Δ > x > ¥

CameronPoe wrote:

aardfrith wrote:

ATG wrote:


President Bush is virtually alone.
He sees himself as like Winston Churchill in 1932. He was telling the whole world that Adolf Hitler was a threat to the entire world and he had to be dealt with. That is what Bush is doing now.

Many apparent fumbling in the Iraq situation attributed to Bush are actually situations brought about by internal politics here  in America. See, the democrats are willing to have the United States suffer a military defeat in the Middle East as long as it can be laid at the feet of the current president.

I will never forgive them for this.
My issues with Bush have to do with border policy, for the most part.

I have raged because we are doing nothing, or so it seems. But maybe, we are doing all that can be done, what with the gaggle of idiots in Washington, aka the loyal democratic party, loyal that is to nothing but opposition.

Empty headed fools.
Good job, Marine.

This is not the place for ranting at Dubya.  here's enough threads out there for that kind of shit.  Leave this thread as praise for the heroic actions of one soldier.
Can you not see through the fact that this is yet another politically slanted ATG obituary. Why mention GW Bush at all in the OP? Bring politics in - expect me in your thread, I'm sorry. Make a politics-free obiturary and I'll simply post 'RIP'.

ATG has made a few of these - I'm beginning to wonder whether he actually genuinely feels any sympathy for these fallen or whether he just wants to use them to score political points.
I absolutely see what it is.  Cheap political points-scoring crap using a dead hero as a pawn.

What it should be is respectful praise for a fallen marine.  As Ty said, that's precisely what it ain't.  Shame on you ATG.  -1 if I could.
The Lizzard
I'd like to extend thanks to CameronPoe, Ty, and aardfrith.
Cowboy from Hell
You know I respect you ATG, but I think you are wrong.  You are helping GWB look better using the name of a guy who gave his life to save the lives of his mates.  He has nothing to do with this war hero.  Well, actually he has, this guy is dead because of this war.
+65|7012|las vegas
thought i would just chime in

bush does have something to do with that soldier!

he is his commander in CHIEF

just pointing out the obvious

(back to my hole_
+105|6797|Lutenblaag, Molvania

ATG wrote:

See, the democrats are willing to have the United States suffer a military defeat in the Middle East as long as it can be laid at the feet of the current president.

I will never forgive them for this.
Welcome to the world of politics and power. Republicans would do the same if they were in that position, as any other major political party in the world. You can be sure there are senators and congressman that privately rejoice every setback the US has in Iraq, knowing it will hurt his oppositions. Such is the chess game of politics and power...
"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered;  the point is to discover them."
Galileo Galilei  (1564-1642)
+374|6686|Columbus, Ohio

deeznutz1245 wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

Having survived two wars, I cannot imagine what was going thru his mind when he jumped on a grenade.
Shame on you Usmarine. You know damn well its what he wasnt thinking of, himself. Heroes like that are born, not tought. A marine such as yourself is no different than him. You just need a grenade to be thrown at you because if you are a true Marine it is in your blood. Dont forget they didnt choose us, we chose them. Semper Fi Devil Dog.  RIP Corporal Dunham.
WTF?  Shame on me?  For what?
+105|6797|Lutenblaag, Molvania

deeznutz1245 wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

Having survived two wars, I cannot imagine what was going thru his mind when he jumped on a grenade.
Shame on you Usmarine. You know damn well its what he wasnt thinking of, himself. Heroes like that are born, not tought. A marine such as yourself is no different than him. You just need a grenade to be thrown at you because if you are a true Marine it is in your blood. Dont forget they didnt choose us, we chose them. Semper Fi Devil Dog.  RIP Corporal Dunham.
Its a good thing you have very few heroes like that. If all marines jumped on top of grenades they wouldn't be much of a fighting force.

Anyway, what exactly do they train you to do when you see a grenade?
"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered;  the point is to discover them."
Galileo Galilei  (1564-1642)
a gaurdian of life
+112|6778|behind my rifle

rmilhous wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

ATG wrote:

I believe he was thinking about the men under his command.
Not everyone in war makes the bonds of brotherhood the writers talk about.
GW1 & GW2 Marine?

Props my brotha.
Afghan and Iraq
Most people do not take the time to thank guys like you.

Thank you for what?

