. . .

chitlin wrote:

. . . thazt you agree its logical to say having a fast computer is cheating ..or saying the word hate means a statement cant be true... plz do so i can throw you in the retard bin with that kid..

you just pissy cuz i said you suck ..and you do bro thats why i cant respect your opinion about the gl .. when you learn to use it yourself then speak about game mechanics
. . . "that kid" - LOL

If anyone comes of as childish - it is of course you!
You don't understand how context applies to diction & logic. Your fault not mine or anyone elses.

chitlin wrote:

If an ANVIL was an IDEA and I placed it on your head - I wonder if you would feel it.
yeah dude talk down to me cuz i dont just understand your complex ideas ...

no actually its still becuase you dont presebnt any coherant ideas just a random array of babbling cuz you ant to argue aboutnothing .. this is the last time im responding to you because a.. you have no manners and b. you have no valid points...

To gain an unfair advantage in a REAL contest where the playing field is level is considered CHEATING.
so i bet everyone who boxed mike tyson was saying omg youre stronger than me thats cheating waah... having an advantage is a basic principle in life that most people attempt to achieve .. your attempt to seperate a game advantage versus life advatnage is both illoggical and unsubstantiated

so to conclude having a partitcular HATE about a particular subject does not automatically remove truths and facts

and having an advantage be it in a game or in life is not inherantly cheating ...

this is just the naked truth and every dissertation about outlandish illogical paths you try to draw wont change it...
It is tiresome to discuss anything with you. . . primarily because you move from one wrong idea - whence refuted - to another wrong - thence refuted - to the next bad-wrong idea [Badong!] I stand in opposition of all that is badong! Therefore(!) I stand for all that is GNODAB [pronounced GA-NAH-DAB!].

Just a note:
For your deliberate obtuseness's magisterial virtuosity of all that is logical and coherent. . .

a. ) A physical skill acquired or natural occurring is not deemed and unfair advantage in a contest; neither by rule or historically. With exceptions though: thus there are weight classes for many sporting events: Boxing, wrestling, weightlifting . . . Mike Tyson beating up; or getting beaten-up; is [would be] an utterly ignorant and irrelevant response. . .

b.) A technological advantage [thusly being unfair] IS deemed illegal in a fair & level contest [for something REAL!]; by rule; historically as well.

chitlin wrote:

and having an advantage be it in a game or in life is not inherantly cheating ...
It is not inherently cheating by mere existence of the advantage; it is cheating based upon rule; rules adopted to create a FAIR and LEVEL playing field for those participating in REAL contests. Something REAL needs to be at stake for it to be deemed a contest; referees need to be present to enforce the RULES; and the playing field is leveled to remove what has been deemed unfair [cheating]; by RULES(!) adopted for that particular contest.

c.) Do you know what an operational definition is? It is operational [valid] only in the context it is used.

A cheat, cheating, unfair advantage, technological enhancement, biological enhancement, etc. . . ARE fairly synonymous in the context used; as they are equivalent operational definitions [being deemed unfair]; based on rules; that make a REAL contest fair & level.

Apparently you’re having trouble understanding what is a REAL contest and what isn’t; and when & why; by rule; unfair advantages in REAL contests are deemed cheating.

Here are some other examples for you:
A golf club [a driver] with the faced tuned for a higher spring rate than deemed legal by the PGA - is a cheat in a REAL contest - in a non-real-contest; as nothing is at stake; fine for amateur hackers playing a Sunday round.

Being taller than your opponent in Basketball is not an unfair advantage as it is naturally occurring. Greater strength is not an unfair advantage as it is also naturally occurring or based upon training. BUT greater strength based upon enhancement products [deemed illegal; by rules adopted; thus a cheat] is an unfair advantage and is not allowed BY RULE; in a REAL contest where the playing field is deemed [attempted to be made] level.

BF2 on-line [open to the public] is not a REAL contest - unless a tournament is introduced; and there are ADMINs present to police the tournament; and enforce the rules of the tournament. There is no such thing as cheating on-line [open to the public] by using a hack,  exploiting the game logic, having a faster computer, etc. . . unless it is in fact a REAL contest.

I have even seen people on-line call nearly everything they see cheating! They get killed [not actually; it's just a game-word] and instantly complain and cry - Waaah! Waaah! You cheater!

