Say wat!?

The Bartenders Son wrote:

hmm im going to Put you on my suspicious terrorist  list........... #3
Dick head alert!!!!! #1
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6911|132 and Bush

It is nice for your nation to be on top during your lifetime. What other nation has enjoyed the kind of upstart success the US has? It only took around 200 years to rise to the forefront amongst other well established nations. My money is on the Rookie in this case.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Calmer than you are.

d3v1ldr1v3r13 wrote:

We wont fall, just stagger, and get right back on track.  We always have and always will.
lol those are words off of Greece's national anthem!!

and look at us now...  --> still staggering after 2.000 years
Anouk, Slayers little bitch

The Bartenders Son wrote:

Doperwt. wrote:

The Bartenders Son wrote:

Ya We Have The $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
I should quote all of your replies, they are just ignorant and cocky. well, you are a typical american so maybe you have to behave like that.  This quote intriges me the most. You say, you have all the money, so why is your country on the brink of a depression? The Russian gourvenment, favors  at the moment, Euro's in stead of US dollars.
The americans are putting all their soldiers in foreign countries, to fight for oil, but whatif the oil is gone in around 50 years, what will the next energysource be? were will America be? An attack on US soil is not that hard. just send some nuclear devices with mexican illigal immigrants, who scatter trough America. A nuke in  NY, will hurt harder then 10 nukes on 10 different countries.
Well, I have spent 4 years in a fox hole for you to say what you just said to me.. O and your stupid plan with a nuke would not work.. LOL .. You have no idea the power we hold you Terrorist !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #4
Why is everyione in your opmion, who disagrees with your retarded statements a terrorist?  Every year thousends of illegal immigrants cross your border, without the gouvernment knowing. Bringen a nuclear device over the border is way more easy then hijacking airplanes and flying them into buildings.
I respect the guys who are fighting for freedom, but i don't respect people who said that they were in the army, but weren't. You sound like a 12 year old whiner, instead of a marine, aviator, sailor,... who is proud.
The Bartenders Son

Doperwt. wrote:

The Bartenders Son wrote:

Doperwt. wrote:

I should quote all of your replies, they are just ignorant and cocky. well, you are a typical american so maybe you have to behave like that.  This quote intriges me the most. You say, you have all the money, so why is your country on the brink of a depression? The Russian gourvenment, favors  at the moment, Euro's in stead of US dollars.
The americans are putting all their soldiers in foreign countries, to fight for oil, but whatif the oil is gone in around 50 years, what will the next energysource be? were will America be? An attack on US soil is not that hard. just send some nuclear devices with mexican illigal immigrants, who scatter trough America. A nuke in  NY, will hurt harder then 10 nukes on 10 different countries.
Well, I have spent 4 years in a fox hole for you to say what you just said to me.. O and your stupid plan with a nuke would not work.. LOL .. You have no idea the power we hold you Terrorist !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #4
Why is everyione in your opmion, who disagrees with your retarded statements a terrorist?  Every year thousends of illegal immigrants cross your border, without the gouvernment knowing. Bringen a nuclear device over the border is way more easy then hijacking airplanes and flying them into buildings.
I respect the guys who are fighting for freedom, but i don't respect people who said that they were in the army, but weren't. You sound like a 12 year old whiner, instead of a marine, aviator, sailor,... who is proud.
Im just having fun.. dont get @ss hurt man.. lol .. have a Drink

And i was in The Army ..and how do i sound?.. im not talking.. .. lol  im typing ..

wow need a life, a girl friend and a reall job..
The Bartenders Son

Vilham wrote:

The Bartenders Son wrote:

hmm im going to Put you on my suspicious terrorist  list........... #3
Dick head alert!!!!! #1
LoL i can live with that..

+1 for you.. good one..
The Bartenders Son

Marconius wrote:

I'm fairly certain we'll rip ourselves apart before any terrorism or coherent enemies can get to us...I foresee serious problems for the US within the next 30 years.
I agree..
The Bartenders Son
Don't got too emotional over this post people it just a question and if I have called you a terrorist its because you think we will fall and im having fun.. lol

U.S may fall/change/ or just get taken over my Ailens.. who knows..
The Bartenders Son
damn i just made the Terrorist list.. #11..
You don't sound like your in the army at all. You sound like a immature 8 or maybe 40 year old. If you are in the army I respect you for that.

Last edited by 112505 (2007-01-10 10:45:32)

The Bartenders Son

112505 wrote:

You don't sound like your in the army at all. You sound like a immature 8 or maybe 40 year old. If you are in the army I respect you for that.
I made a topic so we can further discuses your option on how a individual in the Military would sound.

The Bartenders Son wrote:

112505 wrote:

You don't sound like your in the army at all. You sound like a immature 8 or maybe 40 year old. If you are in the army I respect you for that.
I made a topic so we can further discuses your option on how a individual in the Military would sound.
You should've made the topic in Junk Drawer.
don't know when it will fall but it will
well wither away i dno about a complete collapse...
i think this because of the mahoosive budget deficit
now i'm no economist but its common sense that if a lot more money is going out than coming in then eventually there will be no money to go out and the economy of the USA will faulter if not collpase
The Bartenders Son
hay it could happen
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6848|Long Island, New York
You know what they say...nothing lasts forever.

EVENTUALLY we'll fall, but not for a very VERY long time.
+917|6928|Atlanta, Georgia, USA

The Bartenders Son wrote:

When will the US fail?
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
O Canada
+1,596|6715|North Carolina
I don't think we'll fall, but I do think the growing cost of resources and a chronic problem we have with fiscal irresponsibility will cause us to eventually slide to Second World status.  My money is on about a century from now, maybe less.

Last edited by Turquoise (2007-01-10 15:41:47)

i hate you all

The Bartenders Son wrote:

I made a topic so we can further discuses your option on how a individual in the Military would sound.
Hei dude, i think you are funny as hell. What`s up with people? Some people just don`t get irony man.

Everyone who says US might fall some day are terrorists, LOL! Cheers!
© 2009 Jeff Minard
What goes up, must come down?

112505 wrote:

You don't sound like your in the army at all. You sound like a immature 8 or maybe 40 year old. If you are in the army I respect you for that.
Its pretty silly to respect a guy JUSt because hes in the army.  No offense but some army guys are the worst pricks out there. 

I got your terrorist joke bartender.  Funny, but would be funnier if less people actually believed a statement like that to be unamerican or unpatriotic.
hide your terrorists ^,^
+94|6987|Ft. Drum, NY
never as long as i still have a m14
Togs8896 is my evil alter ego
+567|6941|New Hampshire, USA;_ylu=X3oDMTA4NDgyNWN0BHNlYwNwcm9m/SIG=12k9qaa82/EXP=1168559762/**http%3a//

yuckfou09 wrote:

never as long as i still have a m14
And your m14 is gonna save our economy how? ;P
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6891|SE London

jonsimon wrote:

yuckfou09 wrote:

never as long as i still have a m14
And your m14 is gonna save our economy how? ;P
That's how the end will come. Slow and painfull economic collapse.
The Bartenders Son

PluggedValve wrote:

112505 wrote:

You don't sound like your in the army at all. You sound like a immature 8 or maybe 40 year old. If you are in the army I respect you for that.
Its pretty silly to respect a guy JUSt because hes in the army.  No offense but some army guys are the worst pricks out there. 

I got your terrorist joke bartender.  Funny, but would be funnier if less people actually believed a statement like that to be unamerican or unpatriotic.
Ya i know right.. o well.. life goes on...

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