missed, then blasted himself and me away with his GL by pointing it at the ground, taking out HIS teammate with us, shows how fucking pathetic GL's are and players like that, he could have killed me with his assualt rifle, and its shit like this that makes me bitch and moan about the GL, cuz every day i get killed in this gay way
and that is why i spend so much time in a jet,where im safe from = bunny hoppers, GL jumpers, and dolphin divers.
Last edited by .:ronin:.|Patton (2006-01-08 00:34:06)

Check my stats bitch im good at every aspect of the game, that includes infantry.Darth_Fleder wrote:
What, somebody not able to fly the chopper a few rounds and got owned? Get him a tissue someone...or better yet, a spine.^DD^GRiPS wrote:
If you use it all the time as a primary - FUCK YOU! get some skill.
After the patch, they will just find something else to wail and moan about.
Ehhh, well...
No problem at all. You don't seem like the sharpest pencil in the box, so anything I can do to help out. Maybe I'll teach you how to tie your shoes next week.teh adam wrote:
Oh I didn't know it was another way to die... I thought it was used to give ppl health (no wonder it said teamkilled when I tried giving ppl health). I didn't know it was another weapon either... I thought it was a stuffed animal. Thanks for telling me <--- sarcasmDarth_Fleder wrote:
You complainers just don't get it, do you. Stubborn as mules. IT IS JUST ANOTHER WAY TO DIE! and it is just a weapon.
You still sound like a pissy little girl. Get in your jet and kill them with your bombing and strafing runs and let me deal with them on the ground and quit bitching like a woman..:ronin:.|Patton wrote:
First off, why the hell does everyone call me ronin, thats my clans name.Darth_Fledeer wrote:
blah blah blah yada yada yada
2nd.GL's are shit, 2 hours ago and i was on sharqi, i ran over 4 people with my mp7 and was going after the last guy who was reloading with my knife, he shot his GL at me 3 times and missed, then blasted himself and me away with his GL by pointing it at the ground, taking out HIS teammate with us, shows how fucking pathetic GL's are and players like that, he could have killed me with his assualt rifle, and its shit like this that makes me bitch and moan about the GL, cuz every day i get killed in this gay way
and that is why i spend so much time in a jet,where im safe from = bunny hoppers, GL jumpers, and dolphin divers.
BTW, like you've never teamkilled with bombs.
"Whaaa, whaaa.....he teamkilled me with his sooooo gay." <----doesn't that sound dumb?
I do agree with you on one point.......people who regularly teamkill with any weapon need to be dealt with but blaming the weapon is not the way to do it.
Oh really? Then why do feel the need to cry like a baby in the forum? "I've got so much skill, but I just couldn't deal with that stooopid weapon....whhhaaaa, whaaaaaa, MOMMY>>>>>make him stop!"^DD^GRiPS wrote:
Check my stats bitch im good at every aspect of the game, that includes infantry.Darth_Fleder wrote:
What, somebody not able to fly the chopper a few rounds and got owned? Get him a tissue someone...or better yet, a spine.^DD^GRiPS wrote:
If you use it all the time as a primary - FUCK YOU! get some skill.
After the patch, they will just find something else to wail and moan about.
If you want people to think you're good, stop talking like a shit mouthed little boy.
See the "<--- sarcasm" comment I put in it means "A form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic language and is intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule." and wit means "joke".Darth_Fleder wrote:
No problem at all. You don't seem like the sharpest pencil in the box, so anything I can do to help out. Maybe I'll teach you how to tie your shoes next week.teh adam wrote:
Oh I didn't know it was another way to die... I thought it was used to give ppl health (no wonder it said teamkilled when I tried giving ppl health). I didn't know it was another weapon either... I thought it was a stuffed animal. Thanks for telling me <--- sarcasmDarth_Fleder wrote:
You complainers just don't get it, do you. Stubborn as mules. IT IS JUST ANOTHER WAY TO DIE! and it is just a weapon.
