Thread Ender
+58|6753|New Hampshire
I'm gonna get flamed for this - it's inevitable, but there have been SO MANY POSTS lately about people who stat pad.  After doing a little bit of researching, I've come to the conclusion that there is nothing wrong with stat padding.  Let's look a little bit deeper...

There is very little in EA's TOS rules about stat padding.  After reading EA's Terms of Service agreement for their online games (which can be located here http://www.ea.com/global/legal/tos.jsp) I came across almost nothing that deals with what we deem as stat padding.  There were 2 paragraphs, however, that caught my eye.  Under section 3 labeled "Online Conduct" there are 2 notable paragraphs, which I will paste here -

-You will not exploit any bug in the Service or in any EA product to gain unfair advantage in the game and you will not communicate the existence of any such bug (either directly or through the public posting) to any other user of the Service. ·

-You will not do anything that interferes with the ability of other Service users to enjoy playing an EA game and using the Service, in accordance with its rules, or that materially increases the expense or difficulty of Electronic Arts in maintaining the Service for the enjoyment of all its users.

Firstly, I will define define exploit.  Straight from dictionary.com -

   1.  To employ to the greatest possible advantage: exploit one's talents.
   2. To make use of selfishly or unethically: a country that exploited peasant labor. See Synonyms at manipulate.
   3. To advertise; promote.

Now I will rule out definition 3 because no one is really promoting anything in BF2.  Now, that leaves us with a positive and negative connotation of exploit.  However, when you think about it, they are nearly the same - just because something might be "unethical", doesn't mean that you can't use it to your advantage.  Don't agree with me?  See the American Government as a prime example (don't flame me for this comment, but the US does exploit anything and everything we can - it's Capitalism).

Continuing on with my first part - "You will not exploit any bug in the Service or in any EA product to gain unfair advantage in the game and you will not communicate the existence of any such bug (either directly or through the public posting) to any other user of the Service". 
Simply stated, a stat padder could be deemed as someone who exploits a bug (such as driving a humvee into the water and repairing it yourself for points).  However, 95% of what stat padders do is not a BUG, and therefore does not constitute exploitation of a BUG, and is therefore legal.  If 3 guys get on 2 teams and knife revive each other, that exploits no bug in the software.  Also, if you would like to be REALLY technical about this, you could say that anyone who chucks c4 and detonates it quickly, or anyone who exploits the ability to do things like that could be deemed an exploiter and would thus be subject to the same penalties a stat padder would.

On to the second part of the TOS - "You will not do anything that interferes with the ability of other Service users to enjoy playing an EA game and using the Service" is the key phrase.  This is the only other thing in the TOS that can almost relate to stat padding.  However, 3 people knife reviving on the side of the map do not directly interfere with your game.  To the same extent, if someone is using an APC and baseraping an uncappable spawn, he is "interfering with the ability of others to enjoy playing an EA game".  In this example, the player is DIRECTLY influencing your experience.  The only way a padder could influence someones online game (if they do it by themselves) is if they got the gold for the round.  If this is the case, it might upset someone who worked hard for the gold spot.  However, if you're in a server of 64 people, 63 people who didn't have access to a tank because the guy with the gold medal was using it to his advantage, might be upset that THEY didn't get a gold medal, even though they worked hard, but had to deal with someone in armor or a jet, etc.

Think about this people - seriously dwell on this.  Why would EA implement a rank and award system in their video game?  To make it addicting.  Think about it.  People are more apt to play a game for longer hours if they feel they have something to work towards - that is why some of the medals have you playing for over 500 hours.  EA couldn't care less if you have fun or not, so long as it makes them money.  And it DOES make them money.  The more you play,t he more others play, the more games are sold and servers are used.

To finish, what does it matter if someone pads, honestly?  It's for their own personal gain - you, as an individual, neither gain nor lose anything from someone padding.  There's no cash prize, there's no reimbursement of the funds you've paid to play this game.  The only thing you receive is the personal gratification - the warm fuzzy feeling - of seeing a shiny new badge in your personnel jacket.  So what's the harm?

