so i was playing on ghost tonight and there was lots and lots of base raping going on. fucking other team took every piece of armor and pointed it in our base and fired away. final score was something like 200-0. fucking smacktard assclown no talent pieces of shit. sorry had to vent.
Did they beat you back to your mainbase? If so, it's not capturable, so what else could they do except beat your ass down?
start a kick vote against them.
I know they wont always work, but at least the ()votes for kicking, ()votes needed will tell them someones not having fun, and they should let u have some fun in the game as well as themselves.
Thats what i do to idiotic bunny-hopping-with-grenade-launcher-bitches.
Pew Pew!
+216|6889|San Francisco

If you had other spawns then it's your fault for not spawning on them, if you didn't have any other spawns then it's your fault for losing all of your other spawns. Sorry, but that's just how it goes. You can't possibly expect the opposing team to just leave you alone in the middle of a war after pushing you all the way back to your no-cap, after all the goal is to win at all costs, not to play as fairly as possible.
Corrosion Inhibitor
so true yet so annoying if u have a crappy team.
First of all if your teams got pushed back to your main base so early and was unable to push back out you deserved to be spawn raped. Foremost theres two kinds of spawn raping the first one is people just camp a spawn area and rape people even thought theres still flags that need to be captured and the second one is owning noobs that cant manage to fight out of the main base or a carrier, i dont condone the first kind at all it takes no skill with that said i give no quarter to any one that cant fight out of a carrier or a main base. The best filling is bombing noobs on the deck of the essexs with my SU-37 on oman then having them cry spawn raper and starting a kick vote on me. You cant shoot me down then dont complain, I hate f-ing noobs

Last edited by sragoot (2006-01-07 22:49:49)

To piggy back on this subject on base owning (raping). I remember playing clean sweep on a server called CHRISTINE GAMING ONLINE I was on the mec side flying the SU-37 and our team did a great job pushing the other team back to thier island, then a message from the admin said no strafing or bombing the main base. So i guess the admin was talking to me so i said ok, so i did a recon fly by to see what they where up to then next thing you know i get this tone from some body lucking on to you, i know it wasnt the F15 because i just shoot him down not to long ago. This was a 32plyr map so no F18 but any ways i killed the noob manning the AA site then i get the message from the admin warning me not to strafe there main base, so was yelling WTF is this about they can attack me but i cant attack them. So i did what any body in my shoes would do that had a bomber in there fingers tips, I bombed the leaving crap out of them. So i turned around saw the F15 re spawn got into my bombing run fired 2 quick burst with my cannons killed three noobs around the hangar and 7 more when i drop my payload on the hangar, i guess i got there fully loaded blackhawk too then i heard that tone again, so i strafe the AA site again and killed the same exact noob that was manning it earlier, lets do the math one bombing run 11 kills 10 dollars, finding out it was the adming manning the AA site priceless but soon i got banned for being a smacktard so they said. I hated that server i guess it was ungodly of me to bomb helpless noobs on the runway my advice stay away from that server cause youll just give your self a headache I think the server was called CHRISTINE GAMING ONLINE they have a AH-64 as there server image with there clan logo over lapping it. BEWARE
+85|6793|good old CA
wow so far all the topics on the homepage have been complains.  lol
Don't touch the pom-pom!
Yesterday I had a case of serious armour whoring on Karkand 64 player. They had a tank and 2 APCs, and were seriously owning us, so I thought "Sod it, I can't stand this any more". I broke out the C4 and started either Vodnik C4ing them, or catching them unawares, planting 2 and blowing them.

One guy even accused me of cheating 'cause he didn't see me when I killed him! xD

sragoot wrote:

To piggy back on this subject on base owning (raping). I remember playing clean sweep on a server called CHRISTINE GAMING ONLINE I was on the mec side flying the SU-37 and our team did a great job pushing the other team back to thier island, then a message from the admin said no strafing or bombing the main base. So i guess the admin was talking to me so i said ok, so i did a recon fly by to see what they where up to then next thing you know i get this tone from some body lucking on to you, i know it wasnt the F15 because i just shoot him down not to long ago. This was a 32plyr map so no F18 but any ways i killed the noob manning the AA site then i get the message from the admin warning me not to strafe there main base, so was yelling WTF is this about they can attack me but i cant attack them. So i did what any body in my shoes would do that had a bomber in there fingers tips, I bombed the leaving crap out of them. So i turned around saw the F15 re spawn got into my bombing run fired 2 quick burst with my cannons killed three noobs around the hangar and 7 more when i drop my payload on the hangar, i guess i got there fully loaded blackhawk too then i heard that tone again, so i strafe the AA site again and killed the same exact noob that was manning it earlier, lets do the math one bombing run 11 kills 10 dollars, finding out it was the adming manning the AA site priceless but soon i got banned for being a smacktard so they said. I hated that server i guess it was ungodly of me to bomb helpless noobs on the runway my advice stay away from that server cause youll just give your self a headache I think the server was called CHRISTINE GAMING ONLINE they have a AH-64 as there server image with there clan logo over lapping it. BEWARE
There are no SU-37s on any part of BF2
But, there are 3 in the new movie 'Stealth'
well now that ive had some time to cool down i do see the point of pushing an army back to an uncappable and then blowing the shit out of them. im sure that i would do it. it just seemed so shitty to run to one side of the base, see an APC and AA and the other side and see tank and AA with massive crossfire laying waste to the whole spawn area. i agree good tactic and probably deserved as we did get pushed back. it just doesnt seem the sporting thing to do. eh.

