+21|6522|Enschede / Netherlands
Ok, here's the deal.
If I'm in a map,  and I'm looking into a direction where there's nobody,  i get 102 FPS constant.
But when i turn around,  to look in the direction where the rest of the players are, my FPS drops like a mofo.
Even when the players are not in sight,  for example more then 500 meters away,  my FPS still drops.
I didn't have this problem before,   but ever since i installed a 8800GTX i started to notice,  and it seems it getting worse and worse.
I'm not able to play any 64 players maps anymore,  or else my FPS drops to 28 or so.
I did all kinds of tests,  but its still there,   here's a list of things i tried:

*  different drivers        GPU / mobo / sound card.
*  complete format ( again )
*  tried with 1 stick RAM,   and the other separately
*  bought a new mobo
*  checked the PSU --->    12.5 volts under full load
*  changed most things for optimizing BF2,.....   another tread on bf2s
*  switched CPU with a new 4000+
*  tried a 8800gts.  -------->  same results.   not even slightly worse.

and still nothing

I'm still waiting on my new CPU / MOBO / RAM,   that was supposed to be here 2 weeks ago
I'm hoping the C2D e6600 and 800MHz RAM will fix it,  but I'm not to sure on that.

please somebody point me in the right direction, as its impossible to play BF2 for me no.


edit:  spelling

Last edited by cosworth1983 (2007-01-10 06:51:48)

sry m8, but I cant see how its impossible to play at 28, ive been playing at 20 for years =P.... I'm not extremely tech saavy, but good luck! Actually, maybe try going for an ATI card.
has joined the GOP
that should do it. your current system sounds like a severe bottleneck for that beast.
+21|6522|Enschede / Netherlands

Ender2309 wrote:

that should do it. your current system sounds like a severe bottleneck for that beast.
i know,  and i posted some sort of questions before,  but i also got reaction like,   WTF i got a 3700+ and its running with no problems what so ever.
Last question then,  before the 8800gtx i got a ATI x1900xtx,   how is it possible,  my FPS is lower the with the 8800gtx ,   i know my system could be the bottleneck,  but wouldn't my FPS stay the same at least compared to the x1900xtx.
I cant get my head arround the lower FPS and scores compared to the x1900xtx.


sorry for the funny spelling,  but i do my best.
Fresh NoobCaeks Here
+118|6427|Penrith,Nsw, Aus
your card is probaly stuffed up or something... got warrenty send it back for a new 1
Frosties > Cornflakes

cosworth1983 wrote:

I'm still waiting on my new CPU / MOBO / RAM,   that was supposed to be here 2 weeks ago
I'm hoping the C2D e6600 and 800MHz RAM will fix it,  but I'm not to sure on that.
I think it will to, you would need to detail the actual current specs for a proper assesment, theres no point telling us what it will be and sayin its not working as it is.  So what is it currently?  It probably is being bottlenecked as is, but that doesnt totally explain why it cant render players in game well. 

soldevilla13 wrote:

sry m8, but I cant see how its impossible to play at 28, ive been playing at 20 for years =P.... I'm not extremely tech saavy, but good luck! Actually, maybe try going for an ATI card.
Nah that's not it dude, 8800GTX is the worlds fastest GPU at the moment.

my guess is your cpu is your bottleneck... if you can increase resolution... or aa without a decrease in fps.. its your cpu...   

also just because you cant see them... doesnt mean they arent being rendered by the cpu.  and lower fps.. i think its all in your head.  maybe your just not used to the smooth 102 fps... and u really notice it now when it changes.  altho i have a 3700+ and can play in 64 man servers.. w/ a lil lag  (7800 gt vid card btw)
+21|6522|Enschede / Netherlands
Ok  here's the specs:

AMD 3700+ @ 2480 mhz       225 x 11
2 GB corsair XMS pro with LED's    225 mhz    3-3-3-8  1t
Asus or MSI board     s939  1066mhz  pci-e
2 x seagate 80GB raid 0
600 watt PSU      38A on 12V rail
XFX 8800 GTX   stock.

Could the player rendering part have anything to do with the 8800 ?,  or is that a cpu / ram task?

