Mass Media Casualty

This is probably far too early for posting on this, and I hope BF2 reigns supreme for many years to come, but what do you want to see in BF3, (the Battlefield series is so popular there will have to be another sequal, even if simply to shift with the times and avaliable technology.)

So what do want to see in this game that will eventually come around after BF2 ceases to become profitable, or I daresay, popular, (it happend to BF1942.)

I myself, and rather cynically, would like to see the game come to the shelves fully developed. The need for patches to erradicate glitches or bugs will not be needed, but patches will be to add new weapons, armies, veichles, maps etc.

So post your wishlist - go nuts. Veichles, weapons, time periods, armies - anything goes. 
Just don't be fucking stupid. No virtual reality okay guys, we're not writing about a science fiction world here.
Not yet anyway.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7084|AUS, Canberra
i read somewhere that the 2 in bf2 represents this mellenium so if thatws true it will be a bit of a wait till bf3 comes out!!!
Mass Media Casualty

I reckon that's bullshit the_heart_attack. EA wouldn't want to wait another millenium to be able to profit on it's franchise. Still, post your wishlist.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
The Magnetic Bullet Attractor
well since the trend was BF1 was in the past and BF2 is ~modern day, I think it would be neat to have a futuristic version of Battlfield but without it being just a copy of BattleFront 2.

Oh, and I don't want my computer to cry in pain every time I try to run it either.
I want the pink mist

Tyferra wrote:

I myself, and rather cynically, would like to see the game come to the shelves fully developed. The need for patches to erradicate glitches or bugs will not be needed, but patches will be to add new weapons, armies, veichles, maps etc.
Now THATS wishful thinking!
Radioactive Glo
+130|7151|A Small Isle in the Tropics

imho, BF2 is scenario driven (current political hotspots). So, for BF3 it will need to be a different scenario/setting altogether. What else is there out there that will make for good gaming fodder? The answer will drive the type of weapons on the wishlist.
i know it's not particularly imaginative, but i reckon that if there is a bf3, it might actually just be a more advanced version of the modern warfare of bf2. think bf2, but with the detail possible when the source engine is cranked to its fullest - and then some. Its really hard to predict actually, as given that they have gone with the whole persistent global scoring/ranking system, they will probably want to get as much life (i.e. money) out of bf2 as possible, so actually, ignore everything i just said: i have no freakin idea...

...maybe an alternate recent history scenario, like cold war tipping over into wwIII, like whatever that other game was, operation flashpoint I think?

anyway, wishlist: that whatever happens in the next game, I want there to actually be some life to the cities. For instance, I want civilians trying to stay alive/escape the fighting (obviously npc), and FULLY DESTRUCTIBLE ENVIRONMENTS. When my tank round hits a wall, i want that wall to FALL!
Something like Rise of Nations from a BF play style. Commander and squads as usual. Commander assets could be the barracks, radar, Armor  depot, Airfield hangars,etc. Just have different maps be from different eras. Like from mid evil times on up through a fururistic age. Or release add ons one era at a time. I'd pay for streaming content like that.
just my 2 ยข

- also, a qualifying mode that actually trains people how to use team assets for tactical battles, this is lacking bad in this game, there's no structure within the structure....lol

Last edited by alizard (2006-01-04 00:26:09)


alizard wrote:

- also, a qualifying mode that actually trains people how to use team assets for tactical battles, this is lacking bad in this game, there's no structure within the structure....lol
yeah, that's a really good point actually...
i just wnat it to actually stress my 7800 GTX!!

Better graphics is all i wish for
Yeah... Som e kindda boot camp where you train the basic skills of a soldier.

The point system should be killed. And put up a MASSIVE community af bootcamps for qualifying for the badges and not EARNING them. Like Americas Army. Something like that would be cool.

And it should be ARMIES and not just. NAVY SEALs. SAS and etc.
And then you should not be able to choose what you are. You start as private, and then you go back to school train and get a Bronze marksman mark and so on and so on. and THAT way you can get a new rank.

Then there should be Bronze, silver, gold marks in all weapons classes (Like we have in the danish army)

And its for everything, com service, swimming, and so on!

