I got the same message from that guy. I simply said no too because I figured nobody would actually pay me money to get a badge in bf2. Who knows, maybe he's loaded.
[TR]Dissb used to be first place in the world lol

Dude [TR]Dissb used to be in the top 10The_Killer wrote:
Ok some random person asked to be on my freinds list on xifre. The message said Hi im from bf2s and i herd you are good in jets i was wondering if you could get 35 hours in a jet for me im willing to pay.
So i added him lol ROFL
here is are conversation
dissb: Interested?
•^Killer_Øщnz^•: ya sure
dissb: No problem, how old are you?
•^Killer_Øщnz^•: 16
dissb: Be interested in logging on my account and getting veteran pilot badge? I need 35 hours more to get my 3 star general
•^Killer_Øщnz^•: I dunno i dont play bf2 much anymore
•^Killer_Øщnz^•: but ok
dissb: I just am running outta patience....ahhh ok, nm then
•^Killer_Øщnz^•: no i will do it im good in a plane
•^Killer_Øщnz^•: but it might take me like a week or two
dissb: Yeah thats fine....how much would you want?
•^Killer_Øщnz^•: doesnt matter
dissb: I would be willing to play too to accelerate the process
dissb: How about $100?
dissb: You from USA?
•^Killer_Øщnz^•: yes
•^Killer_Øщnz^•: Maryland
•^Killer_Øщnz^•: but live in NC
dissb: what is your screen name in BF2?
•^Killer_Øщnz^•: ^ownage^.:888
dissb: Yeah, your stats are nice.....
•^Killer_Øщnz^•: ya i guss
dissb: I just get sick and tired of waiting for a plane
dissb: I just recently came back after taking a 6 mos break...
•^Killer_Øщnz^•: what map are you trying to get it on?
dissb: Im not...
dissb: Ive just been a colonel for like 9 mos because I dont have the patience to fly
•^Killer_Øщnz^•: yeah but like what maps have you been waiting for a plane on?
•^Killer_Øщnz^•: wake?
dissb: so I figure I'll ask some 17 year old kid to see if he would like to make some money
dissb: operation and wake
•^Killer_Øщnz^•: kubra is the easiest
dissb: [TR]Dissb is my screen name
dissb: How many hours do you play a day, roughly?
•^Killer_Øщnz^•: 2 to 3
•^Killer_Øщnz^•: maybe 2
dissb: So would take about 3 weeks or so?
•^Killer_Øщnz^•: ya i guss
dissb: You have paypal?
•^Killer_Øщnz^•: ya
dissb: When could you get started?
dissb: And what times do you normally play?
•^Killer_Øщnz^•: hmm dunno when ever i can cause i have school in the morning
dissb: Sounds like a plan....
dissb: whats your email address?
dissb: I gotta get going, baby is crying.........I'll email you tonight
ROFL should i do it lol.
Yeah he said he hasn't played in over 9 months..:ronin:.|Patton wrote:
[TR]Dissb used to be first place in the world lol
earn it, don´t buy it!
I haven't seen you in a while, killer. I wouldn't do it, don't waste your life for a game, even if it comes with pay.
Get his password dude, ill fuck his account.
That's exactly what I was thinking. hahahaMagikTrik wrote:
Go do as much stat padding & team killing as you possibly can & then report him to EA, lol.
I would do it, getting payed for nothing.
yeah i would do it to. i mean: getting 100 dollar to play an video game! how great is that..teddy..jimmy wrote:
I would do it, getting payed for nothing.
Get on Daqing, F15 or Su-30. God I love those things!!!
On another note, my brother just sold his WoW account for £500. Cant be too bad.
On another note, my brother just sold his WoW account for £500. Cant be too bad.
more fucking losers in the game that would do anything to be a general.
I'd say pay me half now and half when i do it,then just not do it.
Take F-35 hover under carrier just sit there and alt tab bf2 and go on the internet and shit..
lol thats how i got my veteran aviator and im actually idling under the carrier right now in a blackhawk since i need veteran heli! LMFAOMT_Androo wrote:
Take F-35 hover under carrier just sit there and alt tab bf2 and go on the internet and shit..
hmm shadow "ownz" sighting
hacks ran out had to buy new ones?
hacks ran out had to buy new ones?
Be careful!!
Why did he ask for your age? Sounds like a red flag to me.
Don't you watch the news?
Why did he ask for your age? Sounds like a red flag to me.
Don't you watch the news?
Last edited by bucfan609 (2007-01-22 08:01:18)
What does this have to do with shadow_ownz. Also this has nothing to do with hacks so stfu unless you have something to say about the topic.montypythizzle wrote:
hmm shadow "ownz" sighting
hacks ran out had to buy new ones?
The killer is not shadow ownz if that is what your trying to saymontypythizzle wrote:
hmm shadow "ownz" sighting
hacks ran out had to buy new ones?
omg thats a good idea lolMagikTrik wrote:
Go do as much stat padding & team killing as you possibly can & then report him to EA, lol.
You can tell the good people from the arseholes on this board. Half the respondents saying 'do it', the other half saying "dude! fuck his shit up LOLZ!1".
I put those people below scum. Why fuck shit up? If you dont like him just say 'no' and move on.
I put those people below scum. Why fuck shit up? If you dont like him just say 'no' and move on.
I don't think he's very smart, you could just steal it. And how he can quarantee that he would give you the money, he could just say kthxbai and change the password. Or then, you could change the password and after it's done when he tries not to pay but can't log in because you changed the password, you would give the password if he pays. But then he can't be sure would you give the password after he pays and then...
I say no, don't do it.
I say no, don't do it.