
spray_and_pray wrote:

To the rude poster, thanks for voicing your concern however if you weren't as ignorant as fuck and read the whole posts I made you would understand I support both soldiers. So I will easily say stick it up your ass you got a problem PM me rather then just prove you didn't read the whole post to all the other users and face a ban. I don't bite and can be quite nice to talk to () as long as you aren't racial at least not in my presence. I lived in a country that got fucked up by that. If I could make a request to the admins not to ban this person, his oppinion is his I take constructive criticism on the chin even if it was more of an insult.
Actually, I accidentally quoted the wrong poster.  I normally don't get physically angry while reading on the interwebs, but this fucktard really pushed my buttons and I wasn't paying very close attention to who I was quoting.  I am you, not the other guy.

Please accept my apology.
Sir Killa4live

spray_and_pray wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

Kukulcan wrote:

I mean.... all the soldiers should act as him.
You sound like a kid, please go to a combat zone before making stupid fucking assertions like this.
Marine you will agree with me on what war is about. Its about putting up a bunch of sand bags and camping all fucking day waiting for something to happen. You get sent out to a bullshit report by the time you get there the place is blown to shit and there are no terrorists visible. You did GW1 that had a lot of friendly fire air vehichle inflicted damage most soldiers saw jackshit action because of the use of aircraft. I know there was some such as the blackhawk down operation. I am also aware there were two parts of that. Desert Storm and Desert Shield Right? One of the operations lasted for a few days, no I did not get these facts from jar head thankgod even though it really explains war better then most. They train the US troops to try to kill without fear feel no pain and be cold hearted. When they dont see action they just shoot up shit for the fun of it (some do) it would drive one crazy to learn for so so long wait for so long and in the end never get any action.

Real war is dominated by air power and the overbombing of "strategic targets" Civlian powerstations Civilian bridges etc etc. Because of these "strategic targets" the country on the opposite side suffers while they get spoonfed bullshit that they are really helping.

As to other 2 replies, I see you take ignorance greatly there I don't know what it is that set me apart from most people you know it could be growing up in a country where war was an everyday thing it could be that I got a long with muslims and people from other countries when I was young even though we were figthing each other but some of you really take ignorance to the next level. When the first bullet flies by my head? Well sorry thats not the way a war is thought, it was more like im sitting out in a resteraunt or in my house and a few kilometres away or just up the road a cruise missle hits a civilian building or a bridge. Or even better an unguided bomb with a high radioactive yield falls somewhere near my house. Radiation we got a shitload of it not only were we bombarded in the 80's by acid rain from the Chernobyl incident my relatives got extra radiation from all the other bombs. Thats pretty much 2 Decades of nuclear toxins above the safety levels this effected the civilians but not the troops far away.

Who you see is a sniper or two people using a gun with 1 bullet per shot 1 target per shot 1 hit per shot. They are not inflicting damage on the civilians they are not causing an act of terror, this is to the person that was able to refrain from insulting me in an ignorant post thankyou. As I was saying I dont suggest you go fight for what you beleive in if you are the agressor. That is a big no no you will get a larger resistance as the US forces are experiencing now, fighting a war on terror is useless its like fighting a whole country. Every time a civilian dies because of an American Bomb a Stray American Bullet or even an Iraqi bullet the US Soldiers get the blame. Why? because they are inflaming the area, these soldiers (not always purposefully) are inflaming an area which was somewhat quiet and once again causing conflict. The US government took 20 billion US dollars from Iraq which they would use to repair Iraq improve hospitals etc. Nice eh? Actually no the 20 bullion US that was given to the US was wasted some of it disappeared into no where. There is a hospital in a city 100 miles outta Baghdad which the US used 100 million dollars to repair and add in a new block. That would be a nice looking hospital right? Wrong the sewerage system doesn't work water has leaked through the floor into 1 operating theatre (health standards dangerous) some of the tiles which were refurbished are worse then before pretty much the thing has to go into service in 2 days and it cant pass a Health and Safety standard test. You being an Iraqi would like to say where the fuck has our money gone.