+21|6522|Enschede / Netherlands

slicknic wrote:

my guess is your cpu is your bottleneck... if you can increase resolution... or aa without a decrease in fps.. its your cpu...   

also just because you cant see them... doesnt mean they arent being rendered by the cpu.  and lower fps.. i think its all in your head.  maybe your just not used to the smooth 102 fps... and u really notice it now when it changes.  altho i have a 3700+ and can play in 64 man servers.. w/ a lil lag  (7800 gt vid card btw)
All in my head??????????????,  with my "old" x1900 xtx i was running minimun of 55 fps on 1600 x 1200 all maxed out on 64 player maps.
And now a minimun of 20 fps on 32 player maps.... 64 player maps are out of the question.
so its not in my head

And what you said in the first part,  i really cant set anything higher,  because everything is on high,   but when i lower things,  my fps stays the same.

And i must mension,   my CPU load is always @ 100% while playing,   some say thats a bottleneck to,   but i had that while playing on my x1900xtx.


Last edited by cosworth1983 (2007-01-10 07:26:36)

raise your resolution... and turn on aa.. if it affects fps.. its your video card.. its crapped out.. if not... its your processor... or something else
Frosties > Cornflakes

It could be something actually wrong with the 8800, how hot is it running?  Also, i've never seen a system with an 8 series run on a PSU lower than 700watts.....  Could be power issue, but I doubt that to.  If the ATI card is beating your 8 series then there must be something actually wrong with the card, never mind it being bottlenecked.  Did you install it yourself?  RAM is a bit slow, but again, if the old card is running fine then it's almost certain, the GPU is faulty, or your current hardware simply cant handle it.  I would wait till the new CPU/mobo/ RAM arrives before you think about sending it back.

+21|6522|Enschede / Netherlands

Bell wrote:

It could be something actually wrong with the 8800, how hot is it running?  Also, I've never seen a system with an 8 series run on a PSU lower than 700watts.....  Could be power issue, but I doubt that to.  If the ATI card is beating your 8 series then there must be something actually wrong with the card, never mind it being bottle necked.  Did you install it yourself?  RAM is a bit slow, but again, if the old card is running fine then it's almost certain, the GPU is faulty, or your current hardware simply cant handle it.  I would wait till the new CPU/mobo/ RAM arrives before you think about sending it back.

My thoughts exactly, thats why I'm still not confident its the CPU.
About the temps,   the card runs @ 68 degrees give or take, so i quess its alright.
And i measured the voltage coming out of the PSU while playing games and 3Mark, and its always   12.3 / 12.5V. ( measured on the 8800 itself , not on a molex ).
Just have to wait on the new parts,  to point out what the problem is,  But its kinda frustrating, See i bought a 8800 but its not functioning properly,   OK so i buy a new CPU/ram/mobo,   they arrives,  but they don't work,  so i send it back,   Problem lays with the RAM,  OK so i choose another Set of RAM ,   waited for a week, only to get an e-mail stated they couldn't deliver ,  So i order ANOTHER set of ram,   And till this day I'm still waiting,   but they promised to deliver Friday.
and on top of that,  if it turns out the 8800 is faulty, i have to wait a few weeks for a new 1,  without having a GPU in my PC.

It's not the CPU. It's the PCI-E bus I think. Probably changing to a new mobo will fix it, or better yet, a more powerful PSU.
I had the same thing, a simple uninstall/reinstall and full patch fixed it for me.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6618|SE London

You're not running the card on an 8x PCIe bus are you? That would give you problems like that. A 3700+ is ample for BF2 and won't be bottlenecking the card much at all (on BF2 at locked FPS). A 600W PSU is fine for an 8800GTX. Does your MB support SLI?
+21|6522|Enschede / Netherlands

Bertster7 wrote:

You're not running the card on an 8x PCIe bus are you? That would give you problems like that. A 3700+ is ample for BF2 and won't be bottlenecking the card much at all (on BF2 at locked FPS). A 600W PSU is fine for an 8800GTX. Does your MB support SLI?
Yeah it does,  but when i check with Everest,  it says PCI-e occupied with 8800gtx @ 16x, dont know if there another way to check.
And my problem is getting bigger every minute,  im having black spots all over the place now.
I searched, and found out more people has them with a 8800, and that it is driver related,  but mine happend all of a sudden,  so i'm back to reinstalling BF2 and see if there gone,   i also downloaded the newest drivers for the 8800 GTX/GTS... forceware 97.92.
maybe that will do it.


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