it sounds a lot like bulshit 2 me
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Not only that, but it was an RPG, not even a's no coincidence that they insert quickly and get the hell out, rather than loiter looking to max out their kills. Seems to me there's plenty of flying games out there for those who want to spend all their time in the air.idiotofwar wrote:
Yep i saw that film. Didn't the heli get shot down by 1 missle? I haven't seen it for awhile.THE_Ted_Chang wrote:
So you feel that idiots bouncing around everywhere and aircraft utterly dominating the game is just fine and dandy, eh? take a look at what's going on over in Iraq and see if part of military training involves bouncing around like a johnson. As for helos, ever watched Blackhawk Down?-|V2^Fraggus wrote:
PRolly the only good thinabout this patch is improve the Support weapon accuracy because that is the worst of the game by far. And when i say far i mean freaking miles that take for ever !!!!!
Mate, the tv guided missile has a range of 650meters currently.RDMC wrote:
i like everything accept for these 2:
- Helicopter now carry 8 missiles rather than 14
- TV-Guided missile now have a shorter range
cause i usually need those 14 missles to hit a tank.. i know i suck and i need practice.. and tv guided missle allready didnt had such a long range i thought..
Not only is that the longest range in the game, thats greater than 2x the clipping field.
If you start reloading before you start running, you still reload while running.a_fraudulent_miracle wrote:
wow! This patch is gonna be pretty nifty. now that bunny hopping and dolphin diving will be gone, yes, it will separate the skilled players from the fricken n00bs who think they're all bad ass.
the medic fix sounds great. It was frustrating when you're in the heat of battle, you revive a fallen teammate, then switch to your primary weapon immediately, then when you want to revive someone else later on, you find yourself watching the reload animation for the defib and then someone kills you That revive you could have achieved makes a difference in battle.
Hmmm... they're making reloading while sprinting possible? I've always been able to do that, well at least while playing antitank. I can reload the eryx and run at the same time with no problem.
Well for the most part i agree and look forward to the patch. Will just have to adjust to it like all other patches good and bad. With that said, heres the thing that really chaps my ass. These freakin jet whores who fly their jets (except Marines) so slow they could not realistically stay in the air and strafe a spawn point. That really needs to have a look from EA/DIce. No way they should be able to stay in the air moving that slow, for you non aviator types its called STALL......
i dunno if this has been asked yet, but i dont feel like reading 13 pages.
- Support kits have had their primary weapons adjusted for accuracy
- Sniper kits have had their primary weapons adjusted for accuracy
They didnt necessarily say they would 'improve' they said 'adjust'.
I can only imagine the support kits being improved but what about the sniper kits???
I personally find that the primary sniper kit is very easy to hit with. Distance never seems to be a problem and so its just a case of a point and click, not much compensation required for distance or when target is moving.
So,maybe they will actually decrease the accuracy of the gun, making distance a big factor?
I kinda hope they do, its quite fun when u need to think about distance when firing, makes the kill much more satisfying
- Support kits have had their primary weapons adjusted for accuracy
- Sniper kits have had their primary weapons adjusted for accuracy
They didnt necessarily say they would 'improve' they said 'adjust'.
I can only imagine the support kits being improved but what about the sniper kits???
I personally find that the primary sniper kit is very easy to hit with. Distance never seems to be a problem and so its just a case of a point and click, not much compensation required for distance or when target is moving.
So,maybe they will actually decrease the accuracy of the gun, making distance a big factor?
I kinda hope they do, its quite fun when u need to think about distance when firing, makes the kill much more satisfying
Last edited by asbad (2006-01-05 04:21:32)
It can be fired longer than the AA but no1 is gonna waste a rocket unless they're sure theres some1 in the AA. And how do u know if some1 is in the AA? When the AA has a lock on the chopper which gives the AA an advantage by allowing it first chance to draw blood. If the chopper has enough time to locate which AA is being used to paint them and line up his co pilot for a shot, the AA guy deserves to die. Also you can always mount the AA, fire the missiles,get off, let the chopper stop searching for you, mount the AA again but point it away so that its not locked while u dont have any missiles and let it reload, and lock on the chopper again and repeat till its wasted. I've seen many people do this with success. Also one hit with the AA and you'll drown a chopper half way making it easy for a vehicle or 2 to take the chopper down.StickyBombs wrote:
What are you talking about. Any good player in the second position in the choppper can take out any opposing chopper at Spawn points...also I guess you didn't know this but the TV guided rocket can be fired from longer then the AA missles. Yes that's right...test it out for yourself. I have seen plenty of people utilize this tactic. They sit way up in the air and then fire down the TV missle on you. I think it's a good change.-iLL*NaYmL3sS wrote:
Why the fuck are they lessening the range of the tv missiles by about half the range? that is fucking dumb. long range 600m+ shots are great. who ever complained about tv missile range to make them change it? and when they say improve missile lock for aa does that include the essex? cause that thing is powerful enough with the mounted gun.