From the view of most the US has not helped Iraq at all and continuing from before every time a civilian dies his family or friends will stand up to the US reigeme and fight it. It is an everyday civilian it is dangerous to go to the local mall etc because of the probability of a gunfight or a bomb. Was this happening as much before the US? No so who would be to blame. You are living in a somewhat peaceful environment as long as you dont stir shit up with the government you would be fine. US comes in, cruise missle bombings civilian deaths sky rocket its not safe to go outside etc etc. Many would find the problem being the US the US came to their homeland and changed THEIR governmeny with a PUPPET government and ruined THEIR PEACE. They of course will fight the US since they would seem to be the problem.

The sniper you see is one of many soldiers if you asked me right now I would respect a German Trench soldier as much as a British, French, American, Japanese, Russian, Australian, Candadian.... list goes on soldier. Many people are judging soldiers by what country they come from. In reality they are all just doing their job, of course I would not have respect from a soldier from any of those countries if he wasn't staying within the law, but if that man is brave enough to go out and fight no matter what his chances are I respect them. Many people are into this gaming mentality yeah war isn't that bad I mean anyone can go there you die and in 15 seconds you respawn Right Right Right????? If only war was such. You only get 1 shot at life and these people are putting that 1 shot to stick up and fight for whats right. Of course the role of Agressor and Defender changes but sides would have equal respect but a country can be an Agressor to start but becomes a Defender at the end. Germany in WW2 is a good example. This soldier is fighting as a Defender he is putting his life on the line Defending what he beleives is true. The US and the coalition of the willing are the Agressors they are trying to take this mans freedom. I think some people here take Bush's speaches too seriously. It is not you are with us or you are with them. In the real world things arent black and white,  there  are shades of many beautiful colours .

I therefore stand on the line he is not an Agressor, He is not killing civilians, He is fighting for what he beleives. Sure that is fine for me I will call him respectable even if he is using a sniper rifle. The US role they are an Agressor but are fighting as a Defender, They are not intentionally killing civilians, Some are fighting for what they beleive in. My respect will vary from soldier to soldier those that beleive in the Iraq war would have my full respect even if I don't. I mean if they beleive in the cause that much to risk their life. Go for it. Both are soldiers one Doesn't follow orders the other's do. The ones that do follow orders of course must follow them or face being thrown into jail they would probably be more disciplined my respect would stay the same. Uniform doesn't change Terrorist from Friendly they don't walk around the streets like civvies (this one doesnt) in one of his video's he is clearly seen walking around in a camo and wearing a face mask. In no war a disguise not to forget the large sniper rifle he is holding. Anyone that would call this guy a pussy would also call a US sniper a pussy their roles are the same. Kill the enemy and don't let him kill you.

To the rude poster, thanks for voicing your concern however if you weren't as ignorant as fuck and read the whole posts I made you would understand I support both soldiers. So I will easily say stick it up your ass you got a problem PM me rather then just prove you didn't read the whole post to all the other users and face a ban. I don't bite and can be quite nice to talk to () as long as you aren't racial at least not in my presence. I lived in a country that got fucked up by that. If I could make a request to the admins not to ban this person, his oppinion is his I take constructive criticism on the chin even if it was more of an insult.
Euhm, ur location says Perth West Australia.
+374|6518|Columbus, Ohio
^^ you quoted that whole thing just to say that?
Sir Killa4live

usmarine2007 wrote:

Resistance is normal, but this guy is on the wrong side of ethics.

Quick summary
+374|6518|Columbus, Ohio

Sir Killa4live wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

Resistance is normal, but this guy is on the wrong side of ethics.

Quick summary
Fair enough.
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6824|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
Seems like you're suggesting that Mohammed Ali was of Muslim decent. While I have no clue if he was religiously Muslim, I do know he was not by blood.
He was African American, and he was by far, NOT the best boxer. Which seems to be the point you're trying to stretch.
Im not sure if Ali was muslim by blood to me that dosen't matter.  I heard last week on the radio he was a  Musilm.

