+374|6678|Columbus, Ohio

Bubbalo wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

Bubbalo wrote: I partially blind, 'cos I don't see any answers.

Also, waiting to hear how I judged.
I hit the post button.....weird.

Anyway, I have seen those comments before that I am talking about, and I am not going to go thru thousands of pages to find them.  I know other people have seen them also.  But it is not just comments about the US, people have said that Israel should leave and it would solve everything.  As to what people, I do not remember nor could I possibly remember every response in every thread.
Ah, so it's some vague, non-descript "they", allowing you to say whatever you like without actually having to be reasonable or logical.

Still waiting to hear how I judged.....................
Let's get something straight, don't talk to me like I owe you some kind of respect or anything, I will answer you when I want to.
The Microwave Man

CameronPoe wrote:

They all featured on a program that was on British TV last night. They're called radical Islamists. They represent in the region of about 0.0001% of the muslim community in England.

They're scary if you listen to them thinking that all muslims think like that. They're laughable when you think about the fact that they are an absolutely miniscule minority of crackpots. The world is not ending. The sky is not falling in. Everybody relax.
So 0.0001% of the 1.2 billion Muslims in the world can't cause a lot of trouble for the world huh? Ever here of 9/11 ? The bombing of Bali where 200 people were blown to pieces? How about the theater in Russia? How about the USS Cole? How about Both US embassies blown up in Tanzania? How about the 1993 bombing of the world trade center? How about Spain train bombing? How about the small "absolutely minuscule minority of crack pots " that have killed over 3,000 US troops in Iraq? Minuscule huh? All it takes is one asshole like this idiot to influence one/two kids stupid enough to pull of a suicide bombing in the right place at the right time and it could be the start of ww3. That's how WW2 started. Same could happen today.

You over rate yourself.
Say wat!?
How about we just kill all Americans then. They seem to be the ones going around causing the most deaths. See how logical your shit argument is???
+374|6678|Columbus, Ohio

Vilham wrote:

How about we just kill all Americans then. They seem to be the ones going around causing the most deaths. See how logical your shit argument is???
I dare you.  I double dare you.
The Microwave Man
Yeah , kill all the Americans, then the jews and everything will be peachy keen again.......

Oh and don't forget Santa Claus. Can't let him get away now can we?

Last edited by jonnykill (2007-01-20 13:15:55)

Cheeseburger Logicist

jonnykill wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

They all featured on a program that was on British TV last night. They're called radical Islamists. They represent in the region of about 0.0001% of the muslim community in England.

They're scary if you listen to them thinking that all muslims think like that. They're laughable when you think about the fact that they are an absolutely miniscule minority of crackpots. The world is not ending. The sky is not falling in. Everybody relax.
So 0.0001% of the 1.2 billion Muslims in the world can't cause a lot of trouble for the world huh? Ever here of 9/11 ? The bombing of Bali where 200 people were blown to pieces? How about the theater in Russia? How about the USS Cole? How about Both US embassies blown up in Tanzania? How about the 1993 bombing of the world trade center? How about Spain train bombing? How about the small "absolutely minuscule minority of crack pots " that have killed over 3,000 US troops in Iraq? Minuscule huh? All it takes is one asshole like this idiot to influence one/two kids stupid enough to pull of a suicide bombing in the right place at the right time and it could be the start of ww3. That's how WW2 started. Same could happen today.

You over rate yourself.
I love the part where you try to scare everyone.

CameronPoe did not say that "0.0001% of the 1.2 billion Muslims in the world can't cause a lot of trouble". He said that the "world is not ending." Clearly, he means to express that the fear over radical Islamists is unfounded, one that you clearly subscribe to. Yes, we all understand that there have been a number of incidents, but they are nothing compared to the Second World War, which seems to be another way of putting fear into people. However, you seem to count every violent Muslim as radical, even those who may be fighting for a nationalist cause, a free nation, such as Cechnyans, Basques and Iraqis. Truly, are they a threat to the world, or merely trying to fight for their country, as many Christian peoples, such as Americans, Irish, and Scottish have done? They will do no harm if their country is given to them.

We all get it; there are radical Islamists that are a threat to world peace, beyond their borders. They are attempting violent attacks. But you greatly overestimate them. Absolutely, they are the "minuscule minority of crack pots", and they have done some damage, but they are hardly responsible for beginning a trend that may lead to World War III. They are a tiny minority in their own countries, that do damage to Western interests in the Middle East, because they have many reasons: United States bombed their house, United States in on their holy land, etc. They are not mindless killing machines, nor are they a true threat to democracy and the West. You name some incidents, but there are hardly any more, especially in the West. Radical Islam is not another Hitler, nor another way to World War III. Desist with that fearmongering.

