I hope that in BF3 there is a specific stat for commander and arty kills so nobody gets a kill stat added to the kit they are playing. People like me with alot of commander hours ended up getting hours and stats for kits that either inflate our kit stats or the opposite. I'd rather just have a commander stat and not get points for a kit or vehicle (I didnt' sit in them but some have) when you are playing them as commander. I think it would make our overall stats more acurate. It would also make it harder to get badges. I also hope there is a stat for arty deaths cause I'd sure as heck like to know how many times I've been nailed by that stuff.
BF3 as in battlefield 3??
Totally agree with you
If Battlefield 3 is made its gonna be nothing like Battlefield 2 IMO its gonna be another "EA messed up again" thing with everybody
theres gonna be a bf3? when? where? post a link please.
wait 2-3 years[=][=]DADDYOFDEATH wrote:
theres gonna be a bf3? when? where? post a link please.
i cant wait 2-3 years for a link lmao....I WANTS IT NOW...YA HEAR ME? NOOOOOOOOOW!!!
cod4 is gonna be similar to bf2... I hope its going be a good game!
Just wait one year more like..... BF2 was only out for 15 months before they released the next in the series.
Interestingly, I've heard something about a BF3142. Can anyone confirm this?
Interestingly, I've heard something about a BF3142. Can anyone confirm this?
BF3142? Loaz.
I think it's fine. If you see a guy's stats seem out of the ordinary for a kit, and his weapons and vehicles KD aren't all that great, check his commander stats. Lots of points and hours? You can assume he prefers blowing his enemies to bits instead of seeing their faces and riddling them with bullets.
I think it's fine. If you see a guy's stats seem out of the ordinary for a kit, and his weapons and vehicles KD aren't all that great, check his commander stats. Lots of points and hours? You can assume he prefers blowing his enemies to bits instead of seeing their faces and riddling them with bullets.
The reason they made 2142 that fast was that it uses the same graphic engine (thats the word, eh?) as in bf2, a bf3 will probably have a whole new graphic engineSup3r_Dr4gon wrote:
Just wait one year more like..... BF2 was only out for 15 months before they released the next in the series.
Interestingly, I've heard something about a BF3142. Can anyone confirm this?
FFOW will just rules;
EA you sucks with your noobfield 2142 and bugfield 2
EA you sucks with your noobfield 2142 and bugfield 2
=P that was the only way I got my Expert Ground Defense Badge, everything else has been hard earned work. Otherwise, I agree.
yeah im proud that i got my expert AA and ground defense as a commander. That would have been so pointless and boring otherwise. When I fly, I'm always chuckling about the guy that stays in the AA getting killed ALL round. I've noticed that vehicle whores tend to have more favorite victims than infantry players with similar stats. I think its because if you are in the air, you tend to kill the other couple vehicle drivers and AA users over and over and over. basically if u use the essex all round on wake, you just made a new worst enemy. (unless, of course, you do it on a regular basis, then u already have quite a list, im sure).
Last edited by Marinejuana (2007-01-09 16:44:41)