I'm really struggling with this one. I've been trying for hours on end to get a basic pistol. I've tried running around and shooting people (gets me killed) and hiding or camping at flags. The latter seems to either not have enough people reach that flag or I have to shoot people seemingly with 2 clips to kill them. Whats the deal here.

Big maps or small maps???

Run and gun or flag camping???

Any input is welcome....guess i just don't have the skill that some do. Thanks.
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|6789|The United Center
i dont remember how i got my basic pistol.  i think it was as a sniper.  use the sniper rifle to hit the person once, then take out your pistol and hit them one more time.  worked like a charm.

my veteran pistol i remember quite well.  i went to karkand and camped inside that bottleneck between the USMC spawn and the hotel CP.  the one with a couple boxes in the corner...and its surrounded by a metal fence...anyway i just sat there looking out with my pistol.  as soon as you see someone, fire away.  sure, you die a lot and its not as efficient as sitting there with a shotgun or something...but it does work.
+2|6779|Marysville, Washington
i got mine by shooting ppl first with any bolt action sniper rifle, then finsihing them off with the pistol becuase it took only 1-2 rounds and the pistol has an amazingly long range.
Jaffa Kree
+55|6801|Campbeltown, Scotland
I got mine just running about on 32 player Karkand.  Wasn't too hard.
Rules over Sesamestreet
+5|6797|The Netherlands
it is not that hard just make sure you aim for the head and you will kill the enemy pretty fast.
and don't try it in the hotel area of karkand it is too crowded in there. i got basic and veteran on dragon valley as spec. ops.
and keep your pistol out only!
+51|6767|Twente, The Netherlands
Another thing, shoot fast Pump them full of lead in a few seconds. The pistol may be highly accurate, but the bullets won't do much damage. You'll need to shoot fast in order to get kills.
hey Wood109.

i got my basic pistol piss easy, just choose to be engineer, with a shotgun, then you are forced to use a pistol as a long ranged weapon. it should only take you one or two attempts to get the award!
I got basic and veteran in a 16/16 map at karkand.

I just ran around with the pistol out and shooting around, i was dying alot but i did get my badges
I got mine in Karkark also... i just sneaked under a train and fired away at everything that moved with a silenced gun.... i think its best to hide away couse youll propably get nailed if u try head on against any other  weapon....

Good luck :0)
+49|6735|Brunei Darussalam

PsycoCheerio wrote:

i got mine by shooting ppl first with any bolt action sniper rifle, then finsihing them off with the pistol becuase it took only 1-2 rounds and the pistol has an amazingly long range.
This worked for me too. 64 player Sharqi was the map and it was quite easy to get. Remember,pistol is almost like low power sniper rifle,it's damn accurate when zoomed!
I am the pwnage! Bitches!
in 64 players Karkand it's very easy to get. I got it in there with running just with pistol. I got something like 7-4 stats with pistol in half round and then I started playing normaly again and I got gold medal so server was full of noobs but I got it anyways
Mass Media Casualty

Pistol is easy. I didn't even try to get my pistol badge as such. I just used it as I normally would have, but with the badge in mind, I simply used it instead of a knife when enemies were unaware.

I have been known to kill n00b-tubers with my pistol, as well as Spec. Ops equipped with the G36C. They were full health, I just took my time and calmy shot them. Mostly people who are shooting at you from mid range or even close range are shaken up. By simply being the calm one and popping off shot after shot into their torso you will come out hurt, but your opponent will come out dead.

To do this, know you are dead, but know it dosn't matter. You get to come back in another fifteen seconds and if you don't kill the guy, at least you may get a kill assist later on. I have given up hope many times to have something happen that lets me live a little longer. Notibly with knife, (getting that lucky run at  the face slashing kill,) pistol, (just keep shootin' just keep shootin' and hopefully he'll miss while I accuratly hit him repeatedly,which is what the pistol is good for,) or once when I was running at a guy with a knife who was running backwards out of a shed firing at me only for him to be run over by a speeding tank, (TK, and very funny at the time.)

