If you intend or replying to this read it all the beggining few arent my beleifs but probably explain others beleifs. Unless ive mis interpereted something. Spray for longest non spam post in BF2s FTW.... Caution broken wall of text.
For someone to beleive a country will last for ever and never get defeated or de throned is funny. Arguing with most of this people is just stupid we've seen from the video's of people asking American's question about outside their country... They pretty much failed their geography is fail even kids in America think Australia is the size of Texas. Not to forget they know nothing about geography. As each year passes the dumber they get. There are lots of countries in the world which can be self sufficient Australia would be one. 30% of the worlds uranium oil and food need more?
China would not join America if they were ever to join a power to form a coalition but would more likely join Russia. Take note that China and Russia were two countries who said no to stopping the flow of their supplies to Iran and didn't side with the US. Germany before they collapsed in 1945 were the strongest country in the world most technologically advanced and were greatly cocky like the US is now. Look where it brought them. 10 years from when they ignored sanctions against porducing weapons or creating a military they got defeated. The Romans were also cocky thinking they would never get defeated. They may have not had Nukes but then again I guess everyone who says nuclear weapons hasn't heard of the anti missle defence systems that some countries have?
The old man in catch 22 is where I think the thread poster got his idea from. He did say something about great civilizations always finding a down fall as well as some other things. But maybe people should look at the US military now? The US generals are even saying that the US military is not made to withstand long wars. Iraq is counted as a long war its een going for what? 3 almost 4 years. Your military is stretched to its limits in 3 years you havent even been able to secure one road from the airport to Baghdad you lost Vietnam the only war you have won since WW2 would be the Gulf war which was pretty much an Aerial and Special Forces teams war. Such a war cannot be fought against another super power. In Iraq you are having problems does anyone know how small Iraq is? And how big its military power is? You guys are having problems with a bunch of AK-47 wielding teenagers. Iraq has (a small low trained military hardly any tanks or aircraft. Compare it to Russia or something bigger. For the US to be able to succesfully defeat another country in a war currently it is not possible.
The same could be said probably the other way round which puts the world into a stalemate. However I cannot count the amount of times I am hearing on the news that the US needs more troops and that they are stretched to capacity. 2 of your 12 or so Aircraft carrier divisions are deployed to try steer off Iran a country much stronger then Iraq. Right now you cant face a war on another front or you will have to pull troops.
This leaves the mailand pretty much weakend while it still has defences. If the mainland was attacked much more troops would have to be shifted back you would leave another warzone and heavy casualties would be inflicted in the hastened withdrawal. If somehow the US military was defeated this would leave 270 million people which probably 1/4 or 1/2 have guns. This would then turn into an Iraq war. You cant shoot down aircraft with a .22 hunting rifle even a .333 hunting rifle or a .50 cal. Ther would be bombings large loss of civilian life.
This is one way of the downfall of the US. Not very likely at all such a thing would include large casualties on both sides and then you have to even introduce allies and other wars that would start up.
Having 1 thousand nukes compared to 1 makes no difference all you need is a well placed one or two to destroy or put a country into termoil. During the events that lead up to 9/11 one of the stolen aircraft heading for the twin towers passed over a Trojan Nuclear Power Plant. If this was hit properly (Trojan Nuclear Power Plants are created of Re Enforced Steel and Concrete much like the pentagon which wasnt very succesful) it could have wiped out half your population or over 1/4 more would die of later side effects. Imagine some sort of attempt on a Nuclear Plant with a bomb. While the US has the most bombs it also has around 70 or more powerplants even 5-6 would be enough it might be the most capably destructive country as well as the most capably vulnerable country in the case of inside people someone would only have to get a few miles away with a nuke to be able to destroy a powerplant with a nuke. Then again smuggling a nuke into a country would be hard.
So you can go to other ways to destroy a plant there are much more weapons out there capable of inflicting big enough damage with little or no warning. This could put the country into a civil war there would be some retalliation agaisnt some other country which had nothing to do with it killing everyone. What I love about the theory of flying an aircraft into a nuclear powerplant to destroy it. The same happend to the Pentagon nuclear powerplants are made of the same materials add some lead in when you get closer to the core. If an aircraft could penetrate the Pentagon so much why not the powerplant? Anyone who argue's this point contradicts themselves.
