Is it just me or is it the most fucking annoying thing when a Commander is "in game" rather than laying up somewhere and just commanding!!??
well, I agree with you, but there are others who won't, it's a neverending debate
Cowboy from Hell
Commander must command, and nothing else except defending some cap besides nobody forced you to be commander so dont take the tanks dam it, and if nobody is using the armor or apc well just tell em to do so.
what about when ur team is useless? and u have no choice but to go cap a base.. I dont play commander often but when i do if the team is a good one then i stay put and command, but when there struggling i go cap a base and then back to hiding and commanding. But i do agree with the no comms in slicks, jets or armour, specially when all they do is sit there....like before its been debated....i thought when the game first came out that the commander had to sit in the UAV trailer to use arty etc....as shown in the EA BF2 video on EA's homepage! check the vid out again and tell me if u think EA has short changed us a little......there is probably a disclaimer saying actual in game footage will vary....considerably....lol!!
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6824|Great Brown North
i play as sniper or engineer as commander so i can watch a flag or fix my stuff when it gets blown up:)  i may drive to a far out flag just to sit there and cap it while no enemies are there.

but thats pretty much it, i dont agree that people can command effectively while actively fighting

krazed wrote:

i play as sniper or engineer as commander so i can watch a flag or fix my stuff when it gets blown up:)  i may drive to a far out flag just to sit there and cap it while no enemies are there.

but thats pretty much it, i dont agree that people can command effectively while actively fighting
I totally agree. I even might stay at the homebase and sit in AA or TOW but I never fight when I command. You can watch the scan, requests, and other stuff effectively when you are running around fighting. As for the sorry teams, sometimes I will get a flag thats close and then go back and hide. An effective commander limits his action to a minimum and watches the battlefield.
When I command, I play an Engineer, and sit at my main base and defend it. I repair as needed. However, if I see a tank that has been sitting for a while, I will jump in, and move it forward near teh hostilities, and let one of my team take it from there. ***note: I drive the tank only after my UAV and Supplies have been let loose, and any Arty I plan on dropping has been fired***

So I am an active commander, but I know when to stop.
I like to play medic as commander on certain maps...because if there is an intense fight at a certain flag, the commander can't always tell if the friendlies are dead or alive, even on full zoom.  But as medic, you will see the "critically wounded" icon and know the friendlies are dead so you can release the arty, but I usually command as engi so I can repair my assets as needed
Pulls out gun, Watch him run
Hell dont cry about what the commanders do obviously EA made commanders so they can play and command at the same time. They didnt make it where if you chose to command you werent allowed to play the game you just had to sit at the commander screen and command so guess what, you dont have to just sit at your main base or the base with your assets and watch the commander screen.
I'm a rambo commander and my win ratio is 2.38 and climbing (no teamswitching).

So those who say commanders need to sit back and command either can't multitask or can't stand the fact a commander is basically a supersoldier.

Hell dont cry about what the commanders do obviously EA made commanders so they can play and command at the same time. They didnt make it where if you chose to command you werent allowed to play the game you just had to sit at the commander screen and command so guess what, you dont have to just sit at your main base or the base with your assets and watch the commander screen.
See what I mean, endless debate.  Do what works best for you.  I am a better commander staying back and in the screen.
  As for multitasking...it's a myth created and perpetuated by people with limited organizational skills.  Any task that requires concentration can only be executed by actually concentrating on it
I love how they mutiny me when I defend our main base. Wtf am I supposed to do? I know where the enemy is, I'm hiding right next to him and I have a gun. it's like common sense.
When Im commander I do a jihad jeep. I have lost over 70 tickets on my team when I was commander because of tanks. I take tanks out so my team's tanks acan take out infantry while our infantry caps flags. If I do this stratigy when Im commander I never lose...
i can't command and fight at the same time b/c by the time i give out orders i'm being decimated by a line of fire and i have to wait to resqpan
want to go heads up?
+11|6778|cairns australia
u just have to be flexible.sometimes fight and others not.u have a huge advantage on maps with not many players.a fighting commander can be very hard to kill and if he acts as support to frontline troops u can be very effective.on maps where no one is commander i have taken the job and ended up with the most kills iar.if you have a good coupleof squads just kickback and protect assets or a flag.defending is a must.some commanders will let enemy destroy assets or steal vehicles because they wont move.that just plain sux.u HAVE UAV AND A SCANNER so dont be afraid to fight\defend u can be the difference.as long as you look out for your men the more you do the better.the longer u command the easier it is to do more,the zoom function is great dont forget to spot troops with this when u wait for uav or scanner.i think once u have veteran command u should be ready to do what needs to be done to win.watch tickets if your team is winning well be conservative but if you are losing badly tell the squad leaders to request what they need as you are going rambo and try to make a difference.
want to go heads up?
+11|6778|cairns australia

Spyx750 wrote:

I love how they mutiny me when I defend our main base. Wtf am I supposed to do? I know where the enemy is, I'm hiding right next to him and I have a gun. it's like common sense.
i would mutiny if you did nothing.just ignore it have over 100 hours as commander and never been voted out.its only a noob who probably wants the job cause they cant fight.they do get pissed if you get more kills than them.on wake have had 10+ kills by sitting in boat on the mg and waiting for rapers or asset  blowers.yes they will mutiny but experienced players know you are doing your job protecting assets and spawns.

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

I'm a rambo commander and my win ratio is 2.38 and climbing (no teamswitching).

So those who say commanders need to sit back and command either can't multitask or can't stand the fact a commander is basically a supersoldier.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Jesus Christ enough. May I direct you to the search function where there are a couple of million threads discussing this?
+31|6868|St. Louis, MO

dirtyepics wrote:

Is it just me or is it the most fucking annoying thing when a Commander is "in game" rather than laying up somewhere and just commanding!!??
Just play Warlord as the Insurgent commander, then tell me what you think.

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