We hardly endorse a truce with radical Islam, but it is no reason to begin wars or suspend civil rights. The latter is a result of terrorism- If they truly "hate freedom", as so many have said (because obviously they hate freedom for no particular reason), then they have accomplished something when Western politicians start suspending civil rights. An effective way to combat radical Islam is to end the means of radical Islam, especially in the West. Even radicals will have less reason to travel to attack a country thousands of kilometres away if their home nations are free of Western influence. To carry out attacks in the West is something of a logistical nightmare, I can imagine, and would have little sense to do so if we do nothing to aggravate them. Equally so, they are international criminals, and should be brought to justice.
+5,233|6840|Global Command

Drakef wrote:

An effective way to combat radical Islam is to end the means of radical Islam, especially in the West. Even radicals will have less reason to travel to attack a country thousands of kilometres away if their home nations are free of Western influence. To carry out attacks in the West is something of a logistical nightmare, I can imagine, and would have little sense to do so if we do nothing to aggravate them. Equally so, they are international criminals, and should be brought to justice.
You, like so many other seem to overlook the part where the  radicals are sworn to spread Islamic law by the sword over the whole Earth.

You, like so many others turn a blind eye when they blow up sacred statues or institute Islamic law and declare the death penalty for those who don't pray to Allah five times a day. You don't care because it happens far away in Africa or Afganistan. You say they are not a threat because they are not a threat to you.

I say that is cowardice, and short sighted.

Open your eyes and see what impact Muslims immigrating to Europe is having.
If you say you don't see a threat I say you are blind.
The Microwave Man
Gee you got me there. Fecking pwnededed.

I wonder how many days I would survive if I tried to build a Church of ( insert what ever religion, cult , what the F ever ) in an Islamic country and started to call for the death of very Muslim in the country I'm currently in. LOL!!!

I'm absolutely POSITIVE it would be handled peacefully hahahahahahahah.

Last edited by jonnykill (2007-01-20 13:54:08)

+35|7067|UK - England

ATG wrote:

Drakef wrote:

An effective way to combat radical Islam is to end the means of radical Islam, especially in the West. Even radicals will have less reason to travel to attack a country thousands of kilometres away if their home nations are free of Western influence. To carry out attacks in the West is something of a logistical nightmare, I can imagine, and would have little sense to do so if we do nothing to aggravate them. Equally so, they are international criminals, and should be brought to justice.
You, like so many other seem to overlook the part where the  radicals are sworn to spread Islamic law by the sword over the whole Earth.

You, like so many others turn a blind eye when they blow up sacred statues or institute Islamic law and declare the death penalty for those who don't pray to Allah five times a day. You don't care because it happens far away in Africa or Afganistan. You say they are not a threat because they are not a threat to you.

I say that is cowardice, and short sighted.

Open your eyes and see what impact Muslims immigrating to Europe is having.
If you say you don't see a threat I say you are blind.
Not ture. ATG you need some help. Try getting admitted into a mental home.
The Lizzard

usmarine2007 wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

I hit the post button.....weird.

Anyway, I have seen those comments before that I am talking about, and I am not going to go thru thousands of pages to find them.  I know other people have seen them also.  But it is not just comments about the US, people have said that Israel should leave and it would solve everything.  As to what people, I do not remember nor could I possibly remember every response in every thread.
Ah, so it's some vague, non-descript "they", allowing you to say whatever you like without actually having to be reasonable or logical.

Still waiting to hear how I judged.....................
Let's get something straight, don't talk to me like I owe you some kind of respect or anything, I will answer you when I want to.
Right, what could someone and kind and courteous as you possibly owe anyone.  It's not like you ignore people's posts or anything.  Oh, wait..............

It's not about owing me respect, anyway.  All I want is for you to admit that you're talking out your ass.
Cheeseburger Logicist

ATG wrote:

Drakef wrote:

An effective way to combat radical Islam is to end the means of radical Islam, especially in the West. Even radicals will have less reason to travel to attack a country thousands of kilometres away if their home nations are free of Western influence. To carry out attacks in the West is something of a logistical nightmare, I can imagine, and would have little sense to do so if we do nothing to aggravate them. Equally so, they are international criminals, and should be brought to justice.
You, like so many other seem to overlook the part where the  radicals are sworn to spread Islamic law by the sword over the whole Earth.

You, like so many others turn a blind eye when they blow up sacred statues or institute Islamic law and declare the death penalty for those who don't pray to Allah five times a day. You don't care because it happens far away in Africa or Afganistan. You say they are not a threat because they are not a threat to you.

I say that is cowardice, and short sighted.