See if you knew the definion of sarcasm, which you obviously don't considering the response you gave to my post, you would have known it was a joke.
hey i got a solution for u guys GET A PLANE OR HELI and blow does grande lancher faces off with the cool plane/heli machine gun
Or better yet play another game if it bothers you that much.
i don't care for people to know im good, but people should check stats before they talk mess about my game like you did. Ya you noticed I am partial to a chopper, great detective work. you shoulda checked my infantry skills that measure up to anyone and most times are better so whatever. I was just ranting about it in a "complain" forum to blow off steam about a noob ass weapon. Then theres an idiot like you who wants to debate over it and defend it. Fuck off Kark-GL 0.69 K/D infantry boy.Darth_Fleder wrote:
No problem at all. You don't seem like the sharpest pencil in the box, so anything I can do to help out. Maybe I'll teach you how to tie your shoes next week.teh adam wrote:
Oh I didn't know it was another way to die... I thought it was used to give ppl health (no wonder it said teamkilled when I tried giving ppl health). I didn't know it was another weapon either... I thought it was a stuffed animal. Thanks for telling me <--- sarcasmDarth_Fleder wrote:
You complainers just don't get it, do you. Stubborn as mules. IT IS JUST ANOTHER WAY TO DIE! and it is just a weapon.You still sound like a pissy little girl. Get in your jet and kill them with your bombing and strafing runs and let me deal with them on the ground and quit bitching like a woman..:ronin:.|Patton wrote:
First off, why the hell does everyone call me ronin, thats my clans name.Darth_Fledeer wrote:
blah blah blah yada yada yada
2nd.GL's are shit, 2 hours ago and i was on sharqi, i ran over 4 people with my mp7 and was going after the last guy who was reloading with my knife, he shot his GL at me 3 times and missed, then blasted himself and me away with his GL by pointing it at the ground, taking out HIS teammate with us, shows how fucking pathetic GL's are and players like that, he could have killed me with his assualt rifle, and its shit like this that makes me bitch and moan about the GL, cuz every day i get killed in this gay way
and that is why i spend so much time in a jet,where im safe from = bunny hoppers, GL jumpers, and dolphin divers.
BTW, like you've never teamkilled with bombs.
"Whaaa, whaaa.....he teamkilled me with his sooooo gay." <----doesn't that sound dumb?
I do agree with you on one point.......people who regularly teamkill with any weapon need to be dealt with but blaming the weapon is not the way to do it.Oh really? Then why do feel the need to cry like a baby in the forum? "I've got so much skill, but I just couldn't deal with that stooopid weapon....whhhaaaa, whaaaaaa, MOMMY>>>>>make him stop!"^DD^GRiPS wrote:
Check my stats bitch im good at every aspect of the game, that includes infantry.Darth_Fleder wrote:
What, somebody not able to fly the chopper a few rounds and got owned? Get him a tissue someone...or better yet, a spine.
After the patch, they will just find something else to wail and moan about.
If you want people to think you're good, stop talking like a shit mouthed little boy.
Last edited by ^DD^GRiPS (2006-01-08 20:38:29)
^^^People who complain in a complain forum are losers.
Just sailed over your head did it? I see that I overestimated you. I am heartened by the fact that you at least know what a dictionary is, though. There is some hope for you.teh adam wrote:
See the "<--- sarcasm" comment I put in it means "A form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic language and is intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule." and wit means "joke".Darth_Fleder wrote:
No problem at all. You don't seem like the sharpest pencil in the box, so anything I can do to help out. Maybe I'll teach you how to tie your shoes next week.teh adam wrote:
Oh I didn't know it was another way to die... I thought it was used to give ppl health (no wonder it said teamkilled when I tried giving ppl health). I didn't know it was another weapon either... I thought it was a stuffed animal. Thanks for telling me <--- sarcasm
See if you knew the definion of sarcasm, which you obviously don't considering the response you gave to my post, you would have known it was a joke.
First, cross one lace over the other in one hand........with the free hand, wrap one lace under the other.......
Edited for ^DD^GRiPS's sake.
I'm sorry, maybe I should have offered you some milk and cookies and a hug so poor ^DD^GRiPeS could feel better........poor baby.^DD^GRiPS wrote:
i don't care for people to know im good, but people should check stats before they talk mess about my game like you did. Ya you noticed I am partial to a chopper, great detective work. you shoulda checked my infantry skills that measure up to anyone and most times are better so whatever. I was just ranting about it in a "complain" forum to blow off steam about a noob ass weapon. Then theres an idiot like you who wants to debate over it and defend it. Fuck off Kark-GL 0.69 K/D infantry boy.
