Seth Infinite
+3|6885|Houston, The Republic of Texas
Let ma add to the confusion!!

SAS ribbon at about 65 hours and BR of 54.
No Spetsnaz at 37 hours.
No MEC at 48 hours.

Only play Ghost and Warlord.
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|6917|AUS, Canberra
we are prob all wrong and its some kind of ratio to your total score or time played or some stupid shit like that!!

there has been people getting them with very different times played and such.
I want the pink mist
Lets all head to EA/Dice main offices with torches and pitchforks and threaten to kill people if they don't tell us what the hell they did...

But seriously, who cares...just play and you'll get them eventually.

Last edited by oJmHo (2005-12-31 16:28:34)


the_heart_attack wrote:

we are prob all wrong and its some kind of ratio to your total score or time played or some stupid shit like that!!

there has been people getting them with very different times played and such.
out of everyone that ive seen get the service ribbons, all of them had around 90-100 hours on that Army's maps.  pretty sure its time in the theater that army operates in, regardless of whether youre on that team or not.

Seth Infinite wrote:

Let ma add to the confusion!!

SAS ribbon at about 65 hours and BR of 54.
No Spetsnaz at 37 hours.
No MEC at 48 hours.

Only play Ghost and Warlord.
Check back in here Seth when you have 90 hours on Ghost or Warlord.

Since combined you have over 90 hours, you have the SAS ribbon, because they are in both maps.  Once you reach 90 hours on Ghost you should recieve the Spetsnaz ribbon, and 90 hours on Warlord you should recieve the Insurgent ribbon.

AbrnRanger wrote:

YitEarp wrote:

im pretty sure its 90 hours in theater, if you look at

he hasnt played like any maps except ghost town, and 100hours on that got him both SAS and SPETZNAS ribbons, even though he only played spetznas for like 30 hours.
I am not sure that is it either. Look at This profile.

He has two different ribbons and not the 90 hours on any map.

Well, its supposedly time in theater (all of the maps that army plays on).  This checks out for the three ribbons he does have, however, he has over 97 hours on SPETZ maps, but does not have that ribbon, he also has over 100 wins, and over 100 best round with them.  So maybe that isn't it after all...
im guessing you didnt look that close, cause he does have the spetsnaz ribbon, right next to the SAS one.
My last post might have been unclear, or maybe you simply didn't understand.  It was refering to the 'This' link in AbrnRanger's post, not Titanium Shadows stats.
interesting... that guys profile is right on the cusp it looks like.  id guess hell get the spetznas ribbon soon if the data ive studied holds up.  hes got around 96 hours on spetznas maps, and 96 hours is when i got my SAS ribbon... ill have to keep checking that guys profile and see if he gets it soon.
Enemy Boat Spotted
+17|6991|United Kingdom
96 hours is an odd time for an award though, tbh
He probably just ahssnt played since passing the 'marker' and hence hasnt received the award yet
Wow, talk about a hot topic..
Been trying to figure all this out myself since ive only been able to come up with the armor ribbon for SF.  After reading all this, I think I will keep focusing on getting my war college ribbon and see what else I snag along the way.  140 more wins without a loss to go....


YitEarp wrote:

out of everyone that ive seen get the service ribbons, all of them had around 90-100 hours on that Army's maps.  pretty sure its time in the theater that army operates in, regardless of whether youre on that team or not.
today i also got rebel and insurgent service ribbons but only about 72 and 77 hours on that army maps.
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|6893|The United Center
so...i think the only thing that we know for that you have to play SF to earn them....but i could be wrong...
Ok, so, Mr.Bonus Now has all 6 of the army service ribbons.

Here are his stats, first number is time with army, second is time in theater, third is army wins, fourth is best round with army.

SEALS: 70:43, 175:56, 199, 144,
MECSF: 105:12, 175:56, 213, 178,
SPETZ: 56:36, 98:45, 163, 106,
SAS: 45:32, 105:20, 140, 114,
Insurgent: 39:54, 60:28, 93, 116,
Rebels:  22:04, 53:53, 69, 80,

If these are the only possible variables that come into play for the awards, we can use the lowest common denominator to get a little closer.
Army Time: 22:04
Theater Time: 53:53
Army Wins: 69
Army Best Round: 80
It also cannot solely be time in theater, as Mr.Bonus recieved the SEAL and MECSF ribbons about 20 hours apart, when those two armies share the same three maps.

Can someone with one of the ribbons check it in BFHQ and see exactly what it says is listed for requirements?

Last edited by dalfiuss (2006-01-04 18:36:11)

Well I can only complicate this for you all

I got the SAS ribbon with 26 hours, 48 wins, and 127 BR.   For what its worth....
why get i speznas rib and not sas look at my stats? wtf wich theorie  cunts ?

SAS      33:04:46      110      29      112
SPETZ     21:42:37     81     27     97


Last edited by PuLpO (2006-01-07 22:06:43)

If you are going to post your stats on when you got yours, you need to include the time spent in theater (playing on maps that army plays on regardless of what side you are on) for your stats to be useful at all.
PulpO, it looks like you had exactly 50 hours in theater for Spetz, but you've only got 31.5 hours for SAS. From what I've been reading in other threads, a lot of people seem to be getting them when they reach 50 hours IN THEATER. I really don't know why it took longer for some people, but the latest people got them at 50 hours.

I myself am at 40 hours in theater for both Seals and MECSF (playing Iron Gator almost exclusively), so hopefully when I get 10 more hours in, I'll know for sure.
SAS      33:04:46      110      29      112
SPETZ     21:42:37     81      27         97

ive only played 21 hoers with spetz but get ribon

and not for sas that in played for 33h

Last edited by PuLpO (2006-01-07 22:07:03)

Pulp, you have 51h in theater for SPETZ, thus, you have enough in theater for the ribbon.

You only have about 45h in theater for SAS, so 5 more hours split between Ghost Town, Night Flight, and Warlord, and you should recieve the SAS ribbon.

EDIT: You are confusing 'In Service' and 'In Theater'.  In Service refers to the total time you have played, while In Theater ONLY refers to the time spent on maps in which that army participates.

here is the theater breakdown:

SAS: Ghost Town, Night Flight, Warlord
SPETZ: Ghost Town, Surge, Mass Destruction
MECSF: Leviathan, Devil's Perch, The Iron Gator
SEAL: Leviathan, Devil's Perch, The Iron Gator
Insurgent: Night Flight, Warlord
Rebel: Surge, Mass Destruction

Last edited by dalfiuss (2006-01-07 22:08:52)

Time in theater is the time spent on maps that a specific army takes part in, so to get your time in the SAS theater of war you need to take the times listed in your profile for each of the maps they play on, Ghost Town, Night Flight, and Warlord.  It doesn't matter which side of the conflict you played as, it simply matters that you playing 'in the theater'.
thx m8t   ive  chekt it ,
+19|6987|Toronto, Canada
I am thinking 20 hours played and 50 hours in theatre. I am a couple of hours away from hitting the 50 hour mark as SAS (in theatre), with about 21 hours played as SAS. I will count it down to 50 and stop as soon as I get  50 and wait overnight to see if it shows up.

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