I've made my point - I want INTELLIGENT responses only, please.  I don't want to read "BUT OMG TEH SERAPHIM CUZ OF STAT PADDERS I COULDNT GET MY BADGEZ CUZ WE LOST CUZ THEY WEREN'T CAPPING FLAGS LOL?!!??11?" - Also, keep the flames to a minimum.
Base Rapist
Ranked was meant to be a form of fair competitiion. If everyone in the top 10 or 100 were all stat padders, EA wouldn't hear the end of it. The goal of playing a map is too win, stat padding does not help the team win, it does not help you hold tickets, it does not help you take enemy tickets. It simply gives you points for no real effort or skill.

People want to have the chance to be at the top, with stat padding being legal it would be impossible.

EA is probably got it on the bug board that the way people stat pad needs to be fixed, but also it needs to be fixed as to not hinder or give less points to those that don't stat pad.

Ie. medic exploit, if you don't give points to killing a guy or reviving a guy a second time or more times, it hurts honest players. The repair exploit is kind of a bugger to fix, my best solution to offer is make the boat self righting.

I agree I don't care much for stat padders they don't bother me. EA put the unlocks in and that is the primary cause for padding to begin with in my opinon. Along with the ranks, but the ranks probably less so.

Last edited by freebirdpat (2006-01-03 02:30:13)

yeh, but still wouldnt you say that it takes the whole point of the game out? i aint gonna flame ya, but.....starting a thread like this..........we dont want to turn anyone into stat padders now......

stat  padding just doesnt seem right, i mean, you wouldnt see an iraqi and 2 us soldiers shooting and healing each other repeatedly (but i do suppose that isnt ever gonna happen). Take hackers for example, they ruin the game for everyone because they have an unfair advantage, same with abusive admins, then we have stat padders, they have an unfair advantage over eveyone else due to the fact that they always come 1st, their unbelievably high score, and it just gets everyone annoyed.

it kinda destroys the purpose of the game. The purpose of bf2 was so that eveyone could have variety, by variety i mean, fly jets, cars, tanks, boats, you know, BF2 has many aspects that make it extremely unique compared to other games (this is why i started liking BF2, it was a new part of the battlefield series, it would be my first battlefield game, and it gave me freedom to do what ever i wanted [except for padding])

and yes, EA did have a rank system to make it more addicting, i always thought to my self .....
"should i stat pad for that expert knife, or the pistol badge?"
I'm happy to say that i didnt, i got both of those badges through hard-earned work, this also seperates padders from players. I would much rather have a crap K/D and have my gold shiny expert badge(mind you, my score was 18 kills for 16 or 17 deaths for that expert knife) rather than a dodgy 50 kills to 0 deaths that everyone will be suspicious about, its just like cheating on a girl, i would rather be a man and tell one that id dump her, rather than keep on cheating and suffer the consequences.....

besides, BF2 wasnt ever created for mass killing/reviving parties to be done. it was just like any other game, go in, kill, reload, have fun, repeat....but i guess, in any game, you are going to have people that will do this kinda stuff, and i guess i can say that punk buster actually works compared to other anti cheat system on other games (e.g. - CS, Valve anti cheat, it never works, people still hack on it up until today..)

hope this justifies why stat padding isnt the smrtest thing to do

I cheat.
+-6|6831|Sydney, Australia
i think that its not so bad even tho i did it myself i got about 3000 points from it, not like sum who got about almost 1000 in 1 round but the people dont even know until they see the blog [knife]joe about a 100 times in a row then they realise but i did it the way where before patch 1.03 u throw the grenade sum puts a ammo bag  etc etc
what is  stat padding?
100% Artillery Magnet
+3|6780|Derby, England
I have no issues with stat padding because it does not affect me at all. If a couple of guys want to generate points at the edge of a map... so what. I really dont care.

The only time it affects me is when a stat padder with a large rank gets commander position over me. That doesnt happen that often to be honest, and so its not a great concern.

It all comes down to this. Do I get my rank and medals by stat padding, or do I get them by hard work. Thankfully most people (myself included) go for the latter, and can appreciate the hard work that the shiny medals represent.