Your courage to defend the blessings of life and liberty here in the United States. Don't know you, never met you, but because you put YOUR life at risk for the call of duty, I SALUTE YOU. I was too much of a pussy to ever join the Armed Forces, so I stuck to school. I am in graduate school right now with 21 more months to go. When I am finally done, people will refer to me as a Doctor. However, that is a title that will NEVER hold a candle to the fact that someone once called you a SOLDIER.

So please, Marine2007, accept this short prose as the deepest and sincerest thanks that the world may or may not have ever given you.  We owe it to you, I owe it too you. And most of all, thank you for defending my freedom. Without guys like you, while there are many but few, I would never have gotten the chance to go to school in the first place. I toast my glass to you, as well as the many, many others serving this beautiful country. 


i also  salute you and all of the past present and future service men and women that will server for our country. thank you
Troll has returned.
long live iraqi jihad. remove infidels from your land.
+5,233|6848|Global Command

Bubbalo wrote:

I'd like to extend thanks to CameronPoe, Ty, and aardfrith.
For what, doing your thinking for you?

You guys need to know about this thread;

I made that when this fella died.

I made this thread in responce to my feeling about Bushes speech and his reaction to the funeral of that brave soldier.

Comment on it, ignore it, whatever floats your boat.

Political points amongst a bunch of teenagers?
Karma whoring?

Frankly, I'm insulted.

I had a point to make, Ty seemed to get it, most others didn't...oh well better luck next time!
+374|6686|Columbus, Ohio

EVieira wrote:

deeznutz1245 wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

Having survived two wars, I cannot imagine what was going thru his mind when he jumped on a grenade.
Shame on you Usmarine. You know damn well its what he wasnt thinking of, himself. Heroes like that are born, not tought. A marine such as yourself is no different than him. You just need a grenade to be thrown at you because if you are a true Marine it is in your blood. Dont forget they didnt choose us, we chose them. Semper Fi Devil Dog.  RIP Corporal Dunham.
Its a good thing you have very few heroes like that. If all marines jumped on top of grenades they wouldn't be much of a fighting force.

Anyway, what exactly do they train you to do when you see a grenade?
See a nade..yell "grenade!", and jump on it.  What I was trying to say, which deez misunderstood, was that I cannot imagine what was going thru his mind when he realized he was going to die.
Δ > x > ¥

usmarine2007 wrote:

EVieira wrote:

deeznutz1245 wrote:

Shame on you Usmarine. You know damn well its what he wasnt thinking of, himself. Heroes like that are born, not tought. A marine such as yourself is no different than him. You just need a grenade to be thrown at you because if you are a true Marine it is in your blood. Dont forget they didnt choose us, we chose them. Semper Fi Devil Dog.  RIP Corporal Dunham.
Its a good thing you have very few heroes like that. If all marines jumped on top of grenades they wouldn't be much of a fighting force.

Anyway, what exactly do they train you to do when you see a grenade?
See a nade..yell "grenade!", and jump on it.  What I was trying to say, which deez misunderstood, was that I cannot imagine what was going thru his mind when he realized he was going to die.
+374|6686|Columbus, Ohio
+1,452|6713|The Gem Saloon
lol @ 13 year olds with an opinion of american issues........
baa. RAM YOU!

usmarine2007 wrote:

What I was trying to say, which deez misunderstood, was that I cannot imagine what was going thru his mind when he realized he was going to die.
anyone read the book The Gift of Valor? its the life story of Cpl Dunham, and in it it says that Cpl Dunham, days prior to the fateful grenade incident that led to his mortal injuries, had actually spoken to several of his mates about his theory that a kevlar helmet covering a grenade might actually contain the blast (this was discovered during the numerous interviews with his mates for the Medal of Honor recommendation). after the firefight several shattered shards of kevlar was found strewn around the area, confirming the fact that Cpl Dunham had indeed jumped on the grenade with his helmet covering it. now after reading the book, personally i feel that Cpl Dunham didn't realize he was going to die, instead i believe he genuinely thought he could save his mates and still survive the blast. the thought of whether or not he was going to die probably didn't have time to register in his mind. still, let's not take anything away from Cpl Dunham's truly heroic deed, a man like him deserves to be honoured for making the ultimate sacrifice. R.I.P

usmarine, am not trying to rebut you. just sharing what i know from reading the book. i'm humbled by the knowledge that your're a war vet, as i was in my country's service for 2 years as well, though i was never in combat. rest assured you have my utmost respect and admiration.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6900|SE London

usmarine2007 wrote:

BN wrote:

ATG wrote:

Many apparent fumbling in the Iraq situation attributed to Bush are actually situations brought about by internal politics here  in America. See, the democrats are willing to have the United States suffer a military defeat in the Middle East as long as it can be laid at the feet of the current president.