Open your eyes and see what impact Muslims immigrating to Europe is having.
If you say you don't see a threat I say you are blind.
Are all radicals attempting to spread Islamic law by the sword? I indeed agree that there are those who are, but you must agree that much of the violence induced by these radicals is because of Western involvement in their nations. However, you are right; they are radicals, devoted to radical causes. I believe that is what I said. I did not say that they aren't radical, but that they aren't a tremendous threat to the West.

I did not say they are not a threat, I merely said that they are not the threat that some have posed them to be. Hardly the next Nazi Germany, as some have compared radical Islam to. And I was not addressing the concerns of all people, but instead how the West is threatened. I specifically meant how we should deal with the threat, not those under Islam or near Islam. If you shall like, I will talk about other countries, but do not make false judgement by creating false accounts of my opinions. I do care, of course, of those in Africa and Afghanistan.

However, I see that the current methods of the West are not working. Nor will invading every Islamic state solve the problem, as logistically impossible it is. We have seen that our involvement has strenghtened their movement. What truly do you propose, when dealing with Islamic nations? What truly do you propose with Muslim immigrants, who by the far majority are not violent people?

Gee you got me there. Fecking pwnededed.

I wonder how many days I would survive if I tried to build a Church of ( insert what ever religion, cult , what the F ever ) in an Islamic country and started to call for the death of very Muslim in the country I'm currently in. LOL!!!

I'm absolutely POSITIVE it would be handled peacefully hahahahahahahah.
Did I use my analysis as a way to mock you? No. And nor should you. I'd prefer a more mature conversation.

Did you know that there are synagogues in Iran, among other religions that are still established in the Middle East? However, you are right: Sharia law is not something I would want in my nation. However, you seem to want to compare yourself building a church in the Middle East, to Muslim immigrants in the West. If so, you seem to claim that they build their churches and then call for the death of all Westerners. I have yet to hear of common incidents of such a thing. Most Muslims, especially immigrants, are not radical people. I am not rejecting that there are radicals, but they are not coming here to declare hatred and start violence. There are barriers to such things; why do you think there are so few incidents of radical Islam in the West? In Canada, that situation would be a criminal offence.

Do I support Islam? No. I do not like religion. The Sharia law is disgusting, and it enables radicals. However, I realize that we can do little to stop Islam. I realize that while it enables radicals, everyone is not a radical, and we should not treat them all like criminals.
The Microwave Man
Sorry for mocking you but perhaps I'll just get right to the point. I simply don't give a shit about every Muslim NOT being a radical. I just don't want Islam to be a part of America at all so shit like this doesn't even get off to a start. Ban it like Child porn. Do you think I want a mother fucking POS like that preaching that stupid shit here in America? Fuck no. Plain and simple.
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6965|Teesside, UK

jonnykill wrote:

Sorry for mocking you but perhaps I'll just get right to the point. I simply don't give a shit about every Muslim NOT being a radical. I just don't want Islam to be a part of America at all so shit like this doesn't even get off to a start. Ban it like Child porn. Do you think I want a mother fucking POS like that preaching that stupid shit here in America? Fuck no. Plain and simple.
So your saying ban islam as it's a religion that can be misinterpreted and used as a reason for killing other people?

If so you'll have to ban the rest of the religions while your at it as most are used by people full of hate to preach the deaths of others.  Are you advocating all religions are banned?  In fact why not go one step further why not kick anyone out of your country who don't have the same religion as the majority of people whether their peaceful or not.
Say wat!?
I think its about time ATG and usmarine write one last post admitting they are incredibly racist and we can leave it at that.
+374|6678|Columbus, Ohio

Vilham wrote:

I think its about time ATG and usmarine write one last post admitting they are incredibly racist and we can leave it at that.
Go fuck a goat.
+5,233|6840|Global Command

Vilham wrote:

I think its about time ATG and usmarine write one last post admitting they are incredibly racist and we can leave it at that.
Ya, I more like to kill myself instead you bastard
The Microwave Man

crimson_grunt wrote:

jonnykill wrote:

Sorry for mocking you but perhaps I'll just get right to the point. I simply don't give a shit about every Muslim NOT being a radical. I just don't want Islam to be a part of America at all so shit like this doesn't even get off to a start. Ban it like Child porn. Do you think I want a mother fucking POS like that preaching that stupid shit here in America? Fuck no. Plain and simple.
So your saying ban Islam as it's a religion that can be misinterpreted and used as a reason for killing other people?