well I would waste the rocket because you can get new rockets. So it is a good change
yes ex-static...with your chopper stats and time, i'm sure you know what your saying and doing. Its not worth a missile to use on an empty AA unless your near one and capping a flag.
ok I want to give all whiners a applaus.. yeeh *hurray*.. cause now off ur whining u have ruined the game.. ok.. u can no longer jump and shoot an the same time.. u can no longer dolphin dive.. man fuck off.. if ya dont like this.. dont play frikkin fps!!! these things have been around for ages and now the games is that's out of my system
well i said '' I thought''dracul wrote:
Mate, the tv guided missile has a range of 650meters currently.RDMC wrote:
i like everything accept for these 2:
- Helicopter now carry 8 missiles rather than 14
- TV-Guided missile now have a shorter range
cause i usually need those 14 missles to hit a tank.. i know i suck and i need practice.. and tv guided missle allready didnt had such a long range i thought..
Not only is that the longest range in the game, thats greater than 2x the clipping field.

I hope their PC with all their folders off the new patch crashes and burns.. damn patch should never be released.. fuck shit it is..maddogjj wrote:
Well for the most part i agree and look forward to the patch. Will just have to adjust to it like all other patches good and bad. With that said, heres the thing that really chaps my ass. These freakin jet whores who fly their jets (except Marines) so slow they could not realistically stay in the air and strafe a spawn point. That really needs to have a look from EA/DIce. No way they should be able to stay in the air moving that slow, for you non aviator types its called STALL......
- Helicopter now carry 8 missiles rather than 14
Agreed... choppers are overpowered
- TV-Guided missile now have a shorter range
Not much of a downgrade if you ask me
- Hit points on all air vehicles has been reduced
- AA missile lock has been improved
- Support kits have had their primary weapons adjusted for accuracy
Huh? The support accuacy is already good. Why make it better to unbalance the supports now?
- Sniper kits have had their primary weapons adjusted for accuracy
Hopefully this makes the snipers more consistant.
- Anti-Tank kits have had their primary weapons adjusted for accuracy
Agreed... the AT smgs suck
- "Dolphin Diving" is no longer possible
- Players can no longer jump and shoot at the same time
- "Sprint exploit" is now fixed
- "Prone Spamming" is now fixed
Never heard of this
- Damage decreased for the M134
- The Sa80 weapon has been improved
- The G3A3 weapon has been improved
Are these new SF weapons or something? I've never heard of them.
- Reload while sprinting has been enabled
You can already reload while sprinting... just press reload before you sprint
- Chinese and MEC APCs can now shoot through penetrable materials
Why exactly is the APC getting an UPGRADE?!
- Medic defibrillator paddles have been adjusted. They now reload while not in use.
Thats handy
Agreed... choppers are overpowered
- TV-Guided missile now have a shorter range
Not much of a downgrade if you ask me
- Hit points on all air vehicles has been reduced
- AA missile lock has been improved
- Support kits have had their primary weapons adjusted for accuracy
Huh? The support accuacy is already good. Why make it better to unbalance the supports now?
- Sniper kits have had their primary weapons adjusted for accuracy
Hopefully this makes the snipers more consistant.
- Anti-Tank kits have had their primary weapons adjusted for accuracy
Agreed... the AT smgs suck
- "Dolphin Diving" is no longer possible
- Players can no longer jump and shoot at the same time
- "Sprint exploit" is now fixed
- "Prone Spamming" is now fixed
Never heard of this
- Damage decreased for the M134
- The Sa80 weapon has been improved
- The G3A3 weapon has been improved
Are these new SF weapons or something? I've never heard of them.
- Reload while sprinting has been enabled
You can already reload while sprinting... just press reload before you sprint
- Chinese and MEC APCs can now shoot through penetrable materials
Why exactly is the APC getting an UPGRADE?!
