yes but baseraping usually goes hand in hand with teamstacking.
e.g. 17 shiney badges on 1 side "PWNING" 10 sgts on the other.
it is never done fairly it doesnt happen that way, it happens with autobalance 0 and shiney badges on 1 side.#
all the fags with shiney badges do if they are on the wrong side is stay dead with their finger on 'join raping team' thats how the rape happens in the first place.

all this "If your team is stupid enough" doesnt wash, you people saying that are the ones staying dead with your finger on "join pwning team" wheres the fun in that?
the team getting raped arent stupid at all, they have just got half a team of staying dead cnls trying to join the same team as all the 3 star generals lol, THEY are the stupid ones.
Over the line!
+70|7053|Mark it zero.
here is a way for you people that are getting baseraped to get them out of there:


It is incredibly easy to get the enemies out of your base if you have half a brain. Oh no, thery have a tank! So be a specops or anti-tank and blow the fucker away.

By the way, I baserape. In all my time of playing I have enver complained about when it happens to me, and it has happened a lot. Just learn how to play the game without being a little bitch and fight back.
I am all that is MOD!

the server I play on I think has the best rules I have come across -

All bases are open to attack at any time except the US Carrier, not open to attack anytime.

Another server I play has a rule that states that an uncap can not be attacked until all other bases are capped.


the server I play on I think has the best rules I have come across -

All bases are open to attack at any time except the US Carrier, not open to attack anytime.

Another server I play has a rule that states that an uncap can not be attacked until all other bases are capped.
er? you cant attack the carrier but you can attack MEC airfield on Oman?
ever get the feeling its just admins on that server who like being US/need US time?

gene_pool wrote:

Well....If you're team is stupid enough to not get out of the uncap, you deserved to be raped. Most scenario's you can spawn somewhere else and go and cap a flag with a different aproach.

Feel free to do it.
Agreed, and thats exactly what I told the team I was raping a few days ago, look at some of the responses:


That's another thing I like about baseraping, the guys who stay at the uncap and type the whole time about how we should "let them have a flag"

If you get baseraped, take a flag. If you can't, you will get raped. If you can and have, then spawn there.

That's really all there is to it in my opinion.

Kamikaze17 wrote:

here is a way for you people that are getting baseraped to get them out of there:


It is incredibly easy to get the enemies out of your base if you have half a brain. Oh no, thery have a tank! So be a specops or anti-tank and blow the fucker away.

By the way, I baserape. In all my time of playing I have enver complained about when it happens to me, and it has happened a lot. Just learn how to play the game without being a little bitch and fight back.
yeah we all just stand there running around waiting for jets, whatever lol. Like lemmings!
I never see a shiney badge getting raped, y'know why? he swapped teams.
Ive played this since the demo, Im not the best no not by a country mile, I havent got a shiney badge yet, just havent put the hours into the game.
That doesn't mean I'm stupid. I see a team of shiney badges and a team of 1st sgts/gunnery sgts I'd join the NCO's anyday. They know how to play as a team, they dont use CHEAP tactics to knock up their K/D:R
If a server says NO BASERAPE when you are connecting, disconnect, simple. people on there want to play as a team and not bother with cheap tactics. It doesnt mean you can connect, make teams uneven go commander, park your arse in a tank in their uncappable and drop a supply crate on yourself/use UAV to spot people spawning.....and then call people n00bs because they complain you are breaking the rules!
If they were meant to be attacked they wouldnt have a f'in big red circle with a line through it saying otherwise and you would be able to cap it.

Tell you what, I can jump on a server, teamstack and attack carrier with J-10, then when the round ends and it swaps me to US Ill just swap teams and make them unbalanced and have me another J-10 to bomb the carrier with.....not forgetting that's inbetween the "n00bs" trying to get off the carrier inbetween arty strikes.
Who's the n00b, the US who can't get off the carrier or me who won't go US because I want to be in a J-10 bombing the carrier? (even though the rules say otherwise when I join)
if youre getting baseraped, its your own damn fault for being such a noob and not spawning elsewhere, or having the common sense to work as a team and get a flag.

noobs, all they do is whine.
Over the line!
+70|7053|Mark it zero.

wooly-back-jack wrote:

I never see a shiney badge getting raped, y'know why? he swapped teams.
No. It's because he was smart enough to go cap a flag, or kill whoever ws in his spawn without bitching the whole time.

