Gentleman this is not war, it is a GAME what is fair or not it is on the eyes of the beholder!! Raping a cappable flag, totally lame!!! But my opinion is u do it to me, I sure as hell will do it to u!
baseraping, as far as i care it only excists if the server frobids it or not. Then again, some maps are so bound for base raping, like peninsula, why in the heck would they make the back of the helipad so accesable for a humvee to get up on........?
Take Karkland for example.

Almost the only chance that the MEC has to win is by raping the USMC as they spawn in there uncappables.

Why? Because on the 32 player map at least, MEC gets a tank UMSC gets a tank and an apc. To even these odds you pretty much have to keep the USMC pinned back in there spawn.
The real only problem is with the beginning of rounds. First thing about half of everyone seems to do is fly to the nearest uncappable and start shooting. Is shooting fish in a barrel fun? It is a game,supposed to be fun. Is it fun to appear and get killed before even moving? how about defending or captuing flags? A good ambush at a cappable will gain you many more kills if done correctly.

Alot of it is unfortunaetly design. Almost all the spawn points are outside. Not many in buildings. Like Wake,all those buildings that you can start in or go in like the original. And putting the assets usually in uncappables.
There arent very effective AA weapons,either. Thats makes a worlf of difference.
You know to many people complain about cheaters and noobs who cant play, the real bitch is having to put up server admins, I just got kicked because I went to there main to take out there artillry with C4 and then got into a gun fight, I jumped into there AA and took out many noobs only to get kicked for base raping, this is wrong Mr Admin, there is no such thing as base raping, a good commander can see and spot someone at any base at any time with out the need of Scan and UAV, it really pisses me off the amount of control admins have and there is allway a admin in every server to kick you for what ever reason they want, I can agree on one thing, there paying $800/month to run there stat servers, personally EA needs to spend some of there Billions and host there own servers with unbiased admins that are not setting up there server so it can benefit there game play or there clans advantage, I mean how many servers have you played on no matter how many flags your teams has the server admin and clan alike will allways win do to poor tick distibution....etc etc....thats my rant, noobs and padders dont get my goat as much as the asshat server admins, these are the guys that will ruin the game in the end

the server i was just kicked on
=KU= Knuckled up
avoid playing on this server at all cost

Last edited by devilcat (2006-01-03 19:03:26)

Raiders of the Lost Bear

Brainsic wrote:

A good ambush at a cappable will gain you many more kills if done correctly.
Who're you kidding? Try telling people not to attack the carrier.

That's because most USMC idiots INSIST on spawning there and waiting the whole game for a jet.
Base Rapist

polarbearz wrote:

Brainsic wrote:

A good ambush at a cappable will gain you many more kills if done correctly.
Who're you kidding? Try telling people not to attack the carrier.

That's because most USMC idiots INSIST on spawning there and waiting the whole game for a jet.
Sometimes I wonder if the people on the decks of carriers think that the next time I fly over or unload guns, I am going to drop candy too.
Kick His Ass!
+371|6729|Howell, Mi USA
I agree people shouldn't bitch about base raping. It's "war" deal with it! These people get pissed when they get smoked at a CP like that, but u know dam well that if they were doing the raping they wouldn't have a problem with it. The nme is not going to sit back and let u take over a base they are going to wipe u out.
Damn, this thread is still going!!?? 

I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|6876|Cologne, Germany

it just won't go away, I am afraid....
Getting "base raped" is a lot like having the Chicago Bears (including the kicker and punter) come wake you up in the morning with an ass kicking...

There's just something wrong with that, but I do agree that this is "simulated" war so anything goes.
+6|6720|Marietta, GA (near Atlanta)
Well, you really can't call it base raping unless there's only one flag left...
Any player who has some sense would spawn elsewhere after being camped to death a few times (especially on maps like Strike at Karkand).
Also, some maps are biased (e.g. Strike at Karkand) as the USMC has the higher ground and multiple ways to bypass the first flag and just take all the ones in the back.
Death StatPadder
+228|6803|Human Meat Shield
that's basically what I said back on page 2
Horseman 77
We don't like Explioting Flaws in game. BF42 Gazala El alamain  ? Did you think it was Cool when Enemy German Tanks Sat in your Repair hanger, invunerable and spawned killed every one and every vehicle with impunity in your uncapable main. While there Hanger was down the Hill and if you got in it you couldnt see anyone spawn. and maybe you could blow up an Empty Stuka every ten minutes? ? It shut down the whole game.