My point wasn't about wether he was religious through blood, wether he was the greatest boxer of all time (many people belive he was the greatest sportsman ever, nevermind boxer) but my point was simply. If your going to pick a hero, don't pick a cowardly one.
I hunt criminals down for a living

Kukulcan wrote:

I don't know if he's already know in america but i come to uncover this figure only some days ago , seeing these 2 videos...
If you would have pressed the 'search' button and looked for 'juba', you would have seen that there are 15 treads about him on this forum, starting a year ago.

IMO, 'juba' is not 'a' sniper, the insurgents have probably multiple snipers in and around Baghdad, and in order to create a myth they credit all shootings to this guy 'juba'. Their goal is to make movies and to show on the indernet they can shoot American soldiers.

Is he a hero? Hell no. He's an insurgent shooting from a distance and running away after the shot has been fired. But it's a form of resistance. It's all he's got, since he's got no regular army or airforce anymore.

If the US had been invaded, and the US Army, Navy, Marines and Air force annihilated, I'm pretty sure every American citizen would take his weapons up against the invaders and they would do the same thing. I'm pretty sure they would make a resistance never seen before in history.
+5,233|6680|Global Command

Kukulcan wrote:

I don't know if he's already know in america but i come to uncover this figure only some days ago , seeing these 2 videos : … amp;search

These video have been made by the Sniper himself , with a custom rifle.... a digital camera attached to the rifle itself ( a israeli rifle indeed ).

You americans seem to have a real tough enemy in baghdad : this Juba is an Islamic Amry war hero , a sniper that operates in the urban warzone in baghdad. In these video he snipes many of your soldiers without hurting any civilian : i must give him credit for this.

I mean.... all the soldiers should act as him , kill the enemy and don't hurt the civilians. This guy is some SERIOUS sniper... those shoots are terrific.
The video is distributed by the Islamic Army in Iraq.. a warning to the american soldiers in baghdad. I should fear to go out there with this guy free , if i was an american.

I have other videos where there are soldiers from other nations with some american soldiers, but he doesn't hurt the other soldiers... he kills only the americans.

The great thing about Juba is that he manages to kill the soldier in the middle of many civilians.... he's a GREAT shot.. and he knows it as from this other video : … amp;search

That's him you know...
I posted about him several months ago. … 4#p1087534

Consensus from my thread is that Juba is not a singl person, but a propaganda creation.
+6|6452|The Battlefield

Pierre wrote:

Kukulcan wrote:

I don't know if he's already know in america but i come to uncover this figure only some days ago , seeing these 2 videos...
If you would have pressed the 'search' button and looked for 'juba', you would have seen that there are 15 treads about him on this forum, starting a year ago.

IMO, 'juba' is not 'a' sniper, the insurgents have probably multiple snipers in and around Baghdad, and in order to create a myth they credit all shootings to this guy 'juba'. Their goal is to make movies and to show on the indernet they can shoot American soldiers.

Is he a hero? Hell no. He's an insurgent shooting from a distance and running away after the shot has been fired. But it's a form of resistance. It's all he's got, since he's got no regular army or airforce anymore.

If the US had been invaded, and the US Army, Navy, Marines and Air force annihilated, I'm pretty sure every American citizen would take his weapons up against the invaders and they would do the same thing. I'm pretty sure they would make a resistance never seen before in history.
Here it is : a good calibrated response explaining his point of view. THIS is the way we discuss in italy. Karma +1

Clearly  i overestimated you americans... i mean : you can't discuss of an argument without sending to the hell everyone that thinks different. It sounds correct , although : Juba(s) shoot(s) down your soldiers and you consider him a ''headwrapped fag'' ... that's normal i think. I have the advantage of seeing the whole thing from a distance.
I can judge the muslims and the USA, i mean. Moreover... you americans have created people like this Juba , with your behaviour in combat and peacekeeping. Outside the USA all know that your ''grunts'' are not new to episodes of violence. You created these rebel by yourselves... you invaded iraq with contestable reasons , like the never found nuclear\chemical weapons.

You can't send me to the hell , also if you that there is some truth in ''my'' ( read : half world ) words... if the people see videos of american soldiers raping women and children then don't complain them being ''united states enemies''.