Are you so dense that you don't realize that when you tell a group of people
that you don't expect some kind of response from members of that group? Not to mention that the topic you choose to complain about is silly. I imagine if I started a "FUCK YOU chopper whores" thread you would one of the first to respond. I would also expect to be laughed at for starting such a silly thread because the chopper is part of the game and it would just show a lack of maturity.^DD^GRIPES wrote:
I'll tell you again because you seem to need things repeated over and over again, find a legitimate topic to complain about...i.e vehicle teamkillers, admins who kick you for simply killing them, commanders who don't command...etc. and perhaps you won't get so much debate.
Is my K/D up to .69 already? The last time I was mocked for it, it was at .61. Stats are a transitory thing is this game, so basing arguments upon them is like building a house on sand.
Last edited by Darth_Fleder (2006-01-08 21:34:07)
he uses velcro stillDarth_Fleder wrote:
First, cross one lace over the other in one hand........with the free hand, wrap one lace under the other.......
roflthe_heart_attack wrote:
he uses velcro stillDarth_Fleder wrote:
First, cross one lace over the other in one hand........with the free hand, wrap one lace under the other.......
Wowzas! This is why people shouldn't judge one another with stats alone, people play to thier strengths, and if it's freaking bunnyhopping, plane whoring, tank whoring or constant GL, the way to get over it is to stop these people, that's the fun in it. People play differently, that's why EA should have never made these stats public on the internet, it's supposed to be competitive but should only be competitive against yourself. Like I said people play differently, I thought this dude was really good because I judged, and low an behold he just padded. Just shut up and play. but I like Darth Fleder statement which is all true >
Stats are a transitory thing is this game, so basing arguments upon them is like building a house on sand.
This comming from probably a player who jumps all over the place to stay alive and screams UNFAIR NADE LAUNCHERS <LOL.
I never knew a rabbit that played fair.
I never knew a rabbit that played fair.
Last edited by D1TAG (2006-01-09 06:12:36)
you can start your fuck chopper whores thread, it don't even apply to me and wouldn't offend me. I have 323 HRS of my 484 HRS not even being in a chopper. Stats are a valid arguement to judge how people play as long as they are interpreted correctly. You lack this skill. Stats can tell a story and give a pretty damn good senopses of how people play. I notice you have significantly more hrs in the game then me yet I have more CP, CPAs and CPdefend points then you. That says I work to cap and defend flags more than you even though you have almost 50 more Hrs playing time then me. Matter of fact I have more TEAMWORK points than you period. I am the utility soldier who does what needs to be done for the team to win. I am great at all things, even Ground defense and AA, to driving a frikin jeep. So just imagine what I could do with the GL if I chose to use it as primary like so many others that lack skill in the rest of the game because they need a weapon that is a 1 shot kill. When I do play assault I can use the rifle on infantry just fine. GL is a situational weapon and the situation isnt to have it out 24/7. After I get my expert Spec ops I think Ill work on my Assualt and I will be proud to not Whore Kark and the GL. I am not saying you whore anything though. Upon further scanning of your stats I would say your a team player who tries for the team as best you can. You have well rounded time on most maps and kits. Your not the most skilled player in use of all things but you are decent or average. You use the GL alot but not all the time. I wouldnt say you whore anything not even a tank.Darth_Fleder wrote:
Just sailed over your head did it? I see that I overestimated you. I am heartened by the fact that you at least know what a dictionary is, though. There is some hope for you.teh adam wrote:
See the "<--- sarcasm" comment I put in it means "A form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic language and is intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule." and wit means "joke".Darth_Fleder wrote:
No problem at all. You don't seem like the sharpest pencil in the box, so anything I can do to help out. Maybe I'll teach you how to tie your shoes next week.
See if you knew the definion of sarcasm, which you obviously don't considering the response you gave to my post, you would have known it was a joke.
First, cross one lace over the other in one hand........with the free hand, wrap one lace under the other.......