Use your fuckin head. There is a limit.
Okay, heres me opinion on 'base raping'::

In all honesty, it is the craziest thing i have ever heard. I mean come on, what could make you look like more of a dambass (sorry to swear) then tellling someone that they are 'raping your base', do you even know the meaning of 'rape'? Well, lets turn to our friend urbandictionary.com!

Urban Dictionary wrote:

A crime. Quite terrible in nature. Often causes sever phycological damage to victim. Forced sexual intercourse. Often very violent in more then just a sexual way. No I am not some feminazi either! I am a male solider in the airbourne. So dont be saying its only somthing whiny girls dont like.
NOW, Correct me if im wrong, but when you attack an uncapturable base you dont force unwanted sex upon the other team. Thats one reason why the name is definately a total joke. But see, if your team owns all the bases except for that one that is uncapturable where would you think to attack next? You may not be able to capture it, but at least you can get some points! Frankly, if a team can play bad enough to have it get to the point where they only have their starting base left diserves to be killed over and over again, lol.

The reason i think that alot of people 'base rape' is for the vehicles/jets. Personally, i think the MEC jet is ten times better then the US jets, but then again, thats just me, so that would force one er two guys running on over to their base to grab one.

It all pretty much comes down to this: ITS A GAME. I mean come on! If you really give a shit about your 'base being raped' that much to makea whole topic on this forum wich will/has probably turned friends to enemies then you need to go outside and play, lol.

This is just my opinion, agree with it or not, do not flame me because of my opinion, thats illegal in some states , lol
Mad dawg
Well a good way to not get baseraped is to not spawn. If ur so pissed off about baserapen and so mad u keep dying. If u dont spawn u wont die. If u dont die u cant say ur getting spawnraped. If u do spawn ur saying that its ok for someone to kill u. Do u think in real life the oponent would come up to u and ask permission to kill u when u first get off the ship comming from whatever country they hate. At D-Day did they all sit down to a cup of tee and compromise on when they could kill each other. I dont beleive they did. I dont even know why this thread is still up. Its getting anoying hearing all u guys cry about how u got baseraped. If u dont like it then dont play.
Alert Medic
I can't believe people are still bitching about this shit. I don't like the fact that when I keep trying to spawn and some asshole is sitting well outside the capture radius keeps killing me. I've accepted the fact that this will never change so if you can't beat em, join em.

Alert Medic wrote:

I can't believe people are still bitching about this shit. I don't like the fact that when I keep trying to spawn and some asshole is sitting well outside the capture radius keeps killing me. I've accepted the fact that this will never change so if you can't beat em, join em.
Well said m8, well said
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|6876|Cologne, Germany

maybe it is really about time this thread is closed..

opinions ? should it be closed ?
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Base Rapist
Yeah, it just rehashes the same thing over and over.
Alert Medic
Well, I was surprised that the thread was still open, so haha..I guess I'll just have to comment.

The one thing I don't understand is the point of view of the people that say "All fair....it's war...deal with it..etc."

Surely you don't think this is true, right?

I mean Punkbuster is there to keep things fair, so is autobalance, etc.  We take many, many constraints in stride as methods to keep the contest relatively even, which we hope will add to the fun.

I used to play another FPS with a buddy and he insisted on using hacks that gave him actual bonafide nukes...as in a whole battery of them.  Now, while awe inspiring to watch, it really wasn't much fun.  Total team wipes were the norm....and after that, what's left?  I just never understood it...time after time, it was STILL funny to him.  Some people are just wired that way, I guess.

So my take on it is this....if the map has one or more uncappables, those to me are non-camp spots.  If the designer of the map had meant for us to overwhelm them, they'd have made them cappable, making for "push those bastards into the sea" type rounds.  I won't think twice about following an escaping enemy limping back there, but I won't camp there.

Not to beat a dead horse (much), but one has only to look at Desert Combat.  Rules there evolved over time and for the most part rounds there were very involved and fun.  And I played just about everyday and nearly all servers had rules that prevent people from camping or attacking uncappables.  Again, the thought being that it gives the enemy a chance to regroup and come  back for more..thereby prolonging the battle, which is GOOD for fun, right?

Im in it for the fun... not for getting high points only.... base raping is not fun in my eyes... it sucks and ill be sure to disconnect from the server at once....
i will rape you camp you kill you any way i can.. i dont care about anyone of your complaints. you want to cry go ahead. keep typing while im killing you. most of you just suck. not all but most. i can only say.. spawn somewhere else and if you cant tough shit. die like a man.. and yes war is not fair. this is a war game. you want fair go play golf with the rest of the ladies.


Last edited by bobroonie.bda (2006-01-12 05:53:43)

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