Last edited by topal63 (2006-01-05 09:46:24)

A faster computer is a cheat.
A faster video card with better frame rates is a cheat.
A faster internet connection than yours is a cheat.
A gaming mouse properly tuned - that makes my response time faster than yours is a cheat.
Third, not all rapes by definition are a crime - nor immoral.
Any poster commenting/pointing out your dislike [hate] of a game feature; and that such invalidates your opinion; makes a case and point well - as a general statement.

Last edited by chitlin (2006-01-05 10:04:14)

. . .
Exactly my point! Well done and well illustrated - chitlin!

You don't understand context.

And you don't understand the word antithesis either; or when statements are made in that form in the context of an argument.

This is a pretty dead issue - you're inability to understand.

Back to the GL - I like it! It's fun to use - and the arc the smoke trail makes is a nice game effect.

Last edited by topal63 (2006-01-05 12:39:47)

It is tiresome to discuss anything with you. . . primarily because you move from one wrong idea - whence refuted - to another wrong - thence refuted - to the next bad-wrong idea [Badong!] I stand in opposition of all that is badong! Therefore(!) I stand for all that is GNODAB [pronounced GA-NAH-DAB!].
bust out your thesaurus and look up delusional retard...

Last edited by chitlin (2006-01-05 14:46:40)

. . .
Who is topal1632? It isn't me . . . Mr. Super smart guy ultra-non retard.

Hey did anybody get the gnodab reference?

Last edited by topal63 (2006-01-05 12:36:20)

Base Rapist

chitlin wrote:

Enlisted      10 Dec 14:46
Kills      891
Deaths     2347

It is tiresome to discuss anything with you. . . primarily because you move from one wrong idea - whence refuted - to another wrong - thence refuted - to the next bad-wrong idea [Badong!] I stand in opposition of all that is badong! Therefore(!) I stand for all that is GNODAB [pronounced GA-NAH-DAB!].
bust out your thesaurus and look up delusional retard...
There is no entry for "delusional retard".

You must be delusional, chitlin.

Last edited by freebirdpat (2006-01-05 12:29:52)

i guess its one of thousands of people with the name topal63 in it
. . .
It was an indirect statement - a rhetorical question.

Must this be explained to you as well?

Last edited by topal63 (2006-01-05 12:38:35)

Click his stats profile tard, its linked right next to his post.  Why would you try and search for him when you can click a link?
never noticed you could check stats there i only checked peoples stats by the sig

now i know why hes on a "noob tuber" thread ..hes used gl about as much as every other weapon combined and his ratios are total shit
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7124|Orlando, FL - Age 43

Talking to you is like talking to a brick. BTW, there are quite a few things that haven't noticed. You seem to have a problem understanding the English language as well. Let me put to it you in simple terms and see if you can understand. Pay attention and read slowly.

1. You cling to the idea that earning your respect is important to people. (Stop....ponder the truth of this statement)

chitlin wrote:

thats why i cant respect your opinion
What you fail to realize that I have utterly no respect for your opinion. I daresay that many others do not as well. (let that sink in.....wait...keep thinking about it.....3......2......1)

2. You go on and on about how people’s stats ‘suck’.

chitlin wrote:

i have like 10 hours more on assault rifle than you while having twice the kills .. and i have more than 4 times the flags you do sit in your plane or hide somewhere with your sniper having little to do with the outcome ... anally trying to keep your ratio up .. not helping your teammates one bit.
What you fail to realize is that you have made a fool of yourself here in the thread. While you think that somehow your stats have given you some kind invulnerability, it is evident that you can barely think clearly, let alone argue with people. Topal63 has run circles around you and yet you continue to blather on about your superior stats. They don’t amount to a hill of beans. If this thread were the game… would have earned yourself a purple heart… wait…you need at least five kills for that. By the way, you said it yourself in the above quote….anally trying to keep your ratio up. If anyone can truly be labeled a 'n00b', it is you.

chitlin wrote:

It is tiresome to discuss anything with you. . . primarily because you move from one wrong idea - whence refuted - to another wrong - thence refuted - to the next bad-wrong idea [Badong!] I stand in opposition of all that is badong! Therefore(!) I stand for all that is GNODAB [pronounced GA-NAH-DAB!].
bust out your thesaurus and look up delusional retard...
Actually I found your name as a synonym. wrote:

