+374|6520|Columbus, Ohio
There is not article to cut and paste, this is just something I think about.  Cigarettes are bad for your health, we all know that, but so are a lot of things.  The problem I have is that if Cigs are so bad for you and can even kill people who have never smoked a cig in their life (second hand smoke), then why is it legal?  I am willing to bet that cigs kill more people a year than drinking and driving. 

So, why is it legal?  Well, my belief is tax money and the medical industry is why.  How can something so deadly be sold in your local store?  Either it is not as bad as we are taught, or it is such a huge source of income for so many people in every country, that it will never be illegal.  If ketchup killed that many people in one year, it would be off the shelf.
+1,153|6783|Washington, DC

Yeah, kinda perplexes me how solidified rat poison can be sold to the public. Sure it has a warning, but we don't sell dynamite with a "WARNING: USING THIS MAY RESULT IN GETTING SENT TO A SUPERMAX PRISON".
+302|6889|Salt Lake City

1. Because the tobacco industry has lots of money and has a very powerful lobby in government.

2. The amount of tax money that is collected from tobacco is substantial, from individual cities, all the way to the feds.

3. This is just my opinion, but here it is.  I think some of it also comes down to how much we are willing to sacrifice.  Much of the money collected from the taxes on tobacco are used to pay for treatment of patients with ailments due to smoking or being around other smokers.  Even if you were to make tobacco illegal today and remove every tobacco product, you still have those that have consumed or been around tobacco products that will have health effects for decades to come.  That means decades of people with health issues, but no revenue from the cause.

Last edited by Agent_Dung_Bomb (2007-01-10 08:17:03)

I'd say there's more than a grain of truth in your theory but then I would see it like this:

Cigarettes are not like other stimulants/narcotics that render the user incapable of caring for themself or from holding down gainful employment. Cigarettes are enjoyable to those unfortunate enough to have developed an addiction. As such, I don't see why it should be illegal. If people want to slowly kill themselves then so be it. I think the second hand smoke thing is overplayed. For the record, I am a non-smoker.

Big tobacco and big medicine have a vested interest in keeping smoking legal - banning cigarettes would have a significant impact on the money and employment generated by those sectors of the economy. CEOs of those types of corporations are the people who provide the donations that enable politicians to get into power in the first place. So politicians are held to ransom by their patrons and by the fact that it will adversely affect the economy if they were to ban cigarettes.

It's like the military industry now. It has become so bloated that to have peace would be too damaging economically!!!!! A sorry state of affairs.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2007-01-10 08:21:44)

+5,233|6682|Global Command
My stepfather and business partner came down with lung cancer four months ago.
Two months of chemo and hes aged 15 years and fading fast.

Ban tobacco now, legalize da reefer!

Its all about money, that tobacco is legal, yet the biggest cash crop in America is bud. Go figure.

CameronPoe wrote:

I'd say there's more than a grain of truth in your theory but then I would see it like this:

Cigarettes are not like other stimulants/narcotics that render the user incapable of caring for themself or from holding down gainful employment. Cigarettes are enjoyable to those unfortunate enough to have developed an addiction. As such, I don't see why it should be illegal. If people want to slowly kill themselves then so be it. I think the second hand smoke thing is overplayed. For the record, I am a non-smoker.

Big tobacco and big medicine have a vested interest in keeping smoking legal - banning cigarettes would have a significant impact on the money and employment generated by those sectors of the economy. CEOs of those types of corporations are the people who provide the donations that enable politicians to get into power in the first place. So politicians are held to ransom by their patrons and by the fact that it will adversely affect the economy if they were to ban cigarettes.