Stephen_Sung_811007 wrote:

sragoot wrote:

To piggy back on this subject on base owning (raping). I remember playing clean sweep on a server called CHRISTINE GAMING ONLINE I was on the mec side flying the SU-37 and our team did a great job pushing the other team back to thier island, then a message from the admin said no strafing or bombing the main base. So i guess the admin was talking to me so i said ok, so i did a recon fly by to see what they where up to then next thing you know i get this tone from some body lucking on to you, i know it wasnt the F15 because i just shoot him down not to long ago. This was a 32plyr map so no F18 but any ways i killed the noob manning the AA site then i get the message from the admin warning me not to strafe there main base, so was yelling WTF is this about they can attack me but i cant attack them. So i did what any body in my shoes would do that had a bomber in there fingers tips, I bombed the leaving crap out of them. So i turned around saw the F15 re spawn got into my bombing run fired 2 quick burst with my cannons killed three noobs around the hangar and 7 more when i drop my payload on the hangar, i guess i got there fully loaded blackhawk too then i heard that tone again, so i strafe the AA site again and killed the same exact noob that was manning it earlier, lets do the math one bombing run 11 kills 10 dollars, finding out it was the adming manning the AA site priceless but soon i got banned for being a smacktard so they said. I hated that server i guess it was ungodly of me to bomb helpless noobs on the runway my advice stay away from that server cause youll just give your self a headache I think the server was called CHRISTINE GAMING ONLINE they have a AH-64 as there server image with there clan logo over lapping it. BEWARE
There are no SU-37s on any part of BF2
But, there are 3 in the new movie 'Stealth'
Your right there is no SU-37s in bf2 but stlealth wasnt that good of a movie any ways except for the dog fight scenes. But to correct myself it I was flying the SU-34, i was in the middle of a rant i couldnt think proplerly excuse me
Jet Rammer
+4|6768|Debris From Space
sragoot you can say what you want to about noobs or about me writing this. But if you think back ,were you not a noob starting out. Don't put others down for being new to something and trying to play a game and having fun. You may have experience now and are probably a damn good player now but you were just as much a noob as anyone else starting out.

Maybe its age that makes you feel better calling someone else a noob but look in the mirror first.

Go ahead give it to me I can take it,lol.

Last edited by D1TAG (2006-01-08 09:13:49)

+0|6730|Tampa, Florida
I have to agree with D1TAG.
EVERYONE STARTED OUT A N00B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I may not haave the best fucking stats but i really dont give a flying fuck either, i play this game to have FUN, NOT to be put down by someone , even though they are better than i in playing this game, but i came to play and have fun, but before you start calling someone a n00b as D1TAG said..."Look in the mirror first!"
It hurts like hell to be base-raped, but then it's the fault of the team for letting it get that bad. I've just played where we got slaughtered and base-raped... It hurts, but it's also very fair to do it.... It's WAR DAMMIT . Look on the bright side, there'll be a time when you do it to others, will you then come back and complain "hell we base-raped them, it was so unfair" ... Yep, I know this is the complaints section and you just had to vent, but same way as we just have to proffer an opinion on your complaint
haha im a base raping whore my self more like a base raping slut cause i dont get paid doing it

its fun as hell to base  rape killing over and over but when ppl do it to me its sure aint fun haha.

On karkland in my tank (look at my stats and you'll see im a tank whore) i killed like 45 people in a row at the hotel with out dying and a guy was in the gunnery helping me he was laughing his head off it was funny how many kills we got any asshole c4 tried to come near me when i was killing them he took him out with the machine gun.
Wow..talk about whining.  Whine Whine Whine.

If you can't take it, stop playing. Play something like a Barbie game or something. Sheesh.

Ever hear the phrase, "All is fair in love and war"?

I don't care if they bunny hop, base camp, mid-air ram, C4 flags, Hover in Blackhawks spraying my ass.. it's all part of the game.

I hate people who can't deal with this stuff.  You don't like losing, fine.  Just stop whining about it.

hosebeast01 wrote:

so i was playing on ghost tonight and there was lots and lots of base raping going on. fucking other team took every piece of armor and pointed it in our base and fired away. final score was something like 200-0. fucking smacktard assclown no talent pieces of shit. sorry had to vent.
Don't bother about that! - Press ESC and change server!
Read what the prime dickheads are writing about their 'point of view' regarding base raping and understand that there will be always players, who ardently need to spawn camp and base rape to get their 'super ratios' - LOL. They will always find arguments pro base raping etc. and don't expect that those kind of players understand why the developers have choosen those kind of signs for the main bases.
For getting many, many 'points' all seems to be allowed - so prepare yourself for that and get out of such a match, if you don't like this kind of gameplay.
Maybe '[url=http://www.bf2scripts.com/modules/news/]Alternative Battelfield 2 Ranking[/url] will bring some positive change for BF2, different ranking sheme, maybe a somewhat more balanced gameplay...maybe illusion
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6850|Marathon, Florida Keys
its times like that i switch teams ftw or if autobalence is on i just stay dead and dont repawn and go grab a soda or something
Thread Ender
+58|6765|New Hampshire
Too bad, so sad, you got your asses handed to you - that's what you get for being on a shitty team.  What do you want them to do, sit back so you can get a flag, then get your ass beaten back to your main again?  Fuck that - if I'm in a server with a shitty team, you're damn right I'm gonna beat your ass the fuck down.What do you people expect them to do?  You know damn well if you were on the other side you'd beat the other guys down, so stop complaining.
Com'on you know base raping it fun <3
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