Kmarion wrote:
Turquoise wrote:
I have no doubt in my mind that Iran is pursuing nuclear technology for the sake of defense.
Think about this: 2001-America invades Afghanistan, right next door. 2003-America invades Iraq, on the other side of Iran.
If I were the leader of Iran, I'd be freaked out. I'd do everything possible to keep America from invading my country, and acquiring nukes is a good way of doing that.
Ahmadinejad may talk a lot of shit about Israel, but deep down inside, he's probably just afraid of America attacking Iran. The last thing he'd want to do is attack Israel, because he knows that would result in us destroying Iran.
Basically, Iran is pursuing nukes for defensive purposes. He's just overcompensating when he talks shit (and trying to distract his people from his pathetic performance as a leader).
Why not be honest than? I think the world would be more sympathetic to your proposed motivation rather than secret nuclear weapons intentions. I'm sure people understood his need for defense with Katusha rockets, we know where they ended up though.
Good point, but this is Ahmadinejad we're talking about.
In all honesty, I think Bush and him have a lot in common. They're both pathetic leaders that pander to their extremist elements. They both suck at fiscal policy. They both would lose in their next election (if Bush was able to run again). The list goes on and on....
Anyway, Ahmadinejad is, quite frankly, an idiot. He's only crafty enough to get the support of his ultraconservatives, but then again, those people are easily fooled (just like our ultraconservatives). The Ayatollah basically numbed his opposition by keeping reformists from running in the last midterm election, but even after that, the people managed to elect the most moderate conservatives in Iran.
In short, Ahmadinejad doesn't have the power to attack anyone officially, with or without nukes. His people won't allow it, and even the Ayatollah doesn't want to invite an attack from us. So yeah, they are taking the more subtle approach of aiding the insurgency, but then again, so is Saudi Arabia.
Basically, there are some people in America that would profit tremendously from attacking Iran, and they've been saber rattling for quite some time. With enough persistence, they may even trick us into attacking Iran, but hopefully, we won't be that stupid AGAIN. Iraq should provide all the evidence necessary to discourage an attack on Iran. Ahmadinejad sees the mess we're in, and he's taking advantage of it, since our hands are tied.
He's not going to nuke anyone though. He's neither that stupid nor that powerful.