It's like the military industry now. It has become so bloated that to have peace would be too damaging economically!!!!! A sorry state of affairs.
But Ireland has smoking banned in pubs and restaurants doesn't it? Holland is absolutely horrible for non smokers. I would imagine people in the US are also far more courteous about where they smoke.
Lobby lobby lobby....that easy.....and I hate it.

ghettoperson wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

I'd say there's more than a grain of truth in your theory but then I would see it like this:

Cigarettes are not like other stimulants/narcotics that render the user incapable of caring for themself or from holding down gainful employment. Cigarettes are enjoyable to those unfortunate enough to have developed an addiction. As such, I don't see why it should be illegal. If people want to slowly kill themselves then so be it. I think the second hand smoke thing is overplayed. For the record, I am a non-smoker.

Big tobacco and big medicine have a vested interest in keeping smoking legal - banning cigarettes would have a significant impact on the money and employment generated by those sectors of the economy. CEOs of those types of corporations are the people who provide the donations that enable politicians to get into power in the first place. So politicians are held to ransom by their patrons and by the fact that it will adversely affect the economy if they were to ban cigarettes.

It's like the military industry now. It has become so bloated that to have peace would be too damaging economically!!!!! A sorry state of affairs.
But Ireland has smoking banned in pubs and restaurants doesn't it? Holland is absolutely horrible for non smokers. I would imagine people in the US are also far more courteous about where they smoke.
Yep it's banned in pubs, restaurants, taxis, public transport and the workplace but it's not illegal. You can smoke in your home, car or outside.
Kill all the smokers and the guys that make them from this world.

The world will stop smoking for maybe a day then there will probably be iilegal cigarettes but you can't really get high on cigarettes...
+1,153|6783|Washington, DC

112505 wrote:

Kill all the smokers and the guys that make them from this world.

The world will stop smoking for maybe a day then there will probably be iilegal cigarettes but you can't really get high on cigarettes...
Your brain still gets addicted to the nicotine, just as it does to the high effects of cocaine, weed, LSD, acid, X, crack, etc.

Hurricane wrote:

112505 wrote:

Kill all the smokers and the guys that make them from this world.

The world will stop smoking for maybe a day then there will probably be iilegal cigarettes but you can't really get high on cigarettes...
Your brain still gets addicted to the nicotine, just as it does to the high effects of cocaine, weed, LSD, acid, X, crack, etc.
Crack is cocaine.
I guess you can't stop cigarettes then?
but you can reduce it's userbase by banning it which won't happen.

CameronPoe wrote:

ghettoperson wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

I'd say there's more than a grain of truth in your theory but then I would see it like this:

Cigarettes are not like other stimulants/narcotics that render the user incapable of caring for themself or from holding down gainful employment. Cigarettes are enjoyable to those unfortunate enough to have developed an addiction. As such, I don't see why it should be illegal. If people want to slowly kill themselves then so be it. I think the second hand smoke thing is overplayed. For the record, I am a non-smoker.

Big tobacco and big medicine have a vested interest in keeping smoking legal - banning cigarettes would have a significant impact on the money and employment generated by those sectors of the economy. CEOs of those types of corporations are the people who provide the donations that enable politicians to get into power in the first place. So politicians are held to ransom by their patrons and by the fact that it will adversely affect the economy if they were to ban cigarettes.

It's like the military industry now. It has become so bloated that to have peace would be too damaging economically!!!!! A sorry state of affairs.
But Ireland has smoking banned in pubs and restaurants doesn't it? Holland is absolutely horrible for non smokers. I would imagine people in the US are also far more courteous about where they smoke.
Yep it's banned in pubs, restaurants, taxis, public transport and the workplace but it's not illegal. You can smoke in your home, car or outside.
Yeah I know it's not illegal. My point is though, second hand smoke is a lot less annoying if it's not inside.

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Hurricane wrote:

112505 wrote:

Kill all the smokers and the guys that make them from this world.

The world will stop smoking for maybe a day then there will probably be iilegal cigarettes but you can't really get high on cigarettes...
Your brain still gets addicted to the nicotine, just as it does to the high effects of cocaine, weed, LSD, acid, X, crack, etc.
Crack is cocaine.
...and LSD is acid, weed is not addictive. But that's beside the point.
I'm a heavy smoker. I started when I was very young. Like 8. I used to sneak smokes from wherever I could but didn't start inhaling them til I was about 12. It took me a long time to actually become addicted and it took a lot of effort. Those things don't exactly go down smooth when you're a noob. lol! If I could go back and start over, I would.

