I cnat slpel!!!

teh adam wrote:

They should impliment suicide penelties so ppl that kill themselves have to wait an extra 45 seconds, which would hopefully deter ppl from suiciding with the GL

Or some of the other ideas that have been expressed previuosly.
Damn! that, IMO, is the best, and easiest thing to implement I have heard so far! That would be excellent!!!
I don't get the big issue anymore.  So what the guy kills you and himself.  You both take one ticket off the team and each take 15 seconds to respawn.  And why wouldn't you use the GL as your primary... its more effective than a guy with his rifle, whats the big deal if someone walks around the corner with the GL out.  He knows that in his mind someone on the other team is probably going to die and theres a small chance that he might too.  Bitching about a GL is pointless, who cares.  I love being a noob tuber just because of how pissed people get when they get killed by it.
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6957|Marathon, Florida Keys
check out 1st place with GL's
I wish i could run over his computer with a lawnmower
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|6954|Orlando, FL - Age 43

Deathsc-O-pe[CoD] wrote:

Darth_Fleder wrote:

^DD^GRiPS wrote:

If you use it all the time  as a primary - FUCK YOU!  get some skill.
What, somebody not able to fly the chopper a few rounds and got owned? Get him a tissue someone...or better yet, a spine.

After the patch, they will just find something else to wail and moan about.
When the patch comes out there should be no more complaints because it will solve noob-203er's and nob-30er's and the dance of the frog(frog dancing) or dolphin diving (i think frog dancing is a more acc term) and after those r fixed the game will be better than it allready is and i don't see a need for any more fixes.   Kill me with helis armor and jets and i will not complain because i expect to be killed by those.  The frog dancers will now have learn how to use cover and be tactical.   Although if they didn't make this patch i would continue to enjoy the game and deal with these type players which i do.  I also agree that using the GL at range and on vehicles is fine, i am talking about ppl u strafe jump and launch a grenade at ur feet and only I die.  I have been in small areas and been grenade launched at and somehow i die and the other guy doesn't.
If you think that the upcoming patch will stop the complaints, I am afraid you are being a bit naïve. The same inanity that is driving this frothing hatred of the GL will attach itself to something else. The 'frog dancers' will just figure out a new way to get under your skin. And, really, it's not them, it's you. You let yourselves get all worked up by trivial things. Here's a little secret, when you are all pissed off and annoyed, you are off your game.

You complainers just don't get it, do you. Stubborn as mules. IT IS JUST ANOTHER WAY TO DIE! and it is just a weapon.

If you are trying to tell me that there is a great distinction between being shot with a tank round, being tossed 100ft into the air by artillery, being bombed by jets and being shot point blank by a are just splitting hairs. Whoop-de-do, they (or I) blow themselves up in the process, it means they (or I) also have to wait 15 seconds to gl someone else again. Whoop-de-do they jump and dive all over the place, aim a little higher.

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

check out 1st place with GL's
I wish i could run over his computer with a lawnmower
You're just mad because he has more kills with his GL than you do with your jet.

Try turning your hatred to something legitimate, like the shit-heads who teamkill all round for vehicles instead of going and taking some flags.
[]D [] []\/[] []D
+177|6889|United States

^DD^GRiPS wrote:

If you use it all the time  as a primary - FUCK YOU!  get some skill.
I better find some skill.
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6957|Marathon, Florida Keys

Darth_Fleder wrote:

You're just mad because he has more kills with his GL than you do with your jet.
Shut up with your assumptions, i dident even think of that.
Aussie Outlaw

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

check out 1st place with GL's
I wish i could run over his computer with a lawnmower
Aussie Outlaw

teh adam wrote:

They should impliment suicide penelties so ppl that kill themselves have to wait an extra 45 seconds, which would hopefully deter ppl from suiciding with the GL

Or some of the other ideas that have been expressed previuosly.
They should just not get points for GL kills
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|6954|Orlando, FL - Age 43

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

Darth_Fleder wrote:

You're just mad because he has more kills with his GL than you do with your jet.
Shut up with your assumptions, i dident even think of that.
Wow, I feel chastened. Shut the hell up with your constant whining bring shame to the great name of Patton.
He used to slap whiners.