Edited for ^DD^GRiPS's sake.I'm sorry, maybe I should have offered you some milk and cookies and a hug so poor ^DD^GRiPeS could feel better........poor baby.^DD^GRiPS wrote:
i don't care for people to know im good, but people should check stats before they talk mess about my game like you did. Ya you noticed I am partial to a chopper, great detective work. you shoulda checked my infantry skills that measure up to anyone and most times are better so whatever. I was just ranting about it in a "complain" forum to blow off steam about a noob ass weapon. Then theres an idiot like you who wants to debate over it and defend it. Fuck off Kark-GL 0.69 K/D infantry boy.
Are you so dense that you don't realize that when you tell a group of peoplethat you don't expect some kind of response from members of that group? Not to mention that the topic you choose to complain about is silly. I imagine if I started a "FUCK YOU chopper whores" thread you would one of the first to respond. I would also expect to be laughed at for starting such a silly thread because the chopper is part of the game and it would just show a lack of maturity.^DD^GRIPES wrote:
I'll tell you again because you seem to need things repeated over and over again, find a legitimate topic to complain about...i.e vehicle teamkillers, admins who kick you for simply killing them, commanders who don't command...etc. and perhaps you won't get so much debate.
Is my K/D up to .69 already? The last time I was mocked for it, it was at .61. Stats are a transitory thing is this game, so basing arguments upon them is like building a house on sand.
Anyways, I am over this arguement darth_fleder. Someone said complaining in a complain forum makes you a loser. Thats his opinion as are most of what I say that isnt based on some statistical information. I run over most people in this game, I just get irritated that the GL can stop me fast. So I bitched about it. I didn't expect everyone to agree with me.
You sir are an ass. Have you seen me bunnyhop ever? Have you even once been in a game with me? why would I be okay with bunnyhopping if I dislike GL over-use. Actually bunnyhopping is much worse IMO.D1TAG wrote:
This comming from probably a player who jumps all over the place to stay alive and screams UNFAIR NADE LAUNCHERS <LOL.
I never knew a rabbit that played fair.
Last edited by ^DD^GRiPS (2006-01-09 10:25:08)
I still don't think stats are a primary weapon on how to judge people on how they play, it doesn't give a person a 'good idea' either. In that case my nephew that just started would be considered great, but the problem is he only plays small maps with few people in them and he has one thing on his mind and that is to cap flags. You can't justify a person off stats alone, so many people have 2 accounts because they crapped so bad at first; So again, stats are a whoop-de-fucking-doo.
I totaly agree that bunny hopping is worse but in some cases people who do not have powerfull pc,s, that may be the only way that they can defend themselves , with nades that is.
As for stats , you should be able to play with people and enjoy there company playing as a team regardless of what is used to kill you. I myself do not play for stats bbut play for the joy of meeting new people and earning there respect for how I play and not for my stats. So if you play strickly for your stats then I wonder who the ass is. Maybe we will meet on a server some where and play together and learn to respect each other for how we play and not who can call the other an ass compatition.
As for stats , you should be able to play with people and enjoy there company playing as a team regardless of what is used to kill you. I myself do not play for stats bbut play for the joy of meeting new people and earning there respect for how I play and not for my stats. So if you play strickly for your stats then I wonder who the ass is. Maybe we will meet on a server some where and play together and learn to respect each other for how we play and not who can call the other an ass compatition.
Let me start off by saying that I did not mean to imply that you are a chopper whore or a whore of any sort. What I meant by titling my imaginary post “Chopper Whore” was to illustrate a point. Personally, what many perceive as whoring and what I consider to be whoring are vastly different. IMNSHO, a player only achieves the title of whore when they feel it is necessary to team kill to get the vehicle of their choice or force others to team kill them when they don’t get what they want. You know the smacktard I am talking about.
The reason that I like BF2 so much is that it is a multi-faceted game. If I want to fly a chopper, I can. If I want to play as tank driver, that option is also available as well….and so on and so on. And if someone who purchases the game wants to fly a jet whenever possible to the exclusion of all else…as long as they are not pulling the previously mentioned stunts…more power to them. The point here is, if it is your goal to be a well rounded player, and yes you definitely seem to be, I have no problem with that. Also, if it was your desire to fly a chopper 24/7, again as long as you are not being a jerk in doing so……see polarbearz’ post for a complete guide to what I mean, then again, in my mind you are not a whore…rather a specialist. (
The phobia about becoming a specialist is misplaced. When I am playing on a map that has a chopper, I want the pilot on my team to be better than the opposing chopper pilot and keep him from killing me and so on for jets and armor. I applaud those who choose to perfect their skills in one particular aspect of this multi-dimensional game.