Main Entry:   delusional retard
Part of Speech:   noun
Definition:   stupid
Synonyms:   ass, blockhead, boob, booby, cretin, chitlin, dimwit, donkey, dork, dumb ox, dumbbell, dunce, dunderhead, fool, halfwit, ignoramus, imbecile, jackass, jerk, kook, meathead, mental defective, moron, nincompoop, ninny, nitwit, pinhead, pointy head, simpleton, stupid, tomfool, twit, yo-yo
He is absolutely right. YOU are wrong, over and over again. And what is worse, you fail to see it, which is why I said talking to you is like talking to a brick.

chitlin wrote:

now i know why hes on a "noob tuber" thread ..hes used gl about as much as every other weapon combined and his ratios are total shit
Is this supposed to be some brilliant observation from the discerning mind of chitlin? Of course he’s in this thread, you nit. If I started a thread about people who are as hard to talk to as bricks, I would expect to see you there as well. Another tiresome mention of those famous ratios, perhaps he is not ‘anally trying to keep his ratios up?

BTW, isn’t a chitlin made from the lining of the tube that terminates at the anus? So I affectionately dub thee, "Sir Chitlin the n00b t00b!"
Heh can you not just let this thread die already... No matter what you say they'll still complain about the damn GL.
Raiders of the Lost Bear




Thirdly. Can we let this fucking thread die already?


*smacks darth* read bro

I loved your reply anyway. Just about everything I wanted to say.

Last edited by polarbearz (2006-01-05 23:10:01)

Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7124|Orlando, FL - Age 43
I didn't think that buck-private was really his account, it was just funny that was the one his forum name brought up. I thought it might get under his skin a little.   Until this thread, I had never read the bloke before, so thanks for the heads up.

After looking up his stats, I noticed that he was online. I joined the server he was playing on.......I don't have a clue as to why he would have an objection to the GL.....he was happily blowing everyone up with a T-90.....vehicles, infantry.....not that there's anything inherently wrong with doing so, but to run your mouth about the GL while you are happily blowing up infantry with a tank is plain hypocrisy.

Just so you understand Chitlin, I have absolutely no problem with using tanks against infantry.

I am trying to let it die....really I am.
no dude chitlins come from the small intestine and shit exits the colon from the large intestine

just to be a broken record exactly as polarbearz said ..i guess i have a tendency to be in retarded threads talking about stats and what i dont like... but aaanyway i just find it hard to believe you think that sit is logical .. so to repeat what is total bullshit and you know it ^^

A faster computer is a cheat.
A faster video card with better frame rates is a cheat.
A faster internet connection than yours is a cheat.
A gaming mouse properly tuned - that makes my response time faster than yours is a cheat.
so this is true ? and you agree with this shit huh ? why didnt ea put this in thier end user agreement that everyone has to have the same exact computer ? .. maybe you need to look up the definition of cheating ..

i made a offhand example of hating rape ..dude proceeds to give examples of how some rapes are ok .. if thats not obvious arguing for arguements sake i dont know what is ....i hate that the sky is blue .. ok i said hate so the sky is now purple ... i hate vaginas .. ok now everyone has to become homosexual now
oh its true i killed 8 infantry with the tank on mashturr ...which i typically dont do but i had meant to leave the server, but when i saw you we just had to have some bonding time so i can get to know the real you ^^
as far as i know, the GL is designed for taking out groups of infantry or light vehicles.
using the GL as a primary weapon is the worst thing to do, ever:

1. low accuracy
2. very limited ammo
3. long reload time
4. no accuracy at rage
5. 1 shot, then reload
6. 1 in 5 chance of hitting in close quarters!

i conclude dont us the GL as a primary, you'll get butt fucked!
What I'm about to write is only my opinion, nothing else. I'm not saying any of you is wrong, everyone has the right to its own opinion. Its just an opinion of someone that has been dealing with m203s since the days of Delta Force Land Warrior, and mainly Delta Force Black Hawk Down, which I've played online since the demo.

Having said that...

I agree that m203s can be a pain in the a*** for players who prefer rifle fights (like me). However I have to admit that it can be mastered in a way of being considered skill and not just "n00b toobness".

A few examples:

* Long range shots with the m203 to take out snipers, WITHOUT jumping like a bunny...

* Being in a middle of a fight, and change from normal bullets to m203, in order to take a group of enemies and continue shooting bullets aftwerwards, not waiting for the m203 to reload... to keep using it until you're out of ammo. (AGAIN WITHOUT USING THE BUNNY HOOPING)

* Be able to shoot people with m203, who run away from your bullet bursts, and try to hide in street corner to med themselves or reload.

