Scratching my back

Chappy556 wrote:

CommieChipmunk wrote:

Commie Killer wrote:

No one is gonna convince the other side, how about you all just shut the fuck up. Thanks.
Agreed, the ignorance on this forum grows proportionally to the raise in CO2 in our atmosphere..

Leave it to people who actually know what they're talking about.  You can make your own bullshit theories, but they're just that.. bullshit theories.  Most of you guys are just making yourselves look like asses by spewing out the shit you hear on your news station of choice.

BTW.. most of congress now realizes that it's a problem and John McCain even went as far as to say "the debate is over" ... but now we just have to figure out how to stop fucking ourselves...

Chappy556 wrote:

clearly you dont know what proof is because i didnt see any of it
because you didn't watch it.  Save my eyes, stop posting, kthnx
dad?  is that you?
its about time you actually watched and researched on global warming before posting on here, because you clearly know nothing and your immaturity is amazing saying there is no proof in that video, which there clearly is!!! so you just dont understand that video so go join a little boys forum where its to your level of understanding.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6582|Texas - Bigger than France
Global Warming 'very likely' due to man, report to say
(also note the blurb about the US all of you haters)
+48|6455|new york

DarkObsidian wrote:

Chappy is correct.
Global warming is not a threat. Sure, temperatures will change and maybe climates, but we can't destroy the Earth. It can only destroy itself.
Oh shut up, I've heard this all before and the scientists ranting and raving "OMG LOL THE OZONE HOLE ON THE NORTH POLE IS GETTING BIGGAR LAWL!".
It changes with time, it get's bigger and smaller. Hell, if we're so worried about the ice caps melting uh... maybe we could... hmm.... drop liquid nitrogen into the ocean?
Put water into space vessels and launch them into space?
Oh noes! We're going to get hotter? OMFG IS IT GUNNA BE LIEK THA DAY AFTR 2MOROW??!?!1/1?!?1/1/1
Shut the fuck up.
Put water into space. Now that is really feasible. Dude, that is the most retarded thing anyone on this planet has EVER said. You have no clue. How the hell would you propose to put 3,000,000,000,000 gallons of water into space. BTW, that is the amount of water held in Greenland. And BTW, Antarctica has 11 times that much. If it all melts, the sea level will rise over 100ft. Did you know that 2/3 of the earths population lives within 60 miles of the ocean?
Yes this is a naturally occurring phenomena, associated with the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. But where we are doing our damage, is by putting 3,000,000 tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every day. I do my part. I get all my elec. from solar. I drive a Chevy with an ecotec, and my wife drives a hybrid. I am also buying some rental properties, and plan on putting solar on them as well. But, I fear for my daughters future, because of the ignorance of so many. And you just confirm my fears. Do i fear she won't eat. No, I have set money aside for her. What I fear, is her having to watch YOUR children not eat.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6582|Texas - Bigger than France

nlsme wrote:

Put water into space. Now that is really feasible. Dude, that is the most retarded thing anyone on this planet has EVER said. You have no clue. How the hell would you propose to put 3,000,000,000,000 gallons of water into space.
Launch Richard Simmons into space...attach straw.

Last edited by Pug (2007-02-01 07:59:33)

+48|6455|new york

Pug wrote:

nlsme wrote:

Put water into space. Now that is really feasible. Dude, that is the most retarded thing anyone on this planet has EVER said. You have no clue. How the hell would you propose to put 3,000,000,000,000 gallons of water into space.
Lauch Richard Simmons into space...attach straw.
Can i quote your sig? I actually thought of writing that in the first place. Billy maddison ftw.....

ELITE-UK wrote:

Chappy556 wrote:

CommieChipmunk wrote:

Commie Killer wrote:

No one is gonna convince the other side, how about you all just shut the fuck up. Thanks.
Agreed, the ignorance on this forum grows proportionally to the raise in CO2 in our atmosphere..

Leave it to people who actually know what they're talking about.  You can make your own bullshit theories, but they're just that.. bullshit theories.  Most of you guys are just making yourselves look like asses by spewing out the shit you hear on your news station of choice.