This is me arguing for other people's oppinions and the possibilities. My oppinion....
There will be a collapse hopefully not big and without casualties maybe one day people will come to the realization that as well as being the biggest power you then take along the lead of being the most hated power. Call me a pussy for this thinking but if I were to run a country id fly it under the radar while still having some sort of smaller military force and having a good legal force. And would put my self under an act of neutrality. Some people such as Bush dont make decisions for the people but just make decisions for the power which in the end corrupts them. Humans seek power its a part of our nature we like the feeling of being untouchable or on the top. This can sometimes blind us from reality this is probably the way hackers think.
Look at me im the best cause no one can kill me. In reality he is probably just some computer nerd who needs a life and who in the end can be defeated. Particularly speed hackers can be taken in this oppinion they think no one can defeat them until someone bigger and better then them gets them. There is such a cycle in the world no one will ever be the biggest power forever its impossible someone will always surpass them and be the better. I have studied aviation history even though that shares pretty much no relativity to the topic logic comes from this. Some companies think they are the biggest and the best until another one comes and blows them out of the water. Same works with countries it just takes longer periods of time.
History will repeat itself for as long humans stay in the shadow of ignorance and are run and beleive a government which betrays its employee's (you the citizens). Dont think because you're the US you are undefeatable like posted before for a country to collapse it doesn't need to be involved in a war against another country. All it takes is a war with itself. If no one has learnt anything from the last 6000 years of human existance you will naturally deny this. Egyptians, Romans, Greeks etc. Would tell you this but I guess you will learn from your own mistakes.
No im not an American hater but it must be a coincidence that the most Ignorance comes out of most of the people that live there. I know not all Americans are ignorant I can understand some of your beleifs and views I do bother to read them dont worry about that I will not be a hypocrit. I normally fight for both sides it just depends. Normally I will fight for the side which has a better argument however and shows a lower amount of ignorance in their posts. I think the person calling everyones terrorists really put me off for fighting for the US. If you got this far congradulations pm me and some karma might slip out of my pocket. Thanks.
For someone to beleive a country will last for ever and never get defeated or de throned is funny. Arguing with most of this people is just stupid we've seen from the video's of people asking American's question about outside their country... They pretty much failed their geography is fail even kids in America think Australia is the size of Texas. Not to forget they know nothing about geography. As each year passes the dumber they get. There are lots of countries in the world which can be self sufficient Australia would be one. 30% of the worlds uranium oil and food need more?
China would not join America if they were ever to join a power to form a coalition but would more likely join Russia. Take note that China and Russia were two countries who said no to stopping the flow of their supplies to Iran and didn't side with the US. Germany before they collapsed in 1945 were the strongest country in the world most technologically advanced and were greatly cocky like the US is now. Look where it brought them. 10 years from when they ignored sanctions against porducing weapons or creating a military they got defeated. The Romans were also cocky thinking they would never get defeated. They may have not had Nukes but then again I guess everyone who says nuclear weapons hasn't heard of the anti missle defence systems that some countries have?
The old man in catch 22 is where I think the thread poster got his idea from. He did say something about great civilizations always finding a down fall as well as some other things. But maybe people should look at the US military now? The US generals are even saying that the US military is not made to withstand long wars. Iraq is counted as a long war its een going for what? 3 almost 4 years. Your military is stretched to its limits in 3 years you havent even been able to secure one road from the airport to Baghdad you lost Vietnam the only war you have won since WW2 would be the Gulf war which was pretty much an Aerial and Special Forces teams war. Such a war cannot be fought against another super power. In Iraq you are having problems does anyone know how small Iraq is? And how big its military power is? You guys are having problems with a bunch of AK-47 wielding teenagers. Iraq has (a small low trained military hardly any tanks or aircraft. Compare it to Russia or something bigger. For the US to be able to succesfully defeat another country in a war currently it is not possible.
The same could be said probably the other way round which puts the world into a stalemate. However I cannot count the amount of times I am hearing on the news that the US needs more troops and that they are stretched to capacity. 2 of your 12 or so Aircraft carrier divisions are deployed to try steer off Iran a country much stronger then Iraq. Right now you cant face a war on another front or you will have to pull troops.