I find much relaxation and pleasure in smoking today. Whether it's an after-meal smoke, or just passing time driving in the car, it relaxes me. And that sucks. Just the thought of being out of smokes for a few hours is nightmarish. And I have no intention of quiting. Even after 2 collapsed lungs (spotanious pneumotharax2) I love smoking. I think the only way I'd be able to quit is with some sort of nicotine patch and plenty of weed to give me that heavy feeling in my lungs I long for.

Smoking is now banned within 50 feet of any business in the state of Washington. You can't even smoke in your car in a drive-thru! Pisses me off. First airplanes, now this.

I think smoking would be a lot more tollerable to non-smokers if it smelled better. I seriously doubt that second hand smoke does mush to anyone unless you're in a confined space with no fresh air so all the talk about second hand smoke really pisses me off.
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it

King_County_Downy wrote:

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Hurricane wrote:

Your brain still gets addicted to the nicotine, just as it does to the high effects of cocaine, weed, LSD, acid, X, crack, etc.
Crack is cocaine.
...and LSD is acid, weed is not addictive. But that's beside the point.
I'm a heavy smoker. I started when I was very young. Like 8. I used to sneak smokes from wherever I could but didn't start inhaling them til I was about 12. It took me a long time to actually become addicted and it took a lot of effort. Those things don't exactly go down smooth when you're a noob. lol! If I could go back and start over, I would.

I find much relaxation and pleasure in smoking today. Whether it's an after-meal smoke, or just passing time driving in the car, it relaxes me. And that sucks. Just the thought of being out of smokes for a few hours is nightmarish. And I have no intention of quiting. Even after 2 collapsed lungs (spotanious pneumotharax2) I love smoking. I think the only way I'd be able to quit is with some sort of nicotine patch and plenty of weed to give me that heavy feeling in my lungs I long for.

Smoking is now banned within 50 feet of any business in the state of Washington. You can't even smoke in your car in a drive-thru! Pisses me off. First airplanes, now this.

I think smoking would be a lot more tollerable to non-smokers if it smelled better. I seriously doubt that second hand smoke does mush to anyone unless you're in a confined space with no fresh air so all the talk about second hand smoke really pisses me off.
Yeah you're right. Nothing worse than coming back after a night out and having your clothes stink of cigarettes. That's actually worse than inhaling the stuff, as even if one person in the room is smoking, you'll still smell like them, even if it doesn't bother you at the time.
Cowboy from Hell

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Hurricane wrote:

112505 wrote:

Kill all the smokers and the guys that make them from this world.

The world will stop smoking for maybe a day then there will probably be iilegal cigarettes but you can't really get high on cigarettes...
Your brain still gets addicted to the nicotine, just as it does to the high effects of cocaine, weed, LSD, acid, X, crack, etc.
Crack is cocaine.
While crack is a form of cocaine, they aren't the same things.  Crack is smokeable cocaine.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n

ghettoperson wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

I'd say there's more than a grain of truth in your theory but then I would see it like this:

Cigarettes are not like other stimulants/narcotics that render the user incapable of caring for themself or from holding down gainful employment. Cigarettes are enjoyable to those unfortunate enough to have developed an addiction. As such, I don't see why it should be illegal. If people want to slowly kill themselves then so be it. I think the second hand smoke thing is overplayed. For the record, I am a non-smoker.

Big tobacco and big medicine have a vested interest in keeping smoking legal - banning cigarettes would have a significant impact on the money and employment generated by those sectors of the economy. CEOs of those types of corporations are the people who provide the donations that enable politicians to get into power in the first place. So politicians are held to ransom by their patrons and by the fact that it will adversely affect the economy if they were to ban cigarettes.