BTW.. most of congress now realizes that it's a problem and John McCain even went as far as to say "the debate is over" ... but now we just have to figure out how to stop fucking ourselves...

because you didn't watch it.  Save my eyes, stop posting, kthnx
dad?  is that you?
its about time you actually watched and researched on global warming before posting on here, because you clearly know nothing and your immaturity is amazing saying there is no proof in that video, which there clearly is!!! so you just dont understand that video so go join a little boys forum where its to your level of understanding.
No Mr. Serious Thread man, i was trying to bring a little sense of humor to this debate...i gave your video a chance and i said it was well done.

Having said that...you need to stop believing that those who have a different viewpoint than you are "ignorant" and are not on your intellectual level, i've yet to see what that is.  you threw a video up and said WATCH THIS VIDEO AND IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE...

You are the one that needs growing up.  Live with the fact that people will not wait with baited breath to hear the next pearl of wisdom coming from your mouth...
Say wat!?
Glad to see you cant debate the actual point, so im guessing that you have accepted that you are wrong. Well thats good to see.
are you two the tag-team twins?  i haven't conceded a thing.  I could google till my hands fall off and yet still find no hard evidence that we are beyond the shadow of a doubt accelerating the heating up of our planet.  I've yet to call anyone a name or slander their intelligence...I guess thats how you "win" an argument around here.

Let me try and win it your way:  OMG how can you not believe exactly what I say given all of my overwhelming yet disputable evidence?!?  Villham, go hug a tree.
Say wat!?
Well you clearly just love oil and believe anything that the oil cooperations and GWB tell you the evidence isnt there, as you can see in my earlier post that is a list of people who agree that human aided global warming is happening. I have given evidence you have not. You have not debated at all, just repeatedly talked rubbish. Chappy go hug GBW and his oil loving friends.

Last edited by Vilham (2007-02-01 08:26:56)

who doesnt like hugs or oil

Last edited by Chappy556 (2007-02-01 08:31:48)

Scratching my back

Chappy556 wrote:

who doesnt like hugs or oil
me, bring us some hard evidence that global warming doesnt exist, THEN come back here and post because from where im standing you havnt got any. Also how can you question the fact that global warming does exist, less and less snow each year due to the planet OH..WARMING UP! hotter summers each year..OH..WARMING UP!! ice caps meting...OH, WARMING UP! expanding deserts...again warming up the list goes on my friend, while you have nothing to go with.
+29|6398|Forest Green

ELITE-UK wrote:

Chappy556 wrote:

who doesnt like hugs or oil
me, bring us some hard evidence that global warming doesnt exist, THEN come back here and post because from where im standing you havnt got any. Also how can you question the fact that global warming does exist, less and less snow each year due to the planet OH..WARMING UP! hotter summers each year..OH..WARMING UP!! ice caps meting...OH, WARMING UP! expanding deserts...again warming up the list goes on my friend, while you have nothing to go with.
No one is debating that the planet is changing, it is whether or not it is down to humans!
if you notice most people that complain that we are "ruining" the earth by driving SUVs and have an SUV. why don't they set an example and ride bikes from now on and shut up while i drive my nice car:).

and BTW i do not believe in "Global Warming". I believe very few what science says about the earth. They also say that the world has been around for anywere between 30-50 billion years.  That is a bunch of nonsense and what is worst is that some retards believe them. No i didn't say i dint believe science about anything i just not much what they say about the earth.
+240|6705|Austin, TX

ELITE-UK wrote:

Chappy556 wrote:

global warming/dimming = junk science

twenty years ago, we were heading for a new ice age...scientists need to put their efforts towards something useful like curing cancer, not if next winter is going to be a little warmer

its arrogant for humans to think that we can do anything to hurt this earth...we cannot make ozone, we cannot destroy ozone, the levels rise and fall naturally due to natural factors

i hear the greenies start talking and its like what my dog hears, blah blah blah blah eat blah blah blah walk blah blah blah poop
i bet your an american right? americans always seem to be in denyal about global warming!

always denying the fact that this world needs saving, and how can it be arrogant to think we humans hurt the earth....THAT MAKES NO SENSE WHAT SO EVER! its arrogant for people like you blond to the fact of the global problem we face.
And why does everyone always go after americans?  Because they are everyones favorits target.  You want polution, go after india and china.  At least the US is working on minimizing the polution they produce, even if they are not willing to get rid of their toys like you seem to want.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6582|Texas - Bigger than France

