s im playin suez with a heli piolet in my clan. i master the art of TV guiding and i nail every shot.

however, the tanks put up there shield, and then take 2 shots to kill.

walkers, moving unstopable AA with shields and with some fucking range.

AA guns scattered like dust all over the map

Mobile AA shooting you from every fucking corner of the game.

the choppers EMP near to ground, crash ur dead , you let your shirlsd down to get away from constant bombarbment but when u fly to the other side of the map u get raped again.


the TVs are hard enough to steer on 400 DPI so why make it impossible for the heli to be a useful asset!!!!!

opinions please!!
It's actually pretty good imo. The missle are heatseeking at least when it comes to air units.

Don't make it a rape weapon such as a Jet. All it might need is a tad bit more fire power on those missle so that you don't need to hit ALL missle on a gunship or transportship to kill.
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6606|Area 51
They should atleast make the TV guided a one shot one kill weapon again for compensation..
I'm English, not British!
+113|6812|Rotherham, England

RDMC(2) wrote:

They should atleast make the TV guided a one shot one kill weapon again for compensation..
Yeah I agree with that.
loonitic a potty mouth
I see no problems with the Gunships...
1. If EMP's are making you crash your flying too low
2. Guiding Tv's is just something you have to get used to
3. You can take out a tank in one shot with the TV by hitting them on the side or the arse end
4. You can take out a Walker in one run with a good gunner - Gunner hits the Walker you follow up with the missiles
they should get rid of the EMP missiles on the Walkers IMO... it makes the walker too powerfull... and they need the make the tv a one shot kill... heck the tanks and walkers have thier shields for gods sake...

BTW- A tip to help with the TV missile... in the Aircraft section of the controls turn the mouse sensativity up to 5... it helps alot...
I find the jet/heli's/gunship/wotever u wanna call it quite gd, i mean ive got my aerial service ribbon, and dnt seem to get raped. The only thing that pisses me off is wen ur circlin a silo/flag and u ever so slightly clip a lamppost and........BOOM! Ur dead. I mean the lamppost shud jus get knocked over or not do as much damage at least.
I like them as is except for the spawn time. It just takes way too long for the gunship to respawn and I don't see a reason for it. There are lots of options for dealing with them so why not have them in the skies more.
+7|6389|New York
If you hit the weakspot on a tank with the visualy guided missile you will get the 1 Hit K.O
1.Nothings wrong with it
2.Its a gunship
+59|6683|Los Angeles

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Last edited by Ned_Z (2007-01-15 12:42:07)

Squirrels, natures little speedbump.

Ned_Z wrote:


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WTF is that?
+106|6422|UMass Amherst
The guide to flaming idiots, apparently.  *copy+paste to word* ...Aaaannnd...I'll be using it too.  Fair warning: the mods don't like excessive flaming anymore or thread derailment.

Also back on track: yes, the gunships are all flying coffins now, I agree.  with AA sites that have ridiculous ranges on the EMP launchers, walkers that absolutely shred anything with wings, and the SAAW-86 Mobile AA, you gotta wonder if Dice went overkill on the whole 'kill those jet whore motherf**kers' thing going around after BF2 and *winces* J-10 whorage on Wake Island.
Temporary Messiah
+14|6438|Kalamazoo, MI
You want my opinion?

Same opinion I give everyone else....learn2play, noob. Any primary weapon or vehicle in BF2142 has the potential for a 20 kill streak. If you can't get it, it means you suck, not that the weapon/vehicle sucks.

Advice to EA: Change nothing. Fix CTD issues, spawn issues, memory leak issues. The game is balanced, gratz. +1.
That's how I roll, BITCH!

pedigreeuk wrote:

RDMC(2) wrote:

They should atleast make the TV guided a one shot one kill weapon again for compensation..
Yeah I agree with that.
Robin Hood ---> "u got arrownd"

rabee2789b wrote:

pedigreeuk wrote:

RDMC(2) wrote:

They should atleast make the TV guided a one shot one kill weapon again for compensation..
Yeah I agree with that.
+25|6692|Denmark/Minnesota (depends)
i agree that the gunship is as powerfull as it should be and it shouldn't be less powerfull i think that the decrease in time the emp took you out was just what needed but i think that the aa sites got a far to long range you simply got a lock on constantly not that it matters when you are that far away but they should decrease it, just decrease it to visual range and and then improve the bullets fired from it so that they are a bit faster and actually reach the gunship without you having to aim 50 m infront.
Yeah, the gunships lick some serious sack.  I'm a bigtime BF2 helo-whore, and refuse to use 2142's overweight underpowered ineffective chunks of metal for anything but transport.  The rockets are crap, and the TV missile is completely worthless.  Its only saving grace is the gunner's MG.

Now I spend all my time fighting on the ground, and rarely catch any heat from the gunships.  In fact, I rather enjoy knocking them out of the sky with a Nekotama or Tiger.

But where they screwed up in the air, they totally compensated with the knife.  All that time playin scoutzknivez in CS really paid off
The gunship is nice, hover behind the enemies line and let your gunner kill all the infantry while you destroy the tanks with your rockets, go away fast and they will never know what killed them...

Last edited by Raniak (2007-01-15 14:34:46)

+156|6669|space command ur anus

kiteboarderni wrote:

ss im playin suez with a heli piolet in my clan. i master the art of TV guiding and i nail every shot.

however, the tanks put up there shield, and then take 2 shots to kill.

walkers, moving unstopable AA with shields and with some fucking range.

AA guns scattered like dust all over the map

Mobile AA shooting you from every fucking corner of the game.

the choppers EMP near to ground, crash ur dead , you let your shirlsd down to get away from constant bombarbment but when u fly to the other side of the map u get raped again.


the TVs are hard enough to steer on 400 DPI so why make it impossible for the heli to be a useful asset!!!!!

opinions please!!
you need actual skills to use the choppa,
Paddles/Plane Whore
+28|6602|Australia, NSW
i think the only problem is the huge range the emp's have. the tv is fine, and so is the number of AAs around the map. however, you can be easily locked onto by an AA from a stupid range. eg 1 person hops on a turret on the middle base on sidi, and they can emp you at pretty much silo. the damage, and everything else is fine.

with a good pilot and gunner you can still rack up a good score, but if the enemy team starts occupying the AAs, you can be downed easy. if they do this, fly higher up and move in swooping runs; also use the gunship more like a jet than chopper, always hitting in fast attacks ad then getting out of there.
yea, the gunship is hardly noticeable to me anymore, unless i grab a transport and the gunship gets behind me for an easy kill, or scraped me off the roof of a building, or lays suppression fire.

its still very deadly in the right hands, but not nearly as bad as BF2, or BFV.

i love how the APC can EMP a noob gunship pilot, classic to see the suckers gently float to their death!~

take the EMP off the walker, and the walker is useless, we will go back to launch when gunships were ramming the walker left and right, punks.
lol... before 1.10... yeah sure EMP where pretty powerful but they were nerf with 1.10... hey go back to BF2 and get rape by jets if you hate it that much
I <3 ak101
+307|6704|under there hayousaidunderwear

UnknownRanger wrote:

Ned_Z wrote:


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WTF is that?
Failure By Design
+39|6587|Cardiff, Wales, Uk.
I believe that they've attempted to make the heli more of a co-op mission, where there really is no point soloing and it requires good teamwork by pilot and gunner to take down armoury.. as in fire a tv missile and the pilot lets of a few missiles itself.. just my opinion.

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