If so you'll have to ban the rest of the religions while your at it as most are used by people full of hate to preach the deaths of others.  Are you advocating all religions are banned?  In fact why not go one step further why not kick anyone out of your country who don't have the same religion as the majority of people whether their peaceful or not.
Are you serious? Name me one Christian religiously backed affiliation/worldwide terrorist organization that has been blowing up civilians all over the world for the past 15 years in the name of God that has a figurehead like Osama Bin Laden that is calling for the rest of the worlds non-Muslim people to rise up and kill all the filthy Muslims.
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6965|Teesside, UK

jonquil wrote:

Are you serious? Name me one Christian religiously backed affiliation/worldwide terrorist organization that has been blowing up civilians all over the world for the past 15 years in the name of God that has a figurehead like Osama Bin Laden that...
The simple fact is yes there is a guy like that.  Is he the leader of the Islamic faith?  no, he may think he is but hes not.  Are the majority of the Muslims doing what he says?  no.  So you seem to be suggesting that their religion should be banned because theirs some people preaching hatred.

It a basic human right to believe in any faith that you wish and by saying you should be able to make a certain religion a crime like child abuse is retarded.  Yeah the hate preachers should be locked up but your idea of turning the entire faith into a crime would mean that people praying for Peace and well being or whatever they pray for would be locked up as well.
+301|7106|Denver, CO
Who cares about england's Muslim Problem... my friend jimmy has Lady Troubles!
The Microwave Man

crimson_grunt wrote:

jonquil wrote:

Are you serious? Name me one Christian religiously backed affiliation/worldwide terrorist organization that has been blowing up civilians all over the world for the past 15 years in the name of God that has a figurehead like Osama Bin Laden that...
The simple fact is yes there is a guy like that.  Is he the leader of the Islamic faith?  no, he may think he is but hes not.  Are the majority of the Muslims doing what he says?  no.  So you seem to be suggesting that their religion should be banned because theirs some people preaching hatred.

It a basic human right to believe in any faith that you wish and by saying you should be able to make a certain religion a crime like child abuse is retarded.  Yeah the hate preachers should be locked up but your idea of turning the entire faith into a crime would mean that people praying for Peace and well being or whatever they pray for would be locked up as well.
OK fine. Ban all religions. I'm up for it.

Santa Cluas for kids, God for adults. Keyword, control. I don't like it.
+5,233|6840|Global Command

crimson_grunt wrote:

So you seem to be suggesting that their religion should be banned because theirs some people preaching hatred.
All fucking religions now. Outlawed. Gone.
+374|6678|Columbus, Ohio

ATG wrote:

crimson_grunt wrote:

So you seem to be suggesting that their religion should be banned because theirs some people preaching hatred.
All fucking religions now. Outlawed. Gone.
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6965|Teesside, UK
Fine if thats how feel you go advocate that in your country and Leave Great Briton alone to deal with things our way.
The Lizzard

usmarine2007 wrote:

ATG wrote:

crimson_grunt wrote:

So you seem to be suggesting that their religion should be banned because theirs some people preaching hatred.
All fucking religions now. Outlawed. Gone.
See, oug, ATG can do Orwellian, usmarine can just parrot.  That's basically thoughtcrime right there.
The Microwave Man

crimson_grunt wrote:

jonnykill wrote:

Sorry for mocking you but perhaps I'll just get right to the point. I simply don't give a shit about every Muslim NOT being a radical. I just don't want Islam to be a part of America at all so shit like this doesn't even get off to a start. Ban it like Child porn. Do you think I want a mother fucking POS like that preaching that stupid shit here in America? Fuck no. Plain and simple.
So your saying ban islam as it's a religion that can be misinterpreted and used as a reason for killing other people?

If so you'll have to ban the rest of the religions while your at it as most are used by people full of hate to preach the deaths of others.  Are you advocating all religions are banned?  In fact why not go one step further why not kick anyone out of your country who don't have the same religion as the majority of people whether their peaceful or not.
Dude I'm an atheist for one thing but I can accept the fact that most people in my country believe in God. I'm fine with it. Hell I used to go to church so at least I have some knowledge of what goes on in a church. We had song and prayer and then we pigged out cheese danish, cookies, coffee and the like. My memories of church are nothing but fun filled events. NEVER have I heard the priest call for the death of non Christians and let it be known that it's clearly OK to start marrying/ f%@$ing 9 year old. Basically if this shit was going on in America, and probably is, your asking me to accept it? After what has happened in the last 14 years?
Am I making myself clear? I would be perfectly fine with banning all religion but that simply isn't going to happen in my life time. But we sure a s shit can ban one in this country alone. Close all the Mosques. Ship'em back home, they don't belong here. If I'm wrong then I'm wrong. But I'll sleep with a clear head. It's not my fucking duty to love everything coming to America.

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