ELITE-UK wrote:

me, bring us some hard evidence that global warming doesnt exist, THEN come back here and post because from where im standing you havnt got any. Also how can you question the fact that global warming does exist, less and less snow each year due to the planet OH..WARMING UP! hotter summers each year..OH..WARMING UP!! ice caps meting...OH, WARMING UP! expanding deserts...again warming up the list goes on my friend, while you have nothing to go with.
I'm on your side...I want to see the counter argument though:

Fact: The polar ice caps on Mars are melting.

ELITE-UK wrote:

Chappy556 wrote:

who doesnt like hugs or oil
me, bring us some hard evidence that global warming doesnt exist, THEN come back here and post because from where im standing you havnt got any. Also how can you question the fact that global warming does exist, less and less snow each year due to the planet OH..WARMING UP! hotter summers each year..OH..WARMING UP!! ice caps meting...OH, WARMING UP! expanding deserts...again warming up the list goes on my friend, while you have nothing to go with.
first of all, you can't PROVE something doesn't exist as you can't prove a negative.  show me proof that Jesus didn't rise from the dead or the toothfairy didn't leave me a quarter under my pillow when i was 10

as far as oil goes, i hope you dont have to drive anywhere any time soon, wear clothes (they've probably been made with petrochemicals), listen to any music on cd (made by petroleum products), use your computer or ipod(your hard disks...you guessed it)

I wont agree with you mr. UK...come to grips with that.  I've posted the articles I think blow holes in your theories.  I watched your little video.  I haven't called you names.  I'm out of ways to convince you that you won't convince me.  Here is where you start the personal attacks and I'm okay with that.  I know what my IQ is and I know what college/masters degrees I have worked towards. 

You will never get past the fact that I'm an evil conservative American who doubts whether the earth is being made that much worse because I walk on it (environmetally speaking - not appearance wise, the earth could do without my ugly mug)

lets agree to disagree and move on

Last edited by Chappy556 (2007-02-01 11:23:05)

I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|6881|Cologne, Germany

chappy, the fact of the matter is, we are slowly, but steadily destroying the planet, and the fact that none of us will live to see the day doesn't mean that it won't happen.

Just look at worldwide quality of water or air. Are you telling me those haven't decreased since the industrialization ? Would you inhale what you car engine puts out ? Are you arguing that CO² emissions do not damage the atmosphere ?

One day, in the not too distant future, New York will be one huge aquarium. Climate change affects all of us, and we need to act before it's too late.
+276|6695|United States of America
Global Warming-  Yes the earth is either getting warmer or cooler, duh.

People being responsible for Global Warming- Shit happens, it happened before people were here.  Were the dinosaurs responsible for the last Ice Age because they farted a lot or was it a Meteor.  Hell, I don't know maybe it was a series of volcanic eruptions.  The fact is that it happens.  Obviously the polar ice caps have been melting before America was discovered and people used hair spray. 

Pollution- Sucks, sure lets not do it but don't make it out to be something it ain't and try to scare my kid into thinking that because he cut the grass the planet is going to start on fire.

Liberals-  Lying hate mongers who are very judgmental.
Say wat!?

Major_Spittle wrote:

Global Warming-  Yes the earth is either getting warmer or cooler, duh.

People being responsible for Global Warming- Shit happens, it happened before people were here.  Were the dinosaurs responsible for the last Ice Age because they farted a lot or was it a Meteor.  Hell, I don't know maybe it was a series of volcanic eruptions.  The fact is that it happens.  Obviously the polar ice caps have been melting before America was discovered and people used hair spray. 

Pollution- Sucks, sure lets not do it but don't make it out to be something it ain't and try to scare my kid into thinking that because he cut the grass the planet is going to start on fire.

