+416|6648|United States
Any tips on stopping these people? they just sit in the titan corridors and spam nades and resupply each other and dont move, it pisses me off when my whole squad is trying to rush them and theres 3 nades in my face before i can shoot or throw a grenade back at them.
You laughin' at me, bitch?
+44|6802|Hong Kong
One medics throws in smoke bombs while several people rush in kamikaze style with nades.
The medics will advance from behind and revive the suiciders at which point the enemy threat has been severely reduced. The restored force can then remove any remnants of the enemy.
I'm English, not British!
+113|6924|Rotherham, England
Take the silo's instead, they soon get bored when there's no-one attacking titan to kill!
scout rush kekeke ^___^
+116|6710|Brisbane, Aus

SmilingBuddha wrote:

One medics throws in smoke bombs while several people rush in kamikaze style with nades.
The medics will advance from behind and revive the suiciders at which point the enemy threat has been severely reduced. The restored force can then remove any remnants of the enemy.
some asault rockets would do well there too but yeah ^^ that'll do it
+22|6865|Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Just take the silos and wait it out till they get bored...that usualy works when there titan is blown to shit and they aint got any points scored

SmilingBuddha wrote:

One medics throws in smoke bombs while several people rush in kamikaze style with nades.
The medics will advance from behind and revive the suiciders at which point the enemy threat has been severely reduced. The restored force can then remove any remnants of the enemy.
A good play indeed but I'm not sure it will work more than 1 in 10.

Two supports with sentry guns with a medic behind them is pretty hard to get past.

But how about this:
One guy (the super team player who takes one for the team) rushes in with an EMP nade and of course get's cut down by the defenders but his EMP nade hopefully takes out the sentry guns and messes up the defenders HUD's.

THEN it could work with a smoke nade + blitz from the attackers.

Still a risky play but I don't see any other way to get past them.

Last edited by Sambuccashake (2007-01-11 05:33:55)

simple. chuck an EWMP, then sneak a recon in with rdx. recon puts donw RDX, runs like crazy. blows RDX. no more enemy, then kamikaze any remaining enemies.
Negative Ping
I've done this a bunch of times, and I just say it's a good defense tactic.  Simply find a way around, or get silos, it's just that simple. 
If we are talking about upper corridors - EMPing just UNDER them in lower corridor should work...I think...

But if there are couple of supports backed by medic and decent RDX whore (like yours truly :-) ) - it's going to be almost impossible. During a rush sniper alone can take down at least 3 of the attackers easily (2 APMs + 1 RDX) and take out 3 more with Zeller (body shots are enough, MGs will do the rest).

JonnyNuemonic wrote:

Just take the silos and wait it out till they get bored...that usualy works when there titan is blown to shit and they aint got any points scored
^^^ THAT ^^^
+34|6810|Devil's Perch
I doubt any of the tactics mentioned is reliable and fool-proof, as in "this works in 8 or even 9 out of 10 attempts". 2 or 3 guys spamming nades down the hallway are a pretty reliable way to prevent anyone from coming in and nading back or even shooting AR rockets. Grenades do not be aimed so smoke of course isn't protective against that.

I personally never liked assaulting the titan and barely could be bothered with it after I had my expert titan assault badge (30 titan attack points IAR). Luckily it's not always the case, at least there's games when you can encounter enemies all over their titan to score a few kills - if you need to go for a badge.

If some think it's fun to camp their titan and just spam nades till their fingers cramp... well, let them go ahead. That's usually at least 3 and more people who will not prevent your team from taking and holding the silos.
Proud member of a dead community.
Exploit/Glitch "Tester"
+49|6528|Inside the AR Rockets.
Leave the titan and let them throw nades all they want.
+26|6543|Nethterlands (ZH)
attacking a Titan is like a box of chocolates... well you know the rest, run forrest run...

Attacking a Titan is teamwork you can't expect to mosey on over to a controlpanel and destroy it?

Sure it's a big *sigh* if you board the enemy Titan and hear the sentries going off against you while your not even seeing them. Or hear the defenders yell 'grenade in the upper corridors before the lower consoles are taken out.
I live for the moments when i'm on a good team that has a medic as back-up, a good support and a few pointmen.
+1,352|6646|N. Ireland
go invisible, run to the nearest corner away the from them and then take their d'tags.
+416|6648|United States

leetkyle wrote:

go invisible, run to the nearest corner away the from them and then take their d'tags.
Nade spammers dude Nade spammers, going invis wont help crap you will still be blown to pieces
Glitch into the titan and shoot them in the back?

Over the line!
+70|6902|Mark it zero.
get a big group of guys, then 1 at a time or 2 at a time, run in there throwing grenades. you should be able to get a grenade off and take out a few of them. then repeat. then have the medics run in revive who they can and blow the console.
+1,352|6646|N. Ireland

Masterstyle wrote:

leetkyle wrote:

go invisible, run to the nearest corner away the from them and then take their d'tags.
Nade spammers dude Nade spammers, going invis wont help crap you will still be blown to pieces
Just run quick and they won't see you. you'll make it through the blast.
Over the line!
+70|6902|Mark it zero.

leetkyle wrote:

Masterstyle wrote:

leetkyle wrote:

go invisible, run to the nearest corner away the from them and then take their d'tags.
Nade spammers dude Nade spammers, going invis wont help crap you will still be blown to pieces
Just run quick and they won't see you. you'll make it through the blast.
no you wont. three or more people sitting there throwing grenades nonstop = no one being able to get in, no matter how fast they run. plus there are always APMs, and RDX.
And did you know that support kit can see guys easy if you go invisible, their helm will pick you up.

pedigreeuk wrote:

Take the silo's instead, they soon get bored when there's no-one attacking titan to kill!
thats a nice idea.... too many support people doing the following near the hallways

1) sentry gun placement
2) personal shield placement
3) spraying the hallways with LMG
4) throwing nades like there is no tomorrow
+26|6543|Nethterlands (ZH)

thebestshooter wrote:

pedigreeuk wrote:

Take the silo's instead, they soon get bored when there's no-one attacking titan to kill!
thats a nice idea.... too many support people doing the following near the hallways

1) sentry gun placement
2) personal shield placement
3) spraying the hallways with LMG
4) throwing nades like there is no tomorrow
I would almost say DICE made this game...... balanced! could it be?

I don't know what you have been playing, but that's where the command 'we need more people on the ground' is for. The commander is the key to the tactics that are used.
I know a lot of people are playing the commander for the hours they need and that people always bitch about the fact that they won't get their ammo/healing dropped on them, but it's actually a quite usefull role to play.
There is no easy way to take them out, which I often are part of the Nader on the defence side of throwing nade. Someone need to be on the defence side, right. 

Someone suggest go invisible, and I think along with smoke, the recon can walk all the way to the back behide the nader and drop an RDX in their happen to me once... and that's was a good attact.  Team work is the most important.

Last edited by wrx_sti (2007-01-12 10:31:41)

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