- Medic defibrillator paddles have been adjusted. They now reload while not in use.
Thats handy
^^^BF2 is a new game because of ppl like you. Its not the game i bought anymore.
Only changes i agree with is the defibulator or however the fuck its spelled. AA is getting more powerful yet the choppers are getting weaker? wtf? thats my biggest gripe and dissapointment. i think we should boycott the patch for the bullshit changes and every1 stay with 1.12 or go back to like 1.02 or something even though it will never happen
Only changes i agree with is the defibulator or however the fuck its spelled. AA is getting more powerful yet the choppers are getting weaker? wtf? thats my biggest gripe and dissapointment. i think we should boycott the patch for the bullshit changes and every1 stay with 1.12 or go back to like 1.02 or something even though it will never happen
Last edited by -iLL*NaYmL3sS (2006-01-12 14:35:12)
^^^-iLL*NaYmL3sS wrote:
^^^BF2 is a new game because of ppl like you. Its not the game i bought anymore.
That was actually a typo. The PLA and MEC APCs are now NOT able to shoot through penetrable materials (like the USMC's which can't already).Sh4rkb1t3 wrote:
- Chinese and MEC APCs can now shoot through penetrable materials
Why exactly is the APC getting an UPGRADE?!
I'm digging for my source link now...
Taken from this postEAUK_Protagonist wrote:
• APC Update – “Chinese and MEC APCs can now shoot through penetrable materials”. This fix was a miscommunication to the patch team. Chinese and MEC APC’s have been reverted and the LAV25 now no longer shoots through penetrable materials.
And if you don't like the updates, nobody is forcing you to install the patch-iLL*NaYmL3sS wrote:
^^^BF2 is a new game because of ppl like you. Its not the game i bought anymore.
Last edited by Sahasrahla (2006-01-12 15:16:50)
- Damage decreased for the M134
- The Sa80 weapon has been improved
- The G3A3 weapon has been improved
Are these new SF weapons or something? I've never heard of them.
m134 = minigun, vulcan gun or blackhawk gun, whatever you want to call it
sa80= 185a1 or better known for the medic unlock (tier 1)
g3a3 = g3 the assault unlock (tier 1)
- The Sa80 weapon has been improved
- The G3A3 weapon has been improved
Are these new SF weapons or something? I've never heard of them.
m134 = minigun, vulcan gun or blackhawk gun, whatever you want to call it
sa80= 185a1 or better known for the medic unlock (tier 1)
g3a3 = g3 the assault unlock (tier 1)
Last edited by maton (2006-01-12 14:59:55)
So what now mister noob toober? huh? man it's gonna be so much fun seeing them firing that tube at me then stand there with that wtf look on their faces when i fill 'em up with lead from my MG
Bunny hop doesnt sound like a exact fix, what happens when you empty your magazine and the bunny stops hopping and starts to shoot, also can a bunny still use nades and knifes
i am so glad u and RDMC will not be playing the game anymore.-iLL*NaYmL3sS wrote:
^^^BF2 is a new game because of ppl like you. Its not the game i bought anymore.
Only changes i agree with is the defibulator or however the fuck its spelled. AA is getting more powerful yet the choppers are getting weaker? wtf? thats my biggest gripe and dissapointment. i think we should boycott the patch for the bullshit changes and every1 stay with 1.12 or go back to like 1.02 or something even though it will never happen
^^^lol i'm still gonna play and problably dl the patch since everyone will have it but it wont be the same
They should put a MK-19 on the Humvees. That would be mayhem. :-)
OK, the sprint exploit that noone seems to have heard of is where you use sprint-jumping to move quickly across the map, sometimes faster than vehicles can.Sh4rkb1t3 wrote:
- "Sprint exploit" is now fixed
Never heard of this
Yeah, without bunnyhopping and dolphin diving this game will go to pieces. Pretty much everybody who bought the game did so on the strength of the blurb on the back of the box saying how they could finally act like total tossers in a combat game.RDMC wrote:
ok I want to give all whiners a applaus.. yeeh *hurray*.. cause now off ur whining u have ruined the game.. ok.. u can no longer jump and shoot an the same time.. u can no longer dolphin dive.. man fuck off.. if ya dont like this.. dont play frikkin fps!!! these things have been around for ages and now the games is that's out of my system
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- New info about next patch: 1.2