Ok, lets look at this from a different angle between Interpolation and Extrapolation as it relates to "TIME".
Instead of looking at the drawing time of the game itself is it possible that it has something to do with the server and client? Is it possible that these 2 commands make much more sense in time between server and client vs. drawing time on screen in a map on BF2?
If this is correct then it would make sense that the ExtrapolationTime would have something to do with client's ability to receive data from the server. Set at 1200 that allows a buffer of 1200 to properly receive and process.
If that is correct then the InterpolationTime would have something to do with the client sending information to the server. At 100 their is less time for the client to send less information to the sever.
Imagine yourself on a propped filled stage of BF2 Karkand. You have the roads, the buildings, gun placements, tanks, APC, etc. This represents the server. All that is missing are the players or clients. The clients fill the server (AKA players fill the stage). The only information that the server sends are the actions of other players. Thus the reason for ExtrapolationTime of 1200 is set for the client to recieve. All that the players do (AKA clients) is send information to the server regarding them self as a player and their actions on the server (AKA stage). Thus requiring Interpolation of only 100. Which is less information in less time.
By reducing these both of these values you decrease the amount of "Time" that the information is sent or received. For example:
If you decrease the Interpolation you may actually decrease the time it takes the client to send date to the server. IE. clients sending information faster to the server which is dependent on your ISP connection/computer.
If you decrease the Exterpolation you may actually decrease the time it takes server to send date to the client. IE clients receiving information faster from the server. Again, dependent on your ISP/computer.
However, in some cases lowering one and not the other may procide the best results for others.
Take this with a grain of salt as this just a theory at best.
Last edited by ECH (2006-11-22 10:40:57)