Flamesuit essential

RAIMIUS wrote:

China has already been disrupting US satellites with ground based weapons.  It is a very serious thing for the US.  What if China could disable our GPS sats?  Every banch of our military uses them.
Adopt a policy like the terrorists - you don't need GPS, just determination.
+13|6472|South Carolina, US

Bertster7 wrote:

I regard the US criticism of the Chinese conducting these weapons tests as extremely hypocritical.
So? It's not in the US's interests for them to have anti-satellite missiles, why should we accept that if we don't have to? I know its in their interest to have anti-satellite missiles, but obviously the US doesn't want that.
Flamesuit essential

UGADawgs wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

I regard the US criticism of the Chinese conducting these weapons tests as extremely hypocritical.
So? It's not in the US's interests for them to have anti-satellite missiles, why should we accept that if we don't have to? I know its in their interest to have anti-satellite missiles, but obviously the US doesn't want that.
Who's the 'we' and the 'their', and what are you trying to say?

To redefine:
why should we accept that if we don't have to?.
"WE", denoting US, should accept it because the rest of the world is tired of the WMD wars and America's determination to remain the most powerful through overwhelming force.

(Rather like the English or Roman empires.  Remember, they DID fall.)

RAIMIUS wrote:

China has already been disrupting US satellites with ground based weapons.  It is a very serious thing for the US.  What if China could disable our GPS sats?  Every banch of our military uses them.
say whhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaat? When was this?
+13|6472|South Carolina, US

some_random_panda wrote:

UGADawgs wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

I regard the US criticism of the Chinese conducting these weapons tests as extremely hypocritical.
So? It's not in the US's interests for them to have anti-satellite missiles, why should we accept that if we don't have to? I know its in their interest to have anti-satellite missiles, but obviously the US doesn't want that.
Who's the 'we' and the 'their', and what are you trying to say?

To redefine:
why should we accept that if we don't have to?.
"WE", denoting US, should accept it because the rest of the world is tired of the WMD wars and America's determination to remain the most powerful through overwhelming force.

(Rather like the English or Roman empires.  Remember, they DID fall.)
I used we to mean the US, and them to mean China. I'm guessing you're not American, so that must be where the confusion came. What I mean is that it's not in the US's interests to have our satellites vulnerable, and thus we should at least protest the missile tests instead of just letting it happen.

As for the rest of the world, they should remember that if the US isn't the dominant power in the world, someone else will be. Europe has shown all disinterest in dealing such things, so Russia or China would probably end up being the dominant world power. The world may have some pretty diverse interests but I know Europe would prefer the US to Russia and without a doubt prefer the US to China.
Commie Killer

Fen321 wrote:

RAIMIUS wrote:

China has already been disrupting US satellites with ground based weapons.  It is a very serious thing for the US.  What if China could disable our GPS sats?  Every banch of our military uses them.
say whhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaat? When was this?
It was common practice in the USSR and now is now in the PRC to fire laser beams that will blind the cameras on the satellites.
Frosties > Cornflakes

UGADawgs wrote:

some_random_panda wrote:

UGADawgs wrote:

So? It's not in the US's interests for them to have anti-satellite missiles, why should we accept that if we don't have to? I know its in their interest to have anti-satellite missiles, but obviously the US doesn't want that.
Who's the 'we' and the 'their', and what are you trying to say?

To redefine:
why should we accept that if we don't have to?.
"WE", denoting US, should accept it because the rest of the world is tired of the WMD wars and America's determination to remain the most powerful through overwhelming force.

(Rather like the English or Roman empires.  Remember, they DID fall.)
I used we to mean the US, and them to mean China. I'm guessing you're not American, so that must be where the confusion came. What I mean is that it's not in the US's interests to have our satellites vulnerable, and thus we should at least protest the missile tests instead of just letting it happen.

As for the rest of the world, they should remember that if the US isn't the dominant power in the world, someone else will be. Europe has shown all disinterest in dealing such things, so Russia or China would probably end up being the dominant world power. The world may have some pretty diverse interests but I know Europe would prefer the US to Russia and without a doubt prefer the US to China.
We arent in the dark ages fs, if you want an arms race with any would be contenders to your thrown as it where that is your buissiness, while the rest of the world laughs at you.  The chinese have just as much of a right as the Americans to test there weapons and such, and like has been said, it is not in there interest to attack the USA, atleast not any time soon.  To them the USA is a huge money pot and vice versa, why would they want to end that?  Remember also, the EU isnt a nation, it was conceived to make it easier for member nations to trade, perhaps if we did become one then our attention would shift to defense.  Finially who would I most like to be the worlds most powerful nation?  Doesnt matter a dam to me, I'll still drink pepsi and eat chinese food


Commie Killer wrote:

Fen321 wrote:

RAIMIUS wrote:

China has already been disrupting US satellites with ground based weapons.  It is a very serious thing for the US.  What if China could disable our GPS sats?  Every banch of our military uses them.
say whhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaat? When was this?
It was common practice in the USSR and now is now in the PRC to fire laser beams that will blind the cameras on the satellites.
Oh man, they're preventing us from spying on them, they're not allowed to do that!
+122|6692|Omaha, Nebraska!
We have stuff like that also.
Commie Killer

jonsimon wrote:

Commie Killer wrote:

Fen321 wrote:

say whhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaat? When was this?
It was common practice in the USSR and now is now in the PRC to fire laser beams that will blind the cameras on the satellites.
Oh man, they're preventing us from spying on them, they're not allowed to do that!
I think you took that wrong, I understand that and yeah that makes sense, I was just explaining to him. Now while of course our defense minister is not calling for the mass murder of 100s of millions of civilians the Chinese one is.....

Bell wrote:

Finially who would I most like to be the worlds most powerful nation?  Doesnt matter a dam to me, I'll still drink pepsi and eat chinese food
great quote

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