Fo_Shizzle and I certainly agree on that point.
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|6800|AUS, Canberra
i really dont care what anyone else playing the game does. they can stat pad all they like for all i care.
lol, now, for something totally differnt! lol
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|6773|Malaga, España
Fuck Stat padding, especialy when they fucking steal ur medal that u worked hard for to get and they just sat on their asses ''AMMO HERE!'' if they overscored with 300 + and u worked hard to get a 80 - 90 and u get a fucking bronze...u feel bad...u could get a fucking golden medal....


its CHEATING THE STAT SYSTEM... they achieve things that u never going to achieve that fast coz ur really working for it!
Base Rapist

*ToRRo*cT| wrote:

Fuck Stat padding, especialy when they fucking steal ur medal that u worked hard for to get and they just sat on their asses ''AMMO HERE!'' if they overscored with 300 + and u worked hard to get a 80 - 90 and u get a fucking bronze...u feel bad...u could get a fucking golden medal....


its CHEATING THE STAT SYSTEM... they achieve things that u never going to achieve that fast coz ur really working for it!
The same could be said of the MMORPGs out there when a higher level character friend of yours twinks you out, and gives you a bunch of really high end equipment.

I agree, over the gold silver and bronze medals its kind of lame how they steal those, but EA should be addressing that more directly in a direct gameplay fix. I am not going to blame the players directly because the players will do whatever the game allows them to do. Putting in blocks or rules to stop them or to penalize them is how you fix the problem. I think more people should stat pad, if anything it will bring the problem to the forefront instead of it being on the backburner like it is.
+302|6765|Salt Lake City

micko_2 wrote:

what is  stat padding?
I seriously hope that is sarcasm.  However, in the event that it isn't, here is a brief description.

A couple of team members from one team (usually at least one medic) and a willing participant from the other team get together on a remote area of the map.  The person from the oposing team kills a player from the opposite team, and then the medic on hand revives.  They repeat this process over and over.

It can also take other forms.  A spec-op from opposing team keeps blowing up assets while participating engineer continues to repair.

Two team members of the same team, one as a support class, just start shooting off their ammo/grenades/rockets, or whatever that class may have.  Support person continues to provide ammo to said person, racking up supply points.

I'm sure there are others, but you get the point.
I cnat slpel!!!

TehSeraphim wrote:

I'm gonna get flamed for this - it's inevitable, but there have been SO MANY POSTS lately about people who stat pad.  After doing a little bit of researching, I've come to the conclusion that there is nothing wrong with stat padding.  Let's look a little bit deeper...

There is very little in EA's TOS rules about stat padding.  After reading EA's Terms of Service agreement for their online games (which can be located here http://www.ea.com/global/legal/tos.jsp) I came across almost nothing that deals with what we deem as stat padding.  There were 2 paragraphs, however, that caught my eye.  Under section 3 labeled "Online Conduct" there are 2 notable paragraphs, which I will paste here -

-You will not exploit any bug in the Service or in any EA product to gain unfair advantage in the game and you will not communicate the existence of any such bug (either directly or through the public posting) to any other user of the Service. ·

-You will not do anything that interferes with the ability of other Service users to enjoy playing an EA game and using the Service, in accordance with its rules, or that materially increases the expense or difficulty of Electronic Arts in maintaining the Service for the enjoyment of all its users.

Firstly, I will define define exploit.  Straight from dictionary.com -

   1.  To employ to the greatest possible advantage: exploit one's talents.
   2. To make use of selfishly or unethically: a country that exploited peasant labor. See Synonyms at manipulate.
   3. To advertise; promote.

Now I will rule out definition 3 because no one is really promoting anything in BF2.  Now, that leaves us with a positive and negative connotation of exploit.  However, when you think about it, they are nearly the same - just because something might be "unethical", doesn't mean that you can't use it to your advantage.  Don't agree with me?  See the American Government as a prime example (don't flame me for this comment, but the US does exploit anything and everything we can - it's Capitalism).

Continuing on with my first part - "You will not exploit any bug in the Service or in any EA product to gain unfair advantage in the game and you will not communicate the existence of any such bug (either directly or through the public posting) to any other user of the Service". 
Simply stated, a stat padder could be deemed as someone who exploits a bug (such as driving a humvee into the water and repairing it yourself for points).  However, 95% of what stat padders do is not a BUG, and therefore does not constitute exploitation of a BUG, and is therefore legal.  If 3 guys get on 2 teams and knife revive each other, that exploits no bug in the software.  Also, if you would like to be REALLY technical about this, you could say that anyone who chucks c4 and detonates it quickly, or anyone who exploits the ability to do things like that could be deemed an exploiter and would thus be subject to the same penalties a stat padder would.