Last edited by Kukulcan (2007-02-01 08:57:34)

+6|6452|The Battlefield

Pug wrote:

Kukulcan wrote:

I don't know if he's already know in america but i come to uncover this figure only some days ago , seeing these 2 videos :
Is your point to glorify the Iraqi army?
I'm extern to this conflict... i mean : italy is at war but i don't agree. For me USMC and Iraqi army are just two enemy armies... but in these cases i'm on the defenders' part.

And USMC is attacking.

Why should i sustain an army which is attacking with poor reasons an indipendent state , which probably did anything to you?

Stop reasoning : it's imperialism.

Last edited by Kukulcan (2007-02-01 09:05:51)

+374|6518|Columbus, Ohio

Kukulcan wrote:

I have the advantage of seeing the whole thing from a distance.
I can judge the muslims and the USA, i mean. Moreover... you americans have created people like this Juba , with your behaviour in combat and peacekeeping. Outside the USA all know that your ''grunts'' are not new to episodes of violence. You created these rebel by yourselves... you invaded iraq with contestable reasons , like the never found nuclear\chemical weapons.

people see videos of american soldiers raping women and children then don't complain them being ''united states enemies''.
That is a lot of peoples problems here, all they know is what they see on BBC.  As for American Soldiers raping, you know they get in trouble for that right?  Unlike insurgents, Americans are held accountable for their actions.

So you are in Italy eh?  Does that mean you are a murderous mobster?  Need a remind you of Al Capone?
+374|6518|Columbus, Ohio

Kukulcan wrote:

And USMC is attacking.
Just the USMC?  You discredit yourself further with statements like this.
The day someone can prove beyone a shodow of a doubt that GOD himself told them to KILL another human I will believe it.  Otherwise it's just some human who wrote a book based on the societal rules at the time or what he thought things should be like.

Seriously... do you actually think GOD spoke to Mohammed and said "hey defend this land to the last man. It's your holy land" NOPE... never happened...

I didnt say GOD doesnt exist.. I just dont think we works that way... Not only that... but why 75 VIRGINS? why not 100? or 365?

At the most these sniper wannabe's are just there stirring up trouble using ISLAM as a rallying cry.

It's all based on faith... no actual proof...

Thank you and have a nice day.
+6|6452|The Battlefield

usmarine2007 wrote:

Kukulcan wrote:

And USMC is attacking.
Just the USMC?  You discredit yourself further with statements like this.
I don't sustain any of the attacking army , neither the one from italy. With some differences , though. Our mission there is not to attack , is peacekeeping is different and the rebels know it. There are less italian deaths than americans.
+6|6452|The Battlefield

usmarine2007 wrote:

Kukulcan wrote:

I have the advantage of seeing the whole thing from a distance.
I can judge the muslims and the USA, i mean. Moreover... you americans have created people like this Juba , with your behaviour in combat and peacekeeping. Outside the USA all know that your ''grunts'' are not new to episodes of violence. You created these rebel by yourselves... you invaded iraq with contestable reasons , like the never found nuclear\chemical weapons.

people see videos of american soldiers raping women and children then don't complain them being ''united states enemies''.
That is a lot of peoples problems here, all they know is what they see on BBC.  As for American Soldiers raping, you know they get in trouble for that right?  Unlike insurgents, Americans are held accountable for their actions.

So you are in Italy eh?  Does that mean you are a murderous mobster?  Need a remind you of Al Capone?
Al Capone was half american ....

In italy , just some moths ago we got the very leader of the Mafia ... we fight it , not sustain it.
+374|6518|Columbus, Ohio

Kukulcan wrote:

we fight it , not sustain it.

Kukulcan wrote:

peacekeeping is different and the rebels know it.
They do?

Kukulcan wrote:

There are less italian deaths than americans.
Compare the amount of soldiers sent..