* Use m203 as a secondary mode, not primary and then ammo if you're out of m203s.

Now a few examples of what I think is absolutely n00bness:

* Bunny hooping and using m203 in sucession until you're out of them... 99% of the times 2 feet away from the enemy.

* Last 4th example (oposite)

Like I said in the introduction, I love rifle fights. 60% of my infantry played time is either with the assault rifle, carbine or pistol. But I do use the m203 once and a while, as there is no doubt, that it is one of the best 1vs1 infantry weapon on BF2 (same applied on BHD )

To give you an example of my best m203 shot in BF2: (in this case F2000GL, the SS was edited on MS Paint with a round white dot that indicates the dead sniper position )

Btw... I got him on the 2nd try, the 1st nade hit a little above the middle of the hotel

Sorry for the loooooooooooooooooooong post.
I am the pwnage! Bitches!

Guttridge wrote:

as far as i know, the GL is designed for taking out groups of infantry or light vehicles.
using the GL as a primary weapon is the worst thing to do, ever:

1. low accuracy
2. very limited ammo
3. long reload time
4. no accuracy at rage
5. 1 shot, then reload
6. 1 in 5 chance of hitting in close quarters!

i conclude dont us the GL as a primary, you'll get butt fucked!
Well that's right for most of people (for those whiners who can't REALLY use GL)

1. It's not low accuraty. You can hit with it from any range when you are skilled with GL, it doesn't matter if enemy is in 150 m or so.

2. That's true.

3. Not really, of course it take time to reaload but in fact it's about same as reloading time of any other weapon, you just need to do it after every grenade.

4. Not true when you are skilled. Those whiners who can't use GL say so because of course they can't hit from long range, but when you are skilled it really don't matter.

5. True but it really don't matter either because you always have assault rifle if there's still enemys near after grenade is lauched

6. 1 in 5 chance? in my opinion it's 9 in 10 or better.

And in the end for all those who whine about GL and who's saying that anyone can use it and get lot of kills: That's not true, you need training with GL before you can start owning with it, just as you need training with any other weapon. Sure everybody can use GL and kill enemy from near range with GL but this noobs kill also themself with same grenade. And with skilled person I mean person who can use GL with any range. If you can kill with GL from near range without killing yourself, from middle distance and from far disntance and you hit like 9 grenades of 10, then you are skilled GL user in my opinion and you can start whine about GL, but if you can't hit from middle of far distance with almost every grenade then stop whining learn to use GL before you start saying it's noob weapon and only for noobs!

EDIT: And I'm using mostly Assault kit while I'm infantry and I'm also using GL as my primary weapon but I can hit with it from any range (except bad days of course ^^)

Last edited by BlueScreen (2006-01-06 03:18:25)

wait so you have good aim right ? on a weapon that takes skill right ? so why cant you get a positive ratio on any other weapon other than the gl?
The M203 / GL is fine and great weapon ! but for long distances, not long as if you were a sniper but not 2 meters, I hate when you get tubed from close range, it isn't intended for that, in real life you won't use it like that, only at distances, on short distances actually it shouldn't explode at all but this is BF2.

That is an ugly ass chick. Why would you post such a nasty ass pic?
PKM Whore
+16|6953|Prolly on wake.

Cougar wrote:

Noob tubing will always be like Milli Vanilli fans.  While you think your music is good, no one else in the world does and they all hate you.

And for good reason, Milli Vanilli, sucks.

I think this is the definative "ANTI" post, because it can be said of anyones BF2 weapons of choice and still be true. Simply change out noob tubing with whatever you want.  ie..PKM, APC,TANK, JET, CHOPPER.

I was recently informed that since I happened to pick Support class when I started, liked it and stuck with it almost exclusivley in my short time playing that I too am a noob. also I have no skill by the way. So I am tempted to side the author of the thread, however since I want to feel like I belong I will instead say this:

"YuO r tEH NooBzOrZ toOBzoRZ!!!!"

that gave me a headache just typing it, how do you people do it?

PKM= muzak to my ears!
PKM Whore
+16|6953|Prolly on wake.

Probatus wrote: … _seal5.jpg

That is an ugly ass chick. Why would you post such a nasty ass pic?
I'll take 2....

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