On to the second part of the TOS - "You will not do anything that interferes with the ability of other Service users to enjoy playing an EA game and using the Service" is the key phrase.  This is the only other thing in the TOS that can almost relate to stat padding.  However, 3 people knife reviving on the side of the map do not directly interfere with your game.  To the same extent, if someone is using an APC and baseraping an uncappable spawn, he is "interfering with the ability of others to enjoy playing an EA game".  In this example, the player is DIRECTLY influencing your experience.  The only way a padder could influence someones online game (if they do it by themselves) is if they got the gold for the round.  If this is the case, it might upset someone who worked hard for the gold spot.  However, if you're in a server of 64 people, 63 people who didn't have access to a tank because the guy with the gold medal was using it to his advantage, might be upset that THEY didn't get a gold medal, even though they worked hard, but had to deal with someone in armor or a jet, etc.

Think about this people - seriously dwell on this.  Why would EA implement a rank and award system in their video game?  To make it addicting.  Think about it.  People are more apt to play a game for longer hours if they feel they have something to work towards - that is why some of the medals have you playing for over 500 hours.  EA couldn't care less if you have fun or not, so long as it makes them money.  And it DOES make them money.  The more you play,t he more others play, the more games are sold and servers are used.

To finish, what does it matter if someone pads, honestly?  It's for their own personal gain - you, as an individual, neither gain nor lose anything from someone padding.  There's no cash prize, there's no reimbursement of the funds you've paid to play this game.  The only thing you receive is the personal gratification - the warm fuzzy feeling - of seeing a shiny new badge in your personnel jacket.  So what's the harm?

I've made my point - I want INTELLIGENT responses only, please.  I don't want to read "BUT OMG TEH SERAPHIM CUZ OF STAT PADDERS I COULDNT GET MY BADGEZ CUZ WE LOST CUZ THEY WEREN'T CAPPING FLAGS LOL?!!??11?" - Also, keep the flames to a minimum.

Hehe - just kidding

I agree with you totally! You can't use the first paragraph of the TOS to stop stat-padding. They didn't accuratly define the term "bug" - which is their problem... (If "bug" was defined as methods not within the spirit of the game" they could have fucked many more people over.. )

now what you say about not ruining other peoples experinces is another, more interesting, point.. If you statpad you way to a higher rank than me two things might happen that directly influence my enjoyment of the game:
1: I can't become commander if both of us applies, because you have stat-padded to higher rank.
2: You'll shoot me with a "superior" weapon unlock that i havn't gor access to because you stat-padded.

So everytime a stat-padder robbed a "clean" player of the commander-role, he would be in violation of the TOS, and if he gains advantage because of an unlock, and uses this on a player that doesn't have that ability, he is also in violation.

I like constructive posts like this one!

Last edited by Friluftshund (2006-01-03 08:22:37)

+383|6749|The Netherlands
Nothing wrong with padding? Mmm well as you wrote: "You will not do anything that interferes with the ability of other Service users to enjoy playing an EA game and using the Service"

Many ppl feel its interferring with their game and thats its very disruptive to their gameplay. It fucks up the ranking system, unlock system, commander system, medal system, global rankings etc etc etc. Basicly giving padders an unfair advantage over "other Service users".

As an example, i connected to a server today to find all my teammates hiding in a corner of the map, so i decided to not say anything and take some screenshots of them padding and maybe 20 sec later, i was votekicked from the server when they found out i was on it. Hows that for interfering with my game

I reported these idiots to the hall of shame of rankedservers.com and hopefully they ll do summit about it.
+271|6785|United States of America
The only reason my best round score is 212, is because i had a stat padder on my team when i was commander.  He boosted my score, so hey i cant complain!  My best round score before then was 174, earned, legit.  I didnt like seeing the 450 score this guy got, but when i get 212, you just dont care much anymore.  I saw cypherf00fus stat pad once, but he isnt very good at it, so i still got a better score.  There is no problem with padders.
I don't care about stats padder, let them have their ego trip or maybe their little friend grows bigger while doing this. They can kill and revive each other as often as they want. But if they take me for padding i'm going to start my fraps and sending EA a nice little movie like i did with this little kids.
Dont hide behind the law, laws and courts are for liars.
It is not written in any law that you should not be a jerk, and that you should not fart, burp in public, or being rude to anyone,still you dont do it (I presume) because you know it is wrong!
Same with statpadding.
It is not prohibited by EA, but it is not ethical.
Law is a weapon that can be turned in any direction you want.
I disagree with you: statpadding is still an exploit, and it can ruin the work of others.
Hope that is intelligent enough
Thread Ender
+58|6753|New Hampshire
I liked when Fo_Shizzel wrote about how you wouldnt see two USMC and a MEC in real life shooting and healing each other   It's actually happened!  A little while back an insurgent sniper shot at a USMC soldier in Iraq and the round was stopped by his flak jacket or something like that - the man fired back, hurt the guy, and then went and gave him first aid.  It's truely a legit story - it appeared in Stars and Stripes.