Somehow, the mindset has become if you are not running around with a rifle you are some kind of whore, be it GL, tank, chopper, c4, jet…whatever. This is a narrow-minded view and is not why I purchased the game. It has gotten so bad that when I was commanding a couple rounds in a 64 Karkand as USMC that our armor was going completely unused. Not only that, when we managed to capture the MEC armor spawn in the back, that armor went unused as well. All it took was a small squad of MEC to come jump in the parked armor and retake the control point and then the entire map. They also noticed that ours was unused at the uncap and stole it as well, and all my warnings to my team went unheeded.
The reason that I took exception to your post is that it seemed to come from this perspective.
As to the stats, I'll be the first to admit that mine are somewhat lacking. However, as you probably noticed, the trend lines in Chuy's charts show some definate trends. Prior to purchasing this game I hadn't played a FPS in quite a few years and was totally unprepared for the level on play encountered on most servers. I did not play on unranked servers until I got better but played straight away on ranked ones. I took a lot of abuse during the first few months and that is what my stats show. If you want a snapshot of recent stats that better reflect my current play....look up TheArchangel_Michael. I created it in the face of of accusations of all the stat-preeners who rush to judgement based upon stats. I have given it about 4 hours of time just to see how
well I play currently. Once again I would to reiterate that stats are transitory and do not always give accurate pictures.
Much better post this time, albeit a bit too condescending.
p.s. I did a stat compare too…This n00b-t00ber has nearly 200 fewer teamkills in my fifty more hours than you do
Let me start off by saying that I did not mean to imply that you are a chopper whore or a whore of any sort. What I meant by titling my imaginary post “Chopper Whore” was to illustrate a point. Personally, what many perceive as whoring and what I consider to be whoring are vastly different. IMNSHO, a player only achieves the title of whore when they feel it is necessary to team kill to get the vehicle of their choice or force others to team kill them when they don’t get what they want. You know the smacktard I am talking about.
The reason that I like BF2 so much is that it is a multi-faceted game. If I want to fly a chopper, I can. If I want to play as tank driver, that option is also available as well….and so on and so on. And if someone who purchases the game wants to fly a jet whenever possible to the exclusion of all else…as long as they are not pulling the previously mentioned stunts…more power to them. The point here is, if it is your goal to be a well rounded player, and yes you definitely seem to be, I have no problem with that. Also, if it was your desire to fly a chopper 24/7, again as long as you are not being a jerk in doing so……see polarbearz’ post for a complete guide to what I mean, then again, in my mind you are not a whore…rather a specialist. (
The phobia about becoming a specialist is misplaced. When I am playing on a map that has a chopper, I want the pilot on my team to be better than the opposing chopper pilot and keep him from killing me and so on for jets and armor. I applaud those who choose to perfect their skills in one particular aspect of this multi-dimensional game.
Somehow, the mindset has become if you are not running around with a rifle you are some kind of whore, be it GL, tank, chopper, c4, jet…whatever. This is a narrow-minded view and is not why I purchased the game. It has gotten so bad that when I was commanding a couple rounds in a 64 Karkand as USMC that our armor was going completely unused. Not only that, when we managed to capture the MEC armor spawn in the back, that armor went unused as well. All it took was a small squad of MEC to come jump in the parked armor and retake the control point and then the entire map. They also noticed that ours was unused at the uncap and stole it as well, and all my warnings to my team went unheeded.
The reason that I took exception to your post is that it seemed to come from this perspective.
As to the stats, I'll be the first to admit that mine are somewhat lacking. However, as you probably noticed, the trend lines in Chuy's charts show some definate trends. Prior to purchasing this game I hadn't played a FPS in quite a few years and was totally unprepared for the level on play encountered on most servers. I did not play on unranked servers until I got better but played straight away on ranked ones. I took a lot of abuse during the first few months and that is what my stats show. If you want a snapshot of recent stats that better reflect my current play....look up TheArchangel_Michael. I created it in the face of of accusations of all the stat-preeners who rush to judgement based upon stats. I have given it about 4 hours of time just to see how
well I play currently. Once again I would to reiterate that stats are transitory and do not always give accurate pictures.