Last edited by BALTINS (2007-02-01 09:18:22)

+374|6518|Columbus, Ohio

Kukulcan wrote:

peacekeeping is different and the rebels know it.
Tell that to the peacekeepers that were in Somalia a few years ago.
+6|6452|The Battlefield

Cougar wrote:

Kukulcan wrote:

... every IGNORANT and cock sucking post he's made...
You know what they say, when the first bullet flies by your head, politics go out the window.  So when you make a cocksucking thread about a cocksucking terrorist who's a cocksucking sniper (and a cocksucking sniper), saying how fucking great he is because he has a body count of American soldiers, then you sir, are a cocksucking piece of shit that I wouldn't piss on to put out a fire.  You say that pilots are cowards because they fly way up high and drop bombs?  Well maybe if the dumbass ragtards were smart enough to have a workable fucking army and a workable fucking air force that could stand up to a few U.S. war planes, we wouldn't have our "coward" pilots flying over and dropping bombs at will.  .......ohh wait, they did, it fucking surrendered before it DID ANYTHING, even France but up a better fight than these sweaty motherfuckers. 

They are cowards.  They were cowards when they had a military, they were cowards when they surrendered/ran/deserted, and they are cowards now.  They are a backwards ass society full of dickheads that beat women and make them wear veils to hide their faces and blow themselves up rather than form a decent resistance.  Alot of dickheads like yourself like to compare them to the french resistance, but I don't remember the French resistance having a force compiled of 60% human suicide bombs.  What a fucking pussy way out and your a pussy for glorifying them.  If you think they are so great, go join them.

Also, go fuck yourself.

Admins, I guess this is your cue to AWM/tempban/permban/yell/whatever me.  I don't give a shit.
And you don't have a decent sniper to counter him.... every nation has his way of fighting. In middle east is very common the tactic of guerrilla , especially against appearently more powerful enemies , which use all the military branches such as air and ground forces.

They have understood your weak points : that way of fighting is lethal.
Why should they combat as a ''normal'' army... they don't have the military vehicles and the aircrafts.... they fight as they can. And in this way they are defending themselves , you have attacked first.

You can't complain them for defending for themselves.... then you should have not attacked first.
+374|6518|Columbus, Ohio

Kukulcan wrote:

You can't complain them for defending for themselves.... then you should have not attacked first.
How about they build a good country instead?
+6|6452|The Battlefield

usmarine2007 wrote:

Kukulcan wrote:

peacekeeping is different and the rebels know it.
Tell that to the peacekeepers that were in Somalia a few years ago.
Somalia is different , here i'm speaking of iraq. Italy did not attack the somalia governament and we were the main force as we have a historical occupation in somalia.
+6|6452|The Battlefield

usmarine2007 wrote:

Kukulcan wrote:

You can't complain them for defending for themselves.... then you should have not attacked first.
How about they build a good country instead?
Who are to judge which country is good or bad? The civilians did not rebel and you are trying to do that for them?
+374|6518|Columbus, Ohio

Kukulcan wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

Kukulcan wrote:

peacekeeping is different and the rebels know it.
Tell that to the peacekeepers that were in Somalia a few years ago.
Somalia is different , here i'm speaking of iraq.
No, it is not different.  Somalia is the result of peacekeeping. 

You talk about these guys "defending."  What are they defending?  Most of them are not even Iraqis.  It is not even their country.  I know for a fact that a lot of Iraqis are sick of these guys.  They want a normal life like you and me.  They see supply convoys meant to help them getting blown up, and are sick of it.  But, for a variety of reasons, they are not rising up to stop it.  That is where we come in to try and help.
+374|6518|Columbus, Ohio

Kukulcan wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

Kukulcan wrote:

You can't complain them for defending for themselves.... then you should have not attacked first.
How about they build a good country instead?
Who are to judge which country is good or bad? The civilians did not rebel and you are trying to do that for them?
Who are you to judge American actions then?
+6|6452|The Battlefield

usmarine2007 wrote:

deeznutz1245 wrote:

Kukulcan wrote:

I've seen soldiers rape children and women....
Then why didnt you stop it.?
Because he was grounded.
Bah... american humor , i'll never understand it. And is refered to deeznutz and usmarine both.

Why didn't you stop it? -> Because it was a video??

Because he was grounded - > No it was a video... a documentary indeed , on discovery channel i remember.

Yes! In italy we have Sat TV !!!!  <- italian humour

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