
sharpchedda wrote:

.cat. wrote:

stkhoplite wrote:

ok so i was on this jalalalalalalalalabad server and i continually asked for a supply drop at my position..... whenever i asked he just put a supply drop at the first MEC base...... wtf!!?!? i got so angry that i went over to our commander and continually kidnapped hm until i was kicked at -45 points.... any1 else got so angry they did this?
instead of acting like a child, maybe next time you'll justs switch teams.
I do agree that teamkilling the commander is childish. However, so is switching teams. In my opinion, teamswitching because things aren't going your way is just as bad as teamkilling a useless commander...
I dont like teamswitchers either - agreed. I think our definition of team switching might be diffrent and although I dont condone him switching bc of the commander, I feel its better then teamkilling.

Team switching for the advantage - Team stack = stupid
Team switching to get the win at the end of a round = stupid
Team switching to get away from Tk'rs = fine
Team switching to play with a friend = fine

If all else fails = Server switch

Mostly every server Ive ever played on has auto balance so eventually teams will round out 'numbers' wise.

henno13 wrote:

ff was off tho
same thing except on karkand!
the fag commander wasnt giving me ANY stuff and i went up to him and he was AFK (wat a noob)
there was no munty so he stayed (omfg)
i fired 2 clips at him (at that point i didnt no ff was off but it say on the loading screen)
nOOB commander
Get two friends of yours to spawn as medic and support then c4 his ass and let one revive and one give ammo. Al three of you benefit from it: One gets ammo, One gets revive points, and one gets the satisfaction of screwing over the commander.
As much as commanders can annoy, especially when it's a sergeant or something lower, having people fucking pester you every second of the round asking for stuff they don't really need is worse. Doubly worse if they're using VOIP to do it.

"Commander, can I get a supply drop, this is squad six. Any time now, commander. Supplies would be good. Oh gee thanks, commander, now I don't need the supplies because I ran off, but gee willickers it would be great if you could give me a vehicle. Oh yeah, a vehicle would be just dandy. Any time you feel like it, commander, you just drop that vehicle."

BITCH, if I deny you something, you better believe it's for a good reason. Giving you things is my JOB, so when I can't give you something, it just might be that I can see what's going on in the battlefield better than you.

You know, like a commander or something.

stkhoplite wrote:

ok so i was on this jalalalalalalalalabad server and i continually asked for a supply drop at my position..... whenever i asked he just put a supply drop at the first MEC base...... wtf!!?!? i got so angry that i went over to our commander and continually kidnapped hm until i was kicked at -45 points.... any1 else got so angry they did this?
Sometime you might think you asking for the supply drop, but you are pointing the drop at a far location.
You orrible caaaaaaan't
How do you sort out a commander when friendly fires off?
+127|6489|Twyford, UK
Teabag his idling ass.
Because f*ck you that's why.
+400|6734|Reisterstown, MD

A stupid commander will get tk'ed a lot from me.  After a while, I usually will end up kidnapping him with some of my squadmates.  I really, really hate stupid commanders.
I wanna be on you
+116|6671|So Cal
how would kidnapping him net you -45 points?? Kidnapping is pseudo-padding.... but fun as fuck
+0|6473|Rotterdam (NL)

.cat. wrote:

Team switching for the advantage - Team stack = stupid
Team switching to get the win at the end of a round = stupid
Team switching to get away from Tk'rs = fine
Team switching to play with a friend = fine
I would like to add:
Team switching to balance teams which are very unbalanced = fine

As to the original post:
Yes, some commanders should never be allowed on the job.

Last edited by Rookie_Hans (2007-01-23 02:53:46)

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