To address some points made in the previous posts -

Yes, padders can get so high in points as to be able to take Commander away from you - but so can people who play BF2 8 hours a day.  Also, people with higher ranks (for the most part that I've seen) didn't get there ENTIRELY by padding.  If you have over 20,000 points, chances are most of that is from playing legit - it's a bullshit figure I just made up, but I'm willing to guess MOST people simply pad for awards - it would take a very long time to pad from First Sergeant to Sergeant Major IMO.

It doesn't ruin the medal or awards system at all - just because someone else got an award doesn't mean that it's being taken away from you - there is an unlimited amount of awards so long as you meet the requirements.  There may be a problem if you're going for expert first aid/resupply/repair and 1 or 3 guys on your team are off on the sidelines padding around, because you have that many players less to help out, but in reality you're not running around in a GIGANTIC squad of your entire team.  Most of the time, players are spread around the map, or at least far enough away from each other that if someone needs something, there may be someone closer to them that can help them than you might be.

The confliction with the unlock system is faulty, too.  Padding to get unlocks might happened - like I said, I'm pretty sure people usually only pad for awards, but also this is just a bullshit figure and is simply my honest opinion.  If you think that because someone got up in rank from padding they have an edge over you because of their unlocks, than think about this.  Playrs get to pick from the list of unlocks - many players have the same unlocks, but after looking around some don't.  If Jack unlocks the G3 and the F2000, and Jim unlocks the M95 and the G36E, Jack is gonna have the advantage on assault, but Jim is gonna have the advantage at longer range.  That combined with what kits you play - I personally would like the MP7 because I've used it in SF and I think I might like it more than the shotty - but when I play BF2 Vanilla I'm stuck with the shotty - I can't shoot someone more than 20 feet away from me, and becasue I don't have this unlock others may have an advantage over me while I'm an engineer.

To add to this, those that have purchased BF2 SF have an advantage over players who have not, because everyone knows most of the weapons in the expansion are stronger than their vanilla counterparts (i.e. the G36E and the F2000's useage of flashbangs).  The people that have the money to purchase this game have a finite advantage over the people who don't, as they also get to have twice the number of unlocks as a normal player.

I agree with everyone on the point that if there are padders on your team it can make it more difficult to win, but to me if 2 or 3 people make my team lose (I usually play on 32 size servers) than my team was destined to lose to begin with - 2 or 3 people shouldn't make a huge difference.  I'll just leave them alone and let them get their 80$ worth of fun out of it - so long as they don't come up and knife and revive me while I'm playing, I'm all set.
+302|6765|Salt Lake City

TehSeraphim wrote:

I liked when Fo_Shizzel wrote about how you wouldnt see two USMC and a MEC in real life shooting and healing each other   It's actually happened!  A little while back an insurgent sniper shot at a USMC soldier in Iraq and the round was stopped by his flak jacket or something like that - the man fired back, hurt the guy, and then went and gave him first aid.  It's truely a legit story - it appeared in Stars and Stripes.

To address some points made in the previous posts -

Yes, padders can get so high in points as to be able to take Commander away from you - but so can people who play BF2 8 hours a day.  Also, people with higher ranks (for the most part that I've seen) didn't get there ENTIRELY by padding.  If you have over 20,000 points, chances are most of that is from playing legit - it's a bullshit figure I just made up, but I'm willing to guess MOST people simply pad for awards - it would take a very long time to pad from First Sergeant to Sergeant Major IMO.

It doesn't ruin the medal or awards system at all - just because someone else got an award doesn't mean that it's being taken away from you - there is an unlimited amount of awards so long as you meet the requirements.  There may be a problem if you're going for expert first aid/resupply/repair and 1 or 3 guys on your team are off on the sidelines padding around, because you have that many players less to help out, but in reality you're not running around in a GIGANTIC squad of your entire team.  Most of the time, players are spread around the map, or at least far enough away from each other that if someone needs something, there may be someone closer to them that can help them than you might be.

