QFT. +1. I was going to jump on him for what he wrote...but you did a fine job.deeznutz1245 wrote:
Tell that to someone who has bled for that flag. Someone who has lost a loved one for that flag. Someone who has suffered for that flag. It is "just" a Flag to people who feel their freedom is an entitlement, and are to cowardly to defend it. If you are not prepared to die for your freedom then you do not deserve it.Homie22 wrote:
lol i agree that shes being dumb wanting flag to be removed but who cares? Just a flag its not like the flag is your religion or anything/
Edit: Please post said bitch's address. Me and some of my fellow public servants and vets would just *love* to go visit her.
Last edited by =MCHD= arush5268d (17 years, 11 months ago)