Cougar wrote:
{XpLiCiTxX} wrote:
Wow, coming from something who holds grasps firmly the award for biggest hypocrite on this entire site, you sure do have a lot to say. About nothing.
Show me.
{XpLiCiTxX} wrote:
John Gotti Agnello is the person I was talking about, not the old mob leader. Search for him via Google Images. Tell me he doesn't "fit the traits" I "Thoroughly explained above". Minor fuck up? Just a tad because I have never heard the name "Agnello" said at the end of his name before. Okay, now that a huge paragraph of your rebuttal is now squashed, on to the next bit.
Maybe if you would have called him
John Gotti Agnello, the confusion would have never taken place to begin with, I mean John Gotti is a pretty common name. Other common names include Joe Brown, John Smith, Michael Jordan and Paris Hilton.
Who could have ever confused the two men?
{XpLiCiTxX} wrote:
Regarding plagarism -- If it's the website not being advertised, then would it make the tears go away if I put a link to his website in honor of his genious work on the pictures? Done. Are you saying that I am plagiarizing Maddoxs' writing style? What? I never heard of any law that says no one can be inspired by another's work and choose to write similarly. You say that Maddox wouldn't 'approve' of my writing? I think he would be flattered that people enjoy his work and want to maybe one day follow in his footsteps and be a writer. What he writes about is awesome. What I write about is awesome. Maddox isn't going to scold me for writing like him. Do you think he a angry at this guy:
Yeah, you're kinda right here. I mean, I've always kind of admired Mark Twain, which is exatly the reason I am currently working on my epic novel titled, Fuckleberry Hinn. Also, you're right on another aspect of it, Maddox uses a strict template of near perfect grammar and a user-friendly interface and writing style that you haven't seemed to....."grasp onto" yet. I was wrong.
Maddox wrote:
The following are some of the images associated with my site. All these images were created by me (with the obvious exception of the photographs, which I've edited). Most of these images were created and edited using Windows Paint, and occasionally Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro.
Please ask my permission if you wish to use any of the images [email protected].
Of course, you're a fine, upstanding individual, I'm sure you went through all the proper channels.
{XpLiCiTxX} wrote:
Who doesn't want to be awesome? Cougar sure doesn't. Tisk tisk.
Again you are right. I
don't want to be awesome. I
am awesome. Keep on wanting buddy.
{XpLiCiTxX} wrote:
You say that I thought or believed that Greece is in Italy. What? Listen moron, you must have passed over the part where I poke fun at Albanians. Albania borders Greece and is east of Italy if I'm correct. I don't remember saying that Albania is in Italy, now did I?
Yeah, I skipped over ALOT of it, mainly because it was boring, hypocritical, racist and not really that intresting. Besides, I think I had read something simular to this on a KKK chat room in Yahoo I accidentally stumbled upon once.
......ok, maybe it wasn't an accident, but we all do stupid things when we are children.
But either way, making three seperate articles over three different subjects may be.....more simplistic?
{XpLiCiTxX} wrote:
Okay, regarding "LiKe ThIs AnD sTuFf"
Okay, regarding you attempting to talk your way out of this....
{XpLiCiTxX} wrote:
I have a pen-name that is typed like that and so is my AIM screenname.
.......uhh huh, continue.....
{XpLiCiTxX} wrote:
I don't type paragraphs like that or even sentences.
Ohh, so you just
sign everything like that.
{XpLiCiTxX} wrote:
If you read the above, the whole text where he TyPeS LiEk Dis is one flowing paragraph, not just one word.
I noticed, but you do that everytime you post.....with your name.
{XpLiCiTxX} wrote:
If you're going to scold me for using my online name like that and I type responses and 100% of all my other writing like this, then eat me.
Well, it's kinda like someone writing an essay in college and then spelling their name wrong......
Ohh, and you're still a hypocrite.