I_invented_BF2 wrote:

what the hell do you think real life professional soldiers do?

they DO attack the enemy HQ with planes, artillery and tanks. the real life commanders DO command from heavy Armour, and I know that for a fact - I used to be one of the drivers. in combat situations there is no such thing - and there shouldn't be - as fair play. it's survival of the fittest.

if people wants to play a game, that is supposed to be realistic, then they should stop bitching and accept realistic tactics.
Correct, but if we're talking real life, theres NO way an enemy jet would go near a carrier with essex guns, unless he had his tea and is about to kamikaze someone's ass.  So one eryx can blow up a jet, yet it takes a full 7 seconds of essex fire to down a jet.  In the end, I'd say the game was coded to support baserape, and therefore it happens.
you cant work as a team when all the REAL 'noobs' are staying dead trying to join the other team.
So in actual fact you are only raping half the amount of players you think you are.
As stated in some of my previous posts like the Sharqi infantry one, there are situations where it's ok and situations where it's just cheap tactics to get some K/D:R even though the server says otherwise.
Dalian for example; PLA get all the flags then take up position on AA and park jeeps at the waters edge, fine...i Agree with that. nothing wrong AT ALL there, that is more likley the US fault for letting it get like that anyway.
However it doesnt make it right to start Arty attacks on the carrier/surrounding it with APC's does it?
OR same map, USA get all the flags and then stay at that one closest to PLA base and defend against any PLA coming through the valley etc, fair enough! that doesnt mean you are within your rights to take a convoy of armour over to their base and "pwn some n00bs" all you will get if you do that is people staying dead trying to join YOUR TEAM, may even take YOUR PLACE if you die.....are YOU then a n00b because you cant get out of that base?

Lets have it your way, you attack base and 'pwn some n00bs' oh yer mister you rawk! wont be long till the other team start disconnecting and finding a server where the rules are enforced and who will you 'own' then?....n00b
We shall beat to quarters!

I believe that if you are base raping, then you are superior to the other team in every way.  If those idiots cant stop you because they wont get there preciouses jet then they deserve to be Raped.
~ Do you not know that in the service … one must always choose the lesser of two weevils?
If a team of noobs wont come out of their base unless they are in a jet/attack chopper then yes, what else can you do.
But that isnt usually the case, that isnt usually the way they ended up with no flags.
They ended up with no flags because the REAL noobs werent even trying, they were sat waiting to join the team with the most shiney badges
+2|6832|Omaha NE
i personally base rape for sniper kills i do not care which team i am on or how long it takes me to fly, drive, walk to non-cap bases to snipe and not for the stats or to be a pain in the *$$ it is the mood i am in when i do it

i do not care if i go 2 kills to one death or even one to one just to shoot a guy out of a jet or chopper with the .50 is just good fun

Zatar (lot less general traffic) is a blast on either team get on the tower at mec spawn or high on the carrier
the best is when you shoot the chopper pilot out and then shoot the gunner out because he has not switched seats to go anywhere

besides all the  time they spend looking for me is more time for my team to cap flags less time of them killing my guys

not looking for the j-10 rape or helo rape unless we have all the flags

just the simple one shot one kill
The Farewell Tour
+79|6727|San Antonio, TX
If you don't want to get base raped squad up and move as a team to get the the squad leader out of the base.  That way at least there is another spawn point, but you have to protect the SL so you can survive!

The commander needs to order the teams to attack one flag, send the brunt of the force out to meet the enemy at one of the flags, and have a smaller unit try to make it out deep into the map to take another flag.

Get people in fast movers, armor probably will not make it off base in time.  But the most important thing is team work.  (Which at this pont in the game is probably moot because if you had been working in teams you wouldn't be in this situation.)
YOUR mom goes to college
I'm ok with base rape, just not with vehicles.  If you rape with a vehicle you really aren't even giving them half a chance and it's just pathetic.  If you're ground pounding than they should be able to kill you as easily as you kill them.  I usually try not to rape too much cause I want everyone to have a decent time but there's always someone that's not satisfied.