"Oooh, I don't like the noooob tooob, whaaa, whaaa!"

teh adam

Darth_Fleder wrote:

You complainers just don't get it, do you. Stubborn as mules. IT IS JUST ANOTHER WAY TO DIE! and it is just a weapon.
Oh I didn't know it was another way to die... I thought it was used to give ppl health (no wonder it said teamkilled when I tried giving ppl health). I didn't know it was another weapon either... I thought it was a stuffed animal. Thanks for telling me <--- sarcasm
read sig


'Nuff said

grenade launchers take considerable skill to hit with, other than at point blank obviously

Last edited by US_JackHammer (2006-01-07 23:10:08)

Aussie Outlaw


Aussie Outlaw
Assault Rifles      49:37:06      2,298      2,255      1.02      16.92%
Grenade Launcher Attachment     18:40:56     1,915     913     2.10     69.31%

Pulls out gun, Watch him run
Omg whats the big deal about grenade launchers, if you cant beat them join them yes i love nade launching the simplicity with it and the moaning i get off it really gives it a better drive. Someone calls me a n00b for killing them with it they just make my day and i go hunting to get them again. its a way people game and dont think the new patch will solve it all theres ways around everything.

Greenie_Beazinie wrote:

Assault Rifles      49:37:06      2,298      2,255      1.02      16.92%
Grenade Launcher Attachment     18:40:56     1,915     913     2.10     69.31%

Your damn straight kid, Hadnt played more than 15 hours (vet assault badge) with assault, before, but hell, If Ea is going to bring out a patch to make the assault class suck ass, you can be sure as hell Im going to get my 100 hours and expert badge before that patch comes out and not after. Youd have to be a complete fucking moron not too. As soon as I get my expert assault I will switch to a differnet class and prob never ever use assault again. Either medic or spec ops are my favourite classes. But untill I get my 100 hours with assault and that nice shiny gold badge, you can be sure Ill spend my time fraggin whiny little cretins like you that have nothing better to do with there time than bitch about how your getting your ass handed to you. Now bend over like a good little boy and take your whooping like a man.
Aussie Outlaw

US_JackHammer wrote:

Greenie_Beazinie wrote:

Assault Rifles      49:37:06      2,298      2,255      1.02      16.92%
Grenade Launcher Attachment     18:40:56     1,915     913     2.10     69.31%

Your damn straight kid, Hadnt played more than 15 hours (vet assault badge) with assault, before, but hell, If Ea is going to bring out a patch to make the assault class suck ass, you can be sure as hell Im going to get my 100 hours and expert badge before that patch comes out and not after. Youd have to be a complete fucking moron not too. As soon as I get my expert assault I will switch to a differnet class and prob never ever use assault again. Either medic or spec ops are my favourite classes. But untill I get my 100 hours with assault and that nice shiny gold badge, you can be sure Ill spend my time fraggin whiny little cretins like you that have nothing better to do with there time than bitch about how your getting your ass handed to you. Now bend over like a good little boy and take your whooping like a man.
My ass isnt being handed to no one if you're using a fucking noob tube. Be a man and use what takes more skill. I bet IRL you'd pull out a knife in a fist fight.
I got really bored of the grenade launcher, so I just don't use it. I switched to the G3, which, if the discussion in the "worst unlock" thread is any measure, is one of the most underrated guns in the game.

I have no problem with people who use or "whore" the grenade launcher, it is a valid weapon in the game and they're free to indulge. The fact is, it's very easy to use, and it doesn't feel greatly like an actual modern battlefield if I'm spamming grenades, whether from the tube or standard nades, so for my personal playing style, the grenade launcher doesn't suit. I like to play it like Black Hawk Down or Band Of Brothers. For me it's all about the teamwork, communication, fire support and so on. I don't mind if others play in this style or not because 80% of the time my G3 either kills the enemy before he can fire a nade or kills him after he's missed. My favourite is when I get point-blanked with a nade, both I and the enemy die, and then I get a revive from my squad medic.

The grenade launcher: It's easy, it's unrealistic, and it's not effective against good players. That's why I don't use it anymore. I don't mind if you do it, because most of the time it helps me to kill you.
What.. you think im american or something?
Im english, theres no way in hell Id use anything other than my fists. But why the hell are you talking about real life? are you some sort of fag that likes to think your hard online by threatening poeple in Rl?