Liberals-  Lying hate mongers who are very judgmental.
Difference with the dinosaurs is that it took on average 1 million years to change 2 degree its taken us 200 years(the largest change in the shortest period recorded, the closest was in about 4000 years, thats 1/5th of human existance, we have managed the same in 1/20th). WE ARE EFFECTING IT. Its not even open for debate, as someone said 99% of scientists in the field don't even have any doubts that we cause it. The other 1% have doubts but i reckon they believe that it isn't solely the earths natural cycle.

https://i18.tinypic.com/2mhfukh.png obviously a conspiracy against the US seeing as nearly EVERY country in the world has signed it.

Anyway im off out now.
Scratching my back
its about time the countries in red accepted it, and started helping like the other countries, fuck their economies, the world matters more
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6621|SE London

ELITE-UK wrote:

its about time the countries in red accepted it, and started helping like the other countries, fuck their economies, the world matters more
Ah, fuck Kyoto. It's meaningless anyway. The whole point of it is just to introduce some element of international cooperation on this. The emission cuts proposed by Kyoto are laughable and we need a way of reducing CO2 in the atmosphere or it's too late anyway.

The fact the US and Oz wouldn't sign it is bad for international cooperation, but they expressed some valid concerns about the fairness of it and the US government do now accept the seriousness of the global warming situation and have gone some way towards trying to find solutions to it.
Exploit/Glitch "Tester"
+49|6416|Inside the AR Rockets.

DarkObsidian wrote:

Chappy is correct.
Global warming is not a threat. Sure, temperatures will change and maybe climates, but we can't destroy the Earth. It can only destroy itself.
Oh shut up, I've heard this all before and the scientists ranting and raving "OMG LOL THE OZONE HOLE ON THE NORTH POLE IS GETTING BIGGAR LAWL!".
It changes with time, it get's bigger and smaller. Hell, if we're so worried about the ice caps melting uh... maybe we could... hmm.... drop liquid nitrogen into the ocean?
Put water into space vessels and launch them into space?
Oh noes! We're going to get hotter? OMFG IS IT GUNNA BE LIEK THA DAY AFTR 2MOROW??!?!1/1?!?1/1/1
Shut the fuck up.
You're retarded and I hope your house floods.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6715|Canberra, AUS

=JoD=Corithus wrote:

ELITE-UK wrote:

=JoD=Corithus wrote:

Ok Susan, pay attention now, I know it hurts, but focus here.....I AM NOT DENYING GLOBAL WARMING, IT IS, HOWEVER, A NATURAL PHENOMENON.  There, think you got it now? Or do I need to state it again, using monosyllabic words?
yes its a natural penomenon..BUT! it slows at a very slow rate over thousands of years, this is happening in 1-2 hundred of years dude to humans and the pollution we cause..our planet simply cannot cope with all this pollution.

i dont know if this is of any use but i think of what is happening a bit like this...
your in a room, you take in oxygen, and breathe out the waste, you fart burp our more waste and your body heal contrubutes to the heat in the room, but only a slight bit, so the rom stays at a pretty stable temperature only rising slowly...but!! when more people join that room the combined heat and excess air you breathe out makes it warmer alot faster and the heat cannot escape fast enough out of the walls...just like the earths atmosphere.
Logical, to an extent, the problem with your visualization is the fact that our planet is not a sealed room, our atmosphere is a permeable membrane, and, as was stated earlier,  that excess heat will, over time, radiate out, away from our planet, into space.
In 5.5 billion years the core's temperature has fallen by less than 120 degrees.

Your argument is redundant.

@Spittle: We cannot find evidence of ice ages that far back (beyond a few million years) unless it was absolutely gi-normous - Cyrogenic, anyone?


Say what you will (posts of 'it's lies' will be universally ignored)

@those who say sea levels aren't rising: would you like to repeat that the the people of Bangladesh who recently had their homes claimed by the sea? Not just flooded, the island simply disappeared beneath the waves.


Say what you will (posts of 'untrustworth sources' will be universally ignored, the IPCC is the best resource available.)


Response? Volcanism has had a NEGATIVE impact on the temperature according that. Explanation can be found here.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific … ate_change
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

ELITE-UK wrote:

americans eh...pffft! fools, so many fools.

i bet george bush said to you all, theres no such thing as global warming, and you all believed him because how else can you guys not think this is a problem!!!
LOL! europeans eh...pffft! a bunch of chicken little's

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