The Pistol is not a bad weapon. It is not even a weak weapon, it's just not quite as powerful or fast at firing that a head-on opponent. I'd still rather have out a pistol than a SMG that has somehow switched to single fire while I madly tapped keys.

Oh, and kneel, (not prone,) when you're shooting at someone long-mid range. I'm pretty sure that it helps your accuracy, but if it dosn't, at least you look cool.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Aussie Outlaw
Use sights and shoot fast. Eazy peazy.
Got it on Mashtur the first round I tried. It's a pretty good idea to camp the building enemies can spawn at if they got the Mosque...they pop up all the time and you can shoot em away before they become aware or just walk up and down...I got 3 people just with a pistol on the roof while they were shooting at me, 2 with headshots...imho pistol is not that hard really.
+383|6762|The Netherlands
I got mine on a full 64 player wake server, i was playing as an engineer. The shotgun isnt very good at medium ranges so i switched to pistol alot and i got the badge by accident really.

I think it might be easier for you to get your basic pistol if you d use the silenced pistol.
go to a map like karkand and use a scilenced pistol and your badge will come before you know it.
Don't Flame
+20|6786|St. Paul, MN

Tyferra wrote:

Oh, and kneel, (not prone,) when you're shooting at someone long-mid range. I'm pretty sure that it helps your accuracy, but if it dosn't, at least you look cool.
Magazine Capacity-----------------15
Extra magazines--------------------7
Rate of Fire-------------------------semiauto
Reload time-------------------------3.2
Draw Time--------------------------0.8
Fire Modes--------------------------Single
Accuracy----------------------------Medium / High
Min Deviation-----------------------0.5
Deviation Stand/Crouch/Prone---1.4 / 1.2 / 1.0
Deviation Added per Shot---------0.15(3.5)
Deviation Mod when Zoomed-----0.5
Recoil-------------------------------0.5 - 0.8
Recoil when Zoomed--------------0.25
Zoom magnification---------------1.25
Shots to Kill Non Armor-----------5
Shots to Kill Armor----------------8
I'll take two
+132|6827|Perth, Western Australia
I got my basic on Karkand, and I got the veteran on a Gulf of Oman match, using ye olde hit them first with the m95 trick
Got His War On
+37|6816|Golden, CO
I got mine on Wake Island.  I think the key is to not be a target in a group of teammates
I guess I'm just not as skilled as some are with it. I'm suprised it even has a 20 damage rating. No lie, I've shot a full clip into guys with all Xs showing only to have them turn around and kill me.

I did manage to get it though, the sniper rifle trick worked like a charm. I'm definatly not looking forward  to trying for the vet badge with it. Before then though, I have to get 3 more  that I'm not looking forward to. They all seem impossible to me. Basic Explosives, Knife, and Commander. I'll give them all a shot before I come asking for help though.

You guys have been helpful on this, thanks.
+45|6785|Toronto, Canada
I love using the pistol, I am slowly making my way to making the expert badge 500 kill requirement. The sniper bolt-action method may be the easiest way to getting the badge, but I think I will try to achieve it through only using the pistol for personal satisfaction.

If they are stationary, instead of knifing them you can double-tab to the head with the pistol. Sounds very cool with a silenced one.  *Pfft pfft* "UGH!!!! MEDIC!!!" medic comes around the corner... *pfft pfft* "UGH!!! MEDIC!!!"

I also like the added challenge of making the most of my ammo, especially when I am a sniper.  I don't reload my pistol as I can do head shots pretty easily and I can circle strafe and shoot enemies from the hip (well not using the sights) that are prone or standing still.

The great thing about the pistol is that accuracy is not affected a lot by standing, crouching or being prone.  I recommend crouching to make yourself a smaller target.

Last edited by CackNBallz (2006-01-05 08:48:11)

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