Much better post this time, albeit a bit too condescending.
p.s. I did a stat compare too…This n00b-t00ber has nearly 200 fewer teamkills in my fifty more hours than you do
Kool, good post.Darth_Fleder wrote:
Let me start off by saying that I did not mean to imply that you are a chopper whore or a whore of any sort. What I meant by titling my imaginary post “Chopper Whore” was to illustrate a point. Personally, what many perceive as whoring and what I consider to be whoring are vastly different. IMNSHO, a player only achieves the title of whore when they feel it is necessary to team kill to get the vehicle of their choice or force others to team kill them when they don’t get what they want. You know the smacktard I am talking about.
The reason that I like BF2 so much is that it is a multi-faceted game. If I want to fly a chopper, I can. If I want to play as tank driver, that option is also available as well….and so on and so on. And if someone who purchases the game wants to fly a jet whenever possible to the exclusion of all else…as long as they are not pulling the previously mentioned stunts…more power to them. The point here is, if it is your goal to be a well rounded player, and yes you definitely seem to be, I have no problem with that. Also, if it was your desire to fly a chopper 24/7, again as long as you are not being a jerk in doing so……see polarbearz’ post for a complete guide to what I mean, then again, in my mind you are not a whore…rather a specialist. (
The phobia about becoming a specialist is misplaced. When I am playing on a map that has a chopper, I want the pilot on my team to be better than the opposing chopper pilot and keep him from killing me and so on for jets and armor. I applaud those who choose to perfect their skills in one particular aspect of this multi-dimensional game.
Somehow, the mindset has become if you are not running around with a rifle you are some kind of whore, be it GL, tank, chopper, c4, jet…whatever. This is a narrow-minded view and is not why I purchased the game. It has gotten so bad that when I was commanding a couple rounds in a 64 Karkand as USMC that our armor was going completely unused. Not only that, when we managed to capture the MEC armor spawn in the back, that armor went unused as well. All it took was a small squad of MEC to come jump in the parked armor and retake the control point and then the entire map. They also noticed that ours was unused at the uncap and stole it as well, and all my warnings to my team went unheeded.
The reason that I took exception to your post is that it seemed to come from this perspective.
As to the stats, I'll be the first to admit that mine are somewhat lacking. However, as you probably noticed, the trend lines in Chuy's charts show some definate trends. Prior to purchasing this game I hadn't played a FPS in quite a few years and was totally unprepared for the level on play encountered on most servers. I did not play on unranked servers until I got better but played straight away on ranked ones. I took a lot of abuse during the first few months and that is what my stats show. If you want a snapshot of recent stats that better reflect my current play....look up TheArchangel_Michael. I created it in the face of of accusations of all the stat-preeners who rush to judgement based upon stats. I have given it about 4 hours of time just to see how
well I play currently. Once again I would to reiterate that stats are transitory and do not always give accurate pictures.
Much better post this time, albeit a bit too condescending.
p.s. I did a stat compare too…This n00b-t00ber has nearly 200 fewer teamkills in my fifty more hours than you do
Touche' on the TKs. I don't TK for vehicles. I will however say that I will not hesitate to TK some idiot whos doing things to hinder my own fun and that is why i have so many. Ill TK someone who punishes an accidental TK too, As it pisses me off when someone doesnt consider responsible punishing. I tried to go the humble route and walk away from some encounters but my hard-headedness gets the better of me sometimes.
Last edited by ^DD^GRiPS (2006-01-11 23:05:17)
I think people that are mad at people for using the GL are crazy. Do you realize that there are only 4 grenades to launch? Probably mad because they didnt think of it first.
True.. Stop the complaining about the tube. It's freaking redundant. It's part of the game, enjoy it.
Pretty soon people will be complaining on how {TA}Firestorm will be overtaking! Who freaking cares!
Pretty soon people will be complaining on how {TA}Firestorm will be overtaking! Who freaking cares!
Oh No I Hate The Pistol So Much I Can't Use It So I Hate It!