The other day I was playing infantry only on Karkand and instead of raping the USMC spawns I decided to go back and defend the Suburbs since someone always trys to slip past on the hill  and take that flag.  Anyway, I'm there as a medic, eventually the commander came over too.  There was a sniper and a support guy that I stopped twice, the third time they came it was with another guy (three of them) and the commander and I took them out.  So the guy that was sniper (I had killed him three times) types in "You flag camping loser!  Get a life."  I couldn't stop laughing.  What the hell, maybe I should have spawn raped him...that would've been better?

Anyway, I say rape away.
agree with what you say there silo, that "cant make a squad" bug is a bit of a pain in the arse though
+1,153|6935|Washington, DC

It's only lame on maps like Wake Island. Now then, normal jets like the MiG can get hit by AA missiles. SUre they can still fire out of visual range and start hitting the Essex, but the Essex has a chance at killing it. But on Wake, the Invincible-10 can fire from out of sight, your health is going down, before you know it the J-10 just killed you.
One Shot, One Kill ... Always
i will to some extent  maybe till a chopper spawns  but not for the whole game
+86|6839|Edmonton Alberta
i baserape.... its a good time
but as i like to call it.... to tactically surpress the enemy in their uncap
baseraping is often even better if the other team has a flag.... because they just arent expecting it... and then you get all the defenseless people sitting around waiting for jets to spawn

damn i should make a new account called ibaserape

Last edited by straz_mataz (2007-01-11 14:22:11)

+1,153|6935|Washington, DC

straz_mataz wrote:

i baserape.... its a good time
but as i like to call it.... tactically surpress the enemy on their uncap
baseraping is often even better if the other team has a flag.... because they just arent expecting it... and then you get all the defenseless people sitting around waiting for jets to spawn

damn i should make a new account called ibaserape
Yeah, and make your tag something like [iRape].
Go Heart or go home!
It`s war.No rules only on papers like real life.It`s all allowed in love and war.It`s not fine getting raped but raping is fun.Times changing.Greetings from an engineer.
I've been lurking in these forums for months now, but finally decided to register to offer a slightly different point of view on this particular thread.

The clan I am in started a BF2 server not too long ago and, in the beginning, we had it set so any flag could be attacked at any time. This included all of the uncaps. Within a couple of days, we saw some enormous swings in traffic. The server would build up and be at capacity, it would stay like that for a short while, and then all of a sudden it would be empty.

What we found was that allowing the uncaps to be attacked would result in baseraping the uncap. What would then happen would be the majority of the players on the team getting baseraped would leave the server. After that, the team doing the raping would also leave the server (I am assuming because of a drop in targets and the server not auto-balancing fast enough).

This meant that this server, that we pay a fair amount of money for each month, would sit empty quite often. As a group we discussed the situation and decided that even though we did not personally disagree with attacking any base at any time we needed to make a change to try to keep traffic up on the server. To do this we implemented the "No Attacking Uncaps" rule and admin it even though we do not fully support it. Since the change, our traffic on the server has been much more consistent.

I've heard the argument that if you don't like baseraping then play a different game, but the cold fact is that if a player does not like baseraping they will find another server that does not allow it.

This post is not to defend or attack baseraping or baserapers, but simply to offer one possible explanation as to why so many servers state in their rules that baseraping is not allowed and why so many admins will kick a player involved in baseraping from the server.
+917|6923|Atlanta, Georgia, USA
its fine at all times.

actually, its the server rules, if the server allows it, i base rape, if not, i dont.
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
i can live with one or two people base raping they shouldn't be hard to find and take out, its when a whole clan or half a team rapes that my opinion changes, being unable to spawn more than 5 seconds will wind anyone up, especially if they spawn rape in vehicles god damn thats annoying, i don't mean a vehicle thats no problem, but when its 2 APCs and a tank sat around your uncap constantly blowing the shit out of everything from 3 different angles then its friggin annoying.
There is.
+1,380|6996|Devon, England
Depends, there are different cases.

I will base rape if other people on my team are.

Otherwise, I won't.

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