It's like the military industry now. It has become so bloated that to have peace would be too damaging economically!!!!! A sorry state of affairs.
But Ireland has smoking banned in pubs and restaurants doesn't it? Holland is absolutely horrible for non smokers. I would imagine people in the US are also far more courteous about where they smoke.
Haha you are wrong about the US being far more courteous about where we smoke. But seriously the Taxes on Cig now are rediculas a pack of smoke now cost 6-7 dollars around where I live and there's nothing I can do about it.. If you outlaw it or make it illegal, then you will be creating a huge Illegal market and destroying many of our states main source of income... Also Cigs don't kill people, it's the cancer that does...
+63|6779|Los Angeles, California

112505 wrote:

I guess you can't stop cigarettes then?
but you can reduce it's userbase by banning it which won't happen.
where im from, California its already banned in some cities. and other cities are trying to do the same. and if you get caught smoking you get some fine.

Last edited by sithao (2007-01-10 09:59:31)

Just make taking up smoking from this year for anyone under 16 illegal. So by law they aren't allowed to smoke and people already smoking can carry on. Difficult to enforce but atleast not legally having the option may deter people from starting smoking. Then anyone who cant produce ID proving their age will be fined, some for of revenue for the government and a deterant from starting. Not a perfect resolve but maybe a start.

edit:(i know its already illegal to smoke under 16 but you get my point)

Last edited by Netsfear (2007-01-10 10:05:06)

they let us die by "Cigs" because our dear earth is already over populated and they are trying to slow down the speed at wich we grown in numbers lol laughing at myself that i replied this...

and here in the Netherlands its also banned in most public places.

Last edited by zero_x830 (2007-01-10 10:12:41)

Paul Scholes

zero_x830 wrote:

they let us die by "Cigs" because our dear earth is already over populated and they are trying to slow down the speed at wich we grown in numbers lol laughing at myself that i replied this...
Don't laugh so hard, I thought the exact same thing - an acceptable way of culling an ever expanding population, which also generates a huge amount of money.
"My best moment? I have a lot of good moments but the one I prefer is when I kicked the hooligan." - Eric Cantona.

zero_x830 wrote:

they let us die by "Cigs" because our dear earth is already over populated and they are trying to slow down the speed at wich we grown in numbers lol laughing at myself that i replied this...

and here in the Netherlands its also banned in most public places.
Where is it banned?
+105|6631|Lutenblaag, Molvania

usmarine2007 wrote:

So, why is it legal?  Well, my belief is tax money and the medical industry is why.
Your are almost right. Taking out a few words and you have the right answer:

TheRightAswer wrote:

So, why is it legal? money.
Anyway, good to see your are back, usmarine.
"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered;  the point is to discover them."
Galileo Galilei  (1564-1642)
i wouldn't know, it was on the news a few times
and then they said that had put it in .. ehm .. that i really happend and not just only saying that it Will happen.

sorry for the ehm part.. forgot the word

Hospitals and things like museums and some bars do it by themselves

Last edited by zero_x830 (2007-01-10 11:16:52)

O Canada
+1,596|6558|North Carolina

usmarine2007 wrote:

There is not article to cut and paste, this is just something I think about.  Cigarettes are bad for your health, we all know that, but so are a lot of things.  The problem I have is that if Cigs are so bad for you and can even kill people who have never smoked a cig in their life (second hand smoke), then why is it legal?  I am willing to bet that cigs kill more people a year than drinking and driving. 

So, why is it legal?  Well, my belief is tax money and the medical industry is why.  How can something so deadly be sold in your local store?  Either it is not as bad as we are taught, or it is such a huge source of income for so many people in every country, that it will never be illegal.  If ketchup killed that many people in one year, it would be off the shelf.
As far as I know, alcohol harms society more than cigarettes, when you consider the domestic abuse, drunk driving, and general addiction that so many people have to it.

I think the real question should be...  why is pot illegal?

I think the answer is that brewing companies and cigarette manufacturers see pot as a competitive product.  Lobbyism often determines whether something is legal or illegal, and the alcohol and cigarette lobbies are pretty powerful. much for living in a free country....

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