I will never forgive them for this.
The total disaster in Iraq is because of the dems?
Maybe if Bubba would have been more aggressive with the UN to enforce the conditions of the cease fire........who knows.
Clinton did enforce the conditions of the ceasefire. Remember the attacks in '98?

ATG wrote:

Ty wrote:

ATG wrote:

George Bush is doing the political equivilant of throwing himself on a hand grenade.
And you think he deserves praise for this? All he's doing is coping whilst his own idiotic decisions catch up with him. It was always going to happen.

Parker wrote:

ill say it again, we dont need to justify our actions to anyone, except our OWN countrymen.
How can you believe that? What about when your actions effect the rest of the world as happens almost all of the time. America is the most powerful nation in the world, it's actions do effect everyone else, especially when it declares war or sanctions on other countries.
Maybe he does. It takes courage to stick to your beliefs swimming in a sea on yattering naybobs.
Besides, major world events are seldom judged fairly in the time they happen.
History will decide.
I support our being in Iraq and still believe in the premise of the mission.

I guess I could explain it again if its needed.
Which premise would that be.  #1 Terrorist training in Iraq, #2 WMD's, #3 Sadaam was a bad man.  I support the invasion of Afghanistan, Iraq was something this administration wanted to do before they entered office.

Back on topic, there are no words for tho ones who have served and died for this, or any war.  Peace be with you, you are a true American hero.
+374|6686|Columbus, Ohio

Bertster7 wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

BN wrote:

The total disaster in Iraq is because of the dems?
Maybe if Bubba would have been more aggressive with the UN to enforce the conditions of the cease fire........who knows.
Clinton did enforce the conditions of the ceasefire. Remember the attacks in '98?
"more agressive"  And yes I remember...I was there.
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.

EVieira wrote:

deeznutz1245 wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

Having survived two wars, I cannot imagine what was going thru his mind when he jumped on a grenade.
Shame on you Usmarine. You know damn well its what he wasnt thinking of, himself. Heroes like that are born, not tought. A marine such as yourself is no different than him. You just need a grenade to be thrown at you because if you are a true Marine it is in your blood. Dont forget they didnt choose us, we chose them. Semper Fi Devil Dog.  RIP Corporal Dunham.
Its a good thing you have very few heroes like that. If all marines jumped on top of grenades they wouldn't be much of a fighting force.

Anyway, what exactly do they train you to do when you see a grenade?
um, Jump on it.....seriously.
Malloy must go
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.

usmarine2007 wrote:

deeznutz1245 wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

Having survived two wars, I cannot imagine what was going thru his mind when he jumped on a grenade.
Shame on you Usmarine. You know damn well its what he wasnt thinking of, himself. Heroes like that are born, not tought. A marine such as yourself is no different than him. You just need a grenade to be thrown at you because if you are a true Marine it is in your blood. Dont forget they didnt choose us, we chose them. Semper Fi Devil Dog.  RIP Corporal Dunham.
WTF?  Shame on me?  For what?
I was being sarcastic, no ill will intended. just a little ass razzin between leathernecks.
Malloy must go
The Forum Alien
+89|7125|The planet Tophet
i live neer where taht guy was from

ATG wrote:

I had a point to make, Ty seemed to get it, most others didn't...oh well better luck next time!
If you can admit tyferra understood your points, then then you admit they are wrong. ...seeing as how tyferra did us all the favor of thoroughly rebutting all of them.

Tyferra might not even appreciate me bringing this up. I mean, sorry to be kicking you while you're down ATG, but I care more about people being killed in Iraq than I do your ego.

CameronPoe wrote:

The democrats have been in power for 12 days ATG. The war in Iraq debacle is entirely the fault of the inept Republican party and George W. Bush.
Um.. no it wasn't. The Dems voted for the war too.  Numerous Dems had even been stating that Saddam was dangerous and had to go.  Bush had the balls to do it.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
Cpl. Jason Dunham is a brave marine soldier, he sacrificed his life for his other fellow marine comrades. He is truly a brave soldier.

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