The confliction with the unlock system is faulty, too.  Padding to get unlocks might happened - like I said, I'm pretty sure people usually only pad for awards, but also this is just a bullshit figure and is simply my honest opinion.  If you think that because someone got up in rank from padding they have an edge over you because of their unlocks, than think about this.  Playrs get to pick from the list of unlocks - many players have the same unlocks, but after looking around some don't.  If Jack unlocks the G3 and the F2000, and Jim unlocks the M95 and the G36E, Jack is gonna have the advantage on assault, but Jim is gonna have the advantage at longer range.  That combined with what kits you play - I personally would like the MP7 because I've used it in SF and I think I might like it more than the shotty - but when I play BF2 Vanilla I'm stuck with the shotty - I can't shoot someone more than 20 feet away from me, and becasue I don't have this unlock others may have an advantage over me while I'm an engineer.

To add to this, those that have purchased BF2 SF have an advantage over players who have not, because everyone knows most of the weapons in the expansion are stronger than their vanilla counterparts (i.e. the G36E and the F2000's useage of flashbangs).  The people that have the money to purchase this game have a finite advantage over the people who don't, as they also get to have twice the number of unlocks as a normal player.

I agree with everyone on the point that if there are padders on your team it can make it more difficult to win, but to me if 2 or 3 people make my team lose (I usually play on 32 size servers) than my team was destined to lose to begin with - 2 or 3 people shouldn't make a huge difference.  I'll just leave them alone and let them get their 80$ worth of fun out of it - so long as they don't come up and knife and revive me while I'm playing, I'm all set.
Sorry, I disagree.  Some one who stat pads and gained the points for rank Vs. some one that actually earned those points in the trenches is far more likely to not handle command as well, and far more likely to do stupid things as commander to get points rather than help the team.  For example, a stat padder may apply for commander, get the position over some one else, and then never join the game.  This leaves the team without a valid commander spotting, supplying UAV overflights, and dropping supplies/arty, but they still get command points, win or lose, based on what their team did; this little trick has already been pointed out.

This is a team activity, and while you may not join a game that has good teamwork, you still need every player on the team working towards the same goal.  Failure to do this results in a diminished experience for everyone on the padders team, and should not be a tolerated activity.  Sorry to say, but padding is not a "victimless" crime as some might believe.
One more thing:
If stats padding is legal (as you were saying) then why it is that EA suspends those people's accounts, who are bein caught stat padding and had been reported?
Thread Ender
+58|6753|New Hampshire

(HUN)Rudebwoy wrote:

One more thing:
If stats padding is legal (as you were saying) then why it is that EA suspends those people's accounts, who are bein caught stat padding and had been reported?
They don't?  Or, if they do, it's so few and far between as to be a placebo for people who bitch about it all the time?

As for commanders, being a padder has nothing to do with whether or not you're a crappy commander or not.  I've played with Sergeant Majors who don't pad who suck ass at being commander - it's all about the individual.  Besides, a padder would probably not be a commander because then they dont get any points for their padding.  They get points solely based on their team.  If a padder can make 500+ points IAR by padding, why would they bother commanding and get maybe 100 points tops?  The kind of padder who commands is the one who pads occasionally, and like I said before, this has no effect on whether they'r good or not - its all about the individual player.
I just work on my badges, medals, etc, for myself. I don't care what you've got or how you got it. I was considering stat padding once, but then realized the game would be nowhere near as fun if I did.
Get C4, here!

You guys have too much time on your hands
Cowboy from Hell
Stat padding is a shit cos while you are trying to win a battle with other 20 dudes there are these 2 jerks doing nothing for the team, except giving extra score to commander.
"Generous mods" < Thats right Systray !
If you waste your time going to the edge of the map to take a few screenshots or a full-length video of the so called "FUCKING PADDERS ONGZORZ", you're just as "stupid" as they are. Why sacrifice points you could be getting and sacrifice helping a team you could lead to a win to go watch a couple of people repairing their car in the water? Regardless of the rank system, whether you are Sergeant Major or Private First Class, play the game to have fun. I certainly don't have fun watching somebody wrench their own car...probably why I'm not into auto mechanics. I'd rather shoot some bastards in the face...

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