This leaves the mailand pretty much weakend while it still has defences. If the mainland was attacked much more troops would have to be shifted back you would leave another warzone and heavy casualties would be inflicted in the hastened withdrawal. If somehow the US military was defeated this would leave 270 million people which probably 1/4 or 1/2 have guns. This would then turn into an Iraq war. You cant shoot down aircraft with a .22 hunting rifle even a .333 hunting rifle or a .50 cal. Ther would be bombings large loss of civilian life.
This is one way of the downfall of the US. Not very likely at all such a thing would include large casualties on both sides and then you have to even introduce allies and other wars that would start up.
Having 1 thousand nukes compared to 1 makes no difference all you need is a well placed one or two to destroy or put a country into termoil. During the events that lead up to 9/11 one of the stolen aircraft heading for the twin towers passed over a Trojan Nuclear Power Plant. If this was hit properly (Trojan Nuclear Power Plants are created of Re Enforced Steel and Concrete much like the pentagon which wasnt very succesful) it could have wiped out half your population or over 1/4 more would die of later side effects. Imagine some sort of attempt on a Nuclear Plant with a bomb. While the US has the most bombs it also has around 70 or more powerplants even 5-6 would be enough it might be the most capably destructive country as well as the most capably vulnerable country in the case of inside people someone would only have to get a few miles away with a nuke to be able to destroy a powerplant with a nuke. Then again smuggling a nuke into a country would be hard.
So you can go to other ways to destroy a plant there are much more weapons out there capable of inflicting big enough damage with little or no warning. This could put the country into a civil war there would be some retalliation agaisnt some other country which had nothing to do with it killing everyone. What I love about the theory of flying an aircraft into a nuclear powerplant to destroy it. The same happend to the Pentagon nuclear powerplants are made of the same materials add some lead in when you get closer to the core. If an aircraft could penetrate the Pentagon so much why not the powerplant? Anyone who argue's this point contradicts themselves.
This is me arguing for other people's oppinions and the possibilities. My oppinion....
There will be a collapse hopefully not big and without casualties maybe one day people will come to the realization that as well as being the biggest power you then take along the lead of being the most hated power. Call me a pussy for this thinking but if I were to run a country id fly it under the radar while still having some sort of smaller military force and having a good legal force. And would put my self under an act of neutrality. Some people such as Bush dont make decisions for the people but just make decisions for the power which in the end corrupts them. Humans seek power its a part of our nature we like the feeling of being untouchable or on the top. This can sometimes blind us from reality this is probably the way hackers think.
Look at me im the best cause no one can kill me. In reality he is probably just some computer nerd who needs a life and who in the end can be defeated. Particularly speed hackers can be taken in this oppinion they think no one can defeat them until someone bigger and better then them gets them. There is such a cycle in the world no one will ever be the biggest power forever its impossible someone will always surpass them and be the better. I have studied aviation history even though that shares pretty much no relativity to the topic logic comes from this. Some companies think they are the biggest and the best until another one comes and blows them out of the water. Same works with countries it just takes longer periods of time.
History will repeat itself for as long humans stay in the shadow of ignorance and are run and beleive a government which betrays its employee's (you the citizens). Dont think because you're the US you are undefeatable like posted before for a country to collapse it doesn't need to be involved in a war against another country. All it takes is a war with itself. If no one has learnt anything from the last 6000 years of human existance you will naturally deny this. Egyptians, Romans, Greeks etc. Would tell you this but I guess you will learn from your own mistakes.
No im not an American hater but it must be a coincidence that the most Ignorance comes out of most of the people that live there. I know not all Americans are ignorant I can understand some of your beleifs and views I do bother to read them dont worry about that I will not be a hypocrit. I normally fight for both sides it just depends. Normally I will fight for the side which has a better argument however and shows a lower amount of ignorance in their posts. I think the person calling everyones terrorists really put me off for fighting for the US. If you got this far congradulations pm me and some karma might slip out of my pocket. Thanks.
Last edited by spray_and_pray (2007-01-10 06:45:59)