Back to the game I have 400 hours of time in this game now, and 18 hours with a grenade launcher. Wow.. I must use it a lot. Now if we check my other stats, those that have been used much more, like carbines, and pistols, oh.. yep handed you your ass on that too. anyway enough with this stupid little flame war, back on topic of how people bitch needlessly about the grenade launcher.l
Aussie Outlaw

US_JackHammer wrote:

What.. you think im american or something?
Im english, theres no way in hell Id use anything other than my fists. But why the hell are you talking about real life? are you some sort of fag that likes to think your hard online by threatening poeple in Rl?

Back to the game I have 400 hours of time in this game now, and 18 hours with a grenade launcher. Wow.. I must use it a lot. Now if we check my other stats, those that have been used much more, like carbines, and pistols, oh.. yep handed you your ass on that too. anyway enough with this stupid little flame war, back on topic of how people bitch needlessly about the grenade launcher.l
Uhhh, its an example.

And you can't hand anyone's ass to them, your stats suck dick.

Greenie_Beazinie wrote:

And you can't hand anyone's ass to them, your stats suck dick.
Considering I cant/dont fly, and spend pretty much all my time soldiering it on foot, I beg to differ.
Mass Media Casualty

Things I use my GL for:

- When my nerves are shattered to breaking point, I sometimes take it out, like when I was going down the stairs in the TV tower and knew that enemies were coming up I kept it out and fired on the first guy I saw. Also when taking the TV station point. If I have a GL, you better believe I have it firmly fixed on that doorway. Likewise when I'm Spec. Op, I always leave C4 in the doorway.

- My favourite use for the GL, taking out those little zippy buggies. It's so awesome when they try to run you down and POW! It's especially sweet because often you take out more than one guy.

- Hitting people from far away who I know have a more accurate primary weapon than me. I could pop of shot after shot and miss a bunch while he fills me with lead, so I fire a GL at him. I also do this with regular hand grenades.

- Taking out a medic and his newly revived mate who are too far away to simply gun down. I love those medics who risk everything to get those two points and I just empty my pistol clip into their back, and the back of their friend, but if they're far away and I have a GL, you better believe that's what they're getting.

- Taking out the top gunner in tanks. This is a very good use for the GL, because you don't have to give a target to the tank/gunner, just pop out, deliver your gift, and pop down again so your Anti-Tank/Spec. Ops buddy has a better chance of destroying the tank.

- Simply firing into a group of enemies. Good times.

- Once I tried the n00b-tube tactic. I went around the side of a house in Shonghua(?) Stalemate with the sole aim of killing the guy around there close range. Didn't work. I panicked and fired the GL at my feet when he was close, so effectivly killed myself, but not my target.

All, save the last one, I feel are legitamate uses for the GL, however, many people have complained that they have been killed by a GL and thusly, I am a n00b-tuber. I agree with people like Darth_Fleder who point out the the GL is just another weapon. It is a shame that some people insist on running around with it killing people point blank which results in a skill-less kill for the GLer, but the epidemic has become such that anyone who uses the GL at all is accused of having no skill. That should stop, but then likewise should those who exploit the GL.

So in conclusion, I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about.

Edit: US_JackHammer, your definition of n00b-tuber is incorrect. The n00b-tuber refers to the one using the GL, not the one effected by it. Those who complain or who are killed by it lots are just dumbasses or unlucky, respectivly.

Last edited by Tyferra (2006-01-08 00:00:24)

[Blinking eyes thing]
Aussie Outlaw
Hmm … Jackhammer

Seems I beat you in every KDR, except GL

Greenie_Beazinie wrote:

Hmm … Jackhammer

Seems I beat you in every KDR, except GL
so your upset because im better than you with a noob weapon/>
Aussie Outlaw

US_JackHammer wrote:

Greenie_Beazinie wrote:

Hmm … Jackhammer

Seems I beat you in every KDR, except GL
so your upset because im better than you with a noob weapon/>
No, im proving that you can't hand my ass to me.

BTW, my GL KDR is only 0.01 below yours.
Mass Media Casualty

Hey guys, I think I speak for the rest of us when I say... shut up.

P.S: If you want to continue 'Debating', use private messages.
[Blinking eyes thing]

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