That would be nice
for BF3 i wish they replace EA.
+4|7141|Berlin, Germany
I wish BF3 is with all the new stealth stuff the armies are using... EG this stealth bomber from USA ...
Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7096|The Hague, Holland
I think we all have seen that you just cant beat the WW2 style.
And that is indeed the thing I whant to see, WW2
I wish changeable kits. Like there is some army base where you can choose what ever you want to take. And of course there should be a carry limit, so you can't carry more than 100lbs shit with you. And your running speed and stamina is related to weigth you are carrying.
Other thing I wish is massive servers, like 64 vs 64 wars and much bigger maps. Then there could be some teamwork between squads..
Winter, forrest and winterforrest maps would be nice.
They found this huge supply of oil and precious mineral stones in the center of artantica, just a few miles from the European science camps. The U.N. already claimed Antartica as an "international" land.

But as we all know, the U.N. is not really strong enough to maintain peace in the world, peace and justice by the way. Since recently, the French team started to dig and extracted a few thousand kgs of coper and gold. They got caught obviously and Jacques Chirac, french president, apologized but said those scientists had no direct order from the French govt.

France is already in some troubles inside the E.U. and Belgium, sent its troops there to keep an eye on the European camp. (Since Belgium hosts the E.U.). Caused serious backlash, and as a French living in Belgium, I can really feel it.

The new itchy subject now is that no one tracks what the British are up to there and a new European resolution will be taken. They want to create a European army (already failed once) in order to keep an eye on whats going there (and compete with the US army btw)

I don't know? Sounds pretty exciting, but I don't think people would like to battle in Antartica....would be dull?

Last edited by Vartan (2006-01-04 07:56:28)

Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|7058|Houston, TX
I know a few online (myself included) would love to see a snow level, with new camo, vehicles, etc...  Antartica sounds fun.  Ice caves with graphics good enough to show the prismatic effect (mirroring) in the walls!!

Good plot pilot.  Rough but a do-able plot.
But I'm afraid that most people would enjoy shooting pinguin instead of fighting one another

(don't bash me, I know there are none in antartica)
+1,230|7156|Alberta, Canada

@ Laaksone, they already make your running speed and stamina comparable to your kit. When your anti-tank, you cant run as fast with your huge rockets. but when ur medic, you can run much faster cuz you only have medic bags.

i dont see how the anti-tank soldier can have like 4 rockets, when on his back he only has 1. has anyone seen an anit-tank soldier with no rockets left have one rocket on his back? that would be funny to see.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
Alright how about a huge real time server. Where it would be a 1984(I think that was the book) esq era, with Three main army's, with all the best equipment that they have to offer in real life. You can lvl right most RP games but it's a first person shooter, the lvls dictate missions and weapons you can use. Like lvl 1 you can only be infanty and can't drive tanks or planes. That would be sweet I've always wantted a RP Game with first person shooter game play. That's what I want to see


some cool missions
Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|7058|Houston, TX
to have an alpine trooper class

Sprint: fast - Skis/snowshoes

Weapon: Shoulder strapped AK or variant
Secondary: pistol, but replace knife with ski pole usable while skiing down a hill (swish, swoosh, thwack HEADSHOT!)
And they should have the "ski" like the one in Tribes 2 (not Tribes Vengeance since you can't choose where to go while skying in the later)
As long as its not set in the past Ill be happy, I hate games like BF1942, DOD and COD.

Would be cool if it was set in the future though, like with laser guns lol.

EDIT: And we need blood!!!!!!

Last edited by Kobrakai (2006-01-04 14:07:42)


cpt.fass1 wrote:

Alright how about a huge real time server. Where it would be a 1984(I think that was the book) esq era, with Three main army's, with all the best equipment that they have to offer in real life. You can lvl right most RP games but it's a first person shooter, the lvls dictate missions and weapons you can use. Like lvl 1 you can only be infanty and can't drive tanks or planes. That would be sweet I've always wantted a RP Game with first person shooter game play. That's what I want to see
yeah i agree with this you have to earn your right to be a whore.
put your time is so when someone says that person is a plane whore everyone can reply "because he was better than you on the ground."

maybe even a long running map were no one is expected to stay in the map for the entire round.

well lets go even further. map starts when theres enough players and ends when there is no longer enough players or so many days pass. you also get a limit on lives.  say 3 or 4 lives for that round per day.  and when you join a server you get put on a team and even if you come back to the game later in the week you still have to be on that team.   

It would be a long running battle.

also with the lives thats per server so even if you die on one server you can still join another.   ( i loved that about counterstrike, you really could kill everyone.)

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